985 resultados para HPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS


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Bioactive components in rice vary depending on the variety and growing condition. Fat-soluble components such as gamma-oryzanol, tocopherols, tocotrienols, carotenoids, and fatty acids were analyzed in brown, sugary brown, red, and black rice varieties using established high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and GC methodologies. In addition, these colored rice varieties were further analyzed using a high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) (LTQ-Orbitrap XL) to identify the [M-H](-) ions of gamma-oryzanol, ranging from m/z 573.3949 to 617.4211. The highest content of tocopherols (alpha-, 1.5; gamma-, 0.5 mg/100 g) and carotenoids (lutein 244; trans-beta carotene 25 mu g/100 g) were observed in black rice; tocotrienols (alpha-, 0.07; gamma-, 0.14 mg/100 g) in red rice, and gamma-oryzanol (115 mg/100 g) in sugary brown rice. In all colored rice varieties, the major fatty acids were palmitic (16:0), oleic (18:1n-9), and linoleic (18:2n-6) acids. When the gamma-oryzanol components were further analyzed by LC-MS/MS, 3, 10, 8, and 8 triterpene alcohols or sterol ferulates were identified in brown, sugary brown, red, and black rice varieties, respectively. Such structural identification can lead to the elucidation of biological function of each component at the molecular level. Consumption of colored rice rich in beneficial bioactive compounds may be a useful dietary strategy for achieving optimal health.


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A preocupação com a poluição das águas por agrotóxicos tem aumentado, visto que aumentou o número de detecções de agrotóxicos em águas. A falta de avaliação da qualidade da água consumida pela população de áreas rurais onde não existe o abastecimento público de água potável, deve ser considerada, pois essas águas se encontram próximo a áreas de cultivo, onde há intensa aplicação de agrotóxicos. Nessas regiões, o abastecimento de água para as residências e para a irrigação é feito geralmente através das águas de poços. Neste trabalho, um método para determinação dos agrotóxicos carbofurano, clomazona, 2,4-D e tebuconazol em água subterrânea foi desenvolvido e validado. O método utilizou a Extração em Fase Sólida (SPE) e determinação por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta eficiência com Detecção por Arranjo de Diodos (HPLC-DAD) e confirmação por Cromatografia Líquida tandem Espectrometria de Massas (LC-MS/MS). Para a SPE utilizou-se cartuchos C18 de 200 mg, e eluição com 1 mL de metanol. Após a otimização dos parâmetros de extração e separação dos compostos, o método foi validado avaliando-se curva analítica, linearidade, limites de detecção e quantificação, precisão (repetitividade e precisão intermediária) e exatidão (recuperação). Todas as curvas analíticas apresentaram valores de r maiores que 0,99. Os LOQs para o método, considerando a etapa de pré-concentração de 250 vezes, foram de 0,2 µg L -1 para todos os agrotóxicos por HPLC-DAD e, por LC-MS/MS, 4,0 ng L -1 para clomazona, carbofurano e tebuconazol e de 40,0 ng L -1 para 2,4-D. As recuperações foram entre 60,3 e 107,7% para a repetitividade e entre 67,5 e 115,3% para a precisão intermediária, com RSD de 0,8 a 20,7% para todos os compostos por HPLC-DAD. Para o LC-MS/MS a precisão em termos de repetitividade, variou entre 0,97 e 20,7%, e as recuperações entre 67,0 e 108,9%. O método foi aplicado na determinação de agrotóxicos em amostras de águas subterrâneas durante um ano. Nas amostras foram detectados agrotóxicos em níveis de µg L -1 . Dentro do contexto atual da Química Analítica, de desenvolver métodos mais rápidos, que utilizem menor quantidade de solvente, de amostra e com altos fatores de enriquecimento, foi otimizado um método de extração para os agrotóxicos carbofurano, clomazona e tebuconazol utilizando a Microextração Líquido-Líquido Dispersiva (DLLME) e determinação por LC-MS/MS. Foram otimizados alguns parâmetros que influenciam no processo de extração, como: tipo e volume dos solventes dispersores e extratores, tempo de extração, força iônica e velocidade de centrifugação. Nas condições otimizadas, as recuperações para os níveis de concentração entre 0,02 e 2,0 g L -1 variaram entre 62,7 e 120,0%, com valores de RSD entre 1,9 e 9,1%. O LOQ do método foi de 0,02 µg L -1 para todos os compostos. Quando comparado com a SPE se demonstrou rápido, simples, de baixo custo, além de necessitar de menores volumes de amostra para determinação de agrotóxicos em águas. O método mostrou-se adequado à análise dos agrotóxicos em água subterrânea e todos os parâmetros de validação obtidos estão dentro dos limites sugeridos para validação de métodos cromatográficos


