971 resultados para Hic et nunc Australia


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This paper extends the previous application of Alfred Whitehead's educational ideas to the domain of enterprise education. In doing so, a unique approach to enterprise education is illustrated that links students to their reality whilst also connecting the curriculum to contemporary entrepreneurship theory. The paper reports upon past cycles of reflective practice related to the developing hic et nunc teaching and learning framework. Two specific findings of note have emerged. First, that student' learning outcomes are enhanced through the oscillating influence of freedom and discipline. However, in the absence of either factor, sub-optimal outcomes are seen to occur. That is, an imbalance between freedom and discipline has resulted in sub-optimal outcomes from either a lack of student interest or an inability to adequately apply acquired knowledge. Where gains have been made, the most obvious process has been through consultation with students. Second, that the students also play an important role in shaping the nature of the learning environments within which they interact. Both findings are of significant importance to all academics charged with the responsibility of developing enterprise education curriculum. The main implication of the paper is that in the absence of sound pedagogical practises, it is possible that enterprise programs may develop a tendency to reinforce past practises. The processes of constructive alignment and criterion-based assessment are argued to offer avenues through which students can influence the educational process. They also provide the educator with a reflective pathway through which continual improvements are constantly possible. This paper provides other academics with a window through which to view the ongoing development of a process that has been recognised nationally for teaching excellence and influenced many fine young entrepreneurs. The paper also draws attention to a set of core educational philosophies that have transferable value to any academic setting. It is noted that the task of developing a learner-centred curriculum for enterprise education has been an entrepreneurial endeavour in itself. Many mistakes have been made and many memorable achievements have been celebrated.


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Purpose – This paper seeks to demonstrate that a truly learner-centred enterprise education programme can be developed within a traditional business school environment. Design/methodology/approach – This paper unites the broad teaching philosophy of Alfred Whitehead with that of Allan Gibbs’s enterprise specific teaching philosophies to consider the fitness of the recently developed hic et nunc enterprise framework. This is largely achieved by testing the framework for constructive alignment. Findings – It is argued that the hic et nunc framework is consistent with the philosophies of both Whitehead and Gibb. Further, the framework illustrates a process through which enterprise education programmes can be developed independently of any pressures to conform to more traditional pedagogy. Practical implications – Through careful consideration of the process of constructive alignment, an analytical approach to developing and/or refining an enterprise education program exists. Importantly, it represents an approach that is explicitly learner-centred, and therefore free from the constraints of the environment within which the programme is delivered. Originality/value – This paper brings to life the wonderful ideas of the great philosopher, Alfred Whitehead, combining them with the contemporary ideas of Allan Gibb. In doing so, the complementary nature of their thoughts helps to illustrate the minimal requirements of a learner-centred approach to enterprise education


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The needs of students engaged in enterprise education programs are of ever growing importance. This paper considers the pedagogical challenges that confront the designers of such-programs. It is argued that it is the designer's mindset that will most likely determine the program's outcomes. That, regardless of where such programs reside, their development should be guided by a learner-centred approach. The recently developed hic et nunc framework, provides an example of such a student-centred approach. The process through which student learning outcomes occur is argued to be essentially Darwinian in nature. Taking into account both knowledge and skills, it is also argued that assessment of desirable learning outcomes should occur in visible interaction spaces. That the failure to eliminate invisible interaction spaces from such programs is an invitation for criticism from those who favour a more traditional lecturer-centred approach to teaching and learning.


