1000 resultados para Histologic evaluation


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Background/Purpose: The mechanisms of increased collagen production and liver parenchyma fibrosis are poorly understood. These phenomena are observed mainly in children with biliary obstruction (BO), and in a great number of patients, the evolution to biliary cirrhosis and hepatic failure leads to the need for liver transplantation before adolescence. However, pediatric liver transplantation presents with biliary complications in 20% to 30% of cases in the postoperative period. Intra-or extrahepatic stenosis of bile ducts is frequent and may lead to secondary biliary cirrhosis and the need for retransplantation. It is unknown whether biliary stenosis involving isolated segments or lobes may affect the adjacent nonobstructed lobes by paracrine or endocrine means, leading to fibrosis in this parenchyma. Therefore, the present study aimed to create an experimental model of selective biliary duct ligation in young animals with a subsequent evaluation of the histologic and molecular alterations in liver parenchyma of the obstructed and nonobstructed lobes. Methods: After a pilot study to standardize the surgical procedures, weaning rats underwent ligation of the bile ducts of the median, left lateral, and caudate liver lobes. The bile duct of the right lateral lobe was kept intact. To avoid intrahepatic biliary duct collaterals neoformation, the parenchymal connection between the right lateral and median lobes was clamped. The animals were divided into groups according to the time of death: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 weeks after surgical procedure. After death, the median and left lateral lobes (with BO) and the right lateral lobe (without BO [NBO]) were harvested separately. A group of 8 healthy nonoperated on animals served as controls. Liver tissues were subjected to histologic evaluation and quantification of the ductular proliferation and of the portal fibrosis. The expressions of smooth muscle alpha-actin (alpha-SMA), desmin, and transforming growth factor beta 1 genes were studied by molecular analyses (semiquantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and real-time polymerase chain reaction, a quantitative method). Results: Histologic analyses revealed the occurrence of ductular proliferation and collagen formation in the portal spaces of both BO and NBO lobes. These phenomena were observed later in NBO than BO. Bile duct density significantly increased 1 week after duct ligation; it decreased after 2 and 3 weeks and then increased again after 4 and 8 weeks in both BO and NBO lobes. The portal space collagen area increased after 2 weeks in both BO and NBO lobes. After 3 weeks, collagen deposition in BO was even higher, and in NBO, the collagen area started decreasing after 2 weeks. Molecular analyses revealed increased expression of the alpha-SMA gene in both BO and NBO lobes. The semiquantitative and quantitative methods showed concordant results. Conclusions: The ligation of a duct responsible for biliary drainage of the liver lobe promoted alterations in the parenchyma and in the adjacent nonobstructed parenchyma by paracrine and/or endocrine means. This was supported by histologic findings and increased expression of alpha-SMA, a protein related to hepatic fibrogenesis. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess intestinal mucosal function by measuring permeability and absorptive capacity in dogs with chronic enteropathy (CE) before and after treatment and to determine whether those variables were correlated with clinical disease activity or histologic scoring of intestinal biopsy specimens. ANIMALS: 29 dogs with CE. PROCEDURE: Dogs were designated as having dietresponsive CE or CE requiring glucorticoid treatment. Severity of clinical signs was assessed by calculating the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index (CIBDAI). Histologic severity of intestinal infiltration was assessed before and after 4 weeks of treatment in the diet-responsive group and before and after 10 weeks of treatment in the glucocorticoid group. Gastrointestinal permeability and mucosal absorptive capacity were assessed by use of intragastric administration of a solution containing lactulose, rhamnose, xylose, 3-O-methylglucose, and sucrose. Urine was collected 6 hours after administration of the sugar solution to determine urinary lactulose-to-rhamnose (L:R), xylose-to-methylglucose (X:M), and sucrose-to-methylglucose (S:M) ratios. RESULTS: Median CIBDAI scores decreased significantly in both groups of dogs after treatment. However, the median histologic grade of intestinal biopsy specimens did not change with treatment in either group. There were no significant differences in L:R, X:M, or S:M ratios after treatment in either group and no significant correlations between L:R, X:M, or S:M ratios and CIBDAI or histologic scores. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of tests for intestinal permeability and mucosal absorptive capacity were not useful indicators of clinical disease activity as assessed by the CIBDAI or the sever ity of infiltration as indicated by histologic evaluation.


