999 resultados para Home equity conversion


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In this thesis, I work through the educational narratives of young Aboriginal women and men as I explore the relationship between cultural programming and student engagement. My analysis is structured through a collaborative Indigenous research project. My overarching task is to explore how a cultural support program, the Native Youth Advancement with Education Hamilton (NYA WEH) Program, offered at Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School, located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, attempts to re-imagine Aboriginal education in ways that directly challenge the residential school legacy. In particular, I work to illuminate how particular forms of Aboriginal education are connected to the graduation rates of Aboriginal youth. I argue that the ways in which the NYA WEH Program navigates Native Studies curriculum, relationships, and notions of culture and tradition are significant to the engagement of Aboriginal youth. This research develops theoretical connections between the contemporary experience of Aboriginal social inequality and educational initiatives which attempt to reverse that legacy. By placing the NYA WEH Program narratives side-by-side with literature supporting Aboriginal education for Self-determination, I work to learn how to best support and encourage Aboriginal student engagement in secondary schools across Ontario.


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An essential aspect of school effectiveness theory is the shift from the social to the organisational context, from the macro- to the micro-culture. The school is represented largely as a bounded institution, set apart, but also in a precarious relationship with the broader social context. It is ironic that at a time when social disadvantage appears to be increasing in Britain and elsewhere, school effectiveness theory places less emphasis on poverty, deprivation and social exclusion. Instead, it places more emphasis on organisational factors such as professional leadership, home/school partnerships, the monitoring of academic progress, shared vision and goals. In this article, the authors evaluate the extent to which notions of effectiveness have displaced concerns about equity in theories of educational change. They explore the extent to which the social structures of gender, ethnicity, sexualities, special needs, social class, poverty and other historical forms of inequality have been incorporated into or distorted and excluded from effectiveness thinking.


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This five-volume collection lays out the foundations and nuances of literacy studies. Beginning with the theoretical and epistemological perspectives that have been influential in shaping contemporary approaches in literacy studies, the set further explores new digital literacies, literacy in educational and institutional contexts, and the crucial issues of literacy in relation to social mobility, multilingualism and globalization. With a full introduction to the set and to each volume, researchers will find in this set a comprehensive guide to this crucial area of study.
Chapter 4 in volume 3(Angus, Snyder and Sutherland-Smith) is a research chapter exploring literacy practices and the use of technology in the context of disadvantage. In four contexts it examines the 'digital divide' in home and school literacy and what makes a difference in learning success. 


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Provision of high quality transitional care is a challenge for health care providers in many western countries. This systematic review was conducted to (1) identify and synthesise research, using randomised control trial designs, on the quality of transitional care interventions compared with standard hospital discharge for older people with chronic illnesses, and (2) make recommendations for research and practice.


Eight databases were searched; CINAHL, Psychinfo, Medline, Proquest, Academic Search Complete, Masterfile Premier, SocIndex, Humanities and Social Sciences Collection, in addition to the Cochrane Collaboration, Joanna Briggs Institute and Google Scholar. Results were screened to identify peer reviewed journal articles reporting analysis of quality indicator outcomes in relation to a transitional care intervention involving discharge care in hospital and follow-up support in the home. Studies were limited to those published between January 1990 and May 2013. Study participants included people 60 years of age or older living in their own homes who were undergoing care transitions from hospital to home. Data relating to study characteristics and research findings were extracted from the included articles. Two reviewers independently assessed studies for risk of bias.

Twelve articles met the inclusion criteria. Transitional care interventions reported in most studies reduced re-hospitalizations, with the exception of general practitioner and primary care nurse models. All 12 studies included outcome measures of re-hospitalization and length of stay indicating a quality focus on effectiveness, efficiency, and safety/risk. Patient satisfaction was assessed in six of the 12 studies and was mostly found to be high. Other outcomes reflecting person and family centred care were limited including those pertaining to the patient and carer experience, carer burden and support, and emotional support for older people and their carers. Limited outcome measures were reported reflecting timeliness, equity, efficiencies for community providers, and symptom management.

Gaps in the evidence base were apparent in the quality domains of timeliness, equity, efficiencies for community providers, effectiveness/symptom management, and domains of person and family centred care. Further research that involves the person and their family/caregiver in transitional care interventions is needed.


