75 resultados para Haemogregarina-bigemina


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar comparativamente as alterações clínicas e hematológicas desencadeadas por isolados de Babesia bigemina das regiões Sudeste, Nordeste e Norte do Brasil em bezerros Nelore infectados experimentalmente. Foram utilizados 18 bezerros com idade entre sete e nove meses, isentos de anticorpos contra Babesia sp. e criados livres de carrapatos. Três animais foram previamente inoculados com 2,0x10(9) eritrócitos parasitados (EP) para cada isolado. Os outros 15 bezerros foram subdivididos em três grupos de cinco animais, que foram subinoculados com 1,0x10(10) EP dos respectivos isolados. Foram avaliadas as alterações clínicas e hematológicas por meio da determinação da parasitemia, do hemograma, do fibrinogênio plasmático, da contagem de reticulócitos, da análise descritiva da medula óssea e da fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária, no decorrer de 30 dias, perfazendo um total de sete momentos de observação. O acompanhamento da resposta imunológica pelo teste de imunofluorescência indireta foi realizado diariamente até o 10º dia pós-inoculação (DPI) e posteriormente no 15º, 20º, 25º e 30º DPI. Clinicamente, observou-se uma manifestação muito branda da doença. Os achados laboratoriais revelaram baixos níveis de parasitemia; decréscimo nos valores do eritrograma; ausência de reticulócitos; diminuição inicial na contagem total dos leucócitos, neutrófilos e linfócitos com posterior elevação do número destas células; hipercelularidade da série eritrocítica e decréscimo da relação mielóide:eritróide mais acentuada entre o 8º e 12º DPI e um aumento da fragilidade osmótica eritrocitária nos grupos inoculados com os isolados sudeste e nordeste. Nenhum dos três isolados de B. bigemina desencadeou a forma clínica característica da enfermidade, apesar de induzirem uma resposta imune humoral.


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A resposta imunológica de uma população frente a um agente infeccioso pode variar entre as raças e o manejo dessa população. Dessa maneira, torna-se relevante a pesquisa regional, visando o conhecimento da inter-relação do agente com seu hospedeiro. Partindo desses pressupostos, investigou-se a ocorrência de imunoglobulinas da classe IgG, anti-Babesia bovis e anti-B. bigemina nas raças Nelore (Bos indicus) e Holandesa (Bos taurus), em duas regiões do Estado de São Paulo, distantes a 300 km. Pelo método de ELISA indireto, foram testadas 1.161 amostras de soro de bovinos. As freqüências médias de anticorpos mostraram que ambas as regiões se encontram em situação de estabilidade enzoótica para B. bovis para ambas as raças estudadas, embora haja tendência para área marginal na região de Presidente Prudente para raça Nelore. No referente a B. bigemina ambas as regiões são de estabilidade enzoótica para a raça Holandesa e de instabilidade enzoótica para a raça Nelore. Essa constatação é um alerta sanitário, pois casos agudos da doença ou surtos específicos de B. bigemina na raça Nelore podem ocorrer nessas regiões.


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The study aimed to evaluate the risk factors associated with the frequency of IgG antibodies against Babesia bovis and B. bigemina in cattle in southern Mozambique. Eight hundred and nine serum samples were collected from cattle in three provinces namely Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane, and tested by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (i-ELISA) to assess the humoral immune response towards B. bovis and B. bigemina. The chi-square test at 5% significance was used to determine whether there was an association between gender, age and geographic origin of seropositive animals. The overall prevalence was 78.8% (548/695) for B. bovis and 76.0% (528/695) for B. bigemina. The origin of the animals showed a significant association (p<0.05) with seropositivity to both agents, while gender and age was not associated (p>0.05). Maputo province had the highest rate of positive animals, with 93.7% (118/126) for B. bovis and 97.6% (123/126) for B. bigemina. In Gaza province 77.3% (321/415) of the animals were positive for B. bovis and 67.5% (280/415) for B. bigemina, while in the province of Inhambane the levels of seropositivity were 70.8% (109/154) and 81.2% (125/154) for B. bovis and B. bigemina respectively. In the present study, the frequency of cattle positive for B. bovis and B. bigemina was shown to increase among older age groups, suggesting that infection and re-infection persisted even after the primary infection. Thus, this region is considered to be in a state of enzootic stability with regards to B. bovis and B. bigemina.


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O objetivo do estudo foi testar a prevalência sorológica e molecular de Babesia bovis e Babesia bigemina em búfalos da Ilha de Marajó, Pará. Foi utilizado ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimático indireto (iELISA) com antígeno total contendo proteínas de superfície externa e reação em cadeia da polimerase (qPCR), envolvendo o uso de SYBR Green com base na amplificação de um pequeno fragmento de gene do citocromo b. A prevalência de animais positivos no ELISA para B. bovis, B. bigemina e para infecção mista foi de 24.87% (199/800), 20.75% (166/800) e 18.75% (150/800), respectivamente. Na PCR foi detectado a presença de B. bovis em 15% (18/199) e de B. bigemina em 16% (19/199) dos animais, sendo que destes, 58% (11/19) apresentavam-se co-infectados pelos dois agentes. Os resultados mostram uma baixa prevalência de anticorpos anti-B. bovis e anti-B. bigemina em búfalos da Ilha do Marajó. Porém, observou-se que os agentes da babesiose bovina circulam em búfalos, podendo estes atuar como reservatórios.


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Babesia bigemina infections were investigated in four genetic groups of beef cattle and in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus engorged female ticks. Blood samples and engorged female ticks were collected from 15 cows and 15 calves from each of the following genetic groups: Nelore, Angus x Nelore, Canchim x Nelore, and Simmental x Nelore. Microscopic examination of blood smears and tick hemolymph revealed that merozoites of B. bigemina (6/60) as well as kinetes of Babesia spp. (9/549) were only detected in samples (blood and ticks, respectively) originated from calves. PCR-based methods using primers for specific detection of B. bigemina revealed 100% infection in both calves and cows, regardless the genetic group. Tick infection was detected by nested-PCR amplifications showing that the frequency of B. bigemina was higher (P 0.01) in female ticks collected from calves (134/549) than in those collected from cows (52/553). The frequency of B. bigemina was similar in ticks collected from animals, either cows or calves, of the four genetic groups (P > 0.05). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A crude antigenic preparation of Babesia bigemina was used to develop an ELISA for the detection of IgM antibodies. Optimal dilutions of the antigen, using positive and negative reference sera, were determined by checkerboard titrations. Negative sera from cattle imported from tick-free areas, serum samples collected from infected B. bigemina cattle were used to validate the test. The specificity was 94% and sensitivity of the Elisa 87.5%. Sera from 385 cattle deriving from areas free from tick-borne diseases, which were submitted to a preimmunization process, were screened by this technique. The Elisa detected seroconversion on the 14th day post-inoculation in animals either infested with Boophilus microplus ticks (infected with B. bigemina), or inoculated with B. bigemina infected blood. Antibody titers decreased after day 33; however, all animals remained positive until the end of the experiment (124 days). The ELISA described may prove to be an appropriate serological test for the detection of IgM antibodies against B. bigemina.


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Um ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática (ELISA) baseado em antígeno bruto foi avaliado na detecção de anticorpos contra Babesia bigemina. A sensibilidade e a especificidade do teste foram de 98,0% e 99,0%, respectivamente. Concordando com a alta especificidade do teste, não foram verificadas reações cruzadas com soros de bezerros inoculados três vezes com 10(7) merozoítos de Babesia bovis. Com relação à comparação do ELISA com a imunofluorescência indireta (IFAT) na detecção de anticorpos contra B. bigemina em bezerros experimentalmente infectados com cinco isolados brasileiros geograficamente distintos deste hemoparasito, o IFAT foi capaz de detectar anticorpos um dia antes do ELISA na maioria dos soros dos animais. Houve uma boa concordância entre os resultados encontrados no ELISA e no IFAT com soros de bovinos de região de estabilidade enzoótica (k=0.61). No entanto, não houve concordância entre os testes sorológicos com soros de animais de área de instabilidade enzoótica (k=0.33). O ELISA foi empregado em um inquérito epidemiológico com 1.367 soros de quatro municípios do Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul e caracterizou esta região como uma área de estabilidade enzoótica, uma vez que as prevalências variaram de 87,7 a 98,9%. Dessa forma, este ELISA, que apresentou alta sensibilidade, especificidade e desempenho similar ao IFAT, pode ser utilizado no diagnóstico sorológico de B. bigemina.


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The immunological reply of a population to an infectious agent can vary between races and handling of this population. Regional research becomes important, in order to know the interrelation between the agent and its host. In this way, the occurrence of immunoglobulins of class G, anti-Babesia bovis and anti-Babesia bigemina in the Nelore (Bos indicus) and Hostein breed (Bos taurus), was investigated in two regions of the State of São Paulo, 300 km distant from each other. For the indirect method of ELISA, 1, 161 bovine serum samples were tested. The medium frequencies of antibodies showed that in the two regions exists an enzootic stability for B. bovis in both breeds studied; even so there was a tendency of marginal area for the Nelore breed in one of the regions. Regarding B. bigemina, in both regions exists enzootic stability for the Hostein and enzootic instability for the Nelore breed. Therefore, acute cases of the disease or specific outbreaks by B. bigemina infection in the Nelore breed may occur in these regions.


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1. We describe the isolation of viable merozoites from erythrocytes infected with Babesia bovis or Babesia bigemina organisms by ammonium chloride lysis.2. Parasite morphology was examined by both light and transmission electron microscopy. Erythrocyte-free parasites maintain their viability and infectivity, retain their antigenicity and are suitable for use in the indirect fluorescent antibody assay.


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A comparative study was made regarding the clinical and hematological alterations caused by isolates of Babesia bigemina from southeastern, northeastern and northern Brazil in experimentally infected Nelore calves. Eighteen calves between 7 and 9 months of age, without antibodies against Babesia sp and raised free from ticks, were used. Three animals were previously inoculated with 2.0×109 parasitic erythrocytes (PE) for each stabilate. The other 15 calves were subdivided into three groups, with five animals each, that were subinoculated with 1.0×1010 PE of the respective isolates. The clinical and hematological alterations were evaluated by the determination of parasitaemia, haemogram, plasmatic fibrinogen, reticulocyte count, descriptive analysis of the bone marrow and erythrocytic osmotic fragility, for 30 days, totalizing seven moments of observation. The follow-up of the immunological response by the indirect fluorescent antibody test was carried out daily until the 10th day after inoculation (DAI) and after that, on the 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th DAI. A mild clinical manifestation of the disease was observed. The laboratory findings revealed low levels of parasitaemia; decrease of the erythrogram values; absence of reticulocytes, initial decrease in the total count of leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes with a posterior elevation of the number of these cells; hypercellularity of the erythrocytic series and decrease of the myeloid: erythroid relation which was more accentuated between the 8th and 12th DAI, and an increase of the erythrocytic osmotic fragility in the groups inoculated with the Southeast and Northeast isolates. None of the three isolates of B. bigemina gave rise to the clinical characteristic form of the disease, although they induced an humoral immune response.


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PCR and nested-PCR methods were used to assess the frequency of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina infection in Boophilus microplus engorged females and eggs and in cattle reared in an area with endemic babesiosis. Blood and the engorged female ticks were from 27 naturally infested calves and 25 crossbred cows. The frequency of both Babesia species was similar in calves and cows (P > 0.05). Babesia bovis was detected in 23 (85.2%) calves and in 25 (100%) cows and B. bigemina was detected in 25 (92.6%) calves and in 21 (84%) cows. Mixed infections with the both Babesia species were identified in 42 animals, 21 in each age category. Of female ticks engorged on calves, 34.9% were negative and single species infection with B. bigemina (56.2%) was significantly more frequent (P < 0.01) than with B. bovis (4.7%). Most of the females (60.8%) engorged on cows did not show Babesia spp. infection and the frequency of single B. bovis infection (17.6%) was similar (P > 0.05) to the frequency of single B. bigemina infection (15.9%). Mixed Babesia infection was lower (P < 0.01) than single species infection in female ticks engorged either in cows (5.7%) or in calves (4.3%). An egg sample from each female was analysed for the presence of Babesia species. Of the egg samples from female ticks infected with B. bovis, 26 (47.3%) were infected while from those from female ticks infected with B. bigemina 141 (76.6%) were infected (P < 0.01). The results showed that although the frequency of both species of Babesia was similar in calves and cows, the infectivity of B. bigemina was higher to ticks fed on calves while to those ticks fed on cows the infectivity of both Babesia species was similar. © 2004 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina in water buffaloes of the Marajó Island, State of Pará, Brazil. We used an indirectenzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA), with total antigen containing proteins outer surface, and polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), involving the use of SYBR Green based on amplification of a small fragment of the cytochrome b gene. The prevalence of positive animals in iELISA to B. bovis B. bigemina and mixed infection was 24.87% (199/800), 20.75% (166/800) and 18.75% (150/800), respectively. Using the PCR, the presence of B. bovis wasdetected in 15% (18/199) and B. bigemina in 16% (19/199) of animals, and of these, 58% (11/19) presented co-infected by the two agents. The results show a low prevalence of antibodies anti-B. bovis and anti-B. bigemina in water buffaloes from Marajó Island. However, it was observed that the agents of bovine babesiosis circulate in buffaloes, and these may act as reservoirs.


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Bovine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease caused mainly by Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina, which are associated to considerable economic losses in cattle herds worldwide. Approximately 60% of buffalo herds in South America are located in Northern Brazil. Little is known about the impact of babesiosis on buffalo herds in Brazil. The present work aimed to verify the occurrence of B. bovis and B. bigemina in 542 water buffaloes in the state of Pará, Northern Brazil, using molecular and serological techniques. The percentage of seropositive animals for B. bovis and B. bigemina was 41.2% and 19.0%, respectively, by ELISA. B. bovis and B. bigemina DNA were detected in 15 and 16% of sampled buffaloes, respectively. A high correlation (Kappa index of 0.9) between serological and molecular tests suggests that the combination of the utilized techniques in the present study is suitable for babesiosis diagnosis in an endemic unstable area. Significantly difference of positivity for serological and molecular assays was verified to localities and reproductive status of sampled animals, but not between buffalo breeds. The immune status of sampled buffaloes associated to the circulation of babesiosis agents in sampled population suggests that the studied area is at risk to clinical babesiosis outbreaks. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that this region can be classified as endemically unstable. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.