989 resultados para Harry-Dym hierarchies


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Standing l-r: George? son of Max Reiss?, Max Reiss, Harry Gould, Moritz Reiss, Joe Reiss, and Herbert Reiss; Seated l-r: Trude Reiss (wife of Herbert), Else Reiss (mother of Joe), Lily Friedlander Gould, Eva Fantl Gould, Trude Reiss (wife of Joe), and Marta Reiss (wife of Max)


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Page 58 of the "American Jewish Cavalcade" scrapbook of Leo Baeck in New York found in ROS 10 Folder 3


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A plethora of indices have been proposed and used to construct dominance hierarchies in a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate societies, although the rationale for choosing a particular index for a particular species is seldom explained. In this study, we analysed and compared three such indices, viz Clutton-Brock et al.'s index (CBI), originally developed for red deer, Cervus elaphus, David's score (DS) originally proposed by the statistician H. A. David and the frequency-based index of dominance (FDI) developed and routinely used by our group for the primitively eusocial wasps Ropalidia marginata and Ropalidia cyathiformis. Dominance ranks attributed by all three indices were strongly and positively correlated for both natural data sets from the wasp colonies and for artificial data sets generated for the purpose. However, the indices differed in their ability to yield unique (untied) ranks in the natural data sets. This appears to be caused by the presence of noninteracting individuals and reversals in the direction of dominance in some of the pairs in the natural data sets. This was confirmed by creating additional artificial data sets with noninteracting individuals and with reversals. Based on the criterion of yielding the largest proportion of unique ranks, we found that FDI is best suited for societies such as the wasps belonging to Ropalidia, DS is best suited for societies with reversals and CBI remains a suitable index for societies such as red deer in which multiple interactions are uncommon. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We examine three hierarchies of circuit classes and show they are closed under complementation. (1) The class of languages recognized by a family of polynomial size skew circuits with width O(w), are closed under complement. (2) The class of languages recognized by family of polynomial size circuits with width O(w) and polynomial tree-size, are closed under complement. (3) The class of languages recognized by a family of polynomial size, O(log(n)) depth, bounded AND fan-in with OR fan-in f (f⩾log(n)) circuits are closed under complement. These improve upon the results of (i) Immerman (1988) and Szelepcsenyi (1988), who show that 𝒩L𝒪𝒢 is closed under complementation, and (ii) Borodin et al. (1989), who show that L𝒪𝒢𝒞ℱL is closed under complement


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We generalize the method of A. M. Polyakov, Phys. Rev. E 52, 6183 (1995)] for obtaining structure-function relations in turbulence in the stochastically forced Burgers equation, to develop structure-function hierarchies for turbulence in three models for magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). These are the Burgers analogs of MHD in one dimension Eur. Phys. J.B 9, 725 (1999)], and in three dimensions (3DMHD and 3D Hall MHD). Our study provides a convenient and unified scheme for the development of structure-function hierarchies for turbulence in a variety of coupled hydrodynamical equations. For turbulence in the three sets of MHD equations mentioned above, we obtain exact relations for third-order structure functions and their derivatives; these expressions are the analogs of the von Karman-Howarth relations for fluid turbulence. We compare our work with earlier studies of such relations in 3DMHD and 3D Hall MHD.


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[Es] Una vez dada por finalizada la serie de siete entregas de Harry Potter, de J. K. Rowling, este artículo analiza la hábil integración de diferentes modelos narrativos previos para obtener un producto más complejo que la literatura popular, que es capaz de apelar a públicos lectores diversos, desde los lectores jóvenes hasta lectores adultos altamente competentes. Para este trabajo se ha partido de los estudios polisistémicos de Itamar Even-Zohar y Zohar Shavit.


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O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o processo de criação e manutenção de fanfics escritas em língua portuguesa da saga Harry Potter e identificar razões pelas quais os usuários leitores e colaboradores optam, ou preferem, certas fics em detrimento de outras. O trabalho agrega, em seu corpo, um apanhado sobre a saga, desde sua autora, passando por seus personagens e enredo, até uma contextualização da relação de sucesso dessas Obras com a prática de publicações e manutenções de fanfictions, sendo abordados e registrados aspectos relevantes sobre essa atividade. São trazidos à tona os principais entendimentos teóricos relacionados ao universo das fics, tais como a preservação do tradicional sobre o novo (seguir o cânone), assim como à presença de alguns padrões comunicacionais e textuais (periodicidade e qualidade no texto), como fatores de relevância para a popularidade de uma história. Finalmente, são analisados dados de questionários encaminhados à parte mais significativa da amostra escolhida, com o objetivo de investigar quais fatores são preponderantes para que uma fanfiction se torne popular, uma vez que esta atividade está inserida num espaço tecnológico, no qual a inovação é força motriz


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Harry Hess's hypothesis of sea-floor spreading brought together his long-standing interests in island arcs, oceanic topography, and the oceanic crust. The one unique feature of Hess's hypothesis was the origin of the oceanic crust as a hydration rind on the top of the mantle -- an idea that was not well received, even by the early converts to sea-floor spreading. Hess never changed his mind on this issue, and his stubbornness illuminates the logic of his discovery. Published and archival records show that 1) Hess became convinced the oceanic crust was a hydration rind as early as mid 1958, when he was still a fixist, 2) he devised sea-floor spreading in 1960 to reconcile the hydration-rind model with the newly discovered, high heat flow at oceanic ridge crests, and 3) Hess's new mobilist solution did the least amount of violence to his older fixist solution.


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Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (T. & S.)juveniles were size-graded and divided into three groups (small, large, and mixture of small and large flounder), and their social interactions (feeding, aggressive attacking and activity) and growth were investigated. The growth of the small flounder was markedly suppressed by the presence of the large flounder. Large flounder did not significantly suppress the overall food intake of the small flounder but exhibited high aggressive attacking on them and consequently inhibited their activity. Size dominance showed little influence on the aggressive behavior, feeding, activity and growth of the large flounder. The large flounder could not effectively defend the food in excess during the experiments ruling out disproportional food acquisition as the primary mechanism responsible for the size hierarchy effect. Aggressive interaction of the large flounder on the small flounder might be an important cause for the growth retardation of the small flounder. In culture, size grading could markedly improve the growth and survival of the early juvenile flounder. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a theory of inheritance theories. We present an original theory of inheritance in nonmonotonic hierarchies. The structures on which this theory is based delineate a framework that subsumes most inheritance theories in the literature, providing a new foundation for inheritance. * Our path-based theory is sound and complete w.r.t. a direct model-theoretic semantics. * Both the credulous and the skeptical conclusions of this theory are polynomial-time computable. * We prove that true skeptical inheritance is not contained in the language of path-based inheritance. Because our techniques are modular w.r.t. the definition of specificity, they generalize to provide a unified framework for a broad class of inheritance theories. By describing multiple inheritance theories in the same "language" of credulous extensions, we make principled comparisons rather than the ad-hoc examination of specific examples makes up most of the comparative inheritance work.


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