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蛋黄中含有大量磷脂,其中磷脂酰胆碱(PC)和磷脂酰乙醇胺(PE)最为丰富。本研究采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)与基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF MS)联用技术分析了蛋黄中磷脂粗提物。将从蛋黄中提取的多种磷脂通过HPLC预先分离,收集各组分后分别进行MALDI-TOF MS分析得到比较清晰的质谱图。通过质谱图解析确定了蛋黄中磷脂酰胆碱、神经鞘磷脂(SM)的脂肪酸组成。


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Depletion of highly abundant proteins is an approved step in blood plasma analysis by mass spectrometry (MS). In this study, we explored a precipitation and differential protein solubility approach as a fractionation strategy for abundant protein removal from plasma. Total proteins from plasma were precipitated with 90% saturated ammonium sulfate, followed by differential solubilization in 55% and 35% saturated ammonium sulfate solutions. Using a four hour liquid chromatography (LC) gradient and an LTQ-Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer, a total of 167 and 224 proteins were identified from the 55% and 35% ammonium sulfate fractions, whereas 235 proteins were found in the remaining protein fractions with at least two unique peptides. SDS-PAGE and exclusive total spectrum counts from LC-MS/MS analyses clearly showed that majority of the abundant plasma proteins were solubilized in 55% and 35% ammonium sulfate solutions, indicating that the remaining protein fraction is of potential interest for identification of less abundant plasma proteins. Serum albumin, serotransferrin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and transthyretin were the abundant proteins that were highly enriched in 55% ammonium sulfate fractions. Immunoglobulins, complement system proteins, and apolipoproteins were among other abundant plasma proteins that were enriched in 35% ammonium sulfate fractions. In the remaining protein fractions a total of 40 unique proteins were identified of which, 32 proteins were identified with at least 10 exclusive spectrum counts. According to PeptideAtlas, 9 of these 32 proteins were estimated to be present at low μg ml(-1) (0.12-1.9 μg ml(-1)) concentrations in the plasma, and 17 at low ng ml(-1) (0.1-55 ng ml(-1)) range.


