553 resultados para Heino, Harri
In my thesis I discuss the elements of my professional identity from the perspective of an actor, a director and a team. What are acting and directing to me? What are the problems in the symbiosis of acting and directing? What are the difficulties in acting and directing and how important are the issues related to responsibility, power, trust and confidence in my work? I also discuss the consept of self-confidence. Behind all of this, there is also the thought of my ancestry and its dualism, how my roots from my father's and mother's side are struggling against each other or supporting each other, and how they affect my professional identity. The basic idea in the present thesis is the perspective of the traditional theatre and a professional team. Also the childhood influence on my professional identity is being considered. Education is discussed at the end. Moreover, a discussion on the kind of future theatre maker I want to be considered as, is included. I also try to handle all these topics through Harri Virtanen's Kiinteistövälittäjä vastoin tahtoaan (2005), which I directed, and my latest role in Arto Paasilinna's and Kristian Smeds' Jäniksen vuosi (2006). The conclusion of the present thesis is that it is very important for me to be a member of different communities, in which I can express my professional identity. My professional identity is formed by many elements that support each other. Such elements in their own right form an inticate relationship, which at the end, makes me what I am. In conclusion, I am a theatre maker, who in an alternative field of theater has opportunities to form the professional identity, as different situations and projects require.
Tämän insinöörityön tarkoituksena on tutkia, mitä 802.1x-autentikoinnin käyttöönotto toimistoverkossa vaatii. Aluksi tutkitaan autentikoinnissa tarvittavat komponentit ja niiden toiminta teorian kannalta. Kun teorian puolesta kaikki on selvää, on aika viedä teoria käytäntöön ja muodostaa olemassa olevien komponenttien avulla toimiva 802.1x-autentikointi. Autentikointiin tarvittavat asetukset esitetään yksityiskohtaisesti, jotta autentikointi olisi mahdollista toteuttaa myös muissa ympäristöissä. Muodostuksen jälkeen tutkitaan autentikoinnista saatavia lokeja ja selvitetään niiden tarkoitus. Jos saavutettu lopputulos on halutun kaltainen, otetaan 802.1x-autentikointi käyttöön koko toimistoverkossa.
Heino Nyyssönen
Summary: The patriotic man with a sports religion : Lauri Pihkala, the champion of modern sports ideology
Harri Mäki