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Le sous-continent latino-américain vit dans une pauvreté endémique où la lutte pour la survie est au quotidien. Les peuples deviennent de plus en plus pauvres et la vie de la personne humaine est méprisée. Est-il question d’une carence de biens matériels ou d’une mauvaise répartition de la richesse? Nous affirmons qu’il s’agit d’une situation de domination, d’oppression et d’injustice institutionnalisée. Ce mémoire tend à faire une lecture de l’éthique théologique de la libération d’Enrique Dussel dans une perspective émancipatoire. Nous partons du principe que cette éthique matérielle de la vie peut donner une réponse à la morale dominatrice établie et peut contribuer à la transformation de la situation injuste. L’éthique théologique de la libération dusselienne analyse l’être latino-américain considéré comme autre par le système en vigueur et cherche à changer qualitativement les conditions réelles de vie de chaque personne en communauté. Pour ce faire, elle repense de façon critique la totalité des principes de la morale dominatrice à partir de la négation de la vie des victimes et propose une alternative qui doit se réaliser ici maintenant dans l’histoire : la libération des victimes dans n’importe quel système de domination. Ce projet tient compte de la dimension spirituelle du peuple latino-américain. Un sous-continent dit majoritairement chrétien se questionne sur la présence de Dieu et de son agir dans la lutte quotidienne pour la libération. Il se demande comment vivre la foi en Dieu dans une situation d’oppression et de lutte pour la libération. C’est à ce parcours que ce mémoire nous convie en nous rappelant constamment qu’un monde meilleur est possible et que le Dieu de la vie n’abandonne pas sa création.


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Proyecto realizado por diez profesores que pertenecen a la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos de Castilla y León. Tiene como objetivos: 1) Destacar aspectos de la huella de la Antigüedad Clásica en Castilla y León. 2) Ofrecer unos materiales que sirvan para elaborar temas que presenten a los alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, dicha influencia como algo transcendente en el transcurso de la cultura hasta nuestros días. El desarrollo lo han realizado en grupo e individualmente, recogiendo los materiales, sistematizándolos y proceden, en una segunda fase a la elaboración de unidades didácticas. El contenido del trabajo: 1) Inscripciones latinas en Castilla y León: piedras parlantes. 2) Estudio del poblamiento en Castilla y León: a)Ciudades (Clunia y Tiermes, dos ciudades hermanas); (Hic et Nunc: Asturica Augusta). b)Villae: La Olmeda. 3) Vías de comunicación: La Calzada de la Plata y otras vías romanas. 4) La minería de época romana en Castilla y León: las minas de oro en Hispania (Las Médulas). Las fuentes de información y documentación: se ha utilizado bibliografía, visitas a diferentes lugares de Castilla y León con restos de la Antigüedad Clásica para tomar fotografías y recoger inscripciones. Del trabajo presentado ha sido publicado por un Centro de Profesores Recursos parte referida a 'Hic et Nunc', el resto del trabajo no ha sido publicado.


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Proyecto desarrollado por un grupo de ocho profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria que pertenecen a la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos y trabajan en IES de Castilla y León, excepto uno que lo hace en el Seminario Menor de Astorga (León). Lo realizan en Castilla y León y versa de lugares de nuestra Comunidad con restos de la Antigüedad Clásica. Objetivos: dar a conocer a los alumnos de ESO de nuestra Comunidad Autónoma cuáles han sido sus orígenes, concretamente el hecho de la Romanización. Este punto de partida, elemento de cohesión entre todas las provincias de Castilla y León, no es sino un pretexto para que los alumnos puedan encontrarse con sus raices, tanto lingüísticas, como culturales, así como desarrollar la capacidad de situarlas en un tiempo y en un espacio concretos. Además de lo anterior: apreciar el patrimonio histórico-artístico, apreciar los restos arqueológicos romanos como parte de nuestra historia. Identificar expresiones y vocablos latinos que conservamos en nuestro idioma romance, el castellano, así como valorar la cultura como transmisora de otros pensamientos y culturas y fuente de nuestra realidad actual regional, nacional y europea. Se ha trabajado en grupo e individualmente para recoger los materiales y posteriormente sistematizarlos y elaborar varias Unidades Didácticas en cada tema. Se han visitado los lugares sobre los que versan los lugares tratados: Tiermes, Clunia, La Olmeda, Astorga, Las Médulas, diversos lugares de la Vía de la Plata, recogiendose materiales 'in situ'. Hemos utilizado abundante bibliografía que se refleja en el trabajo, así como inscripciones, fotografías, láminas, atlas y mapas. El resultado final es un trabajo de 416 páginas en DIN-A4 con prólogo y cinco temas: Las Médulas, Astorga Romana, Villa Romana de la Olmeda, Calzada de la Plata, Tiermes y Clunia. Cada tema se ha estructurado en varias Unidades Didácticas con sus objetivos, contenidos actitudinales y procedimentales, así como ejercicios para la evaluación. Se aporta en formato papel y en CD-ROM en formato Word, que contiene en varios archivos todo el trabajo. Además se aporta un anexo al tema 'Hic et nunc: Asturica Augusta', que consiste en un CD-ROM que desarrolla una página Web interactiva, en la que faltan por desarrollar algunos detalles..


