970 resultados para Heritage urban river corridor


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The speed and scale of urbanisation in India is unprecedented almost anywhere in the world and has tremendous global implications. The religious influence on the urban experience has resonances for all aspects of urban sustainability in India and yet it remains a blind spot while articulating sustainable urban policy.This book explores the historical and on-going influence of religion on urban planning, design, space utilisation, urban identities and communities. It argues that the conceptual and empirical approaches to planning sustainable cities in India need to be developed out of analytical concepts that define local sense of place and identity. Examining how Hindu religious heritage, beliefs and religiously influenced planning practices have impacted on sustainable urbanisation development in Jaipur and Indian cities in general, the book identifies the challenges and opportunities that ritualistic and belief resources pose for sustainability. It focuses on three key aspects: spatial segregation and ghettoisation; gender-inclusive urban development; and the nexus between religion, nature and urban development. This cutting-edge book is one of the first case studies linking Hindu religion, heritage, urban development, women and the environment in a way that responds to the realities of Indian cities. It opens up discussion on the nexus of religion and development, drawing out insightful policy implications for the sustainable urban planning of many cities in India and elsewhere in South Asia and the developing world.


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Fluid Infrastructure: Landscape Architecture Exhibition: This exhibition showcases the work of 4th Year undergraduate landscape architecture students in response to the 2011 Queensland floods through five installations: Systima Fluid Flux Flex Fluid Connectivity The Floods Verge Fluid Evolution The focus of these installations is the post-flood conditions of Brisbane’s riverside public infrastructure, within a scenario of flood as a normalised event. It recognises that within this scenario, parts of this city cannot be described as definitively ‘land’ or ‘water,’ but are best described as ‘fluid terrains’(Mathur, A. and Da Cunha, D. 2006). The landscape design propositions within the five installations include public transport diversification (RiverRats) schemes, greenspace elevations, ephemeral gardens and evolving landscapes, creative interpretation and warning devices and systems. These propositions do not resist fluid conditions, but work with them to propose a more resilient urban river landscape than Brisbane currently has. This QUT exhibition was developed as part of the 2011 Flood of Ideas Project (http://www.floodofideas.org.au) in partnership with Healthy Waterways (Water by Design), State Library of Queensland (The Edge), Brisbane City Council, Australian Institute of Architects, University of Queensland, Green Cross Australia, Stormwater Industry Association.