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The Private Equity Market in Brazil has flourished in the last two decades, and international Funds have been entering the market since then. The activity of these enterprises and how they deal with institutional voids that are present in the brazilian market and the all spheres of distances they have with Brazil are investigated in this research. What are the main challenges for those players in the local market and how private equity functions in Brazil? The first chapter reviews all the literature that concerns private equity in their home countries, such as the United States and Spain (Europe) and Brazil. It also discourses about the concept of private equity in all its different senses, the routine of investees and how is the relationship between Private Equity Fund and Investee. In addition to that, the due diligence process is also explained as well as the private equity sector in Brazil and its regulation. Moreover, the distance between countries and how it affects business is presented followed by the concepts of institutional voids. For the inquiry proposed interviews were conducted in order to capture the perspective of International Private Equity Funds on the Brazilian market. Advent International, The Carlyle Group and Mercapital replied to the inquiries and provided the tools so a picture of the sector was developed. This sector has a range of challenges and opportunities and requires the International Fund to establish a local branch in order to really succeed in the market. The results of this project pointed out to the challenges the market presents and how International Private Funds are coming about it. There are definitely gaps that need to be fulfilled however the industry is going in the right direction. Revenues may change its nature in the next couple of years, however from the Private Equity Fund perspective Brazil has been a worthwhile investment. Nonetheless, it is important to question the vision also of the investee and institutional investor so one can have the entire picture of the sector.


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Includes bibliography


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The paper identifies the potential spatial and social impacts of a proposed road-pricing scheme for different social groups in the Madrid Metropolitan Area (MMA). We appraise the accessibility of different districts within the MMA in terms of the actual and perceived cost of using the road infrastructure ‘before’ and ‘after’ implementation of the scheme. The appraisal framework was developed using quantitative survey data and qualitative focus group discussions with residents. We then simulated user behaviours (mode and route choice) based on the empirical evidence from a travel demand model for the MMA. The results from our simulation model demonstrated that implementation of the toll on the orbital metropolitan motorways (M40, M30, for example) decreases accessibility mostly in the districts where there are no viable public transport alternatives. Our specific study finding is that the economic burden of the road-pricing scheme particularly affects unskilled and lower income individuals living in the south of the MMA. The focus groups confirmed that low income drivers in the south part of the MMA would reduce their use of tolled roads and have to find new arrangements for these trips: i.e. switch to public transport, spend double the time travelling or stay at home. More generally, our research finds that European transport planners are still a long way from recognising the social equity implications of their policy decisions and that more thorough social appraisals are needed to avoid the social exclusion of low income populations when road tolling is proposed.


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The paper explores the spatial and social impacts arising from implementation of a road-pricing scheme in the Madrid Metropolitan Area (MMA). Our analytical focus is on understanding the effects of the scheme on the transport accessibility of different social groups within the MMA. We define an evaluation framework to appraise the accessibility of different districts within the MMA in terms of the actual and perceived cost of using the road infrastructure "before" and "after" the implementation of the scheme. The framework was developed using quantitative survey data and qualitative data from focus group discussions with residents. We then simulated user behaviors (mode and route choice) based on the empirical evidence from a travel demand model for the MMA. The results from our simulation model demonstrated that implementation of the toll on the orbital metropolitan motorways (M40, M30, for example) decreases accessibility, mostly in the districts where there are no viable public transport alternatives. Our key finding is that the economic burden of the road-pricing scheme particularly affects unskilled and lower income individuals living in the south of the MMA. Consequently lower income people reduce their use of tolled roads and have to find new arrangements for these trips: i.e. switch to the public transport, spend double the time for their commuter trips or stay at home. The results of our research could be applicable more widely for anyone wishing to better understand the important relationship between increased transport cost and social equity, especially where there is an intention to introduce similar road-pricing schemes within the urban context.


