18 resultados para HOV
A hazai társadalmi-gazdasági mutatók múltbeli és jövőben várható viselkedésének vizsgálatára az 1990- es években már alkalmazott káoszelméleti módszertant (Gáspárné Vér–Hideg–Nováky [1995]) hívták segítségül a szerzők. A tanulmányban ennek személyi számítógépre kidolgozott változatát mutatják be, majd a kiválasztott makromutatók segítségével írják le, hogy milyen pályákon haladt hazánk társadalma és gazdasága, valamint hová tarthat a jövőben. A jelenlegi és a 20 évvel ezelőtti időszak (amikor az elmúlt két évtized még a jövőt jelentette) vizsgálati eredményeit összehasonlítva arra a következtetésre jutottak, hogy a legtöbb mutató kaotikussága csökkent, vagyis a társadalmigazdasági folyamatok általában stabilizálódtak az elmúlt két évtizedben.
Persistent daily congestion has been increasing in recent years, particularly along major corridors during selected periods in the mornings and evenings. On certain segments, these roadways are often at or near capacity. However, a conventional Predefined control strategy did not fit the demands that changed over time, making it necessary to implement the various dynamical lane management strategies discussed in this thesis. Those strategies include hard shoulder running, reversible HOV lanes, dynamic tolls and variable speed limit. A mesoscopic agent-based DTA model is used to simulate different strategies and scenarios. From the analyses, all strategies aim to mitigate congestion in terms of the average speed and average density. The largest improvement can be found in hard shoulder running and reversible HOV lanes while the other two provide more stable traffic. In terms of average speed and travel time, hard shoulder running is the most congested strategy for I-270 to help relieve the traffic pressure.
Abstract Purpose – To study the possibility of using a NIR hardware solution to photograph individuals in a private vehicle as well as an analysis of its images. Method – A study of existing theories around the NIR-method’s performance in selected conditions and individual tests were performed to examine if the literature statements were valid for this study. Two empirical tests have been carried out, the first was carried out at Kapsch test track and the other outside the test track in a single stationary test. An interview which formed the basis for the assessment on the quality of empirical data with a focus on computer-based detection of the number of individuals in the vehicle. Findings – The results have demonstrated the potential of the NIR method’s performance in a fully automated detection system for the number of individuals inside the vehicle. Empirical data indicates that the method can depict individuals inside vehicles of sufficiently high quality, but it is greatly affected by reflections, weather and light conditions. Implications – Result supports the assumption that the NIR method using an external light source can be used to image the interior through a varying number of weather and lightning conditions. The study originated until the results suggested that a NIR-based hardware setup can create images with high enough quality for the human eye to be able to detect the number of individuals inside the vehicle.If the overall performance into account, it suggests that the main problem with the use of the hardware set is to maintain the quality of the whole sample and that the crucial variables for the method’s performance is the influence of light and reflection conditions. Limitations – The major limitations have been that we limited ourselves to a subjective analysis of the selection and assessment on the image features for computer-based detection of the number of individuals in the vehicle. We were limited to two tests, one in tough conditions where only the driver was in the vehicle and the second stationary test, where the focus was on the number of people in vehicles and light sources impact on the result.