966 resultados para Hedge Funds


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Investment funds provide a low cost method of sharing in the rewards from capitalism. Recently “alternative investments” such as hedge funds have grown rapidly and the trading strategies open to hedge funds are now becoming available to mutual funds and even to ordinary retail investors. In this paper we analyze problems in assessing fund performance and the prospects for investment fund sectors. Choosing genuine outperformers among top funds requires a careful assessment of non-normality, order statistics and the possibility of false discoveries. The risk adjusted performance of the average hedge fund over the last 10-15 is actually not that impressive, although the “top” funds do appear to have statistically significant positive alphas.


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The article offers information about hedge funds, which refers to pooled investments that are privately organized and professionally managed by investment managers. It examines the statistical properties of the 70 Asian hedge funds and shows the inappropriateness of the traditional mean-variance optimizer to form optimal hedge fund portfolios. The article also introduces a practical heuristic approach using the senti-variance as a measure for downside risk, and describes the risk measures and the methodology to generate optimal hedge fund portfolio.


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O objetivo deste trabalho será o de analisar o desempenho dos Hedge Funds brasileiros, mais conhecidos no mercado nacional como Fundos Multimercados com Renda Variável e com Alavancagem, comparando seus riscos e retornos ao de alguns outros índices financeiros do mercado, principalmente aqueles ligados ao mercado acionário.


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The dissertation goal is to quantify the tail risk premium embedded into hedge funds' returns. Tail risk is the probability of extreme large losses. Although it is a rare event, asset pricing theory suggests that investors demand compensation for holding assets sensitive to extreme market downturns. By de nition, such events have a small likelihood to be represented in the sample, what poses a challenge to estimate the e ects of tail risk by means of traditional approaches such as VaR. The results show that it is not su cient to account for the tail risk stemming from equities markets. Active portfolio management employed by hedge funds demand a speci c measure to estimate and control tail risk. Our proposed factor lls that void inasmuch it presents explanatory power both over the time series as well as the cross-section of funds' returns.


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This doctoral dissertation seeks to assess and address the potential contribution of the hedge fund industry to financial instability. In so doing, the dissertation investigates three main questions. What are the contributions of hedge funds to financial instability? What is the optimal regulatory strategy to address the potential contribution of hedge funds to financial instability? And do new regulations in the U.S. and the EU address the contribution of hedge funds to financial instability? With respect to financial stability concerns, it is argued that despite their benefits, hedge funds can contribute to financial instability. Hedge funds’ size and leverage, their interconnectedness with Large Complex Financial Institutions (LCFIs), and the likelihood of herding behavior in the industry can potentially undermine financial stability. Nonetheless, the data on hedge funds’ size and leverage suggest that these features are far from being systemically important. In contrast, the empirical evidence on the interconnectedness of hedge funds with LCFIs and their herding behavior is mixed. Based on these findings, the thesis focuses on one particular aspect of hedge fund regulation: direct vs. indirect regulation. In this respect, a major contribution of the thesis to the literature consists in the explicit discussion of the relationships between hedge funds and other market participants. Specifically, the thesis locates the domain of the indirect regulation in the inter-linkages between hedge funds and prime brokers. Accordingly, the thesis argues that the indirect regulation is likely to address the contribution of hedge funds to systemic risk without compromising their benefits to financial markets. The thesis further conducts a comparative study of the regulatory responses to the potential contribution of hedge funds to financial instability through studying the EU Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMD) and the hedge fund-related provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.


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Post-crisis Argentina is a case study of crisis management through debt restructuring. This article examines how Argentina negotiated the external debt in the wake of the sovereign default in December 2001 and now confronts challenges posed by holdout creditors—the so called “vulture funds”. It argues that debt restructuring has put a straitjacket on the national economy, making it virtually impossible for healthy growth short of a break with the international economic order. While Argentina has successfully restructured a $95 billion debt with an unprecedented “hair cut” (around 70% reduction in “net value of debt”), a sustainable growth appears out of reach as long as reliance on the government debt market prevails. In this cycle, the transmission belt of financial crisis to developing countries is characterized by the entry of highly speculative players such as hedge funds, conflicts of interests embedded in “sovereign debt restructuring” (SDR) and vulnerabilities associated with “emerging market debt”.


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In this study we propose the use of the performance measure distribution rather than its punctual value to rank hedge funds. Generalized Sharpe Ratio and other similar measures that take into account the higher-order moments of portfolio return distributions are commonly used to evaluate hedge funds performance. The literature in this field has reported non-significant difference in ranking between performance measures that take, and those that do not take, into account higher moments of distribution. Our approach provides a much more powerful manner to differentiate between hedge funds performance. We use a non-semiparametric density based on Gram-Charlier expansions to forecast the conditional distribution of hedge fund returns and its corresponding performance measure distribution. Through a forecasting exercise we show the advantages of our technique in relation to using the more traditional punctual performance measures.


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We survey articles covering how hedge fund returns are explained, using largely non-linear multifactor models that examine the non-linear pay-offs and exposures of hedge funds. We provide an integrated view of the implicit factor and statistical factor models that are largely able to explain the hedge fund return-generating process. We present their evolution through time by discussing pioneering studies that made a significant contribution to knowledge, and also recent innovative studies that examine hedge fund exposures using advanced econometric methods. This is the first review that analyzes very recent studies that explain a large part of hedge fund variation. We conclude by presenting some gaps for future research.


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"Emphasises asset allocation while presenting the practical applications of investment theory. The authors concentrate on the intuition and insights that will be useful to students throughout their careers as new ideas and challenges emerge from the financial marketplace. It provides a good foundation to understand the basic types of securities and financial markets as well as how trading in those markets is conducted. The Portfolio Management section is discussed towards the end of the course and supported by a web-based portfolio simulation with a hypothetical $100,000 brokerage account to buy and sell stocks and mutual funds. Students get a chance to use real data found in the Wall Street Survivor simulation in conjunction with the chapters on investments. This site is powered by StockTrak, the leading provider of investment simulation services to the academic community. Principles of Investments includes increased attention to changes in market structure and trading technology. The theory is supported by a wide range of exercises, worksheets and problems."--publisher website Contents: Investments: background and issues -- Asset classes and financial markets -- Securities markets -- Managed funds and investment management -- Risk and return: past and prologue -- Efficient diversification -- Capital asset pricing and arbitrage pricing theory -- The efficient market hypothesis -- Bond prices and yields -- Managing bond portfolios -- Equity valuation -- Macroeconomic and industry analysis -- Financial statement analysis -- Investors and the investment process -- Hedge funds -- Portfolio performance evaluation.


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Dans un contexte d'instabilité économique, force est de constater que les remises en question du libéralisme économique s'intensifient, mettant ainsi l'accent sur l'importance de la réglementation pour la protection des investisseurs ainsi que l'efficience des marchés financiers. Souvent associés aux conséquences d'un manque d'encadrement, les fonds de couverture représentent des cibles de choix pour ceux qui cherchent à expliquer l'effondrement majeur des marchés, tout en prônant un interventionnisme accru des autorités gouvernementales. Pour mieux comprendre les tenants et aboutissants de cette industrie, la présente étude propose une vue d'ensemble des caractéristiques fondamentales des fonds de couverture, tant sous l'angle de leur structure organisationnelle que de leur encadrement réglementaire. À cet égard, il importe de jauger les principaux enjeux découlant des règles applicables à l'administration d'un fonds, particulièrement sur le plan de la transparence informationnelle et au niveau de la gouvernance interne. Ces deux éléments constituant les pierres angulaires de la présente analyse, notre étude offrira finalement une réflexion sur l'approche réglementaire à privilégier, et ce, en tenant compte des particularités des fonds de couverture. Dans un même ordre d'idées, le rôle des divers intermédiaires professionnels sera abordé afin d'élargir notre compréhension de la question sous étude. L'objet de cette étude n'est pas d'apporter une solution complète et définitive à ces enjeux, mais bien d'offrir des pistes de réflexions pouvant servir de balises à une étude subséquente de la question, laquelle devra par ailleurs tenir compte du rôle assumé par les fonds de couverture ainsi que du statut particulier qu'ils occupent sur les marchés financiers.


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El siguiente documento da a conocer el comportamiento de la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) de los países denominados BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) en Colombia. De acuerdo a lo anterior, en el presente trabajo, se realizó un análisis general de la IED entrante en el país suramericano que buscaba establecer los principales inversores; además de determinar los sectores más atractivos. Posteriormente, se observó la magnitud de la inversión que realizan los países BRIC en Colombia y en el mundo, con el fin de efectuar una comparación que permitiera determinar que tan significativa es la inversión que se realiza en el Estado Colombiano frente a la que es efectuada por estas naciones a nivel global. Igualmente, se consideró las industrias a las que la IED está dirigida, el grado de beneficio que representa para la población y si existe la posibilidad de enfocarla hacia otros sectores estratégicos o si se recomienda encauzarla hacia aquellos que hoy en día son el principal foco de inversión.


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En este trabajo se implementa una metodología para incluir momentos de orden superior en la selección de portafolios, haciendo uso de la Distribución Hiperbólica Generalizada, para posteriormente hacer un análisis comparativo frente al modelo de Markowitz.


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Las estrategias de inversión pairs trading se basan en desviaciones del precio entre pares de acciones correlacionadas y han sido ampliamente implementadas por fondos de inversión tomando posiciones largas y cortas en las acciones seleccionadas cuando surgen divergencias y obteniendo utilidad cerrando la posición al converger. Se describe un modelo de reversión a la media para analizar la dinámica que sigue el diferencial del precio entre acciones ordinarias y preferenciales de una misma empresa en el mismo mercado. La media de convergencia en el largo plazo es obtenida con un filtro de media móvil, posteriormente, los parámetros del modelo de reversión a la media se estiman mediante un filtro de Kalman bajo una formulación de estado espacio sobre las series históricas. Se realiza un backtesting a la estrategia de pairs trading algorítmico sobre el modelo propuesto indicando potenciales utilidades en mercados financieros que se observan por fuera del equilibrio. Aplicaciones de los resultados podrían mostrar oportunidades para mejorar el rendimiento de portafolios, corregir errores de valoración y sobrellevar mejor periodos de bajos retornos.