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抗生素是广泛应用于人类和动物疾病治疗的药物,近年来在养殖业中抗生素更是常常作为动物催长剂。这些抗生素会通过人畜排泄物、药品的丢弃、污水排放、农业废物堆积等途径进入到环境中。环境中抗生素的残留会导致细菌耐药性的产生、微生态平衡的破坏,以及对生态环境和人类难以预知的影响。抗生素污染是近十年来才在国际上引起注意的新型环境问题,目前研究非常薄弱,要深入认识抗生素的环境影响特征就迫切需要对抗生素在环境中的迁移、归宿等地球化学行为进行针对性的研究。本文研究了贵阳城市污水、南明河及乌江渡水库中氯霉素(CAP)、土霉素(OTC)、四环素(TC)和金霉素(CTC)的环境地球化学特征,包括抗生素的分布、迁移特征及影响因素,并分析了贵阳市动物源性食品中抗生素的残留特征,探讨了环境因素对抗生素稳定性及吸附/解吸的影响,以期了解抗生素在环境中的降解、迁移等环境行为的特征,并据此评价抗生素的环境影响特点,为认识抗生素的污染特点、发展相应的控制、治理措施提供科学依据。主要内容包括: 1. 对环境样品中CAP和TCs的前处理过程和检测方法进行了优化。对水样的前处理采用固相萃取的方法,对土壤和沉积物的前处理采用EDTA-McIlvaine振荡萃取、SAX-HLB净化富集的方法;选择HPLC-UV作为分析的手段,对样品中的4种抗生素进行了检测,各化合物得到了很好的分离,该方法简便、快捷、重现性好。 2. 证实了抗生素在城市污水中的普遍存在。贵阳城市污水中以CAP的污染最为突出,其含量明显高于广州地区的城市污水;污水中四环素类药物(TCs)的含量和大多数欧美国家及地区城市污水中TCs的含量相当。这一结果证明,污水中抗生素的污染非常严重,对地表水环境形成严重的威胁。污水中抗生素的来源包括:人服用抗生素药物以及食用含有抗生素残留的食品之后的排泄物;食品中残留的抗生素随剩余食品的丢弃而进入污水。污水中抗生素的含量都具有明显的季节变化规律,冬春季含量明显高于夏秋季,我们认为这与各季节用水量和疾病特点有关。污水中抗生素的大量存在说明:1)抗生素存在滥用的现象,特别是CAP可能存在严重的违法使用,这一现象应当重视;2)污水中的抗生素会威胁水环境质量,应加强处理和控制技术。 3. 证明了城市河流受到多种来源的抗生素影响,其中城市污水是最重要的源,而且抗生素在河流中呈现一定的持久性。南明河上游河段中抗生素的来源包括郊区城镇污水、养鱼场、制药厂污水排放及地表垃圾。城市污水是抗生素的一大排放源,受其影响,排污口下游的河段受到的抗生素污染尤为严重,此外还有来自下游郊区城镇和农业污水的影响。对南明河中抗生素的来源及行为特点的剖析表明:1)抗生素在南明河的水和沉积物中具有不同的分布特征:河水中以CAP的污染最为严重,各水样中CAP的含量基本都高于TCs;而大部分沉积物中TCs的含量都高于CAP。CAP和TCs在水-沉积物之间的分布特征表明,它们在水环境中的地球化学行为明显受到吸附/解吸特点的影响,CAP的亲水性强,而TCs的亲粒性强。2)虽然在养殖业中已禁止使用CAP,但河水和污水中CAP的大量存在,这一结果揭露了CAP仍然存在大量违法使用的事实。3)河水中抗生素含量的季节差异明显,冬春季抗生素的含量高于夏秋季,其原因主要是夏秋季河水流量大,对河水中抗生素的稀释作用强。沉积物中抗生素的含量没有明显的季节变化规律,各季节抗生素的平均含量差异较小。4)受污水影响,各季节排污口下游的南明河水受到的抗生素污染尤为严重,污水口上下游之间的含量差异明显。沉积物在冬季受城市污水的影响大,在排污口下游的抗生素的含量明显高于上游,而春、夏、秋季受污水影响不明显。这可能是因为在春、夏和秋季其它污染源的影响较大,因此污水的影响强度减弱。