227 resultados para Hajdú, Péter


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Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the interleukin (IL)28B locus have been associated with a sustained virological response (SVR) in interferon-ribavirin (IFN-RBV)-treated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients in European and African populations. In this study, the genotype frequency of two IL28B SNPs (rs129679860 and rs8099917) in a cohort of chronic HCV-monoinfected patients in Brazil was evaluated and the SNP sufficient to predict the treatment response outcome was determined. A total of 66 naïve genotype-1 chronic HCV-infected patients were genotyped and the associated viral kinetics and SVR were assessed. The overall SVR was 38%. Both the viral kinetics and SVR were associated with rs129679860 genotypes (CC = 62% vs. CT = 33% vs. TT = 18%, p = 0.016). However, rs8099917 genotypes were only associated with SVR (TT = 53% vs. TG = 33% vs. GG = 18%; p = 0.032). In this population, the analysis of a single SNP, rs12979860, successfully predicts SVR in the IFN-RBV treatment of HCV.


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The purpose of this study was to analyse a skeleton (adult female, 25-30 years) that presented evidence of tuberculous spondylitis. The skeleton, dated from the Roman Period (III-VI centuries), was excavated near the town of Győr, in western Hungary. The skeleton was examined by gross observation supplemented with mycolic acid and proteomic analyses using MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometry. The biomolecular analyses supported the morphological diagnosis.


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The Chlamydiales order includes the Chlamydiaceae, Parachlamydiaceae, Waddliaceae, Simkaniaceae, Criblamydiaceae, Rhabdochlamydiaceae, Clavichlamydiaceae, and Piscichlamydiaceae families. Members of the Chlamydiales order are obligate intracellular bacteria that replicate within eukaryotic cells of different origins including humans, animals, and amoebae. Many of these bacteria are pathogens or emerging pathogens of both humans and animals, but their true diversity is largely underestimated, and their ecology remains to be investigated. Considering their potential threat on human health, it is important to expand our knowledge on the diversity of Chlamydiae, but also to define the host range colonized by these bacteria. Thus, using a new pan-Chlamydiales PCR, we analyzed the prevalence of Chlamydiales DNA in ticks and fleas, which are important vectors of several viral and bacterial infectious diseases. To conduct this study, 1340 Ixodes ricinus ticks prepared in 192 pools were collected in Switzerland and 55 other ticks belonging to different tick species and 97 fleas belonging to different flea species were harvested in Algeria. In Switzerland, the prevalence of Chlamydiales DNA in the 192 pools was equal to 28.1% (54/192) which represents an estimated prevalence in the 1340 individual ticks of between 4.0% and 28.4%. The pan-Chlamydiales qPCR was positive for 45% (25/55) of tick samples collected in Algeria. The sequencing of the positive qPCR amplicons revealed a high diversity of Chlamydiales species. Most of them belonged to the Rhabdochlamydiaceae and Parachlamydiaceae families. Thus, ticks may carry Chlamydiales and should thus be considered as possible vectors for Chlamydiales propagation to both humans and animals.


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[cat] Utilitzant l’enquesta REFLEX/HEGESCO, aquest article explora la probabilitat de desajustament entre educació i treball a l’Europa de l’Est i Central. Classifiquem els països en dos grups segons la transparència dels títols educatius al mercat de treball. Polònia, la República Txeca i Eslovènia formen el grup amb més transparència, i Hongria, Lituània i Estònia formen el grup amb més opacitat. Analitzem tres tipus de desajustaments: el vertical (infra‐, sobre‐educació), l’horitzontal (desajustament del camp d’estudi) i el desajust en habilitats. Focalitzem l’anàlisi en l’efecte dels camps d’estudi i les competències dels individus en el desajustament del mercat laboral en aquests països. Els resultats mostren importants diferències entre els dos grups de països estudiats.


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[cat] Utilitzant l’enquesta REFLEX/HEGESCO, aquest article explora la probabilitat de desajustament entre educació i treball a l’Europa de l’Est i Central. Classifiquem els països en dos grups segons la transparència dels títols educatius al mercat de treball. Polònia, la República Txeca i Eslovènia formen el grup amb més transparència, i Hongria, Lituània i Estònia formen el grup amb més opacitat. Analitzem tres tipus de desajustaments: el vertical (infra‐, sobre‐educació), l’horitzontal (desajustament del camp d’estudi) i el desajust en habilitats. Focalitzem l’anàlisi en l’efecte dels camps d’estudi i les competències dels individus en el desajustament del mercat laboral en aquests països. Els resultats mostren importants diferències entre els dos grups de països estudiats.


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Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in Europe and in the United States. In comparison to dermatological, neurological and rheumatological manifestations, heart disease is quite rare. Atrioventricular heart block is nevertheless the most frequent cardiological manifestation. We hereby report the case of a patient with high degree heart block due to Lyme disease. We focus on the electrocardiographical evolution during antibiotic therapy, as well as on microbiological and diagnostic aspects. Lyme disease is a rare cause of conduction disturbances but it is treatable and potentially reversible.


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L'agitation postopératoire chez les patients adultes dans les premières heures après le réveil¦est un domaine peu étudié. Nous avons effectué des recherches pour trouver des études¦concernant l'agitation postopératoire sur Pubmed pour les 10 dernières années. Les termes de¦recherche étaient agitation, emergence delirium, facteurs de risques (anglais : risk factors),¦agitation treatment, Riker scale. Ceci n'a permis de trouver que 2 études à propos de ce sujet.¦Pourtant, elle concerne environ 5% (1) (2) des patients adultes opérés, ce qui n'est pas¦négligeable.¦En effet, elle peut avoir de sérieuses conséquences en terme de lésions des patients¦(arrachement de cathéter, de tube d'intubation) ou du personnel soignant, ainsi qu'en terme de¦coûts occasionnés par les différentes complications.¦Selon l'étude de Lepousé (1) et l'étude de Radtke (2), certains facteurs seraient déterminants¦dans la survenue de l'agitation postopératoire, dont quelques-uns sont évitables.¦Dans l'étude observationnelle prospective de Radtke (2), il a déjà été démontré que l'âge était¦en lien avec l'agitation postopératoire. Les tranches d'âge les plus à risque sont : les moins de¦40 ans (18-39 ans) (OR=2.1, CI=1.1-3.8, p=0.02) et les plus de 64 ans (OR=2.1, CI=1.1-3.4,¦p=0.02). Les études de Lepousé (1) et de Radtke (2) ont montré que la prémédication par¦benzodiazépines pourrait aussi être un facteur de risque (Lepousé (1): CI=1.1-3.3, p=0.02)¦(Radtke (2): OR=2.4, CI=1.0-5.6, p≤0.05). L'intensité de la douleur est également liée à la¦survenue d'une agitation postopératoire (OR=1.8, CI=1.0-3.0, p<0.04) (2). D'autres facteurs¦comme certains médicaments utilisés lors de l'anesthésie (l'étomidate) (2), le type de¦chirurgie [abdominale (1) (2), musculosquelettique (2), de la tête et du cou(2), de la¦poitrine(1)] seraient en lien avec la survenue d'une agitation postopératoire.¦4¦Il restait toutefois beaucoup de facteurs dont la relation avec l'agitation postopératoire n'avait¦pas été évaluée ou dont l'étude n'a pas eu de résultat significatif [par exemple, les¦benzodiazépines à long terme (1), ou l'anesthésie locorégionale(2)].¦Le but de cette étude était premièrement de déterminer si la fréquence de l'agitation¦postopératoire dans la population prise en compte ici est comparable à celle observée dans les¦études de Radtke et de Lepousé.¦Ensuite il s'agissait d'identifier, lors d'agitation postopératoire chez des patients adultes,¦parmi certains facteurs possibles, ceux pouvant être en lien avec l'agitation postopératoire, et¦s'ils étaient similaires à ceux retrouvés dans les études déjà publiées.¦Les comorbidités sont un de ces facteurs. La dose de benzodiazépines dans les 24 heures¦précédent l'intervention, ainsi que les benzodiazépines en médication chronique, par un effet¦paradoxal, pourraient être en lien avec un état d'agitation. Dans le même ordre d'idée, nous¦avons comparé le type d'anesthésie utilisé, locorégionale versus générale ou combinée, avec¦la survenue de cet état. Nous nous sommes aussi penchés sur la dose intraopératoire totale¦d'opioïdes et l'administration intraopératoire d'atropine, médicaments largement utilisés lors¦des interventions, et qui seraient des facteurs modifiables si une relation avec l'agitation était¦démontrée. Enfin, l'hypotension intraopératoire provoquant une hypoperfusion cérébrale¦relative pourrait être liée à la survenue d'une agitation postopératoire.¦Nous avons également observé d'autres variables, comme l'intensité de la douleur, déjà¦démontrée comme étant en rapport avec l'agitation postopératoire, et l'hypoxie¦intraopératoire, qui pourrait favoriser une hypoxie cérébrale, et par là une agitation.¦Enfin, nous avons cherché s'il existe un lien entre la survenue d'une agitation postopératoire¦et d'un état confusionnel postopératoire, c'est-à-dire se développant dans la semaine suivant¦l'opération, une question qui n'avait pas encore été étudiée.


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Coxiella burnetii and members of the genus Rickettsia are obligate intracellular bacteria. Since cultivation of these organisms requires dedicated techniques, their diagnosis usually relies on serological or molecular biology methods. Immunofluorescence is considered the gold standard to detect antibody-reactivity towards these organisms. Here, we assessed the performance of a new automated epifluorescence immunoassay (InoDiag) to detect IgM and IgG against C. burnetii, Rickettsia typhi and Rickettsia conorii. Samples were tested with the InoDiag assay. A total of 213 sera were tested, of which 63 samples from Q fever, 20 from spotted fever rickettsiosis, 6 from murine typhus and 124 controls. InoDiag results were compared to micro-immunofluorescence. For acute Q fever, the sensitivity of phase 2 IgG was only of 30% with a cutoff of 1 arbitrary unit (AU). In patients with acute Q fever with positive IF IgM, sensitivity reached 83% with the same cutoff. Sensitivity for chronic Q fever was 100% whereas sensitivity for past Q fever was 65%. Sensitivity for spotted Mediterranean fever and murine typhus were 91% and 100%, respectively. Both assays exhibited a good specificity in control groups, ranging from 79% in sera from patients with unrelated diseases or EBV positivity to 100% in sera from healthy patients. In conclusion, the InoDiag assay exhibits an excellent performance for the diagnosis of chronic Q fever but a very low IgG sensitivity for acute Q fever likely due to low reactivity of phase 2 antigens present on the glass slide. This defect is partially compensated by the detection of IgM. Because it exhibits a good negative predictive value, the InoDiag assay is valuable to rule out a chronic Q fever. For the diagnosis of rickettsial diseases, the sensitivity of the InoDiag method is similar to conventional immunofluorescence.


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Recurso para el profesor que ofrece más de ciento veinte actividades para ayudar a los estudiantes a recordar los conceptos clave y las estructuras del idioma de una manera divertida, respetando la teoría del aprendizaje de idiomas. Consta de diez secciones; cada sección se inicia con una breve introducción seguida por once a diecisiete actividades que desarrollan la creatividad y proporcionan diversión.


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Pollinator declines have raised concerns about the persistence of plant species that depend on insect pollination, in particular by bees, for their reproduction. The impact of pollinator declines remains unknown for species-rich plant communities found in temperate seminatural grasslands. We investigated effects of land-use intensity in the surrounding landscape on the distribution of plant traits related to insect pollination in 239 European seminatural grasslands. Increasing arable land use in the surrounding landscape consistently reduced the density of plants depending on bee and insect pollination. Similarly, the relative abundance of bee-pollination-dependent plants increased with higher proportions of non-arable agricultural land (e.g. permanent grassland). This was paralleled by an overall increase in bee abundance and diversity. By isolating the impact of the surrounding landscape from effects of local habitat quality, we show for the first time that grassland plants dependent on insect pollination are particularly susceptible to increasing land-use intensity in the landscape.


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There is compelling evidence that more diverse ecosystems deliver greater benefits to people, and these ecosystem services have become a key argument for biodiversity conservation. However, it is unclear how much biodiversity is needed to deliver ecosystem services in a cost-effective way. Here we show that, while the contribution of wild bees to crop production is significant, service delivery is restricted to a limited subset of all known bee species. Across crops, years and biogeographical regions, crop-visiting wild bee communities are dominated by a small number of common species, and threatened species are rarely observed on crops. Dominant crop pollinators persist under agricultural expansion and many are easily enhanced by simple conservation measures, suggesting that cost-effective management strategies to promote crop pollination should target a different set of species than management strategies to promote threatened bees. Conserving the biological diversity of bees therefore requires more than just ecosystem-service-based arguments.


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Experimental evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) signaling pathways are intimately intertwined, with mutual attenuation or potentiation of biological responses in the cardiovascular system and elsewhere. The chemical basis of this interaction is elusive. Moreover, polysulfides recently emerged as potential mediators of H2S/sulfide signaling, but their biosynthesis and relationship to NO remain enigmatic. We sought to characterize the nature, chemical biology, and bioactivity of key reaction products formed in the NO/sulfide system. At physiological pH, we find that NO and sulfide form a network of cascading chemical reactions that generate radical intermediates as well as anionic and uncharged solutes, with accumulation of three major products: nitrosopersulfide (SSNO−), polysulfides, and dinitrososulfite N-nitrosohydroxylamine-N-sulfonate (SULFI/NO), each with a distinct chemical biology and in vitro and in vivo bioactivity. SSNO− is resistant to thiols and cyanolysis, efficiently donates both sulfane sulfur and NO, and potently lowers blood pressure. Polysulfides are both intermediates and products of SSNO− synthesis/decomposition, and they also decrease blood pressure and enhance arterial compliance. SULFI/NO is a weak combined NO/nitroxyl donor that releases mainly N2O on decomposition; although it affects blood pressure only mildly, it markedly increases cardiac contractility, and formation of its precursor sulfite likely contributes to NO scavenging. Our results unveil an unexpectedly rich network of coupled chemical reactions between NO and H2S/sulfide, suggesting that the bioactivity of either transmitter is governed by concomitant formation of polysulfides and anionic S/N-hybrid species. This conceptual framework would seem to offer ample opportunities for the modulation of fundamental biological processes governed by redox switching and sulfur trafficking.


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Background Recent experimental evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide signaling pathways are intimately intertwined particularly in the vasculature, with mutual attenuation or potentiation of biological responses under control of the soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) / phopshodiesterase (PDE) pathway. There is now compelling evidence that part of the NO/sulfide cross talk has a chemical foundation via the formation of S/N-hybrid molecules including thionitrous acid (HSNO) and nitrosopersulfde (SSNO-). The aim of this study was to characterize the bioactive products of the interaction between sulfide and NO metabolites targeting sGC that may potentially regulate vasodilation. Results We found that the chemical interaction of sulfide with NO or nitrosothiols leads to formation of S/N-hybrid metabolites including SSNO- via intermediate formation of HSNO. Contrary to a recent report in the literature but consistent with the transient nature of HSNO, its formation was not detectable by high-resolution mass spectrometry under physiologically relevant conditions. SSNO- is also formed in non-aqueous media by the reaction of nitrite with oxidized sulfur species including colloidal sulfur and polysulfides. SSNO- is stable in the presence of high concentrations of thiols, release NO, and activates sGC in RFL-6 cells in an NO-dependent fashion. Moreover, SSNO- is a potent vasodilator in aortic rings in vitro and lowers blood pressure in rats in vivo. The presence of high concentrations of SOD or thiols does not affect SSNO- mediated sGC activation, while it potentiates and inhibits the effects of the nitroxyl (HNO) donor Angeli's salt, suggesting that HNO release from SSNO- is not involved in sGC activation. Conclusion The reaction between NO and sulfide leads to fomation of S/N-hybrid molecules including SSNO-, releasing NO, activating sGC and inducing vasodilation. SSNO- is considerably more stable than HSNO at pH 7.4 and thus a more likely biological mediator that can account for the chemical cross-talk between NO and sulfide.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the present study is to evaluate the clinical and histologic healing of deep intrabony defects treated with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) with a collagen membrane from bovine pericardium and implantation of granular bovine bone biomaterial.