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L’autophagie est une voie hautement conservée de dégradation lysosomale des constituants cellulaires qui est essentiel à l’homéostasie cellulaire et contribue à l’apprêtement et à la présentation des antigènes. Les rôles relativement récents de l'autophagie dans l'immunité innée et acquise sous-tendent de nouveaux paradigmes immunologiques pouvant faciliter le développement de nouvelles thérapies où la dérégulation de l’autophagie est associée à des maladies auto-immunes. Cependant, l'étude in vivo de la réponse autophagique est difficile en raison du nombre limité de méthodes d'analyse pouvant fournir une définition dynamique des protéines clés impliquées dans cette voie. En conséquence, nous avons développé un programme de recherche en protéomique intégrée afin d’identifier et de quantifier les proteines associées à l'autophagie et de déterminer les mécanismes moléculaires régissant les fonctions de l’autophagosome dans la présentation antigénique en utilisant une approche de biologie des systèmes. Pour étudier comment l'autophagie et la présentation antigénique sont activement régulés dans les macrophages, nous avons d'abord procédé à une étude protéomique à grande échelle sous différentes conditions connues pour stimuler l'autophagie, tels l’activation par les cytokines et l’infection virale. La cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) est l'une des principales cytokines pro-inflammatoires qui intervient dans les réactions locales et systémiques afin de développer une réponse immune adaptative. La protéomique quantitative d'extraits membranaires de macrophages contrôles et stimulés avec le TNF-alpha a révélé que l'activation des macrophages a entrainé la dégradation de protéines mitochondriales et des changements d’abondance de plusieurs protéines impliquées dans le trafic vésiculaire et la réponse immunitaire. Nous avons constaté que la dégradation des protéines mitochondriales était sous le contrôle de la voie ATG5, et était spécifique au TNF-alpha. En outre, l’utilisation d’un nouveau système de présentation antigènique, nous a permi de constater que l'induction de la mitophagie par le TNF-alpha a entrainée l’apprêtement et la présentation d’antigènes mitochondriaux par des molécules du CMH de classe I, contribuant ainsi la variation du répertoire immunopeptidomique à la surface cellulaire. Ces résultats mettent en évidence un rôle insoupçonné du TNF-alpha dans la mitophagie et permet une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes responsables de la présentation d’auto-antigènes par les molécules du CMH de classe I. Une interaction complexe existe également entre infection virale et l'autophagie. Récemment, notre laboratoire a fourni une première preuve suggérant que la macroautophagie peut contribuer à la présentation de protéines virales par les molécules du CMH de classe I lors de l’infection virale par l'herpès simplex virus de type 1 (HSV-1). Le virus HSV1 fait parti des virus humains les plus complexes et les plus répandues. Bien que la composition des particules virales a été étudiée précédemment, on connaît moins bien l'expression de l'ensemble du protéome viral lors de l’infection des cellules hôtes. Afin de caractériser les changements dynamiques de l’expression des protéines virales lors de l’infection, nous avons analysé par LC-MS/MS le protéome du HSV1 dans les macrophages infectés. Ces analyses nous ont permis d’identifier un total de 67 protéines virales structurales et non structurales (82% du protéome HSV1) en utilisant le spectromètre de masse LTQ-Orbitrap. Nous avons également identifié 90 nouveaux sites de phosphorylation et de dix nouveaux sites d’ubiquitylation sur différentes protéines virales. Suite à l’ubiquitylation, les protéines virales peuvent se localiser au noyau ou participer à des événements de fusion avec la membrane nucléaire, suggérant ainsi que cette modification pourrait influer le trafic vésiculaire des protéines virales. Le traitement avec des inhibiteurs de la réplication de l'ADN induit des changements sur l'abondance et la modification des protéines virales, mettant en évidence l'interdépendance des protéines virales au cours du cycle de vie du virus. Compte tenu de l'importance de la dynamique d'expression, de l’ubiquitylation et la phosphorylation sur la fonction des proteines virales, ces résultats ouvriront la voie vers de nouvelles études sur la biologie des virus de l'herpès. Fait intéressant, l'infection HSV1 dans les macrophages déclenche une nouvelle forme d'autophagie qui diffère remarquablement de la macroautophagie. Ce processus, appelé autophagie associée à l’enveloppe nucléaire (nuclear envelope derived autophagy, NEDA), conduit à la formation de vésicules membranaires contenant 4 couches lipidiques provenant de l'enveloppe nucléaire où on retrouve une grande proportion de certaines protéines virales, telle la glycoprotéine B. Les mécanismes régissant NEDA et leur importance lors de l’infection virale sont encore méconnus. En utilisant un essai de présentation antigénique, nous avons pu montrer que la voie NEDA est indépendante d’ATG5 et participe à l’apprêtement et la présentation d’antigènes viraux par le CMH de classe I. Pour comprendre l'implication de NEDA dans la présentation des antigènes, il est essentiel de caractériser le protéome des autophagosomes isolés à partir de macrophages infectés par HSV1. Aussi, nous avons développé une nouvelle approche de fractionnement basé sur l’isolation de lysosomes chargés de billes de latex, nous permettant ainsi d’obtenir des extraits cellulaires enrichis en autophagosomes. Le transfert des antigènes HSV1 dans les autophagosomes a été determine par protéomique quantitative. Les protéines provenant de l’enveloppe nucléaire ont été préférentiellement transférées dans les autophagosome lors de l'infection des macrophages par le HSV1. Les analyses protéomiques d’autophagosomes impliquant NEDA ou la macroautophagie ont permis de decouvrir des mécanismes jouant un rôle clé dans l’immunodominance de la glycoprotéine B lors de l'infection HSV1. Ces analyses ont également révélées que diverses voies autophagiques peuvent être induites pour favoriser la capture sélective de protéines virales, façonnant de façon dynamique la nature de la réponse immunitaire lors d'une infection. En conclusion, l'application des méthodes de protéomique quantitative a joué un rôle clé dans l'identification et la quantification des protéines ayant des rôles importants dans la régulation de l'autophagie chez les macrophages, et nous a permis d'identifier les changements qui se produisent lors de la formation des autophagosomes lors de maladies inflammatoires ou d’infection virale. En outre, notre approche de biologie des systèmes, qui combine la protéomique quantitative basée sur la spectrométrie de masse avec des essais fonctionnels tels la présentation antigénique, nous a permis d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances sur les mécanismes moléculaires régissant les fonctions de l'autophagie lors de la présentation antigénique. Une meilleure compréhension de ces mécanismes permettra de réduire les effets nuisibles de l'immunodominance suite à l'infection virale ou lors du développement du cancer en mettant en place une réponse immunitaire appropriée.


