934 resultados para Helpful elements


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Epiphytic bromeliads have been used as biomonitors of air pollution since they have specialized structures in leaves for absorbing humidity and nutrients available in the atmosphere. Leaves of five bromeliad species were collected in the conservation unit Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and analyzed by INAA. Vriesea carinata was the species showing most accumulation, with the highest mass fractions of K, Na, Rb and Zn. Similar results were previously found for the same species collected in the dense ombrophilous forest. Chemical composition of bromeliads provided an indication of the atmosphere status in the conservation unit.


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Environmental quality assessment studies have been conducted with tree species largely distributed in the Atlantic Forest. Leaf and soil samples were collected in the conservation unit Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM) nearby the industrial complex of Cubatao, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and analyzed for chemical elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Results were compared to background values obtained in the Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB). The higher As, Fe, Hg and Zn mass fractions in the tree leaves of PESM indicated anthropogenic influence on this conservation unit.


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The accumulation of chemical elements in biological compartments is one of the strategies of tropical species to adapt to a low-nutrient soil. This study focuses on the Atlantic Forest because of its eco-environmental importance as a natural reservoir of chemical elements. About 20 elements were determined by INAA in leaf, soil, litter and epiphyte compartments. There was no seasonality for chemical element concentrations in leaves, which probably indicated the maintainance of chemical elements in this compartment. Considering the estimated quantities, past deforestation events could have released large amounts of chemical elements to the environment.


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Quality control of toys for avoiding children exposure to potentially toxic elements is of utmost relevance and it is a common requirement in national and/or international norms for health and safety reasons. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was recently evaluated at authors` laboratory for direct analysis of plastic toys and one of the main difficulties for the determination of Cd. Cr and Pb was the variety of mixtures and types of polymers. As most norms rely on migration (lixiviation) protocols, chemometric classification models from LIBS spectra were tested for sampling toys that present potential risk of Cd, Cr and Pb contamination. The classification models were generated from the emission spectra of 51 polymeric toys and by using Partial Least Squares - Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The classification models and validations were carried out with 40 and 11 test samples, respectively. Best results were obtained when KNN was used, with corrected predictions varying from 95% for Cd to 100% for Cr and Pb. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many different species of Bromeliaceae are endangered and their conservation requires specific knowledge of their growth habits and propagation. In vitro culture of bromeliads is an important method for efficient clonal propagation and ill vitro seed g,germination can be used to maintain genetic variability. The present work aims to evaluate the in vitro growth and nutrient concentration in leaves of the epiphyte bromeliads Vriesea friburguensis Mez, Vriesea hieroglyphica (Carriere) E. Morren, and Vriesea unilateralis Mez, which exhibit slow rates of growth in vivo and in vitro. Initially, we compared the endogenous mineral composition of bromeliad plantlets grown in half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium and the mineral composition considered adequate in the literature. This approach suggested that calcium (Ca) is a critical nutrient and this was considered for new media formulation. Three new culture media were defined in which the main changes to half-strength MS medium were an increase in Ca, magnesium, sulfur, copper, and chloride and a decrease in iron, maintaining the nitrate: ammonium rate at approximate to 2:1. The main difference among the three new media formulated was Ca concentration, which varied from 1.5 mm in half-strength MS to 3.0, 6.0, and 12 mm in M2, M3, and M4 media, respectively. Consistently, all three species exhibited significantly higher fresh and dry weight on M4, the newly defined medium with the highest level of Ca (12 mm). Leaf nitrogen, potassium, zinc, magnesium and boron concentrations increased as Ca concentration in the medium increased from 1.5 to 12 mm.


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Throughout the year of 2004, 54 samples (I L each) were collected from commercial sources in the Vale do Paraiba region (eastern portion of Sao Paulo State, Brazil). The concentrations of (Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Se, Zn, Cd and Pb) in these samples were analyzed by two atomic-absorption spectroscopy (AAS) methods. Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg and Zn were determined by flame atomic-absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) and (Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb and Se) were determined by electrothermal atomic-absorption spectroscopy (ETAAS). Tests to determine and quantify essential, nonessential and toxic elements present in bovine milk are rare in Brazil, especially so for Vale do Paraiba region. Tests were performed on standard NIST-certified milk-powder to validate the reliability of subsequently collected analytical data. Ca presented a lower recovery value (85.3%). The finding for Ca macro-nutrient was found to be below recommended international standards (1300 mg/L) for all samples possibly due to milk heterogeneity and losses in the pasteurization process. Significant results for Pb were found in all milk samples with average values at 0.230 mg/L from a minimum of 0.062 mg/L and maximum of 0.476 mg/L (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A procedure is proposed to accurately model thin wires in lossy media by finite element analysis. It is based on the determination of a suitable element width in the vicinity of the wire, which strongly depends on the wire radius to yield accurate results. The approach is well adapted to the analysis of grounding systems. The numerical results of the application of finite element analysis with the suitably chosen element width are compared with both analytical results and those computed by a commercial package for the analysis of grounding systems, showing very good agreement.


