993 resultados para Hall, John, Lieut.


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The cultural characteristics attributed to individuals in their country of birth are likely to change through immigration and acculturation processes taking place in the host country. Immigrants are likely to develop their own unique cultural styles through a blending of their old culture and the host culture. With slightly less than half of the population born overseas or with at least one parent born overseas, and with some 200 languages Australia has one of the most cosmopolitan populations in the world, with a relatively small population of 20 million. This paper considers the cross cultural nature of the Australian population and the sustainability of culture through the Arts. This paper also considers the marketing of the arts from a cross cultural segmentation perspective. In so doing the paper identifies segmentation issues associated with cross cultural segmentation.


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In a quest for a more efficient education system, many organizations have opted to increase class size. It is a common perception that large subjects are economical to run and small subjects are not. Many in the tertiary  education system have had concerns with issues involved in the teaching of large classes, including teaching quality and whether there are effective learning outcomes for students. As with any complex issue, there are several approaches that could be utilized to assess whether the needs of  stakeholders are being met. Stakeholders include the institution, the  teaching staff the community and the students. This study aims to assess whether universities are satisfying the needs of students as class size is increased The study focuses on satisfaction with large classes and includes an assessment of the satisfaction of students' psychological needs. These constructs are measured in small, medium and large classes to identify the change in the level of satisfaction. The study used a multi-method approach consisting of a literature review, a qualitative phase involving in depth  interviews, focus groups, and a quantitative survey The results show that while customer satisfaction is being met, the satisfaction of students' psychological needs are not being fully realised. It was also found that there were notable variations between individual students, the subjects being studied and degree streams of students taking the same subject. The implications of these findings and suggestions for further investigation are discussed in this paper.


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This paper aims to examine diversity and identity issues from a marketing perspective. The traditional marketing practice of segmenting markets could be viewed as the antithesis of diversity as it relies on identifying  homogenous characteristics of a population. It is uneconomical and  generally less effective to market to a broad range of consumers than to do so for a specific group with homogenous characteristics. However, segmentation is not possible without diversify. Segmentation requires the presence of substantial differences in consumer characteristics and behaviour in a population to be truly effective. Marketing and its relationship to diversity, however, extends beyond segmentation and into issues of an individual's sense of identity and belonging. The literature suggests that an individual's identify is expressed through consumption and this can include ethnic identity. With an increasingly diverse, multicultural society in many countries, it is timely to look more closely at cultural identity and its relationship to consumption. Hofstede's work on cultural characteristics inherent in a particular country, continue to be widely used in international business. How evel; cultural identity and characteristics attributed to individuals in their country of birth may change when they immigrate to another country. Acculturation in a host country affects how immigrants see themselves and wish to be perceived. This can be problematic for marketers attempting to segment and reach consumers on the basis of their ethnicity. If consumption is an expression of identity as the literature suggests, then marketing has a role to play in either influencing or responding to issues of diversity and identity in the population at large. This paper examines the current literature on consumption, consumer behaviour and ethnic identify.


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This paper examines identity issues in multicultural Australia. In its extreme, negative form, assumptions that certain characteristics apply to all members of an ethnic group can be attributed to racism. However, the belief that individuals who share the same ethnic background have similar needs, interests and perceptions is also reflected in business, government policy and academic research. Often, ethnic groupings used for research and policy formulation are very broad and fail to take into account within-group differences. The criteria used to assess an individuals membership of an ethnic group can be problematic. Criteria based purely on objective measures such as country of birth or ethnic ancestry do not take into account acculturation processes or the degree to which individuals consider themselves to be 'ethnic '. These objective measures are complicated further as individuals may have ethnic roots from multiple countries depending on their family composition over several generations. This theory-focused paper proposes that ethnic identity should be viewed as a subjective phenomenon where individuals are likely to align themselves with the ethnic background to which they most identify. This has implications for research and policy making in multicultural societies.


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In Australia, male sports attendees outnumber female sports attendees by 25%, yet little research has been conducted into the attendance motives of women. This study undertakes an analysis of 460 respondents using descriptive and multivariate statistics to distinguish the attendance motivations of women and compare them directly to those of male attendees. The findings suggest that female attendance can be influenced through management and promotional strategies.


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The growth in the international education market within the next two decades will be dominated by Asia, accounting for almost 70% of the global demand for international higher education (Bohm et al., 2002). The market attractiveness with significant pecuniary and non-pecuniary gains from full-fee paying students will result in a more competitive environment for higher educational institutions around the world seeking to improve their market position. Student satisfaction is a key strategic variable in maintaining such a competitive position with long-term benefits arising from student loyalty, positive word of mouth (WOM) communication and image of the higher educational institutions to meet the challenges of increasing global competition, rising student expectations of quality, service, and value for money. This process requires educational institutions to carefully analyse these key factors contributing to student satisfaction and therefore develop strategies accordingly.

Using logistic regression analysis with factor scores and aggregated satisfaction scores, this study examines the relative importance of factors and their impact on the satisfaction levels of international postgraduate students from four Asian countries studying in Australian universities. The study concludes that the dominant factors that impact on student satisfaction are quality of education, student facilities, reputation of the institutions, the marketability of their degrees for better career prospects, and the overall customer value provided by the universities.


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Servicing an increasingly diverse international student community in the globally competitive education market is a challenge faced by Australian universities. Market forecasts indicate a seven-fold increase in the number of students seeking higher education overseas by 2025 (Bohm et al, 2002) and with the growing diversity and competitiveness of the industry, universities will need to focus on factors influencing student satisfaction to improve service quality where required.

This paper, using logistic regression, ANOVA, and MANOVA, investigates the influence of country, age and gender with regard to satisfaction among international postgraduate students from four Asian countries studying in universities in Victoria. The results indicate that there is an inverse relationship between age and satisfaction among postgraduate students while the gender of the students does not have an impact on satisfaction, and that significant differences are evident between the four countries investigated with respect to the levels of satisfaction.


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Customer satisfaction is a core-marketing concept. It is considered as a major outcome of marketing activity and serves to link processes, culminating in purchase and consumption with post-purchase phenomena such as attitudinal change, customer retention, repeat purchase, brand loyalty, positive word-of-mouth communication. Student satisfaction is a strategic factor in developing a competitive advantage in the highly attractive and globally competitive international education market. Market forecasts indicate a seven-fold increase in the number of students seeking higher education overseas by 2025 and given the competitiveness of the industry, universities will need to focus on variables influencing student satisfaction in order to address areas where improvements in service quality are required.

A sample of 371 postgraduate students from China, India, Indonesia and Thailand, is investigated. The study highlights the development of a scale to measure international postgraduate student satisfaction. The scale demonstrates the importance of four predominant factors influencing university choices - Education Resources; Communication and Guidance; Customer Value and Study Outcomes; and Image, Prestige and Recognition. Using logistic regression and chi square testing, this paper investigates the impact of age and gender on satisfaction among international postgraduate students from four Asian countries studying in universities in Victoria, Australia, on theses factors. The results indicate that age has a positive relationship with satisfaction among postgraduate students while the influence of gender has no effect on influencing satisfaction among postgraduate students from Asia.


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In a period when tourism is contracting, and in a destination with an extensive range of visitor attractions, the importance of local residents visitation is accentuated. The aim of this study was to explore whether there are differences across segments of the local resident market in terms of their motives for engaging in leisure activities within the context of tourist attractions. This study was set within the context of Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne has changed in recent years in terms of the range of attractions available to residents. A sample of 1005 local residents was used as the basis of this study. Cluster analysis was used to segment the sample, based on the intended frequency of visitation to a set of attractions. The motives for engaging in leisure were then explored for each of the segments using Unger and Kernan's (1983) Subjective Leisure Scale (SLS), which encompasses six motivational domains namely intrinsic satisfaction, perceived freedom, arousal, mastery, involvement and spontaneity, was applied in this study of leisure activities was used as the basis of identifying the motives for visiting the attractions.


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Australian universities face a challenging task of servicing an increasingly diverse international student community in the globally competitive education market. The pressure on universities to successfully negotiate the cultural diversity and improvement in service quality will continue to increase with the global expansion of the international student market. Market forecasts indicate an increase in the number of students seeking higher education overseas by 2025 to 7.2 million. The attractiveness of the international education market in the form of both pecuniary and non pecuniary benefits will continue to create a highly competitive environment for Australia requiring Australian higher education institutions to pursue well planned strategies to maintain a globally competitive position.

Student satisfaction is a key strategic variable in maintaining such a competitive position with long term benefits arising from student loyalty, positive word of mouth (WOM) communication and image of the study destinations and to meet the challenges of increasing global competition, rising student expectations of quality, service and value for money.

This paper, based on the expectancy-disconfirmation paradigm, and using logistic regression, ANOVA and chi square testing, investigates factors that influence international postgraduate students from four Asian countries studying in Australia and concludes with strategic implications for universities


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The rising expectations of university students with regard to quality, service and value for money, and the growing diversity of student populations have challenged universities to become increasingly student focused. Marketing theory suggests that a clear understanding of customer needs and expectations is central to being customer focused and to facilitate targeting of products and services to appropriate segments. The process requires the marketer to have insights into the cultural backgrounds of customers where the study of personal values becomes a critical component in understanding consumer needs and preferences. The results of this study indicate that personal values are useful in explaining differences amongst the student cohorts with regard to age, gender and nationality. Recommendations are made with regard to developing the educational product for the international student, based on underlying value domains of Self-efficacy and Hedonism.


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The aim of this paper is to identify the challenges that a social marketing campaign, which is predicated on Anzac Day and its commemorations and aimed at developing nationalistic behaviour in Australians, might face in the future. Questions posed for this paper are: Is this a viable campaign to promote nationalistic behaviour in Australia? Are there risks associated with such a campaign? In this discursive and exploratory paper Anzac Day and its commemorations are examined using generic marketing tools available to social marketers, specifically the Product Lifecycle (PLC) and consumer profiling, namely generational research. The results indicate that it is possible to predicate a social marketing campaign on Anzac Day and its commemorations to develop nationalistic behaviour in Australia, but there are some inherent risks associated with such a campaign. Issues are raised with regard to the mono-cultural nature of such a campaign; which generational segment(s) might take ownership of the commemorations in the future; and the surrounding structural and community-based strategies that will enhance such a campaign.


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This paper reports on a study concerning consumer perceptions of cause-related marketing in Australia, and seeks to identify a direct link between consumer attitudes toward donating to charity (pro-social behaviour) and corporate philanthropy, and attitudes toward cause-related marketing. After a discussion on the related literature, there follows discussion on the research
model employed, and the fmdings of he study. Among other fmdings, statistically significant relationships between attitudes toward charitable giving and attitudes toward cause-related marketing are in evidence. In this study, respondents express a preference for local causes, as opposed to national and international causes, and also demonstrate a preference for cause types similar to those that already receive the highest level of charitable donations. The paper concludes with a discussion of the limitations of the study and presents suggestions for future research.


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This paper presents definitions of leisure in Australian society, discusses various forms of leisure and its importance to the individual, community and nation. Recent observed changes to the nature of leisure are presented. It appears as though a shift from individual consumption to collective production of leisure is occurring; for example, "jogging all the way to choir".