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La maladie de Wilson est une maladie héréditaire due à un déficit du transporteur du cuivre, l’ATP7B. Cette maladie se présente sous forme d’insuffisance hépatique aiguë ou chronique, pour lesquels le traitement médical actuel consiste en l’administration d’agents chélateurs, ce qui ne résulte cependant pas en une guérison complète de la maladie. La transplantation orthotopique du foie est le seul traitement définitif actuellement, avec tous les désavantages qu’elle comporte. Un traitement alternatif à cette option est donc souhaitable. Cette étude porte sur la faisabilité de la transplantation d’hépatocytes chez le modèle animal de la maladie de Wilson, le rat Long Evans Cinnamon (LEC), avec pour buts d’en déterminer la sécurité et l’efficacité tant sur le plan clinique (amélioration de la survie, prévention de l’hépatite) que pathologique. Douze rats LEC ont reçu une injection intrasplénique de 2,6 x 105 – 3,6 x 107 hépatocytes prélevés chez des rats donneurs de souche LE. Ils ont été suivis durant 6 mois puis sacrifiés. Ils ont ensuite été comparés à un groupe contrôle de douze autres rats LEC. Aucune différence significative n’a été notée au niveau du poids, du bilan hépatique et des concentrations de cuivre biliaire et hépatique. Cependant, une amélioration de l’activité oxydase de la céruloplasmine post-transplantation a été démontrée chez le groupe de rats transplantés (49,6 ± 31,5 versus 8,9 ± 11,7). Les rats transplantés ont aussi eu une amélioration sur tous les critères histologiques étudiés. Enfin, l’ARNm de l’atp7b a été retrouvé chez 58% des rats transplantés avec un taux d’expression de 11,9% ± 13,6 par rapport à un rat LE normal. L’immunohistochimie a quant à elle démontré la présence de l’atp7b chez tous les rats transplantés. Les résultats obtenus sont considérés favorables à ce traitement alternatif, et indiquent que la transplantation d’hépatocytes est une technique sécuritaire qui peut contribuer à renverser le processus pathologique en cours dans la maladie de Wilson.


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Onze cães, sem raça definida, machos, adultos, não castrados e hígidos foram submetidos à punção aspirativa com agulha fina da próstata guiada por ultrassom para avaliação citológica e, após um período mínimo de sete dias, à videolaparoscopia para obtenção de fragmento prostático para avaliação histológica. Nos exames citológicos, dois animais apresentaram alterações celulares compatíveis com hiperplasia prostática benigna. Durante a videolaparoscopia, a colheita do fragmento prostático foi realizada de maneira rápida, não sendo observada hemorragia significativa após o procedimento. Os animais não apresentaram nenhuma complicação no período pós-operatório. Verificaram-se, ao exame histológico, morfologia e estrutura celulares e teciduais nos padrões normais do parênquima prostático em 10 animais; um único cão apresentou alterações celulares e teciduais sugestivas de hiperplasia prostática benigna.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ligação entre músculos oculares extrínsecos e esferas de polietileno poroso usando um bioadesivo. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental envolvendo 8 coelhos albinos submetidos a enucleação do olho direto com colocação de implante esférico de polietileno poroso de 12 mm de diâmetro unido aos músculos oculares extrínsecos por meio do bioadesivo 2-octil-cianoacrilato. Noventa dias após a cirurgia os animais foram sacrificados e o conteúdo orbitário removido. em 4 animais foi realizado estudo biomecânico, avaliando-se a força de ruptura entre a musculatura e a esfera (grupo implante) e entre a musculatura e a esclera nos olhos contralaterais (grupo controle). Nos outros 4 animais foi realizada análise histológica. RESULTADO: A avaliação biomecânica revelou que a força de ruptura entre esfera-músculo e esclera-músculo foram semelhantes quando se usa o adesivo de cianoacrilato. O exame histológico mostrou reação fibrovascular no local da adesão entre a musculatura e a esfera, sem efeitos deletérios aos tecidos. Ao redor dos implantes foi possível observar pseudocápsula e no interior, neovasos e tecido fibrovascular preenchendo os espaços entre os grânulos do polietileno. CONCLUSÃO: O adesivo 2-octil-cianoacrilato mantém boa força de adesão na união entre os músculos e as esferas de polietileno poroso, com redução do tempo cirúrgico e sem efeitos deletérios aos tecidos orbitais. Desta forma, deve-se considerar o uso do bioadesivo na reconstrução da cavidade anoftálmica.