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This paper present the possible alternative options for the remove of trace elements from drinking water supplies in the trace. Arsenic and chromium are two of the most toxic pollutants, introduced into natural waters from a variety of sources and causing various adverse effects on living bodies. The performance of three filter bed methods was evaluated in the laboratory. Experiments were conducted to investigate the sorption of arsenic and chromium on carbon steel and removal of trace elements from drinking water with a household filtration process. The affinity of the arsenic and chromium species for Fe / Fe3C (iron / iron carbide) sites is the key factor controlling the removal of the elements. The method is based on the use of powdered block carbon, powder carbon steel and ceramic spheres in the ion-sorption columns as a cleaning process. The modified powdered block carbon is a satisfactory and economical sorbent for trace elements (arsenite and chromate) dissolved in water due to its low unit cost of about $23 and compatibility with the traditional household filtration system.


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Honeycomb structures have been used in different engineering fields. In civil engineering, honeycomb fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) structures have been used as bridge decks to rehabilitate highway bridges in the United States. In this work, a simplified finite-element modeling technique for honeycomb FRP bridge decks is presented. The motivation is the combination of the complex geometry of honeycomb FRP decks and computational limits, which may prevent modeling of these decks in detail. The results from static and modal analyses indicate that the proposed modeling technique provides a viable tool for modeling the complex geometry of honeycomb FRP bridge decks. The modeling of other bridge components (e.g., steel girders, steel guardrails, deck-to-girder connections, and pier supports) is also presented in this work.


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Inorganic elements analyses of Carapicuiba lake reveal that As, Cr, Pb and Mn are above the recommended drinking water standards. The mean total concentrations of toxic elements in surface water decrease in the order Mn > Cr > Pb > As. At elevated concentrations, toxic elements like Cr can accumulate in soils and enter the food chain, leading to serious health hazards and threatening the long-term sustainability of the local ecosystem. Absorbing materials has often been used to improve water quality. In this investigation three types of material were studied: the natural zeolite (mordenite); synthetic goethite and the powdered block carbon modified. The adsorption of Pb(2+) and Mn(2+) onto natural zeolite as a function of their concentrations was studied at 24 degrees C by varying the metal concentration from 100 to 400 mg L(-1) while keeping all other parameters constant. The low-cost zeolites removed Pb from water without any pretreatment at pH values <6. The maximum adsorption attained was as follows: Pb(2+) 78.7% and Mn(2+) 19.6%. The modified powdered block carbon effectively removed As(V) and Cr(VI) while goethite removed more chromate than arsenate in the pH range 5-6. Results of this study will be used to evaluate the application these materials for the treatment of the Carapicuiba lake`s water.


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Koinobiont parasitoids use several strategies to regulate the host`s physiological processes during parasitism. Although many aspects of host-parasitoid interactions have been explored, studies that attempted to assess the effects of parasitism on the availability of inorganic elements in the host are virtually nonexistent. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the effects of parasitism on the concentrations of inorganic elements in the fat bodies of larvae of Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) during the development of the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), by using total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF). TXRF analysis allowed comparisons of the changes in the availability of the elements P. S. K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn in the fat body tissues of D. saccharalis larvae parasitized by C. flavipes. Overall, the concentration of inorganic elements was higher early in parasitoid development (1 and 3 days after parasitism) compared to non-parasitized larvae, but much lower towards the end of parasitoid development (7 and 9 days after parasitism). Ca, K, and S were reduced after the fifth day of parasitism, which affected the total abundance of inorganic elements observed in the fat bodies of the parasitized hosts. The regulatory mechanisms or pathological effects related to the observed variation of the host inorganic elements induced by the parasitoid remain unknown, but there might be a strategy to make these elements available to the parasitoid larvae at the end of their development, when higher metabolic activity of the host fat body is required to sustain parasitoid growth. The observed variation of the host`s inorganic elements could also be related to the known effects of parasitism on the host`s immune response. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In contrast to marking of the location of resources or sexual partners using single-spot pheromone sources, pheromone paths attached to the substrate and assisting orientation are rarely found among flying organisms. However, they do exist in meliponine bees (Apidae, Apinae, Meliponini), commonly known as stingless bees, which represent a group of important pollinators in tropical forests. Worker bees of several Neotropical meliponine species, especially in the genus Scaptotrigona Moure 1942, deposit pheromone paths on substrates between highly profitable resources and their nest. In contrast to past results and claims, we find that these pheromone paths are not an indispensable condition for successful recruitment but rather a means to increase the success of recruiters in persuading their nestmates to forage food at a particular location. Our results are relevant to a speciation theory in scent path-laying meliponine bees, such as Scaptotrigona. In addition, the finding that pheromone path-laying bees are able to recruit to food locations even across barriers such as large bodies of water affects tropical pollination ecology and theories on the evolution of resource communication in insect societies with a flying worker caste.


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In this work total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry has been employed to determine trace element concentrations in different human breast tissues (normal, normal adjacent, benign and malignant). A multivariate discriminant analysis of observed levels was performed in order to build a predictive model and perform tissue-type classifications. A total of 83 breast tissue samples were studied. Results showed the presence of Ca, Ti, Fe, Cu and Zn in all analyzed samples. All trace elements, except Ti, were found in higher concentrations in both malignant and benign tissues, when compared to normal tissues and normal adjacent tissues. In addition, the concentration of Fe was higher in malignant tissues than in benign neoplastic tissues. An opposite behavior was observed for Ca, Cu and Zn. Results have shown that discriminant analysis was able to successfully identify differences between trace element distributions from normal and malignant tissues with an overall accuracy of 80% and 65% for independent and paired breast samples respectively, and of 87% for benign and malignant tissues. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This is the first in a series of three articles which aimed to derive the matrix elements of the U(2n) generators in a multishell spin-orbit basis. This is a basis appropriate to many-electron systems which have a natural partitioning of the orbital space and where also spin-dependent terms are included in the Hamiltonian. The method is based on a new spin-dependent unitary group approach to the many-electron correlation problem due to Gould and Paldus [M. D. Gould and J. Paldus, J. Chem. Phys. 92, 7394, (1990)]. In this approach, the matrix elements of the U(2n) generators in the U(n) x U(2)-adapted electronic Gelfand basis are determined by the matrix elements of a single Ll(n) adjoint tensor operator called the del-operator, denoted by Delta(j)(i) (1 less than or equal to i, j less than or equal to n). Delta or del is a polynomial of degree two in the U(n) matrix E = [E-j(i)]. The approach of Gould and Paldus is based on the transformation properties of the U(2n) generators as an adjoint tensor operator of U(n) x U(2) and application of the Wigner-Eckart theorem. Hence, to generalize this approach, we need to obtain formulas for the complete set of adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis. The nonzero shift coefficients are uniquely determined and may he evaluated by the methods of Gould et al. [see the above reference]. In this article, we define zero-shift adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis which are appropriate to the many-electron problem. By definition, these are proportional to the corresponding two-shell del-operator matrix elements, and it is shown that the Racah factorization lemma applies. Formulas for these coefficients are then obtained by application of the Racah factorization lemma. The zero-shift adjoint reduced Wigner coefficients required for this procedure are evaluated first. All these coefficients are needed later for the multishell case, which leads directly to the two-shell del-operator matrix elements. Finally, we discuss an application to charge and spin densities in a two-shell molecular system. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons.


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This is the second in a series of articles whose ultimate goal is the evaluation of the matrix elements (MEs) of the U(2n) generators in a multishell spin-orbit basis. This extends the existing unitary group approach to spin-dependent configuration interaction (CI) and many-body perturbation theory calculations on molecules to systems where there is a natural partitioning of the electronic orbital space. As a necessary preliminary to obtaining the U(2n) generator MEs in a multishell spin-orbit basis, we must obtain a complete set of adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis. The zero-shift coefficients were obtained in the first article of the series. in this article, we evaluate the nonzero shift adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis. We then demonstrate that the one-shell versions of these coefficients may be obtained by taking the Gelfand-Tsetlin limit of the two-shell formulas. These coefficients,together with the zero-shift types, then enable us to write down formulas for the U(2n) generator matrix elements in a two-shell spin-orbit basis. Ultimately, the results of the series may be used to determine the many-electron density matrices for a partitioned system. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.