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O porto do Funchal é uma realidade recente. Historicamente podemos considerar que existe porto desde o final do Século XIX, muito embora já com D. José I tivesse havido uma Determinação real para proceder à construção de uma infra-estrutura portuária, o que só parcialmente foi cumprido, num processo apenas terminado em 2011. Até aí e desde a colonização, o desembarque de pessoas e bens era feito no calhau, ao ritmo e sabor das levadias e dos estados do mar e da força humana, numa tradição que ficou expressa em inúmeras obras e registos de viagem e igualmente no Pilar de Banger, mandado construir por um britânico, como base de guindaste para descargas. No século XX, o porto do Funchal, ao mesmo tempo que era local de comércio e descarga de mercadorias, assim como de passageiros, foi progressivamente assistindo ao surgir de um novo conceito em matéria de turismo, não já apenas e só como mero transporte, mas tendo como objectivo o cruzeiro. Esta Dissertação pretende estudar, quantificar e se possível teorizar, ainda que de forma sucinta, a importância que esse novo tipo de lazer, a partir de agora, por nós designado de cruzeiro, teve, tem e esperamos venha a ter, na nossa economia regional e no bemestar e progresso económico dos múltiplos intervenientes nesta actividade. Para nos apoiar neste desiderato, para além da teoria, construímos um inquérito, que foi apresentado ao turista de cruzeiro, durante a sua escala e a fruição desta, por si mesmo, em passeios a pé pela cidade do Funchal ou guiado por um guia, conhecendo o potencial do nosso porto. Este inquérito foi feito em colaboração com a APRAM, o SNATTI e a EUROMAR, assim como com outros intervenientes nesta cadeia de valor, tendo nós, conceptores e aplicadores do mesmo, procurado seguir uma linha de orientação que nos permitisse a comparação dos resultados, com inquéritos desenvolvidos anteriormente. O nosso objectivo essencial é não apenas o de prosseguir num percurso de valorização pessoal e académica mas também procurar dotar com dados quantificáveis, todos os parceiros deste negócio da nossa região e contribuir de uma forma activa e responsável na definição e planeamento do nosso melhor recurso económico, o Turismo. Esta Dissertação é, por agora, um objectivo em si, mas não se esgota como tal e a nossa missão não termina hic et nunc, uma vez que trabalhamos por mero prazer intelectual, sentimos que somos apoiados institucional e pessoalmente e temos a certeza de que o que estamos a desenvolver, poderá ser útil para a nossa economia e para a nossa Região.


