985 resultados para Health Priorities


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Background India has a large and evolving HIV epidemic. Little is known about cancer risk in Indian persons with HIV/AIDS (PHA) but risk is thought to be low. Methods To describe the state of knowledge about cancer patterns in Indian PHA, we reviewed reports from the international and Indian literature. Results As elsewhere, non-Hodgkin lymphomas dominate the profile of recognized cancers, with immunoblastic/large cell diffuse lymphoma being the most common type. Hodgkin lymphoma is proportionally increased, perhaps because survival with AIDS is truncated by fatal infections. In contrast, Kaposi sarcoma is rare, in association with an apparently low prevalence of Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. If confirmed, the reasons for the low prevalence need to be understood. Cervical, anal, vulva/vaginal and penile cancers all appear to be increased in PHA, based on limited data. The association may be confounded by sexual behaviors that transmit both HIV and human papillomavirus. Head and neck tumor incidence may also be increased, an important concern since these tumors are among the most common in India. Based on limited evidence, the increase is at buccal/palatal sites, which are associated with tobacco and betel nut chewing rather than human papillomavirus. Conclusion With improving care of HIV and better management of infections, especially tuberculosis, the longer survival of PHA in India will likely increase the importance of cancer as a clinical problem in India. With the population's geographic and social diversity, India presents unique research opportunities that can be embedded in programs targeting HIV/AIDS and other public health priorities.


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Background Nursing perspectives play an important role in addressing the health priorities of today’s society. The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) acknowledges the significant contribution that nursing research has made since the first nurse researcher, Florence Nightingale, documented the factors that affected the morbidity and mortality of soldiers wounded in the Crimean war in the 1800s. The nursing profession continues to celebrate the significant contribution nursing research made to improving nursing practice and health outcomes. These significant contributions over recent years include, but are not limited to: 1. Health services research that has demonstrated the importance of nursing services and how such services are designed/organised to ensure safety and quality of care (Duffield, et al., 2011; Fernandez, et al., 2012; Middleton, et al., 2011); 2. Clinical research that has demonstrated the value of specific nursing interventions to improved health outcomes, including enhanced survival, reduced morbidity, and improved quality of life and consumer engagement (Cancer Australia and Cancer Voices Australia, 2011; Kitson, et al., 2013; Middleton, et al., 2012; Rickard, et al., 2012; Zeitz, et al., 2011); 3. Basic science research that has advanced discoveries in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underpinning nursing interventions (Illi, et al., 2012; Kim, et al., 2012; Miaskowski, et al., 2010; Simonova, et al., 2012); 4. Epidemiological research that has advanced understanding about how individuals and populations respond to health problems (Carrington, et al., 2012); 5. Qualitative research that has advanced understanding about experiences of and responses to health and illness and the processes of care that are important to optimal outcomes (Schulman-Green, et al., 2012; Scott, et al., 2011).