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Homology-driven proteomics is a major tool to characterize proteomes of organisms with unsequenced genomes. This paper addresses practical aspects of automated homology-driven protein identifications by LC-MS/MS on a hybrid LTQ orbitrap mass spectrometer. All essential software elements supporting the presented pipeline are either hosted at the publicly accessible web server, or are available for free download. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A rational and selective method using on-line high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with electrospray quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-QToF-MS/MS) was established for the dereplication of phenolic derivatives from Qualea grandiflora and Qualea cordata. The selection of the extracts was based on the antioxidant capacity measured by in vitro DPPH assay. The HPLC-ESI-QToF-MS/MS analysis was conducted by on-flow detection, using high-resolution mass/ratio ions as well as collision induced MS/MS experiments for selected protonated ions. The dereplication of the EtOAc fraction from the hydro alcohol extract from the stem bark of Q. grandiflora allowed the detection of the flavonoids: 3',4',5',5,6,7-hexahydroxy- 8 methylflavanone, 8-methyl-naringenine and 3',7-dimethoxy-8 methyl-4',5,7- trihydroxyflavanone, as well as a benzophenone derivatives: bis(4,6-dimethoxy-2- hydroxy-3-methylphenyl)- metanone, 3',4'-dimethoxy-8-methyl-5,6,7 trihydroxyflavanone, 7-methoxy-6-methyl- 3',4',5 trihydroxyflavanone, 6,8-dimethyl-3' methoxy-4',5,7 trihydroxyflavanone and 3',5'-dimethoxy-6,8- dimethyl-4',5,7 trihydroxyflavanone were detected in the EtOAc fraction from the hydro-alcohol extract from the leaves of Q. cordata. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Culinary herbs and spices have long been considered essentially as flavor enhancers or preservatives, with little attention given to their potential health-promoting properties. Nevertheless, recent research has shown them to be significant dietary sources of bioactive phenolic compounds. Despite noteworthy efforts performed in recent years to improve our knowledge of their chemical composition, a detailed phenolic profile of these plant-based products is still lacking. In the present work, antioxidant activities and phenolic composition of five herbs and spices, namely caraway, turmeric, dill, marjoram and nutmeg, have been studied. The use of liquid chromatography coupled to LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry enabled the identification of up to 42 phenolic compounds. To the best of our knowledge, two of them, apigenin-C-hexoside-C-pentoside and apigenin-C-hexoside-C-hexoside have not been previously reported in turmeric. Qualitative and quantitative differences were observed in polyphenol profiles, with the highest phenolic content found in caraway. Multivariate statistical treatment of the results allowed the detection of distinctive features among the studied herbs and spices.