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Small blue round cell tumors (SBRCTs) are a set of malignancies that have a particular proclivity for the pediatric age group. These tumors are notoriously difficult to distinguish by histologic evaluation alone, and in recent years a number of new immunohistochemical markers have emerged that can aid in the correct categorization of these lesions. Myogenin, a muscle-restricted nuclear transcription factor, has been demonstrated to be a highly sensitive and specific marker of rhabdomyosarcoma, and is superior to previous markers such as myoglobin, muscle actins, and desmin. The FlI-1 gene product is expressed as part of the EWS/FLI-1 novel chimeric protein that results from the t(11;22)(q24;q12) translocation that occurs in approximately two-thirds of cases of PNET/Ewings sarcoma. Immunohistochemical detection of the FLI-1 gene product can thus complement detection of CD99/MIC2 for the positive identification of PNET/Ewings sarcoma. Markers of neuroblastoma include neural markers, such as chromogranin A, neurofilaments, and synaptophysin. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is a tumor with an unusual immunophenotype, including co-expression of cytokeratin, vimentin, and desmin; recent studies have also documented the use of antibodies to the WT-1 gene product as a marker of the chimeric EWS/WT-1 protein formed as a result of the t(11;22)(p13;q12) translocation that characterizes this unique tumor. In summary, there now exists a panel of antibodies defining immunohistochemical markers of individual SBRCTs that can identify rhabdomyosarcoma, PNET/Ewings sarcoma, neuroblastoma, and DSRCT with high sensitivity and specificity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the histologic results of bone cavities that were surgically created in the mandibles of Cebus apella monkeys and filled with autogenous bone, PerioGlas, FillerBone, or Bone Source. Materials and Methods: Surgical cavities 5 mm in diameter were prepared through both mandibular cortices in the mandibular angle region. The cavities were randomly filled, and the animals were divided into groups according to the material employed: Group 1 cavities were filled with autogenous corticocancellous bone; group 2 cavities were filled with calcium phosphate cement (BoneSource); and group 3 and group 4 cavities were filled with bioactive glass (FillerBone and PerioGlas, respectively). After 180 days the animals were sacrificed, and specimens were prepared following routine laboratory procedures for hematoxylin/eosin staining and histologic evaluation. Results: the histologic analysis showed that autogenous bone allowed total repair of the bone defects; bioactive glasses (FillerBone and PerioGlas) allowed total repair of the defects with intimate contact of the remaining granules and newly formed bone; and the cavities filled with calcium phosphate cement (BoneSource) were generally filled by connective fibrous tissue, and the material was almost totally resorbed. Discussion: the autogenous bone, FillerBone, and PerioGlas provided results similar to those in the current literature, showing that autogenous bone is the best Choice for filling critical-size defects. Synthetic implanted materials demonstrated biocompatibility, but the bioglasses demonstrated osteoconductive activity that did not occur with calcium phosphate (BoneSource). Conclusion: According to the methodology used in this study, it can be concluded that the utilization of autogenous bone and bioactive glasses permitted the repair of surgically created critical-size defects by newly formed bone; the synthetic implanted materials demonstrated biocompatibility, and the bioactive glasses demonstrated osteoconductive activity. The PerioGlas was mostly resorbed and replaced by bone and the remaining granules were in close contact with bone; the FillerBone showed many granules in contact with the newly formed bone; BoneSource did not permit repair of the critical-size defects, and the defects were generally filled by connective fibrous tissue.


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Avaliaram-se quantitativa, morfométrica e qualitativamente os neurônios atriais da faixa intercaval de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD). Os neurônios dos gânglios nervosos de cães com CMD eram maiores que os dos cães controle. A histopatologia do miocárdio ventricular e dos neurônios ganglionares confirmou a CMD e demonstrou evidente processo degenerativo neuronal ganglionar. Cães com CMD em fase crônica apresentavam cardioneuropatia secundária, provavelmente pela privação da inervação parassimpática cardíaca.


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The purpose of this study was to observe and characterize colonic and lung lesions in horses subjected to experimental distension and decompression of the small colon. Sixteen healthy adult horses were divided into 2 groups: 9 horses that were subjected to distension of the small colon by means of a latex balloon surgically implanted in the lumen and inflated to a pressure of 40 mm Hg for 4 h, and 7 horses in which the balloon was implanted but not inflated. Colonic biopsy specimens were collected before balloon implantation, at the end of the period of obstruction, and 1.5 and 12 h after decompression and were examined for hemorrhage, edema, and neutrophil infiltration; myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and hemoglobin concentration were measured as well. At the end of the experiment, lung samples were also collected and examined for neutrophil accumulation and MPO activity. The mucosa was not affected by luminal distension; lesions were restricted to the seromuscular layer. Neutrophil accumulation and edema were observed in the samples from both groups of horses but were greater in those from the distension group, in which there was also hemorrhage, fibrin deposition, and increased MPO activity in the seromuscular layer. Similarly, there was greater accumulation of neutrophils in the lung samples from the distension group than in those from the sham-operated group, as determined by histologic evaluation and MPO assay. These findings provide new evidence of reperfusion injury and a systemic inflammatory response, followed by remote lesions, in horses with intestinal obstruction.