夏季上游沉积物中CAP的含量甚至高于下游,原因一方面是因为夏季城市污水中抗生素含量低,对南明河的影响减小,另一方面可能因为夏季雨水多、水量大,将上游的地表垃圾以及积累在小河沟中的垃圾冲刷到南明河中,而这些工业及生活垃圾通常是抗生素的一大来源。 抗生素在河流中呈现了一定的持久性,在20 km的范围内水和沉积物显示了明显的污染水平,可能会对水生生态以及流域的环境造成一定的影响。此外,贵阳市南明河两岸的农田通常是用河水进行灌溉的,从而可能使抗生素的污染危及到食物链,对人体的健康有潜在的威胁。 4. 由于食品(如鱼肉、猪肉等)中残留的抗生素是污水中抗生素的重要来源,因此我们研究了养殖业(水产养殖区)中抗生素的环境行为特点,还研究了常见动物源性食品中抗生素的残留特点。对养鱼区的研究表明,养鱼饲料中含有大量的抗生素,是养鱼区水环境中抗生素的来源。由于饲料的颗粒大,且河水流速快,因此饲料中的抗生素不会对水体造成很大的影响,但是在网箱区的沉积物中形成了高含量的残留,除此以外,在乌江渡主航道的河心沉积物中抗生素的含量也相当可观。这说明该区水产养殖的抗生素主要影响沉积物,且相应的污染不是局部的,而会影响到整个养鱼区。从沉积物中抗生素平均含量的季节差异来看,各季TCs的用药量可能不同,秋季的用量可能最大,而其它季节用量相当;CAP在每个季节的用量可能相当。尽管分析的饲料中CAP的含量高于TCs,但在各季节乌江渡水库主航道沉积物中TCs的含量几乎都远高于CAP,这是由于TCs比CAP更易存在于沉积物中。乌江渡水库上下游主航道沉积物中抗生素的含量差异日益减小,说明了乌江渡水库的污染已日益严重。这些抗生素虽然暂时被固定在了沉积物中,活性相对较小,但是在外界条件的影响下,它们的吸附/解吸作用是可以改变的。因此,乌江渡沉积物中高含量的抗生素残留对水生生态环境具有潜在的威胁。 对贵阳市动物源性食品(鱼肉、猪肉和牛奶)中抗生素的残留特征的分析表明,这些食品中普遍残留有高含量的抗生素,被人食用后,其中的抗生素也会被人体摄入,一部分抗生素会随着人的排泄物而进入到污水中,并最终进入环境中;另一部分抗生素会积蓄在人体中,到一定浓度后就会对人体造成伤害。鲩鱼、鲫鱼、鲤鱼、鳙鱼和鲢鱼中CAP、OTC、TC和CTC的平均含量范围分别在57.1~365.5 µg/kg、37.0~60.7µg/kg、34.3~72.4 µg/kg和22.3~68.0 µg/kg之间。秋季的长吻鲍、团头鲂、鲈鱼、长江洄鱼、对虾、黄鳝、泥鳅和猪肉中CAP、OTC、TC和CTC的平均含量分别为88.1 µg/kg、76.8 µg/kg、343.7 µg/kg和34.2 µg/kg;牛奶中的含量分别为4.2 µg/L、1.6 µg/L和2.5 µg/L和22.0 µg/L。 5. 确定了抗生素的稳定性、吸附/解吸作用与各因素的关系,据此可以探讨环境中抗生素的行为特点及机理,并为环境中抗生素的污染防治提供依据。在短时的加热中,TCs发生了部分降解,而CAP却几乎没有发生分解,说明烹饪过程中的加热不能去除食品中的抗生素,这些抗生素则会进入到人体和污水中。当pH在2~8之间时,TCs的性质较稳定;CAP在pH=1~10的范围内性质都比较稳定。地表和地下水体的pH一般为7左右,说明了水环境中TCs受pH的影响小,而CAP几乎不受影响。在6个月的时间内,TCs在3种介质中都发生了不同程度的降解,但仍有大部分残留;CAP几乎没有发生明显的降解,这说明CAP和TCs的污染具有一定的持久性。TCs的吸附/解吸受颗粒物粒径的影响大,粒径越小,吸附越强;CAP不受影响。这证明了在环境中CAP更易以水溶态的形式存在,而TCs更易吸附在沉积物中。颗粒物中CaCO3含量越高,TC和CTC的吸附越强,证明CaCO3可以用来增强TC、CTC的吸附,这为环境中抗生素的治理提供了一条思路。


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This paper begins by defining the meaning of the term `maritime policy'. Since devolution in the UK, the opening of the new Scottish parliament in 1998 and the creation of the Scottish Executive, little effort has been made to establish a distinct maritime policy for Scotland. As was evident prior to devolution, the primary emphasis from any maritime policy perspective has continued to be a focus on lifeline island ferry services. This ignores significant developments in several other key maritime transport sectors, and this paper provides examples of areas that require some form of policy response, including intra-European short sea shipping, UK coastal shipping, urban/river transport and global container shipping. Long-standing institutional bias against maritime transport coupled with subsidy devoted almost entirely to land transport systems has resulted in a quite distorted marketplace. This suggests that a maritime policy is now imperative if maritime transport is to play a more significant role in the overall transport system. Further discussion centres on the need to consider, from a Scottish policy perspective, the role of various state-sponsored maritime service providers and how these bodies might fit better within evolving policy. The conclusion is that formulation of a maritime policy by the Scottish Executive is overdue and that a degree of restructuring of transport responsibilities within the Executive, combined with adequate resource allocation towards the maritime industry, will be necessary in order that market distortions can be overcome, so enabling Scotland to fully exploit the competitive and environmental advantages that maritime transport can provide.


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In Britain, the majority of Lower and Middle Paleolithic archaeological finds come from river terrace deposits. The impressive “staircase” terrace sequences of southeast England, and research facilitated by aggregate extraction have provided a considerable body of knowledge about the terrace chronology and associated archaeology in that area. Such research has been essential in considering rates of uplift, climatic cycles, archaeological chronologies, and the landscapes in which hominins lived. It has also promoted the view that southeast England was a major hominin route into Britain. By contrast, the terrace deposits of the southwest have been little studied. The Palaeolithic Rivers of South West Britain (PRoSWEB) project employed a range of geoarchaeological methodologies to address similar questions at different scales, focusing on the rivers Exe, Axe, Otter, and the paleo-Doniford, all of which were located south of the maximum Pleistocene glacial limit (marine oxygen isotope stage [MIS] 4–2). Preliminary analysis of the fieldwork results suggests that although the evolution of these catchments is complex, most conform to a standard staircase-type model, with the exception of the Axe, and, to a lesser extent, the paleo-Doniford, which are anomalous. Although the terrace deposits are less extensive than in southeast Britain, differentiation between terraces does exist, and new dates show that some of these terraces are of great antiquity (MIS 10+). The project also reexamined the distribution of artifacts in the region and confirms the distributional bias to the river valleys, and particularly the rivers draining southward to the paleo–Channel River system. This distribution is consistent with a model of periodic occupation of the British peninsula along and up the major river valleys from the paleo–Channel River corridor. These data have a direct impact on our understanding of the paleolandscapes of the southwest region, and therefore our interpretations of the Paleolithic occupation of the edge of the continental landmass.


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Contemporary studies have shown that the evolution of the heritage concepts is accompanied by an affirmation of the importance of social participation in recognizing heritage values and in managing cultural assets. We used the Brazilian context to emphasize the challenges for democratizing this process. This problematic is discussed based on the cases of Cidade Altaand Ribeira, neighborhoods that date from the formation of Natal-RNand have cultural assets recognized by levels of government. The study builds elements to answer the research question: what meanings and representations does the culturalheritage in the case study have for its users? The research method analyzes the representations and the meanings of the neighborhoods, firstly is based on historiographical studies, memories records of the city and on the process of heritage management. Secondly, it isbased on the field research, it is structured in environmental perception studies (areas of Environmental Psychology, Architecture and Urbanism) and has been applied with users with different bonds with the studied environment (residents, workers and visitors). The data were obtained with the multi-method which included direct observation, questionnaire survey and mentalmaps (that replicate Kevin Lynch). The analysis of result verified the research hypothesis, emphasizing aspects of the relationship between users and cultural heritage relevant to strengthening collective memory, local identity, contributing to heritage management. Among the results, the socio-environmental image obtained which emphasized a "cultural axis" linkingboth studied neighborhoods and confirms the influences of elements rein the memories records of the city and in the area s management. Identified aspects to strengthen the relationship between the users and cultural assets, such as the presence of placeswith affective ties to certain groups, as well as the need to fight off negative images (of degradation and insecurity) associated to the site and also expand the participation of the population, including residents, in policies and cultural activities. After all, recognition of value and the involvement of societycultural assets have the potential of contribute to integrate city development with heritage conservation


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Questions: Do Mediterranean riparian guilds show distinct responses to stream water declines? If observed,which are the most sensitive and resilient guilds and theirmost affected attributes? Location: Tie¿tar river below the Rosarito dam, central-western Spain. Methods: We identified riparian guilds based on key woody species features and species distribution within this Mediterranean river corridor, and evaluated similarity of their responses to long-term flow alteration (i.e. stream water declines since dam construction in 1959). Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to group surveyed vegetation bands according to species composition. The groups were designated as riparian guilds where each vegetation group comprising a guild: (1) contains species sharing similar features (using PCA); and (2) shares a similar environment (using DCA). Changes in several guild attributes (i.e. dominance and species composition, diversity and establishment patterns) during the regulated period were compared statistically. We used pre- and post-dam established vegetation bands identified based on old (1956) and modern (2006) aerial photographs and field measurements of woody species diameter. Results: Responses to flow alterations varied between guilds according to ecological requirements of their species. The ability to survive water stress (i.e. ?Xeric? guilds) and drag forces caused by floods (?Torrential? guilds) allowed certain pioneer shrub-dominated guilds (e.g. Flueggea tinctoria and Salix salviifolia) to spread on newly emerged surfaces downward to the main channel after flow alterations, although new shrubland had less species diversity than pre-dam shrubland. In contrast, new hydromorphological conditions following damming limited recruitment of native late-successional tree guilds sensitive to floods (to drag forces, inundation and anoxia; i.e. ?Slow-water? and ?Flood-sensitive?, respectively) and those with greater water requirements (i.e. ?Hydric?) (e.g. Alnus glutinosa and Celtis australis), although species diversity increased in this mature forest through co-existence of remaining riparian species and new arrival of upland species. Conclusions: Changes in several riparian attributes after flow alterations differed between guilds. Stream water declines after damming caused shifts in species-poor pioneer shrubland downwards to the watered channel, resulting in severe declines ofmaturenative forest.Understanding vegetation guild responses provides information about general trends in plant populations and assemblage structures expected to occur during river development and flow regulation, increasing our capacity to detect and synthesize complex flowalteration?riparian ecosystem response relationships, and anticipate irreversible impacts.


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The underground cellars that appear in different parts of Spain are part of an agricultural landscape dispersed, sometimes damaged, others at risk of disappearing. This paper studies the measurement and display of a group of wineries located in Atauta (Soria), in the Duero River corridor. It is a unique architectural complex, facing rising, built on a smooth hillock as shown in Fig. 1. These constructions are excavated in the ground. The access to the cave or underground cellar has a shape of a narrow tube or down gallery. Immediately after, this space gets wider. There, wine is produced and stored [1]. Observation and detection of the underground cellar, both on the outside and underground, it is essential to make an inventory of the rural patrimony [2]. The geodetection is a noninvasive technique, adequate to accurately locate buried structures in the ground. Works undertaken include topographic work with the LIDAR techniques and integration with data obtained by GNSS and GPR.


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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo ampliar, mediante la caracterización espectral y multitemporal por técnicas de teledetección y medidas in situ, el estudio del corredor fluvial para el río Tinguiririca en Chile. Consiste en estudiar la cobertura del terreno, evaluar su dinámica de cambio e identificar zonas de acumulación de materiales de alteración hidrotermal arcillosos y óxidos de hierro, presentes en la cuenca durante las últimas tres décadas que puedan explicar su evolución temporal. Se pretenden obtener nuevas variables geoespaciales que ayuden a comprender las posibles causas de variación del cauce, elaborando cartografía para una posterior fase de investigación mediante modelización hidráulica que vaya dirigida a paliar el impacto de las riadas periódicas. Para ello, se han empleado, tratado y explotado imágenes de los sensores remotos TM, ETM+, OLI y TIRS tomadas en un período comprendido entre 1993 y 2014, que se han contrastado con perfiles batimétricos, datos GPS, supervisión y muestreo tomados sobre el terreno. Se ha realizado así mismo, un estudio prospectivo de caso sobre cómo afectarían las variables obtenidas por teledetección a la modelización hidráulica, en particular, la rugosidad, proponiendo un marco metodológico global de integración de las tres técnicas: sistemas de información geográfica, teledetección y modelización hidráulica. ABSTRACT This project aims to develop the study of Tinguiririca River corridor in Chile, through spectral characterization and multitemporal remote sensing and other measurements. This involves studying the land cover, its dynamic changes and identifies clayey materials and iron oxides accumulations of hydrothermal alteration, present in the basin during the last three decades to explain their evolution. It aims to obtain new geospatial variables in order to understand the possible causes of channel variation, developing mapping to a later research stage using hydraulic modeling so as to mitigate the impact of periodic floods. In this way, it has used processed and exploited images of TM, ETM +, OLI and TIRS remote sensing, taken in a period between 1993 and 2014 which it has been compared with bathymetric profiles, GPS, monitoring and sampling data collected in the field . It has done a prospective study about the variables obtained condition on hydraulic modeling, roughness in particular, proposing IX a complete methodological framework about the integration of the three techniques: geographic information systems, remote sensing and modeling hydraulics


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The underground cellars that appear in different parts of Spain are part of an agricultural landscape dispersed, sometimes damaged, others at risk of disappearing. This paper studies the measurement and display of a group of wineries located in Atauta (Soria), in the Duero River corridor.


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No Brasil, ações institucionais de preservação de bens imóveis tem foco principal na arquitetura erudita, colocando em segundo plano de importância a arquitetura produzida por indivíduos com formação escassa e empírica. Este trabalho contribui para o reconhecimento da arquitetura popular (vernácula) como patrimônio cultural. Trabalha-se na criação de acervo fotográfico de edificações e equipamentos urbanos produzidos durante o período colonial, nos municípios de Tiradentes, Mariana, Ouro Preto e Diamantina (Minas Gerais). São realizadas visitas in loco para reconhecimento e seleção de objetos a serem fotografados. O registro fotográfico é realizado com câmera digital reflex de objetiva simples, privilegiando-se objetos cuja deterioração permite a observação de materiais e técnicas construtivas. Como resultado parcial da pesquisa, foram produzidas 4.522 imagens, documentando o abandono de edificações residenciais e chafarizes setecentistas e oitocentistas, bem como a descaracterização de exemplares de edificações coloniais populares habitadas, cujas paredes de adobe e pau-a-pique são substituídas por alvenaria de tijolos pelos moradores. Tornam-se necessárias ações para o reconhecimento – no âmbito do Poder Público e das comunidades locais – da relevância histórica da arquitetura popular, entendida como produto articulado e coerente de contribuições das culturas distintas que formaram essa região do Brasil.


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It has long been known that extreme changes in North African hydroclimate occurred during the late Pleistocene yet many discrepancies exist between sites regarding the timing, duration and abruptness of events such as Heinrich Stadial (HS) 1 and the African Humid Period (AHP). The hydroclimate history of the Nile River is of particular interest due to its lengthy human occupation history yet there are presently few continuous archives from the Nile River corridor, and pre-Holocene studies are rare. Here we present new organic and inorganic geochemical records of Nile Basin hydroclimate from an eastern Mediterranean (EM) Sea sediment core spanning the past 28 ka BP. Our multi-proxy records reflect the fluctuating inputs of Blue Nile versus White Nile material to the EM Sea in response to gradual changes in local insolation and also capture abrupt hydroclimate events driven by remote climate forcings, such as HS1. We find strong evidence for extreme aridity within the Nile Basin evolving in two distinct phases during HS1, from 17.5 to 16 ka BP and from 16 to 14.5 ka BP, whereas peak wet conditions during the AHP are observed from 9 to 7 ka BP. We find that zonal movements of the Congo Air Boundary (CAB), and associated shifts in the dominant moisture source (Atlantic versus Indian Ocean moisture) to the Nile Basin, likely contributed to abrupt hydroclimate variability in northern East Africa during HS1 and the AHP as well as to non-linear behavior of hydroclimate proxies. We note that different proxies show variable gradual and abrupt responses to individual hydroclimate events, and thus might have different inherent sensitivities, which may be a factor contributing to the controversy surrounding the abruptness of past events such as the AHP. During the Late Pleistocene the Nile Basin experienced extreme hydroclimate fluctuations, which presumably impacted Paleolithic cultures residing along the Nile corridor.