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Ocean acidification and warming are both primarily caused by increased levels of atmospheric CO2, and marine organisms are exposed to these two stressors simultaneously. Although the effects of temperature on fish have been investigated over the last century, the long-term effects of moderate CO2 exposure and the combination of both stressors are almost entirely unknown. A proteomics approach was used to assess the adverse physiological and biochemical changes that may occur from the exposure to these two environmental stressors. We analysed gills and blood plasma of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) exposed to temperatures of 12°C (control) and 18°C (impaired growth) in combination with control (400 µatm) or high-CO2 water (1000 µatm) for 14 weeks. The proteomic analysis was performed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) followed by Nanoflow LC-MS/MS using a LTQ-Orbitrap. The high-CO2 treatment induced the up-regulation of immune system-related proteins, as indicated by the up-regulation of the plasma proteins complement component C3 and fibrinogen beta chain precursor in both temperature treatments. Changes in gill proteome in the high-CO2 (18°C) group were mostly related to increased energy metabolism proteins (ATP synthase, malate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase thermostable, and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase), possibly coupled to a higher energy demand. Gills from fish exposed to high-CO2 at both temperature treatments showed changes in proteins associated with increased cellular turnover and apoptosis signalling (annexin 5, eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma, receptor for protein kinase C, and putative ribosomal protein S27). This study indicates that moderate CO2-driven acidification, alone and combined with high temperature, can elicit biochemical changes that may affect fish health.


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A novel differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) method was developed for the simultaneous analysis of herbicides in water. A mixture of four herbicides, atrazine, simazine, propazine and terbuthylazine was analyzed simultaneously and the complex, overlapping DPV voltammograms were resolved by several chemometrics methods such as partial least squares (PLS), principal component regression (PCR) and principal component–artificial networks (PC–ANN). The complex profiles of the voltammograms collected from a synthetic set of samples were best resolved with the use of the PC–ANN method, and the best predictions of the concentrations of the analytes were obtained with the PC-ANN model (%RPET = 6.1 and average %Recovery = 99.0). The new method was also used for analysis of real samples, and the obtained results were compared well with those from the GC-MS technique. Such conclusions suggest that the novel method is a viable alternative to the other commonly used methods such as GC, HPLC and GC-MS.