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Aim: To evaluate the integration of implants installed using a surgical guide in augmented sites with autologous bone or deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) blocks, concomitantly with a collagen membrane.Material and methods: Mandibular molars were extracted bilaterally in six Labrador dogs, the buccal bony wall was removed, and a box-shaped defect was created. After 3 months, flaps were elevated, a bony graft was harvested from the ascending ramus, and secured to the lateral wall of the defect by means of screws. In the left mandibular side, a DBBM block was fixed into the defect. A resorbable membrane was applied at both sides, and the flaps were sutured. After 3 months, flaps were elevated, and a customized device was used as surgical guide to prepare the recipient sites in the interface between grafts and parent bone. One implant was installed in each side of the mandible. After 3 months, biopsies were harvested, and ground sections were prepared for histologic evaluation.Results: One autologous bone block graft was lost before implant installation. The width of the alveolar crest at the test sites (DBBM) was 5.4 +/- 1.2 mm before, 9.4 +/- 1.2 mm immediately after grafting, and 9.3 +/- 1 mm at implant installation. At the control sites (autologous bone), the corresponding values were: 5.2 +/- 1, 9 +/- 1.2, and 8.7 +/- 0.9 mm, respectively. All implants installed were available for histologic evaluation (n = 5). The autologous bone grafts, rich in vessels and cells, were integrated in the parent bone, and only little non-vital bone was found. The BIC% was 56.7 +/- 15.6% and 54.2 +/- 13.2% at the buccal and lingual aspects, respectively. At the test sites, the DBBM appeared to be embedded into connective tissue, and very little newly formed bone was encountered within the grafts. The BIC% was 5.8 +/- 12.3% and 51.3 +/- 14.2% at the buccal and lingual aspects, respectively.Conclusions: Autologous bone blocks used to augment the alveolar bony crest horizontally allowed the complete osseointegration of implants installed after 3 months of healing. However, similar blocks of DBBM did not promote osseointegration, although the installed implants were stable owing to the osseointegration in the sites of the parent bone.


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Considering that the cutaneous flap can be affected by isquemic complications the extra corporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) was described as rescue techniques. The present study was developed to analyze histological and with morfometry, twenty one skin samples treated or not with the shock wave therapy, obtained from flap's distal border, used in this study to repair eyelids' experimental defects in dogs. The flap with or without ESWT did not show any histological sign of inflammatory or atrophic alterations. Both group treated showed similar morphometrical characteristics. The ESWT with the protocol used in this study (2500 impulses at 0,15 mJ/mm 2) did not demonstrate significant clinical outcomes as a rescue technique when applied over the oris angularis flap, however results showed no signals of collateral deleterious effects.


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Background: The bone tissue responses to Cyanoacrylate have been described in the literature, but none used N-butyl-2-cyanoacrilate (NB-Cn) for bone graft fixation. Purpose: The aims of the study were: (a) to analyze the bone grafts volume maintenance fixed either with NB-Cn or titanium screw; (b) to assess the incorporation of onlay grafts on perforated recipient bed; and (c) the differences of expression level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) protein involved in bone resorption. Materials and Methods: Eighteen New Zealand White rabbits were submitted to calvaria onlay grafting on both sides of the mandible. On one side, the graft was fixed with NB-Cn, while on the other hand the bone graft was secured with an osteosynthesis screw. The computed tomography (CT) was performed just after surgery and at animals sacrifice, after 1 (n=9) and 6weeks (n=9), in order to estimate the bone grafts volume along the experiments. Histological sections of the grafted areas were prepared to evaluate the healing of bone grafts and to assess the expression of TRAP protein. Results: The CT scan showed better volume maintenance of bone grafts fixed with NB-Cn (p≤0.05) compared with those fixed with screws, in both experimental times (analysis of variance). The immunohistochemical evaluation showed that the TRAP expression in a 6-week period was significantly higher compared with the 1-week period, without showing significant difference between the groups (Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney). Histological analysis revealed that the NB-Cn caused periosteum damage, but provided bone graft stabilization and incorporation similar to the control group. Conclusion: The perforation provided by screw insertion into the graft during fixation may have triggered early revascularization and remodeling to render increased volume loss compared with the experimental group. These results indicate that the NB-Cn possesses equivalent properties to titanium screw to be used as bone fixation material in osteosynthesis. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB