845 resultados para Health education. Popular health education. Group diabetes Mellitus.


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Trata-se de estudo de intervenção tipo antes e depois, no qual o sujeito é seu próprio controle, fator que permite identificar os efeitos na adesão ao tratamento e controle dos níveis glicêmicos. Teve como objetivo avaliar a contribuição da consulta de enfermagem na adesão ao tratamento do diabetes mellitus tipo 2, em uma Unidade Saúde da Família, de acordo com o \"Protocolo de atendimento as pessoas com diabetes mellitus,\" em Ribeirão Preto, SP. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de setembro de 2014 a janeiro de 2015. O trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, SP, sob Parecer nº 648.970. Participaram 31 pessoas com diabetes mellitus, por meio de três consultas de enfermagem, na unidade de saúde e no domicílio, com intervalo de um mês entre as três consultas de todos os participantes. Foi utilizado um roteiro contendo variáveis sociodemográficos e clínicas e o teste de Medida de Adesão ao Tratamento. Para a análise da adesão, durante e após a intervenção, utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e o teste de Mann- Whitney; para a comparação do antes e após a intervenção, utilizou-se o teste de Wilcoxon; para análise de correlação com as variáveis numéricas, o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e o teste Q de Cochran, para a comparação dos exames nos momentos anterior, durante e posterior à intervenção. Os resultados mostraram que os participantes tinham entre 33 e 79 anos, sendo 58,1% do sexo feminino; 71% tinham companheiro; renda familiar de 1 a 3 salários-mínimos (83,9%); 80,6% referiram ser profissionalmente inativos (aposentados, pensionistas ou do lar); média de 5,68 anos de estudo e predomínio de menos de 8 anos de estudo (67,7%). Em relação aos valores da pressão arterial sistêmica constatou hipertensão arterial sistêmica grau I em 25,8% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus, 90,3% com índice de massa corporal apresentando excesso de peso, quanto à circunferência abdominal, 32,2% dos homens estavam com valores maiores que 102 cm e 45,2% das mulheres com valores acima de 88 cm. A avaliação dos pés, com uso do monofilamento Semmes-Weinstein de 10g, apresentou 9,7% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus com pé em risco para ulceração e diminuição ou ausência de sensibilidade tátil pressórica protetora dos pés. O tempo de diagnóstico do diabetes mellitus tipo 2 variou entre 1 a 39 anos, predominando as comorbidades hipertensão arterial (83,9%), dislipidemia (58,1%) e obesidade (41,8%). Quanto aos exames laboratoriais, observa-se que, em 64,5% da população estudada, os níveis da glicemia de jejum estavam acima de 100 mg/dL , ocorrendo pequena redução para 61,3% nos casos de pessoas com diabetes mellitus durante a intervenção e se manteve após. No que se refere à glicemia pós-prandial, os casos das pessoas com diabetes mellitus com valores iguais ou acima de 160 mg/dL, antes da intervenção era de 45,2% e durante e após a intervenção caiu para 38,7%. Em contrapartida, aumentou o número de pessoas com diabetes mellitus durante e após a intervenção, com valores da glicemia pós-prandial abaixo de 160 mg/dL, de 54,8% para 61,3%. E, em relação à hemoglobina glicada, foi observado que em 61,3% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus os valores antes da intervenção eram iguais ou acima de 7%. Durante a intervenção, caiu para 19,3% e após a intervenção o número de pessoas com diabetes mellitus, com a hemoglobina glicada igual ou superior a 7%, chegou a 38,7%. Quanto aos valores abaixo de 7%, observou-se aumento de 38,7% antes da intervenção para 80,6 e 61,3% respectivamente, durante e após a intervenção, com diferença estatisticamente significante (p< 0,001). As pessoas com diabetes mellitus desse estudo, apresentaram 83,87% de adesão ao tratamento antes da intervenção, e esses escores subiram para 96,78% após a intervenção, fato corroborado pelo teste de Wilcoxon que mostrou escores estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001), entre antes e após a intervenção. Esse estudo contribui para ressaltar a importância do enfermeiro, enquanto integrante da equipe multiprofissional, seguindo as orientações do \"Protocolo de atendimento ao indivíduo com diabetes\", tanto no atendimento individual quanto em grupo, reorganizando o processo de trabalho, contribuindo para maior adesão ao tratamento e controle dos níveis glicêmicos, ao minimizar a fragmentação e assegurar a continuidade na assistência, por meio de abordagem integral ao diabético


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Background: The co-occurrence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and tuberculosis (TB) is largely associated with high frequency of morbidity. Objective: To determine the prevalence of DM among TB patients and describe the socio-demographic and behavioral factors associated with TB-DM co-occurrence . Methods: We enrolled 500 TB patients from September, 2014 to August 2015 at four major public sector hospitals of Lahore, Pakistan. A questionnaire was used to collect information regarding associated socio-demographic and behavioral factors of the patients. We monitored the fasting blood sugar of each patient by using a semi automated clinical chemistry analyzer followed by an HbA1c level check of all hyperglycemic patients. Results: The prevalence of TB-DM co-occurrence was 14.8%. The prevalence of TB-DM was higher (62.2%) among males. The >57 year age group had the highest proportion of patients (35.1%), with co-existent TB-DM. Most were illiterate (73.0%) and unemployed (48%). Moreover, among the 74 patients positive for TB-DM had a history of smoking. Age and education level were significantly associated with DM-TB while gender, occupation and smoking were not associated. Conclusion: The study revealed a 14.8% prevalence of DM among TB patients. This was associated with several socio-demographic factors, including age, unemployment, literacy and polluted environment. Thus, poor and unhealthy lifestyles were the factors associated with DM among immunologically compromised individuals due to TB.


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Purpose: To determine the factors associated with severity of hypoglycemia in hospitalized type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in a tertiary health facility in Malaysia. Methods: This retrospective study involved 207 hospitalised T2DM patients with hypoglycaemia episodes from January 2008 to December 2012 and was conducted in University Malaya Medical Centre, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Patients were classified into 2 groups, viz, those who had hypoglycaemia on admission and those who had hypoglycaemia during hospital stay. Patients with hypoglycemia on admission were those admitted due to hypoglycemia while patients with hypoglycemia during hospital stay were those admitted due to other causes but subsequently developed hypoglycemia during hospitalization. Results: The results for the 207 patients investigated show that most of the patients (72.2 %) were asymptomatic during hypoglycemic episodes. The majority of the episodes (57.4 %) experienced by the patients were mild hypoglycemia (< 3.9 mmol/L). Old age (p = 0.011) and presence of stroke (p = 0.033) were found to be significantly associated with severe hypoglycemia (< 2.2 mmol/L) while concurrent use of opioid (p = 0.008) was associated with mild hypoglycemia. Conclusion: The identification of the underlying factors associated with severity of hypoglycemia may help in preventing and resolving hypoglycemia in T2DM patients.


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Background Symptoms of depression can be recurrent or limited to one episode. This study discusses the prospective association between psychological health, measured as change in depression symptoms, and the risk of diabetes mellitus in Australian women. Methods Data obtained from the Mater-University of Queensland Study of Pregnancy. Depression was measured using the Delusions-Symptoms: States Inventory. To examine possible transitions over time, depression was grouped into four categories and assessed at different phases over the 21-year period. Multiple logistic regression models and sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of our analytical strategy were performed. Results Three hundred and one women reported diabetes 21 years after the index pregnancy. Almost one-third of the women who reported depression symptoms continued to report these at a subsequent follow-up (FU) phase. About 1 in 20 women who had not reported depression symptoms at the 5-year FU did so at the subsequent 14-year FU. In prospective analyses, we did not find a significant association between diabetes and negative change (not depressed to depressed, at subsequent phase); however, for women with positive history of symptoms of depression and women with persistent symptoms, there was a 1.97-fold (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.14–3.40) to 2.23-fold (95% CI: 1.09–4.57) greater risk of diabetes. Conclusions Our study suggests that an increased risk of diabetes is significantly associated with persistent depression symptoms. It highlights the importance of recognizing depression symptoms in terms of women's psychological wellbeing and thus provides a basis for targeting those most at risk.


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Rationale, aims and objective To investigate whether the introduction of a programme of optimising drug treatment, intensive education and self-monitoring of patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) at an early stage (


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Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the major causes of chronic morbidity and loss of quality of life, and it seems to be increasing in the coming decades. Overall prevalence of diabetes in Portugal in 2010, according to the latest National Observatory of Diabetes Report, was 12.4%, which corresponds to a total of approximately 991 thousand individuals aged between 20 and 79 years. The level of control of diabetes mellitus, as measured by glycosilated haemoglobin A1c(HbA1c) influences the long-term risk of macrovascular and microvascular complications. Given the frequent association of diabetes with hypertension/dyslipidemia/overweight, managing these risk factors is a crucial part of the diabetes control.


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RESUMO - A (não) adesão à terapêutica é um problema mundial que, para além de afetar diretamente a saúde dos indivíduos, afeta também os recursos económicos e sociais. Apesar da importância em aderir à terapêutica, largamente fundamentada na evidência científica, facto é que, em muitos casos, os doentes não o fazem. Assim, estudar as questões relacionadas com a adesão tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais relevância e atualmente constitui um desafio para os sistemas de saúde, pois os mecanismos envolvidos no comportamento de adesão dos indivíduos são complexos. Deste modo, com este estudo pretendeu-se caracterizar uma amostra de indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e relacionar o seu nível de adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa com os fatores de não adesão. Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde (ACES) Almada e Seixal e nele participaram 151 diabéticos tipo 2. Para a recolha de dados utilizou-se o Questionário de Identificação de Fatores de Não Adesão adaptado de Cabral e Silva (2010) e a Medida de Adesão aos Tratamentos de Delgado e Lima (2001). Os resultados mostraram um perfil de participantes maioritariamente idosos, reformados, do género feminino, casados, com o ensino primário completo, rendimento mensal entre 301-1000 euros e tendencialmente aderentes à terapêutica medicamentosa. O (i) esquecimento, o (ii) preço da medicação, o (iii) número elevado de medicamentos para tomar de uma vez só, não perceber bem o que deve tomar e como e (v) adormecer antes da toma foram os fatores de não adesão relatados com mais frequência. Foram encontradas relações significativas entre o nível de adesão e o esquecimento, o preço da medicação o número elevado de medicamentos para tomar de uma vez só e adormecer antes da toma. Não encontrámos relações significativas entre o nível de adesão e os dados sociodemográficos, os fatores terapêuticos e o fator de não adesão “não perceber bem o que deve tomar e como”. No presente estudo são discutidos os resultados obtidos, consideradas algumas limitações e efetuadas propostas de investigações futuras.


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The purpose of this project was to raise awareness surrounding child and adolescent mental health in an effort to reduce preconceived stigmas in relation to this specialized field. This project presented a literature review of the current state of child and adolescent mental health in Canada today, including the prevalence and several treatment options for young people confronting mental health challenges. Consideration of the powerful role of the education system upon youth with mental health issues became evident, specifically regarding early identification and prevention. A needs assessment was conducted to gather feedback from the clinical practitioners of a Section 23 classroom within a Southern Ontario hospital. This assessment was used to develop an informational and pedagogical workshop resource to extend practitioner understanding of this pertinent issue and support the social and emotional needs of young people confronting mental heath challenges. Results of the assessment indicated the significant need for such a workshop resource, and these responses were used to guide the development of Group Chat: A Workshop to Support the Emotional and Social Needs of Youth. The latter was subsequently presented to participants, whereby evaluative questionnaires indicated the efficacy and usefulness of this workshop resource to both practitioners and students alike.


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Background: Despite the recommendations to continue the regime of healthy food and physical activity (PA) postpartum for women with previous gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), the scientific evidence reveals that these recommendations may not be complied to. This study compared lifestyle and health status in women whose pregnancy was complicated by GDM with women who had a normal pregnancy and delivery. Methods: The inclusion criteria were women with GDM (ICD-10: O24.4 A and O24.4B) and women with uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery in 2005 (ICD-10: O80.0). A random sample of women fulfilling the criteria (n = 882) were identified from the Swedish Medical Birth Register. A questionnaire was sent by mail to eligible women approximately four years after the pregnancy. A total of 444 women (50.8%) agreed to participate, 111 diagnosed with GDM in their pregnancy and 333 with normal pregnancy/ delivery. Results: Women with previous GDM were significantly older, reported higher body weight and less PA before the index pregnancy. No major differences between the groups were noticed regarding lifestyle at the follow-up. Overall, few participants fulfilled the national recommendations of PA and diet. At the follow-up, 19 participants had developed diabetes, all with previous GDM. Women with previous GDM reported significantly poorer self-rated health (SRH), higher level of sick-leave and more often using medication on regular basis. However, a history of GDM or having overt diabetes mellitus showed no association with poorer SRH in the multivariate analysis. Irregular eating habits, no regular PA, overweight/obesity, and regular use of medication were associated with poorer SRH in all participants. Conclusions: Suboptimal levels of PA, and fruit and vegetable consumption were found in a sample of women with a history of GDM as well as for women with normal pregnancy approximately four years after index pregnancy. Women with previous GDM seem to increase their PA after childbirth, but still they perform their PA at lower intensity than women with a history of normal pregnancy. Having GDM at index pregnancy or being diagnosed with overt diabetes mellitus at follow-up did not demonstrate associations with poorer SRH four years after delivery.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Over the last decades, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) has been increasing globally such that nowadays the disease constitutes an important outcome related to early mortality among adults. In parallel with the high prevalence, healthcare costs related to DM treatment have increased significantly, exacerbating its burden on modern society. The scientific literature points out that obesity and physical inactivity have a central role in the development of most DM cases. In fact, either physical exercise practice or an increase in the level of physical activity, constitute relevant tools in the guidelines for treatment of the disease. On the other hand, the effect of physical activity on the economic consequences of DM is not completely clear. The identification of the actual burden of lifestyle changes on the reduction of healthcare costs related to DM is relevant, primarily for developing nations, where it could represent a cheaper strategy for treating the disease and its complications than paying for drug treatment, which is commonly related to collateral effects. That being said, the prevention of DM and other diseases and consequently the mitigation of the costs related to these outcomes seem to depend essentially on the promotion of healthy habits. The aim of the present review was therefore to discuss recent evidence on the effects of physical activity/exercise on mitigation of health care cost related to DM.


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Early intervention can help to reduce the burden of disability in the older population, but many do not access preventive care. There is uncertainty over what factors influence case finding in older patients in general practice.


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BACKGROUND Estimating the prevalence of comorbidities and their associated costs in patients with diabetes is fundamental to optimizing health care management. This study assesses the prevalence and health care costs of comorbid conditions among patients with diabetes compared with patients without diabetes. Distinguishing potentially diabetes- and nondiabetes-related comorbidities in patients with diabetes, we also determined the most frequent chronic conditions and estimated their effect on costs across different health care settings in Switzerland. METHODS Using health care claims data from 2011, we calculated the prevalence and average health care costs of comorbidities among patients with and without diabetes in inpatient and outpatient settings. Patients with diabetes and comorbid conditions were identified using pharmacy-based cost groups. Generalized linear models with negative binomial distribution were used to analyze the effect of comorbidities on health care costs. RESULTS A total of 932,612 persons, including 50,751 patients with diabetes, were enrolled. The most frequent potentially diabetes- and nondiabetes-related comorbidities in patients older than 64 years were cardiovascular diseases (91%), rheumatologic conditions (55%), and hyperlipidemia (53%). The mean total health care costs for diabetes patients varied substantially by comorbidity status (US$3,203-$14,223). Patients with diabetes and more than two comorbidities incurred US$10,584 higher total costs than patients without comorbidity. Costs were significantly higher in patients with diabetes and comorbid cardiovascular disease (US$4,788), hyperlipidemia (US$2,163), hyperacidity disorders (US$8,753), and pain (US$8,324) compared with in those without the given disease. CONCLUSION Comorbidities in patients with diabetes are highly prevalent and have substantial consequences for medical expenditures. Interestingly, hyperacidity disorders and pain were the most costly conditions. Our findings highlight the importance of developing strategies that meet the needs of patients with diabetes and comorbidities. Integrated diabetes care such as used in the Chronic Care Model may represent a useful strategy.