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Premise: In the literary works of our anthropological and cultural imagination, the various languages and the different discursive practices are not necessarily quoted, expressly alluded to or declared through clear expressive mechanisms; instead, they rather constitute a substratum, a background, now consolidated, which with irony and intertextuality shines through the thematic and formal elements of each text. The various contaminations, hybridizations and promptings that we find in the expressive forms, the rhetorical procedures and the linguistic and thematic choices of post-modern literary texts are shaped as fluid and familiar categories. Exchanges and passages are no longer only allowed but also inevitable; the post-modern imagination is made up of an agglomeration of discourses that are no longer really separable, built up from texts that blend and quote one another, composing, each with its own specificities, the great family of the cultural products of our social scenario. A literary work, therefore, is not only a whole phenomenon, delimited hic et nunc by a beginning and an ending, but is a fragment of that complex, dense and boundless network that is given by the continual interrelations between human forms of communication and symbolization. The research hypothesis: A vision is delineated of comparative literature as a discipline attentive to the social contexts in which texts take shape and move and to the media-type consistency that literary phenomena inevitably take on. Hence literature is seen as an open systematicity that chooses to be contaminated by other languages and other discursive practices of an imagination that is more than ever polymorphic and irregular. Inside this interpretative framework the aim is to focus the analysis on the relationship that postmodern literature establishes with advertising discourse. On one side post-modern literature is inserted in the world of communication, loudly asserting the blending and reciprocal contamination of literary modes with media ones, absorbing their languages and signification practices, translating them now into thematic nuclei, motifs and sub-motifs and now into formal expedients and new narrative choices; on the other side advertising is chosen as a signification practice of the media universe, which since the 1960s has actively contributed to shaping the dynamics of our socio-cultural scenarios, in terms which are just as important as those of other discursive practices. Advertising has always been a form of communication and symbolization that draws on the collective imagination – myths, actors and values – turning them into specific narrative programs for its own texts. Hence the aim is to interpret and analyze this relationship both from a strictly thematic perspective – and therefore trying to understand what literature speaks about when it speaks about advertising, and seeking advertising quotations in post-modern fiction – and from a formal perspective, with a search for parallels and discordances between the rhetorical procedures, the languages and the verifiable stylistic choices in the texts of the two different signification practices. The analysis method chosen, for the purpose of constructive multiplication of the perspectives, aims to approach the analytical processes of semiotics, applying, when possible, the instruments of the latter, in order to highlight the thematic and formal relationships between literature and advertising. The corpus: The corpus of the literary texts is made up of various novels and, although attention is focused on the post-modern period, there will also be ineludible quotations from essential authors that with their works prompted various reflections: H. De Balzac, Zola, Fitzgerald, Joyce, Calvino, etc… However, the analysis focuses the corpus on three authors: Don DeLillo, Martin Amis and Aldo Nove, and in particular the followings novels: “Americana” (1971) and “Underworld” (1999) by Don DeLillo, “Money” (1984) by Martin Amis and “Woobinda and other stories without a happy ending” (1996) and “Superwoobinda” (1998) by Aldo Nove. The corpus selection is restricted to these novels for two fundamental reasons: 1. assuming parameters of spatio-temporal evaluation, the texts are representative of different socio-cultural contexts and collective imaginations (from the masterly glimpses of American life by DeLillo, to the examples of contemporary Italian life by Nove, down to the English imagination of Amis) and of different historical moments (the 1970s of DeLillo’s Americana, the 1980s of Amis, down to the 1990s of Nove, decades often used as criteria of division of postmodernism into phases); 2. adopting a perspective of strictly thematic analysis, as mentioned in the research hypothesis, the variations and the constants in the novels (thematic nuclei, topoi, images and narrative developments) frequently speak of advertising and inside the narrative plot they affirm various expressions and realizations of it: value ones, thematic ones, textual ones, urban ones, etc… In these novels the themes and the processes of signification of advertising discourse pervade time, space and the relationships that the narrator character builds around him. We are looking at “particle-characters” whose endless facets attest the influence and contamination of advertising in a large part of the narrative developments of the plot: on everyday life, on the processes of acquisition and encoding of the reality, on ideological and cultural baggage, on the relationships and interchanges with the other characters, etc… Often the characters are victims of the implacable consequentiality of the advertising mechanism, since the latter gets the upper hand over the usual processes of communication, which are overwhelmed by it, wittingly or unwittingly (for example: disturbing openings in which the protagonist kills his or her parents on the basis of a spot, former advertisers that live life codifying it through the commercial mechanisms of products, sons and daughters of advertisers that as children instead of playing outside for whole nights saw tapes of spots.) Hence the analysis arises from the text and aims to show how much the developments and the narrative plots of the novels encode, elaborate and recount the myths, the values and the narrative programs of advertising discourse, transforming them into novel components in their own right. And also starting from the text a socio-cultural reference context is delineated, a collective imagination that is different, now geographically, now historically, and from comparison between them the aim is to deduce the constants, the similarities and the variations in the relationship between literature and advertising.


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Exemplaire enluminé aux armes : d'azur, à 3 éléphants d'argent, au chef cousu de gueules, avec les devises : Mortalis non est sors mea et Hic et ubique.