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This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the doctrine of undue influence in the context of the family home and fully incorporates the recent House of Lords ruling in Royal Bank of Scotland v Etridge (No 2) (2001). It is aimed predominantly at the legal practitioner, but will also act as a useful source of reference for academics and students of contract, land law and equity and trusts. Emphasis is placed on claims brought by spouses (usually the wife) seeking to set aside a charge over the matrimonial home made in favour of a lending institution. The role of lenders in this context is also examined in depth, as is the part played by the solicitor acting on behalf of the parties. Apart from providing an exposition of the doctrine and its key elements, the book also gives a broader outlook by examining the Commonwealth experience (notably in Australia, Canada and New Zealand) and suggesting an underlying concept of unconscionability as governing undue influence claims. There is also a separate chapter on remedies, as well as an appendix containing a number of draft pleadings for use by the legal practitioner. In the foreword, the Honourable Mr Justice Neuberger writes: 'Pawlowski and Brown are to be congratulated for having produced a book ...as comprehensive and user-friendly as this volume. Not only have they considered the effect of the authorities in a clear and logical way, but they have also highlighted problems which have yet to be resolved and questions which have yet to be answered ...one of the hallmarks of a good legal book.'


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Cet ouvrage comporte d'abords une mise en situation décrivant le contexte économique qui mena à la crise du début des années 1980 et à la mise sur pieds de nouveaux mécanismes financiers visant le ré-équilibre des économies en difficulté. Parmi l'ensemble des nouveaux types de transactions, les conversions de titres de dette en prise de participation (Debt for Equity Swaps: DES) sont étudiées en particulier à cause des nombreux avantages qu'elles comportent. Dans un contexte de déséquilibres interne et externe graves tel ceux vécus par certains pays d'Amérique latine, ces conversions semblent en effet très appropriées grâce à leur contribution à réduire l'encours de la dette extérieure et à augmenter le niveau des investissements, tout en limitant les pertes des banques prêteuses. L'analyse des programmes DES de l'Argentine, du Chili et du Mexique est faite à trois niveaux: le comportement des principaux indicateurs économiques est observé avant et après la mise en application des programmes, les avantages que les investisseurs et les pays débiteurs ont pu tirer des transactions sont ensuite mesurés en termes monétaires, et finalement, une étude des clauses particulières à chaque programme permet de terminer l'étude de l'efficacité des démarches de chaque pays pour retrouver un certain équilibre économique. Chacun des trois pays étudiés a démontré une certaine force en particulier. L'Argentine est le pays qui a le mieux profité de la décote de sa dette sur le marché secondaire et ainsi réussit à réduire son encours avec des escomptes considérables. Le volume des transactions fut cependant minime. C'est le Chili qui a pu radier la plus forte proportion de sa dette totale grâce aux transactions DES. Finalement, le Mexique s'est démarqué par l'importance des avantages qu'il a offerts aux investisseurs lors de la conversion des titres. L'étude permet de conclure que les transactions DES ont en effet un potentiel très intéressant comme outil de redressement pour un pays ne pouvant plus assumer le niveau de sa dette, mais ce, à condition que la mise sur pieds des programmes coïncide avec une prise en charge globale des économies. Le succès d'un programme dépend en grande partie de la confiance des investisseurs internationaux et des banques en la volonté de chaque état à adopter les mesures d'ajustement qu'impose leur situation critique.


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The New Business Tax System (Debt and Equity) Act established a set ofcriteria by which convertible securities could be classified as “debt-like” or “equity-like” for tax purposes. Using data on 256 convertible issues made in Australia between 2001 and 2012, we show that there is a strong relation between, on the one hand, a convertible’s ex ante classification determined at issuance using the tax criteria and, on the other hand, its ex post classification based on the conversion premium at maturity. We conclude that the criteria have been an efficient means of classifying convertibles. We also find an industry effect where debt-like convertibles are more likely to be associated with the resources, metals and mining firms, whilst equity-like are mainly issued by the finance sector. This finding is consistent with the solution to a finance-sequencing problem in the former case, and the impact of capital adequacy regulation in the latter.


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This paper outlines the methods and outcomes of a study into equity management strategies in Australian private sector organisations reporting to the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency. Reports from 1976 organisations indicate eleven key factors characterising equity management in Australia. The study highlights differences within previously identified social structural policies, temperamental and opportunity policies and identifies a further policy type, categorised as “support policies”. Differences have also been identified in relation to distribution structures, suggesting that gender is not the sole consideration in determining equity management strategies. The principle of distribution also figures strongly in equity management implementation.