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer os sentidos atribuídos pelos enfermeiros e agentes comunitários de saúde da Estratégia Saúde da Família do município do Rio de Janeiro/RJ acerca das práticas de saúde desenvolvidas na visita domiciliar. É um estudo descritivo, de natureza qualitativa e teve como abordagem metodológica a hermenêutica-dialética. O cenário foi a cidade do Rio de Janeiro/RJ, em duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde da Família (UBSF) da Área Programática 3.1. Os sujeitos foram 08 enfermeiros e 07 agentes comunitários de saúde (ACSs) atuantes nas UBSF selecionadas. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre janeiro e março de 2010, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e para a avaliação dos resultados utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. A partir dos resultados alcançados foi possível elaborar três categorias de estudo: a primeira trata das práticas de saúde do enfermeiro e do ACS na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF); a segunda aborda a visita domiciliar do enfermeiro e do ACS, a qual inclui subcategorias sobre o trabalho em equipe na visita domiciliar, as dificuldades na realização da visita domiciliar, o planejamento da visita domiciliar, o vínculo entre enfermeiro, ACS e família na visita domiciliar e a interação profissional do enfermeiro e do ACS na visita domiciliar; a última categoria trata dos sentidos atribuídos pelos enfermeiros e ACSs acerca das práticas de saúde desenvolvidas na visita domiciliar, as quais incluem subcategorias sobre as práticas de saúde do enfermeiro e do ACS na visita domiciliar e as opiniões sobre a visita domiciliar. Com a análise dos dados constatou-se que os enfermeiros e os ACS's desenvolvem diversas práticas de saúde na ESF, com destaque para as práticas de cuidado. As práticas de cuidado do enfermeiro na visita domiciliar estão voltadas para a investigação das necessidades de saúde e realização das atividades assistenciais. Já as do ACS estão voltadas para a identificação de demandas. A escuta ativa, a observação da estrutura física, da alimentação e das relações familiares e a educação em saúde são as principais práticas de cuidado realizadas em conjunto por estes profissionais na visita domiciliar. O percentual de visitas domiciliares semanais do enfermeiro está abaixo do esperado, sendo que a principal justificativa para este baixo índice é a sobrecarga de trabalho na UBSF. Ficou evidente que a interação profissional entre enfermeiro e ACS na visita domiciliar é pequena, pois diversas vezes, o ACS está presente na visita domiciliar do enfermeiro apenas como acompanhante. Por fim, pode-se constatar que o cuidado desenvolvido por enfermeiros e por ACSs é distinto. A prática de cuidado que o enfermeiro desenvolve na visita domiciliar é específica, destinada às famílias com prioridades de saúde e a que o ACS desenvolve é mais ampla, voltada para todas as famílias da microárea. Estas conclusões demonstram a necessidade de estimular enfermeiros e ACSs a (re)pensarem as práticas de saúde desenvolvidas na visita domiciliar, bem como a compreenderem e discutirem seus papéis e a interação nesta atividade.


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Purpose Encouraging office workers to 'sit less and move more' encompasses two public health priorities. However, there is little evidence on the effectiveness of workplace interventions for reducing sitting, even less about the longer term effects of such interventions and still less on dual-focused interventions. This study assessed the short and mid-term impacts of a workplace web-based intervention (Walk@WorkSpain, W@WS; 2010-11) on self-reported sitting time, step counts and physical risk factors (waist circumference, BMI, blood pressure) for chronic disease. Methods Employees at six Spanish university campuses (n=264; 42 +/- 10 years; 171 female) were randomly assigned by worksite and campus to an Intervention (used W@WS; n=129; 87 female) or a Comparison group (maintained normal behavior; n=135; 84 female). This phased, 19-week program aimed to decrease occupational sitting time through increased incidental movement and short walks. A linear mixed model assessed changes in outcome measures between the baseline, ramping (8 weeks), maintenance (11 weeks) and follow-up (two months) phases for Intervention versus Comparison groups. Results A significant 2 (group) x 2 (program phases) interaction was found for self-reported occupational sitting (F[3]=7.97, p=0.046), daily step counts (F[3]=15.68, p=0.0013) and waist circumference (F[3]=11.67, p=0.0086). The Intervention group decreased minutes of daily occupational sitting while also increasing step counts from baseline (446 +/- 126; 8,862 +/- 2,475) through ramping (+425 +/- 120; 9,345 +/- 2,435), maintenance (+422 +/- 123; 9,638 +/- 3,131) and follow-up (+414 +/- 129; 9,786 +/- 3,205). In the Comparison group, compared to baseline (404 +/- 106), sitting time remained unchanged through ramping and maintenance, but decreased at follow-up (-388 +/- 120), while step counts diminished across all phases. The Intervention group significantly reduced waist circumference by 2.1cms from baseline to follow-up while the Comparison group reduced waist circumference by 1.3cms over the same period. Conclusions W@WSis a feasible and effective evidence-based intervention that can be successfully deployed with sedentary employees to elicit sustained changes on "sitting less and moving more".


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INTRODUCTION: We aimed to inform the design of behavioral interventions by identifying patients' and their family members' perceived facilitators and barriers to hypertension self-management. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted focus groups of African American patients with hypertension and their family members to elicit their views about factors influencing patients' hypertension self-management. We recruited African American patients with hypertension (n = 18) and their family members (n = 12) from an urban, community-based clinical practice in Baltimore, Maryland. We conducted four separate 90-minute focus groups among patients with controlled (one group) and uncontrolled (one group) hypertension, as well as their family members (two groups). Trained moderators used open-ended questions to assess participants' perceptions regarding patient, family, clinic, and community-level factors influencing patients' effective hypertension self-management. RESULTS: Patient participants identified several facilitators (including family members' support and positive relationships with doctors) and barriers (including competing health priorities, lack of knowledge about hypertension, and poor access to community resources) that influence their hypertension self-management. Family members also identified several facilitators (including their participation in patients' doctor's visits and discussions with patients' doctors outside of visits) and barriers (including their own limited health knowledge and patients' lack of motivation to sustain hypertension self-management behaviors) that affect their efforts to support patients' hypertension self-management. CONCLUSION: African American patients with hypertension and their family members reported numerous patient, family, clinic, and community-level facilitators and barriers to patients' hypertension self-management. Patients' and their family members' views may help guide efforts to tailor behavioral interventions designed to improve hypertension self-management behaviors and hypertension control in minority populations.


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In this chapter I focus on the EU's emerging biomedical research law and policy and examine the development of citizen science in this setting. The chapter argues that while what the analysis reveals might not be specific to the EU, attention to this organisation underlines important but often overlooked aspects of citizen science. That is, citizen science is (being) made less about promoting substantive involvement by citizens in the fashioning of biomedical trajectories and their empowerment as participants that pursue aims defined by themselves rather than others. Instead citizen science is underpinned by a more longstanding EU level approach to participation in science-based issues that sees it being harnessed, shaped and directed towards supporting the production and legitimation of organisational identity and sociotechnical order (in this case the EU’s). Within biomedical research law and policy citizen science might therefore be expected to support market-optimised biomedical futures and a dynamic internal market and economy. Citizen science is thereby implicated in the delineation of the boundaries of responsibility and accountability (and blame) for the (non-)realisation of public health priorities and objectives. In this way law and policy on participation and citizen science might support current research trajectories that do not serve all health needs.


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L’allaitement maternel est reconnu comme la façon optimale de nourrir les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants. Néanmoins, le Québec présente des taux d’allaitement parmi les plus faibles au Canada. Dans un tel contexte, le gouvernement provincial plaça l’allaitement comme l’une de ses priorités de santé publique et il publia, en 2001, la politique L’allaitement maternel au Québec : Lignes directrices (LD). Cette étude a pour but de comprendre les processus d’émergence, d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre des LD. Il s’agit d’une étude de cas unique qualitative. Les données ont été recueillies par des entrevues et un groupe de discussion auprès de personnes engagées dans ce domaine et par la recension documentaire. Une analyse thématique déductive-inductive a été réalisée en utilisant la théorie institutionnelle. Les LD ont émergé à partir d’un mouvement professionnel qui a collaboré avec le ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux pendant la phase d’élaboration et le début de la phase d’implantation de la politique. Au fil du temps, la prise de décisions a été centralisée, les mécanismes de concertation sont devenus désuets et les relations entre les acteurs concernés sont devenues moins coopératives. L’inconfort et le mécontentement avec cette nouvelle façon de gérer le dossier allaitement ont favorisé l’émergence d’un nouveau mouvement professionnel. L’étude conclut cependant que les acteurs concernés par l’allaitement au Québec visent l’atteinte du même but et que la collaboration est possible même dans un domaine très institutionnalisé comme celui de la santé, la preuve étant la formulation consensuelle des LD.


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This paper reviews the Commonwealth government's policy of 'purposeful reporting to consumers'. I argue that the notion of consumer participation is underdeveloped. Consumers' needs will not be fully met by confining consumer representation at the administrative level; that is, in assuming that consumer advocates may speak for other consumers of health care services. The partnership objective at the heart of 'purposeful reporting' may be addressed fully only when practitioners and providers recognise the reciprocal expertise of the consumer in defining their own health priorities. This would require a new model of knowledge, of ethics and of the clinical encounter. The problem is not one of information deficit but of contrasting views of knowledge.


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To examine trends in active transport to and from school, in school sport and physical education (PE), and in weight status among children from high and low socio-economic status (SES) areas in Melbourne, Victoria, between 1985 and 2001.

Cross-sectional survey data and measured height and weight from 1985 (n=557) and 2001 (n=926) were compared for children aged between 9–13 years within high and low SES areas.


From 1985 to 2001, the frequency of walking to or from school declined (4.38±4.3 vs. 3.61 ± 3.8 trips/wk, p<0.001), cycling to or from school also declined (1.22±2.9 vs. 0.36±1.5 trips/wk, p<0.001), and the frequency of PE lessons declined (1.64±1.1 vs. 1.18±0.9 lessons/wk, p<0.001). However, the frequency of school sport increased (0.9±1.22 vs. 1.24±0.8 sessions/wk, p<0.001). In 1985, 11.7% of children were overweight or obese compared with 28.7% in 2001 (p<0.001). Apart from walking to school and school sport, there were greater relative declines in cycling to school and PE, and increases in overweight and obesity among children attending schools in low SES areas compared with those attending schools in high SES areas.


Declines in active school transport and PE have occurred at the same time as increases in overweight and obesity among Australian children.

Promoting active school transport and maintaining school sport and PE should be important public health priorities in Australia. Current inequities in school sport and PE and in prevalence of overweight and obesity by area-level SES also need to be addressed.


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BACKGROUND: Managing medications is complex, particularly for consumers with multiple coexisting conditions for whom benefits and adverse effects are unpredictable and health priorities may be variable.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate perceptions of and experiences with managing drug regimens from the perspectives of consumers with osteoarthritis and coexisting chronic conditions and of healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds.

METHODS: Using an exploratory research design, focus groups were formed with 34 consumers and 19 healthcare professionals. Individual interviews were undertaken with 3 community medical practitioners.

RESULTS: Consumers' management of medications was explored in terms of 3 themes: administration of medications, provision of information, and the perceived role of healthcare professionals. In general, consumers lacked understanding regarding the reason that they were prescribed certain medications. Since all consumer participants had at least 2 chronic conditions, they were taking many drugs to relieve undesirable symptoms. Some consumers were unable to achieve improved pain relief and were reluctant to take analgesics prescribed on an as - needed basis. Healthcare professionals discussed the importance of using non-pharmacologic measures to improve symptoms; however, consumers stated that physicians encourage them to continue using medications, often for prolonged periods, even when these agents are not helpful.

Consumers were dissatisfied about the complexity of their medication regimens and also lacked understanding as to how to take their drugs effectively. Dedicated time should be devoted during medical consultations to facilitate verbal exchange of information about medications. Pharmacists must communicate regularly with physicians about consumers' medication needs to help preempt any problems that may arise. Instructions need to be revised through collaboration between physicians and pharmacists so that "as needed" directions provide more explicit advice about when and how to use such drugs. Future research, using large, generalizable samples, should examine trends related to consumers' experiences of symptomatic relief from chronic conditions and their understandings about medications.


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To quantify the burden of disease and injury for the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations in the Northern Territory.

Design and setting:
Analysis of Northern Territory data for 1 January 1994 to 30 December 1998 from multiple sources.

Main outcome measures:
Disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), by age, sex, cause and Aboriginality.

Cardiovascular disease was the leading contributor (14.9%) to the total burden of disease and injury in the NT, followed by mental disorders (14.5%) and malignant neoplasms (11.2%). There was also a substantial contribution from unintentional injury (10.4%) and intentional injury (4.9%). Overall, the NT Aboriginal population had a rate of burden of disease 2.5 times higher than the non-Aboriginal population; in the 35-54-year age group their DALY rate was 4.1 times higher. The leading causes of disease burden were cardiovascular disease for both Aboriginal men (19.1%) and women (15.7%) and mental disorders for both non-Aboriginal men (16.7%) and women (22.3%).

A comprehensive assessment of fatal and non-fatal conditions is important in describing differentials in health status of the NT population. Our study provides comparative data to identify health priorities and facilitate a more equitable distribution of health funding.


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In March 2011, the United Kingdom's (UK's) Government launched five Public Health Responsibility Deal Networks to address public health priorities. The Networks used voluntary partnerships to influence peoples' choice architecture to move them toward healthier behaviors. The purpose of this research was to conduct an exploratory study of diverse stakeholders' perspectives about perceived responsibility and accountability expectations to improve food environments in England through the Food Network partnerships. A purposive sample of policy elites (n=31) from government, academia, food industry and non-government organizations sorted 48 statements related to improving food environments in England. Statements were grounded in three theoretical perspectives (i.e., legitimacy, nudge and public health law). PQMethod 2.33 statistical software program used factor analysis to identify viewpoints based on intra-individual differences for how participants sorted statements. The results revealed three distinct viewpoints, which explained 64% of the variance for 31 participants, and emphasized different expectations about responsibility. The food environment protectors (n=17) underscored government responsibility to address unhealthy food environments if voluntary partnerships are ineffective; the partnership pioneers (n=12) recognized government-industry partnerships as legitimate and necessary to address unhealthy food environments; and the commercial market defenders (n=1) emphasized individual responsibility for food choices and rejected government intervention to improve food environments. Consensus issues included: protecting children's right to health; food industry practices that can and should be changed; government working with industry on product reformulation; and building consumer support for economically viable healthy products. Contentious issues were: inadequacy of accountability structures and government inaction to regulate food marketing practices targeting children. We conclude that understanding different viewpoints is a step toward building mutual trust to strengthen accountability structures that may help stakeholders navigate ideologically contentious issues to promote healthy food environments in England.


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Com os processos de regionalização no final dos anos 1990, os estados iniciam um resgate de seu papel político para enfrentamento da fragmentação do sistema público de saúde. Nesse processo, as secretarias estaduais de saúde, representadas pelo Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde, passam a redefinir as funções do Estado junto à Atenção Básica. Na histórica atuação da Secretária de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo (SES-SP) na atenção primária, uma das marcas refere-se à expertise profissional nesse campo, que com o processo de municipalização migrou para os municípios, especialmente os de maior porte, ou redefiniu suas áreas de atuação no interior da própria SES-SP, em áreas como a vigilância epidemiológica e sanitária, a de avaliação e controle, entre outras. Esse capital humano foi em parte resgatado a partir de 2009, com o Programa Articuladores de Atenção Básica. O Programa representa uma política de apoio da SES-SP para os municípios, priorizando aqueles com população inferior a 100 mil habitantes, com o objetivo de auxiliar os gestores municipais na qualificação dos serviços de Atenção Básica e fortalecer esse nível de atenção no sistema público de saúde. Toma como objeto de trabalho o reconhecimento de prioridades de saúde locais e dos obstáculos para a melhoria da atenção à saúde, na construção conjunta de estratégias e alternativas de enfrentamento dos problemas identificados. Este artigo apresenta o processo de implantação desse Programa, bem como alguns resultados referentes às principais frentes de atuação desses profissionais na busca da qualificação da atenção básica no estado.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Purpose: To analyze the outcome of deceased donor recipients given priority in allocation due to lack of access for dialysis and compare this data to the one obtained from non-prioritized deceased donor kidney transplant recipients. Materials and Methods: we reviewed electronic charts of 31 patients submitted to kidney transplantation that were given priority in transplantation program due to lack of access for dialysis from January 2005 to December 2008. Immunological and surgical complications rates, and grafts and patients survival rates were analyzed. These data were compared to those obtained from 100 regular patients who underwent kidney transplantation without allocation priority during the same period. Results: Overall surgical complication rate was 25.8% and 27% in the patients with priority in allocation and in the non-prioritized patients, respectively. There was no statistical significant difference for surgical complications (p = 1.0), immunological complications (p = 0.21) and graft survival (p = 0.19) rates between the groups. However, patient survival rate was statistically significant worse in prioritized patients (p = 0.05). Conclusions: patients given priority in allocation owing to lack of access for dialysis have higher mortality rate when compared to those non-prioritized.