996 resultados para Helping behaviour


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Previous research has examined young children’s ability to detect who would be most likely to provide help to others in a given situation, but little is known about their ability to intervene based on this knowledge in a real-life setting. In the current study, 48 three-year-old children chose between two actors to retrieve an out-of-reach object for the Experimenter; one actor was physically incapable of providing the object (blocked by a tall barrier), and one was capable. Participants’ looking behaviour between the two actors during the study was also recorded and analyzed as an additional, nonverbal measure of their prediction about who would help. Approximately half of the participants in the sample actively intervened on behalf of the Experimenter, but only after a direct request for help was made. Though the other participants did not engage in this helping behaviour, they chose the unblocked actor to help the Experimenter in a subsequent interview. Children also spent more time looking at the unblocked actor. Secondary analyses indicated that shyness prevented many children in the study from asking for help on behalf of the Experimenter from one of the actors. Finally, an unexpected side bias for looking behaviour toward the actors was found that has implications for how the study design could be improved for future research.


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This article takes issue with those who assume that the responsibility for bad outcomes in social work, such as child deaths, is appropriately laid at the feet of individual workers. It examines the philosophical origins of such arguments, some recent applications within social work literature and their appropriateness to the realities of social work practice. The author argues that a morality of social work must recognize the social and organizational context in which it occurs.


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This thesis examines consumer initiated value co-creation behaviour in the context of convergent mobile online services using a Service-Dominant logic (SD logic) theoretical framework. It focuses on non-reciprocal marketing phenomena such as open innovation and user generated content whereby new viable business models are derived and consumer roles and community become essential to the success of business. Attention to customers. roles and personalised experiences in value co-creation has been recognised in the literature (e.g., Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2000; Prahalad, 2004; Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004). Similarly, in a subsequent iteration of their 2004 version of the foundations of SD logic, Vargo and Lusch (2006) replaced the concept of value co-production with value co-creation and suggested that a value co-creation mindset is essential to underpin the firm-customer value creation relationship. Much of this focus, however, has been limited to firm initiated value co-creation (e.g., B2B or B2C), while consumer initiated value creation, particularly consumer-to-consumer (C2C) has received little attention in the SD logic literature. While it is recognised that not every consumer wishes to make the effort to engage extensively in co-creation processes (MacDonald & Uncles, 2009), some consumers may not be satisfied with a standard product, instead they engage in the effort required for personalisation that potentially leads to greater value for themselves, and which may benefit not only the firm, but other consumers as well. Literature suggests that there are consumers who do, and as a result initiate such behaviour and expend effort to engage in co-creation activity (e.g., Gruen, Osmonbekov and Czaplewski, 2006; 2007 MacDonald & Uncles, 2009). In terms of consumers. engagement in value proposition (co-production) and value actualisation (co-creation), SD logic (Vargo & Lusch, 2004, 2008) provides a new lens that enables marketing scholars to transcend existing marketing theory and facilitates marketing practitioners to initiate service centric and value co-creation oriented marketing practices. Although the active role of the consumer is acknowledged in the SD logic oriented literature, we know little about how and why consumers participate in a value co-creation process (Payne, Storbacka, & Frow, 2008). Literature suggests that researchers should focus on areas such as C2C interaction (Gummesson 2007; Nicholls 2010) and consumer experience sharing and co-creation (Belk 2009; Prahalad & Ramaswamy 2004). In particular, this thesis seeks to better understand consumer initiated value co-creation, which is aligned with the notion that consumers can be resource integrators (Baron & Harris, 2008) and more. The reason for this focus is that consumers today are more empowered in both online and offline contexts (Füller, Mühlbacher, Matzler, & Jawecki, 2009; Sweeney, 2007). Active consumers take initiatives to engage and co-create solutions with other active actors in the market for their betterment of life (Ballantyne & Varey, 2006; Grönroos & Ravald, 2009). In terms of the organisation of the thesis, this thesis first takes a „zoom-out. (Vargo & Lusch, 2011) approach and develops the Experience Co-Creation (ECo) framework that is aligned with balanced centricity (Gummesson, 2008) and Actor-to-Actor worldview (Vargo & Lusch, 2011). This ECo framework is based on an extended „SD logic friendly lexicon. (Lusch & Vargo, 2006): value initiation and value initiator, value-in-experience, betterment centricity and betterment outcomes, and experience co-creation contexts derived from five gaps identified from the SD logic literature review. The framework is also designed to accommodate broader marketing phenomena (i.e., both reciprocal and non-reciprocal marketing phenomena). After zooming out and establishing the ECo framework, the thesis takes a zoom-in approach and places attention back on the value co-creation process. Owing to the scope of the current research, this thesis focuses specifically on non-reciprocal value co-creation phenomena initiated by consumers in online communities. Two emergent concepts: User Experience Sharing (UES) and Co-Creative Consumers are proposed grounded in the ECo framework. Together, these two theorised concepts shed light on the following two propositions: (1) User Experience Sharing derives value-in-experience as consumers make initiative efforts to participate in value co-creation, and (2) Co-Creative Consumers are value initiators who perform UES. Three research questions were identified underpinning the scope of this research: RQ1: What factors influence consumers to exhibit User Experience Sharing behaviour? RQ2: Why do Co-Creative Consumers participate in User Experience Sharing as part of value co-creation behaviour? RQ3: What are the characteristics of Co-Creative Consumers? To answer these research questions, two theoretical models were developed: the User Experience Sharing Behaviour Model (UESBM) grounded in the Theory of Planned Behaviour framework, and the Co-Creative Consumer Motivation Model (CCMM) grounded in the Motivation, Opportunity, Ability framework. The models use SD logic consistent constructs and draw upon multiple streams of literature including consumer education, consumer psychology and consumer behaviour, and organisational psychology and organisational behaviour. These constructs include User Experience Sharing with Other Consumers (UESC), User Experience Sharing with Firms (UESF), Enjoyment in Helping Others (EIHO), Consumer Empowerment (EMP), Consumer Competence (COMP), and Intention to Engage in User Experience Sharing (INT), Attitudes toward User Experience Sharing (ATT) and Subjective Norm (SN) in the UESBM, and User Experience Sharing (UES), Consumer Citizenship (CIT), Relating Needs of Self (RELS) and Relating Needs of Others (RELO), Newness (NEW), Mavenism (MAV), Use Innovativeness (UI), Personal Initiative (PIN) and Communality (COMU) in the CCMM. Many of these constructs are relatively new to marketing and require further empirical evidence for support. Two studies were conducted to underpin the corresponding research questions. Study One was conducted to calibrate and re-specify the proposed models. Study Two was a replica study to confirm the proposed models. In Study One, data were collected from a PC DIY online community. In Study Two, a majority of data were collected from Apple product online communities. The data were examined using structural equation modelling and cluster analysis. Considering the nature of the forums, the Study One data is considered to reflect some characteristics of Prosumers and the Study Two data is considered to reflect some characteristics of Innovators. The results drawn from two independent samples (N = 326 and N = 294) provide empirical support for the overall structure theorised in the research models. The results in both models show that Enjoyment in Helping Others and Consumer Competence in the UESBM, and Consumer Citizenship and Relating Needs in CCMM have significant impacts on UES. The consistent results appeared in both Study One and Study Two. The results also support the conceptualisation of Co-Creative Consumers and indicate Co-Creative Consumers are individuals who are able to relate the needs of themselves and others and feel a responsibility to share their valuable personal experiences. In general, the results shed light on "How and why consumers voluntarily participate in the value co-creation process?. The findings provide evidence to conceptualise User Experience Sharing behaviour as well as the Co-Creative Consumer using the lens of SD logic. This research is a pioneering study that incorporates and empirically tests SD logic consistent constructs to examine a particular area of the logic – that is consumer initiated value co-creation behaviour. This thesis also informs practitioners about how to facilitate and understand factors that engage with either firm or consumer initiated online communities.


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This paper examines the role of first aid training in increasing adolescent helping behaviours when taught in a school-based injury prevention program, Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY). The research involved the development and application of an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), including “behavioural willingness in a fight situation,” “first aid knowledge” and “perceptions of injury seriousness”, to predict the relationship between participation in SPIY and helping behaviours when a friend is injured in a fight. From 35 Queensland high schools, 2500 Year 9 students (mean age = 13.5, 40% male) completed surveys measuring their attitudes, perceived behavioural control, subjective norms and behavioural intention, from the TPB, and added measures of behavioural willingness in a fight situation, perceptions of injury seriousness and first aid knowledge, to predict helping behaviours when a friend is injured in a fight. It is expected that the TPB will significantly contribute to understanding the relationship between participation in SPIY and helping behaviours when a friend is injured in a fight. Further analyses will determine whether the extension of the model significantly increases the variance explained in helping behaviours. The findings of this research will provide insight into the critical factors that may increase adolescent bystanders’ actions in injury situations.


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This report describes the Year Two/Campaign Two processes, and articulates findings from the major project components designed to address the challenges noted above (see Figure 1). Three major components comprise the Safe and Well Online project: 1) A participatory design (PD) process involving young people and sector partners (UWS) for; 2) campaign development (Zuni & Digital Arts Network); and 3) a cohort study (University of South Australia) to evaluate campaign effectiveness and attitude and behaviour change. Each sub-study comprehensively considered the ethical requirements of conducting online research with minors. The theoretical and methodological framework for measuring campaign engagement and efficacy (Sub-studies 3, 4 and 5) drew on the Model of Goal Directed Behaviour (MGB) (Perugini & Bagozzi 2001) and Nudge Theory (Thaler & Sunstein, 2008). This report extends the findings and conclusions of the Year One Pilot Study ‘‘Keep it Tame’’ (Spears et.al, 2015), and details the development and evaluation of the second of four Safe and Well Online Campaigns—‘‘Appreciate A Mate’: Helping others feel good about themselves’.


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The shooting of a social worker by a client on the Gold Coast in 1991 graphically illustrated the issue of physical assaults and violence by service users against social workers. In this article we look at the incidence of physical assault, threats of violence, abuse of agency property and verbal abuse to social and other welfare workers by clients, using data from a survey in Melbourne. We then look at probable causes of menacing behaviour, such as issues involved in work with involuntary clients' and we discuss options for preventing and coping with violence and abuse in the welfare work place.


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Background: The onset of many chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented by changes in diet, physical activity and obesity. Known predictors of successful behaviour change include psychosocial factors such as selfefficacy, action and coping planning, and social support. However, gender and socioeconomic differences in these psychosocial mechanisms underlying health behaviour change have not been examined, despite well-documented sociodemographic differences in lifestyle-related mortality and morbidity. Additionally, although stable personality traits (such as dispositional optimism or pessimism and gender-role orientation: agency and communion) are related to health and health behaviour, to date they have rarely been studied in the context of health behaviour interventions. These personality traits might contribute to health behaviour change independently of the more modifiable domain-specific psychosocial factors, or indirectly through them, or moderated by them. The aims were to examine in an intervention setting: (1) whether changes (during the three-month intervention) in psychological determinants (self-efficacy beliefs, action planning and coping planning) predict changes in exercise and diet behaviours over three months and 12 months, (2) the universality assumption of behaviour change theories, i.e. whether preintervention levels and changes in psychosocial determinants are similar among genders and socioeconomic groups, and whether they predict changes in behaviour in a similar way in these groups, (3) whether the personality traits optimism, pessimism, agency and communion predict changes in abdominal obesity, and the nature of their interplay with modifiable and domain-specific psychosocial factors (self-efficacy and social support). Methods: Finnish men and women (N = 385) aged 50 65 years who were at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes were recruited from health care centres to participate in the GOod Ageing in Lahti Region (GOAL) Lifestyle Implementation Trial. The programme aimed to improve participants lifestyle (physical activity, eating) and decrease their overweight. The measurements of self-efficacy, planning, social support and dispositional optimism/pessimism were conducted pre-intervention at baseline (T1) and after the intensive phase of the intervention at three months (T2), and the measurements of exercise at T1, T2 and 12 months (T3) and healthy eating at T1 and T3. Waist circumference, an indicator of abdominal obesity, was measured at T1 and at oneyear (T3) and three-year (T4) follow-ups. Agency and communion were measured at T4 with the Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ). Results: (1) Increases in self-efficacy and planning were associated with three-month increases in exercise (Study I). Moreover, both the post-intervention level and three-month increases (during the intervention) in self-efficacy in dealing with barriers predicted the 12-month increase in exercise, and a high postintervention level of coping plans predicted the 12-month decrease in dietary fat (Study II). One- and three-year waist circumference reductions were predicted by the initial three-month increase in self-efficacy (Studies III, IV). (2) Post-intervention at three months, women had formed more action plans for changing their exercise routines and received less social support for behaviour change than men had. The effects of adoption self-efficacy were similar but change in planning played a less significant role among men (Study I). Examining the effects of socioeconomic status (SES), psychosocial determinants at baseline and their changes during the intervention yielded largely similar results. Exercise barriers self-efficacy was enhanced slightly less among those with low SES. Psychosocial determinants predicted behaviour similarly across all SES groups (Study II). (3) Dispositional optimism and pessimism were unrelated to waist circumference change, directly or indirectly, and they did not influence changes in self-efficacy (Study III). Agency predicted 12-month waist circumference reduction among women. High communion coupled with high social support was associated with waist circumference reduction. However, the only significant predictor of three-year waist circumference reduction was an increase in health-related self-efficacy during the intervention (Study IV). Conclusions: Interventions should focus on improving participants self-efficacy early on in the intervention as well as prompting action and coping planning for health behaviour change. Such changes are likely to be similarly effective among intervention participants regardless of gender and educational level. Agentic orientation may operate via helping women to be less affected by the demands of the self-sacrificing female role and enabling them to assertively focus on their own goals. The earlier mixed results regarding the role of social support in behaviour change may be in part explained by personality traits such as communion.


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Objective To determine the current level of knowledge and understanding of CHD in the general public in Northern Ireland and to identify factors that are associated with higher knowledge levels. Setting Six provincial centres in Northern Ireland. Methods The data in the present study were collected using an interview administered questionnaire. 1,000 members of the general public were interviewed face-to-face. CHD knowledge was computed as a continuous variable, i.e. higher score represents better CHD knowledge. Main outcome measure CHD knowledge in the general public in Northern Ireland. Results Study respondents displayed limited knowledge and understanding of CHD. Study respondents who achieved higher CHD knowledge scores were more likely to report: exercising for 30 min three times or more per week, paying attention to their diet, being overweight, having a family history of CHD, living in a higher socioeconomic area (according to postcode) and having attended tertiary education. Respondents in the present study while recognising the role that community pharmacists had to play in helping patients manage their prescribed medicines, did not recognise the community pharmacists' role in other aspects of CHD detection or management. Conclusion The deficit in CHD knowledge could translate into inadequate preventative behaviour patterns and suboptimal clinical outcomes. If community pharmacists wish to become increasingly involved in public health delivery relating to CHD they need to develop effective and accessible services and promote these to the public who at present do not recognise this role of the community pharmacist.


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Neste trabalho foram produzidos nanocompósitos de AlSiC misturando alumínio puro com nano partículas de SiC com diâmetro de 45 – 55 nm, usando, de forma sequencial, a técnica da metalurgia do pó e a compactação por “ Spark Plasma Sintering”. O compósito obtido apresentava grãos com 100 nm de diâmetro, encontrandose as partículas de SiC localizadas, principalmente, nas fronteiras de grão. O nanocompósito sob a forma de provetes cilíndricos foi submetido a testes de compressão uniaxial e a testes de nanoindentação para analisar a influência das nanopartículas de SiC, da fração volúmica de ácido esteárico e do tempo de moagem, nas propriedades mecânicas do material. Para efeitos de comparação, utilizouse o comportamento mecânico do Al puro processado em condições similares e da liga de alumínio AA1050O. A tensão limite de elasticidade do nanocompósito com 1% Vol./Vol. de SiC é dez vezes superior à do AA1050. O refinamento de grão à escala nano constitui o principal mecanismo de aumento de resistência mecânica. Na realidade, o Al nanocristalino sem reforço de partículas de SiC, apresenta uma tensão limite de elasticidade sete vezes superior à da liga AA1050O. A adição de 0,5 % Vol./Vol. e de 1 % Vol./Vol. de SiC conduzem, respetivamente, ao aumento da tensão limite de elasticidade em 47 % e 50%. O aumento do tempo de moagem e a adição de ácido esteárico ao pó durante a moagem conduzem apenas a um pequeno aumento da tensão de escoamento. A dureza do material medida através de testes de nanoindentação confirmaram os dados anteriores. A estabilidade das microestruturas do alumínio puro e do nanocompósito AlSiC, foi testada através de recozimento de restauração realizado às temperaturas de 150 °C e 250 °C durante 2 horas. Aparentemente, o tratamento térmico não influenciou as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais, excepto do nanocompósito com 1 % Vol./Vol. de SiC restaurado à temperatura de 250 °C, para o qual se observou uma redução da tensão limite de elasticidade na ordem dos 13 %. No alumínio nanocristalino, a tensão de escoamento é controlada pelo efeito de HallPetch. As partículas de SiC, são segregadas pelas fronteiras do grão e não contribuem para o aumento de resistência mecânica segundo o mecanismo de Orowan. Alternativamente, as nanopartículas de SiC constituem um reforço das fronteiras do grão, impedindo o seu escorregamento e estabilizando a nanoestrutura. Deste modo, as propriedades mecânicas do alumínio nanocristalino e do nanocompósito de AlSiC poderão estar relacionadas com a facilidade ou dificuldade do escorregamento das fronteiras de grão, embora não seja apresentada prova explícita deste mecanismo à temperatura ambiente.


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The eradication of BVD in the UK is technically possible but appears to be socially untenable. The following study explored farmer attitudes to BVD control schemes in relation to advice networks and information sharing, shared aims and goals, motivation and benefits of membership, notions of BVD as a priority disease and attitudes toward regulation. Two concepts from the organisational management literature framed the study: citizenship behaviour where actions of individuals support the collective good (but are not explicitly recognised as such) and peer to peer monitoring (where individuals evaluate other’s behaviour). Farmers from two BVD control schemes in the UK participated in the study: Orkney Livestock Association BVD Eradication Scheme and Norfolk and Suffolk Cattle Breeders Association BVD Eradication Scheme. In total 162 farmers participated in the research (109 in-scheme and 53 out of scheme). The findings revealed that group helping and information sharing among scheme members was low with a positive BVD status subject to social censure. Peer monitoring in the form of gossip with regard to the animal health status of other farms was high. Interestingly, farmers across both schemes supported greater regulation with regard to animal health, largely due to the mistrust of fellow farmers following voluntary disease control measures. While group cohesiveness varied across the two schemes, without continued financial inducements, longer-term sustainability is questionable


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Clouicomputing is an emerging service technology that has ethical and entrepreneurial implications. Due to technological innovations increasing the attention placed on cloud computing services, more people are focusing on the security and privacy issues determined by ethical guidelines and how the technology is evolving as an entrepreneurial service innov.ation. This paper presents a theoretical perspective on how a person adopts cloud computing. The literature on technology innovation and adoption behaviour is examined with a focus on social cognitive theory. A theoretical framework is then presented, which indicates a number of propositions to describe the intention of a person to adopt cloud computing services. The role of technology marketing capability, sustained learning and outcome expectancy are included in helping to understand the role of cloud computing applications. Suggestions for future research and practical implications are stated.


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Background: One of the biggest challenges that primary care practitioners face is helping people change longstanding behaviours that pose significant health risks.

Objective: To explore current understanding regarding how and why people change, and the potential role of motivational interviewing in facilitating behaviour change in the general practice setting.

Research into health related behaviour change highlights the importance of motivation, ambivalence and resistance. Motivational interviewing is a counselling method that involves enhancing a patient's motivation to change by means of four guiding principles, represented by the acronym RULE: Resist the righting reflex; Understand the patient's own motivations; Listen with empathy; and Empower the patient. Recent meta-analyses show that motivational interviewing is effective for decreasing alcohol and drug use in adults and adolescents and evidence is accumulating in others areas of health including smoking cessation, reducing sexual risk behaviours, improving adherence to treatment and medication and diabetes management.


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The Collaborative Care Skills Training workshops, developed by Treasure and associates aim to improve the well-being, coping strategies and problem-solving skills of carers of someone with an eating disorder. Evidence has demonstrated the effectiveness of the workshops in the UK where it was developed. The aim of this pilot study was to examine whether conducting the workshops in different contexts by facilitators trained in its delivery could lead to similar impact.

The workshops were conducted with 15 carers in VIC, Australia and delivered by experienced health professionals trained in its content and delivery. A non-experimental research design with repeated measures was implemented. Quantitative data were collected at pre-and post-intervention and 8 weeks after completion of the workshops.

Participation led to significant reductions in carers’ reported expressed emotion, dysfunctional coping, distress, burden and accommodation and enabling of the eating disorder behaviour, which were maintained at the 8-week follow-up.

Results suggest the workshops are effective in reducing carer distress and burden as well as modifying unhelpful emotional interactional styles when caring for family members with an eating disorder. The content of the workshops and its delivery, once experienced facilitators have received training, are transferable to other contexts.


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There is strong evidence for social evolutionary motivations for helping (e.g., reciprocal altruism) and also growing support for the influence of the social cognitive theory of moral cleansing on prosociality. Where the former motivation is interpersonal, the latter is intrapersonal. This experimental study hypothesized that, in addition to main effects of evolutionary altruism and moral cleansing on helping intention, an interaction would occur between these theoretical motivations. Using three situational helping scenarios as dependent measures, the effect of participants’ morally-valenced recalled behavior (moral/immoral/achievement/failure) and the effect of their social proximity to a helping target (cousin/colleague/stranger) on helping intention was determined. Overall, 616 Australian participants (90.1% female) completed the online experiment. Two-way ANOVA demonstrated a consistent main effect of social proximity on helping intention across all three helping scenarios, supporting evolutionary social psychological explanations for helping. However, instead of moral self-regulation effects, moral identity consistency effects were induced by the moral behavior recall manipulation. A main effect of behaviour recall on helping intention occurred, with moral recall increasing helping intention. The problem of theoretical ambiguity regarding moral identity consistency and moral self-regulation is discussed, as is the useful role of null result publications in informing effective experimental design.


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Although healthy food choices are important in the management of diabetes, making dietary adaptations is often challenging. Previous research has shown that people with type 2 diabetes are less likely to benefit from dietary advice if they tend to eat in response to emotions or external cues. Since high levels of dispositional mindfulness have been associated with greater awareness of healthy dietary practices in students and in the general population, it is relevant to study the association between dispositional mindfulness and eating behaviour in people with type 1 or 2 diabetes. We analysed data from Diabetes MILES - The Netherlands, a national observational survey in which 634 adults with type 1 or 2 diabetes completed the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (to assess restrained, external and emotional eating behaviour) and the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire-Short Form (to assess dispositional mindfulness), in addition to other psychosocial measures. After controlling for potential confounders, including demographics, clinical variables and emotional distress, hierarchical linear regression analyses showed that higher levels of dispositional mindfulness were associated with eating behaviours that were more restrained (β = 0.10) and less external (β = -0.11) and emotional (β = -0.20). The mindfulness subscale 'acting with awareness' was the strongest predictor of both external and emotional eating behaviour, whereas for emotional eating, 'describing' and 'being non-judgemental' were also predictive. These findings suggest that there is an association between dispositional mindfulness and eating behaviour in adults with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Since mindfulness interventions increase levels of dispositional mindfulness, future studies could examine if these interventions are also effective in helping people with diabetes to reduce emotional or external eating behaviour, and to improve the quality of their diet.