990 resultados para Hardware IP Security
En aquesta memòria l'autor, fent servir un enfoc modern, redissenya i implementa la plataforma que una empresa de telecomunicacions del segle 21 necessita per poder donar serveis de telefonia i comunicacions als seus usuaris i clients. Al llarg d'aquesta exposició es condueix al lector des d'una fase inicial de disseny fins a la implementació i posada en producció del sistema final desenvolupat, centrant-nos en solucionar les necessitats actuals que això implica. Aquesta memòria cubreix el software, hardware i els processos de negoci associats al repte de fer realitat aquest objectiu, i presenta al lector les múltiples tecnologies emprades per aconseguir-ho, fent emfàsi en la convergència actual de xarxes cap al concepte de xarxes IP i basant-se en aquesta tendència i utilitzant aquesta tecnologia de veu sobre IP per donar forma a la plataforma que finalment, de forma pràctica, es posa en producció.
S'ha realitzat un estudi per conèixer que és el PLC, quins tipus existeixen, la normativa que hi ha al voltant, quin hardware utilitza per després crear i analitzar dos cassos d'estudi: una xarxa domèstica i un edifici de nova construcció, en el que s'oferirà als futurs compradors Internet en qualsevol endoll de l'edifici.
Prosessitietoliikenneverkko toimii mm. energian tuotannon, siirron ja jakelun käytönvalvontajärjestelmien tiedonsiirron alustana. Tietoliikenneverkkojen rooli osana yrityksen operatiivisia prosesseja kasvaa järjestelmäuusintojen myötä ja järjestelmien tehokas hyödyntäminen vaatii luotettavat sekä nopeat tietoverkot. Uusittavien järjestelmien tietoliikenneratkaisut perustuvat pääsääntöisesti Ethernetpohjaiseen TCP/IP-verkkotekniikkaan. Tällä hetkellä prosessijärjestelmien tiedonsiirtoyhteydet kenttälaitteiden ja valvomojärjestelmien välillä on pääsääntöisesti toteutettu PCM-siirtojärjestelmällä tai kiinteän yhteyden modeemeilla. Käytössä oleva PCM-tekniikka on elinkaarensa loppupuolella ja tiedonsiirtonopeudet sekä liityntärajapinnat eivät täytä nykyaikaisten prosessijärjestelmien tiedonsiirto¬vaatimuksia. Työssä käytiin läpikeskeisimmät Ethernet-tekniikkaan ja TCP/IP-protokollaperheeseen liittyvät standardit ja verkon aktiivilaitteet. Vaatimusmäärittelyissä selvitettiin Helsingin Energian eri liiketoimintayksiköiden tarpeita sekä energia-alan lainsäädännön vaatimuksia prosessitietoliikenneverkolle. Tarpeiden ja vaatimusten pohjalta verrattiin kolmea eri vaihtoehtoista verkkotekniikkaa: kytkintekniikkaa, reititintekniikkaa ja MPLS-tekniikkaa. Vertailun perusteella valitulla verkkotekniikalla tehtiin suunnitelma avoimesta, valmistajasta riippumattomasta standardeihin perustuvasta yritystason Ethernet-pohjaisesta TCP/IP prosessiverkkoratkaisusta. Johtopäätöksissä pohditaan valitun ratkaisun käytettävyyttä, tietoturvaa sekä toimenpiteitä niiden kehittämiseksi.
IP-verkoissa tarjottavat palvelut ovat lisääntyneet, on tullut uusia kanavia, jotka tarjoavat IP-pohjaisia palveluja. Internet-palvelujen tarjonta on tullut mukaan kaapelitelevisio- ja matkapuhelinverkkoihin. Lisääntynyt palvelujen tarjonta ja kysyntä ovat lisänneet palvelujen hallinnan merkitystä. IP-verkoissa on ilmennyt turvallisuuteen, skaalattavuuteen ja palvelun laatuun liittyviä ongelmia. Palvelun laadun tärkeys painottuu reaaliaikaisuutta ja suurta kapasiteettia vaativissa sovelluksissa. Tulevaisuudessa IP-liikenteen on ennustettu kasvavan yli satakertaiseksi nykyisestä tasosta kolmen vuoden kuluessa. Tämän vuoksi on kehitetty uusi verkon ja palvelun hallintamenetelmiä, joista tässä työssä on tutkittu sääntöpohjaista verkon hallintaa.
Tämä diplomityö tutkii turvallisia etäyhteystapoja yritysverkkoihin. Samanaikasesti kuin Internettiin liitetyt langattomat verkot, kuten langattomat lähiverkot ja pakettikytkentäiset matkapuhelinverkot, tulevat yhä yleisemmiksi, mahdollisuus etäyhteksien luomiseen näiden verkkojen kautta tulee yhä suositummaksi. Vaikka tietoverkot kehittyvät, pysyvät niitä uhkaavat yleisluontoiset uhat samoina. IP pohjaiset VPN-verkot ovat sopiva tapa suojata Internetin ylitse tapahtuvia etäyhteksiä. Eri VPN-ratkaisuja on kuitenkin tarjolla laaja valikoima. Oikean tyyppisen VPN-ratkaisun valinta on kriittistä, jotta yrityksen etäyhteystarpeet saadaan täytettyä. Diplomityö esittelee eräänä vaihtoehtona miten Pocket PC 2002 PDA laitetta ja Windows XP Professional käyttöjärjestelmää voidaan käyttää edullisen VPN ratkaisun toteuttamiseen.
The major technical objectives of the RC-NSPES are to provide a framework for the concurrent operation of reactive and pro-active security functions to deliver efficient and optimised intrusion detection schemes as well as enhanced and highly correlated rule sets for more effective alerts management and root-cause analysis. The design and implementation of the RC-NSPES solution includes a number of innovative features in terms of real-time programmable embedded hardware (FPGA) deployment as well as in the integrated management station. These have been devised so as to deliver enhanced detection of attacks and contextualised alerts against threats that can arise from both the network layer and the application layer protocols. The resulting architecture represents an efficient and effective framework for the future deployment of network security systems.
Baseado na tecnologia de interligação de redes, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de conexão de dois sistemas com processamento próprio com o intuito de troca de informações, utilizando a pilha de protocolos TCP/IP. Este sistema será empregado em ambientes de controle industrial, permitindo o envio de informações do servidor de dados para o cliente. Os dados são constituídos de leituras feitas em equipamentos de campo, apresentando ao cliente remoto, medições dos mais diversos tipos. Por outro lado, o cliente poderá enviar comandos aos equipamentos de campo visando o telecontrole. Como ponto de partida para a elaboração do trabalho prático, foi utilizado o ambiente de controle do sistema de potência da companhia energética do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (CEEE). Um microcomputador com um browser acessa, através de uma rede local, os equipamentos controlados, que poderão ser qualquer tipo de equipamento de campo empregado em subestações de energia elétrica, como disjuntores, transformadores ou chaves. Para permitir o acesso remoto de tais equipamentos, foi elaborado um servidor de dados constituído de um controlador de rede do tipo Ethernet e um microcontrolador de aplicação específica que se encarrega do processamento da pilha de protocolos. O controlador Ethernet utilizado é um circuito integrado dedicado comercial, que executa o tratamento dos sinais de nível físico e de enlace de dados conforme o padrão IEEE 802.2. O processador TCP/IP, enfoque principal deste trabalho, foi elaborado através da linguagem de programação C, e a seguir traduzido para o Java, que é o ponto de partida para a ferramenta SASHIMI, de geração da descrição em VHDL do microcontrolador de aplicação específica utilizado. O processador TCP/IP encarrega-se da aquisição de dados do equipamento de campo, do processamento da pilha de protocolos TCP/IP, e do gerenciamento do controlador Ethernet. A partir desta descrição VHDL, foi sintetizado o hardware do microcontrolador em um FPGA, que juntamente com o software aplicativo, também fornecido pela ferramenta utilizada, desempenha o papel de processador TCP/IP para o sistema proposto. Neste ambiente, então, o cliente localizado no centro de operação, acessa através de um browser o equipamento de campo, visando obter suas medições, bem como enviar comandos, destacando o aspecto bidirecional para a troca de dados e a facilidade de conexão de dois sistemas heterogêneos. Este sistema pretende apresentar baixo custo de aquisição e de instalação, facilidade de interconexão local ou remota e transparência ao usuário final.
A criptografia assumiu papel de destaque no cotidiano das pessoas, em virtude da necessidade de segurança em inúmeras transações eletrônicas. Em determinadas áreas, a utilização de hardware dedicado à tarefa de criptografia apresenta vantagens em relação à implementação em software, devido principalmente ao ganho de desempenho. Recentemente, o National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publicou o novo padrão norte-americano de criptografia simétrica, chamado de Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Após um período de aproximadamente 3 anos, no qual várias alternativas foram analisadas, adotou-se o algoritmo Rijndael. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um Soft IP do padrão AES, codificado em VHDL, visando a implementação em FPGA Altera. Todo o projeto foi construído com funções e bibliotecas genéricas, a fim de permitir a posterior implementação sobre outras tecnologias. Foram geradas duas versões: uma priorizando desempenho e outra priorizando a área ocupada nos componentes. Para cada uma das versões, produziu-se um circuito para encriptar e outro para decriptar. O desempenho alcançado em termos de velocidade de processamento superou todos os outros trabalhos publicados na área, sobre a mesma tecnologia. São apresentados os detalhes de implementação, arquiteturas envolvidas e decisões de projeto, bem como todos os resultados. A dissertação contém ainda conceitos básicos de criptografia e uma descrição do algoritmo Rijndael.
This work presents a packet manipulation tool developed to realize tests in industrial devices that implements TCP/IP-based communication protocols. The tool was developed in Python programming language, as a Scapy extension. This tool, named IndPM- Industrial Packet Manipulator, can realize vulnerability tests in devices of industrial networks, industrial protocol compliance tests, receive server replies and utilize the Python interpreter to build tests. The Modbus/TCP protocol was implemented as proof-of-concept. The DNP3 over TCP protocol was also implemented but tests could not be realized because of the lack of resources. The IndPM results with Modbus/TCP protocol show some implementation faults in a Programmable Logic Controller communication module frequently utilized in automation companies
A mathematical model and a methodology to solve the transmission network expansion planning problem with security constraints are presented. The methodology allows one to find an optimal and reliable transmission network expansion plan using a DC model to represent the electrical network. The security (n-1) criterion is used. The model presented is solved using a genetic algorithm designed to solve the reliable expansion planning in an efficient way. The results obtained for several known systems from literature show the excellent performance of the proposed methodology. A comparative analysis of the results obtained with the proposed methodology is also presented.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Service providers make use of cost-effective wireless solutions to identify, localize, and possibly track users using their carried MDs to support added services, such as geo-advertisement, security, and management. Indoor and outdoor hotspot areas play a significant role for such services. However, GPS does not work in many of these areas. To solve this problem, service providers leverage available indoor radio technologies, such as WiFi, GSM, and LTE, to identify and localize users. We focus our research on passive services provided by third parties, which are responsible for (i) data acquisition and (ii) processing, and network-based services, where (i) and (ii) are done inside the serving network. For better understanding of parameters that affect indoor localization, we investigate several factors that affect indoor signal propagation for both Bluetooth and WiFi technologies. For GSM-based passive services, we developed first a data acquisition module: a GSM receiver that can overhear GSM uplink messages transmitted by MDs while being invisible. A set of optimizations were made for the receiver components to support wideband capturing of the GSM spectrum while operating in real-time. Processing the wide-spectrum of the GSM is possible using a proposed distributed processing approach over an IP network. Then, to overcome the lack of information about tracked devices’ radio settings, we developed two novel localization algorithms that rely on proximity-based solutions to estimate in real environments devices’ locations. Given the challenging indoor environment on radio signals, such as NLOS reception and multipath propagation, we developed an original algorithm to detect and remove contaminated radio signals before being fed to the localization algorithm. To improve the localization algorithm, we extended our work with a hybrid based approach that uses both WiFi and GSM interfaces to localize users. For network-based services, we used a software implementation of a LTE base station to develop our algorithms, which characterize the indoor environment before applying the localization algorithm. Experiments were conducted without any special hardware, any prior knowledge of the indoor layout or any offline calibration of the system.
Service providers make use of cost-effective wireless solutions to identify, localize, and possibly track users using their carried MDs to support added services, such as geo-advertisement, security, and management. Indoor and outdoor hotspot areas play a significant role for such services. However, GPS does not work in many of these areas. To solve this problem, service providers leverage available indoor radio technologies, such as WiFi, GSM, and LTE, to identify and localize users. We focus our research on passive services provided by third parties, which are responsible for (i) data acquisition and (ii) processing, and network-based services, where (i) and (ii) are done inside the serving network. For better understanding of parameters that affect indoor localization, we investigate several factors that affect indoor signal propagation for both Bluetooth and WiFi technologies. For GSM-based passive services, we developed first a data acquisition module: a GSM receiver that can overhear GSM uplink messages transmitted by MDs while being invisible. A set of optimizations were made for the receiver components to support wideband capturing of the GSM spectrum while operating in real-time. Processing the wide-spectrum of the GSM is possible using a proposed distributed processing approach over an IP network. Then, to overcome the lack of information about tracked devices’ radio settings, we developed two novel localization algorithms that rely on proximity-based solutions to estimate in real environments devices’ locations. Given the challenging indoor environment on radio signals, such as NLOS reception and multipath propagation, we developed an original algorithm to detect and remove contaminated radio signals before being fed to the localization algorithm. To improve the localization algorithm, we extended our work with a hybrid based approach that uses both WiFi and GSM interfaces to localize users. For network-based services, we used a software implementation of a LTE base station to develop our algorithms, which characterize the indoor environment before applying the localization algorithm. Experiments were conducted without any special hardware, any prior knowledge of the indoor layout or any offline calibration of the system.
Side Channel Attack (SCA) differs from traditional mathematic attacks. It gets around of the exhaustive mathematic calculation and precisely pin to certain points in the cryptographic algorithm to reveal confidential information from the running crypto-devices. Since the introduction of SCA by Paul Kocher et al [1], it has been considered to be one of the most critical threats to the resource restricted but security demanding applications, such as wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we focus our work on the SCA-concerned security verification on WSN (wireless sensor network). A detailed setup of the platform and an analysis of the results of DPA (power attack) and EMA (electromagnetic attack) is presented. The setup follows the way of low-cost setup to make effective SCAs. Meanwhile, surveying the weaknesses of WSNs in resisting SCA attacks, especially for the EM attack. Finally, SCA-Prevention suggestions based on Differential Security Strategy for the FPGA hardware implementation in WSN will be given, helping to get an improved compromise between security and cost.