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Hyoscyamine 6 beta-hydroxylase (H6H; EC, an important enzyme in the biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids, catalyzes the hydroxylation of hyoscyamine to give 6 beta-hydroxyhyoscyamine and its epoxidation in the biosynthetic pathway leading to scopolamine. Datura metel produces scopolamine as the predominant tropane alkaloid. The cDNA encoding H6H from D. mete! (DmH6H) was cloned, heterologously expressed and biochemically characterized. The purified recombinant His-tagged H6H from D. mete! (DmrH6H) was capable of converting hyoscyamine to scopolamine. The functionally expressed DmrH6H was confirmed by HPLC and ESI-MS verification of the products, 6 beta-hydroxyhyoscyamine and its derivative, scopolamine; the DmrH6H epoxidase activity was low compared to the hydroxylase activity. The K-m values for both the substrates, hyoscyamine and 2-oxoglutarate, were 50 mu M each. The CD (circular dichroism) spectrum of the DmrH6H indicated a preponderance of alpha-helicity in the secondary structure. From the fluorescence studies, Stern-Volmer constants for hyoscyamine and 2-oxoglutarate were found to be 0.14 M-1 and 0.56 M-1, respectively. These data suggested that the binding of the substrates, hyoscyamine and 2-oxoglutarate, to the enzyme induced significant conformational changes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Passiflora pohlii Mast., conhecida como maracujá-do-campo ou maracujazinho, é uma espécie nativa do Brasil que apresenta características de interesse agronômico, principalmente em relação à tolerância a patógenos do solo pertencentes ao gênero Phytophtora sp, que provocam grandes prejuízos à cultura de maracujá. Embora ainda existam poucos trabalhos sobreesta espécie, estudos recentes com espécies do gênero descreveram atividades biológicas e farmacológicas em extratos de diferentes órgãos, incluindo folhas e raízes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estabelecimento de culturas de raízes adventícias a partir de segmentos caulinares e radiculares excisados de plantas in vitro de P. pohlii e a avaliação do perfil fitoquímico e do potencial antioxidante dos extratos obtidos a partir de diferentes materiais obtidos in vitro, em comparação com plantas mantidas in vivo. Foram testados diferentes sistemas de cultura, além de tipos e concentrações de auxinas para a indução de raízes adventícias in vitro a partir de segmentos caulinares e radiculares. As culturas foram mantidas à temperatura de 252C, na presença ou ausência de luz. As respostas obtidas variaram de acordo com o tipo de explante utilizado. Segmentos internodais apresentaram a melhor taxa de indução de rizogênese em meio solidificado com ágar e suplementado com ANA a 2,7 μM, na ausência de luz, enquanto que segmentos radiculares tiveram maior taxa de proliferação em meio líquido sob agitação, suplementado com AIA a 2,85 μM, na ausência de luz. Os materiais botânicos produzidos in vitro, incluindo plantas completas e raízes adventícias obtidas a partir de segmentos internodais e radiculares, assim como plantas obtidas in vivo, foram utilizados para a produção de extratos etanólicos para a avaliação do perfil fitoquímico e da atividade antioxidante. As análises por CCD e CLAE-UV indicaram a presença de flavonoides e saponinas nos extratos de folhas de plantas mantidas in vivo e obtidas in vitro, enquanto que os extratos de raízes apresentaram apenas saponinas. Os extratos de folhas foram ainda submetidos à análise por CLAE-UV-IES-EM visando à identificação da massa molecular das substâncias encontradas. Foram identificados dois flavonoides, possivelmente isômeros, com massas moleculares de 607,2, nos extratos de folhas de plantas mantidas in vivo e obtidas in vitro. O potencial antioxidante dos diferentes materiais foi determinado pelos ensaios de 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila e CCD-DPPH. As maiores atividades antioxidantes foram observadas nos extratos de raízes primárias e secundárias excisadas de plantas mantidas in vivo. As estratégias de cultura de raízes in vitro descritas neste trabalho foram aplicadas com sucesso para P. pohlii. Além disso, a caracterização do perfil fitoquímico do material obtido in vitro e de plantas mantidas in vivo, assim como do seu potencial farmacológico, foi realizada pela primeira vez para a espécie


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The compositions and contents of astaxanthin esters and fatty acids in four types of Haematococcus pluvialis cells were studied by HPLC and GC-MS. Results showed that the synthesis and accumulation of astaxanthin was independent of the formation of cysts, but was highly correlated with the synthesis and accumulation of fatty acids, though it is an well known phenomenon that the accumulation of astaxanthin is usually accompanied by the formation of cyst. The red cysts contain more than 30% of fatty acids, with 81% of the unsaturated fatty acids. Taken together, besides a resource of astaxanthin, H. pluvialis would be a good resource of valuable fatty acids.


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Phytoplanktivorous bighead carp were injected i.p. with extracted microcystins (mainly MC-RR and -LR) at two doses, 200 and 500 MC-LReq. mu g kg(-1) bw, and the changes in extractable MCs in liver and in the ultrastructure of hepatocytes were studied at 1, 3, 12, 24 and 48 h after injection. Quantitative and qualitative determinations of MCs in the liver were conducted by HPLC and LC-MS, respectively. MC concentration in the liver reached the maxima at 12 It (2.89 mu g MCs g(-1) dry weight at the lower dose) or at 3 h (5.43 mu g MCs g(-1) dry weight at the higher dose) post-injection, followed by sharp declines afterwards, whereas the ultrastructural changes of hepatocytes in both dose groups suggest progressive increases in severity toward the directions of apoptosis and necrosis from I to 24 h, respectively. There were two new findings in fish: widening of intercellular spaces was among the early ultrastructural changes induced by MCs and ultrastructural recovery of hepatocytes was evident at 48 h post-injection in both dose groups. Both the present and previous studies suggest that with in vivo or in vitro exposure to microcystins, hepatocyte damage in fish tends to proceed toward the direction of apoptosis at lower MC concentrations but toward the direction of necrosis at high MC concentrations. The temporal dynamics of MCs in the liver suggest that bighead carp may have a mechanism to degrade or bind MC-LR actively after it enters the blood system. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.