998 resultados para HOMEOBOX GENE


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Vertebrate eye development begins at the gastrula stage, when a region known as the eye field acquires the capacity to generate retina and lens. Optx2, a homeobox gene of the sine oculis-Six family, is selectively expressed in this early eye field and later in the lens placode and optic vesicle. The distal and ventral portion of the optic vesicle are fated to become the retina and optic nerve, whereas the dorsal portion eventually loses its neural characteristics and activates the synthesis of melanin, forming the retinal pigment epithelium. Optx2 expression is turned off in the future pigment epithelium but remains expressed in the proliferating neuroblasts and differentiating cells of the neural retina. When an Optx2-expressing plasmid is transfected into embryonic or mature chicken pigment epithelial cells, these cells adopt a neuronal morphology and express markers characteristic of developing neural retina and photoreceptors. One explanation of these results is that Optx2 functions as a determinant of retinal precursors and that it has induced the transdifferentiation of pigment epithelium into retinal neurons and photoreceptors. We also have isolated optix, a Drosophila gene that is the closest insect homologue of Optx2 and Six3. Optix is expressed during early development of the fly head and eye primordia.


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Ovarian carcinomas are thought to arise from cells of the ovarian surface epithelium by mechanisms that are poorly understood. Molecules associated with neoplasia are potentially immunogenic, but few ovarian tumor antigens have been identified. Because ovarian carcinomas can elicit humoral responses in patients, we searched for novel tumor antigens by immunoscreening a cDNA expression library with ovarian cancer patient serum. Seven clones corresponding to the homeobox gene HOXB7 were isolated. ELISAs using purified recombinant HOXB7 protein revealed significant serologic reactivity to HOXB7 in 13 of 39 ovarian cancer patients and in only one of 29 healthy women (P < 0.0001). Ovarian carcinomas were found to express HOXB7 at markedly higher levels than normal ovarian surface epithelium, suggesting that immunogenicity of HOXB7 in patients could be associated with its elevated expression in ovarian carcinomas. Overexpression of HOXB7 in immortalized normal ovarian surface epithelial cells dramatically enhanced cellular proliferation. Furthermore, HOXB7 overexpression increased intracellular accumulation and secretion of basic fibroblast growth factor, a potent angiogenic and mitogenic factor. These results reveal HOXB7 as a tumor antigen whose up-regulated expression could play a significant role in promoting growth and development of ovarian carcinomas.


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The semidominant mutation Liguleless3-O (Lg3-O) causes a blade-to-sheath transformation at the midrib region of the maize (Zea mays L.) leaf. We isolated a full-length lg3 cDNA containing a knotted1-like family homeobox. Six Lg3-O partial revertant alleles caused by insertion of a Mutator (Mu) transposon and two deletion derivatives were isolated and used to verify that our knotted1-like cDNA corresponds to the LG3 message. In wild-type plants the LG3 mRNA is expressed in apical regions but is not expressed in leaves. In mutant plants harboring any of three dominant lg3 alleles (Lg3-O, -Mlg, and -347), LG3 mRNA is expressed in leaf sheath tissue, indicating that the Lg3 phenotype is due to ectopic expression of the gene. The Lg3-O revertant alleles represent two classes of Lg3 phenotypes that correlate well with the level of ectopic Lg3 expression. High levels of ectopic LG3 mRNA expression results in a severe Lg3 phenotype, whereas weak ectopic Lg3 expression results in a mild Lg3 phenotype. We propose that ectopic Lg3 expression early in leaf development causes the blade-to-sheath transformation, but the level of expression determines the extent of the transformation.


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The cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) has a unipinnate compound leaf. In the developing leaf primordium, major leaflet initiation is basipetal, and lobe formation and early vascular differentiation are acropetal. We show that engineered alterations in the expression of a tomato homeobox gene, LeT6, can cause dramatic changes in leaf morphology. The morphological states are variable and unstable and the phenotypes produced indicate that the tomato leaf has an inherent level of indeterminacy. This is manifested by the production of multiple orders of compounding in the leaf, by numerous shoot, inflorescence, and floral meristems on leaves, and by the conversion of rachis-petiolule junctions into “axillary” positions where floral buds can arise. Overexpression of a heterologous homeobox transgene, kn1, does not produce such phenotypic variability. This indicates that LeT6 may differ from the heterologous kn1 gene in the effects manifested on overexpression, and that 35S-LeT6 plants may be subject to alterations in expression of both the introduced and endogenous LeT6 genes. The expression patterns of LeT6 argue in favor of a fundamental role for LeT6 in morphogenesis of leaves in tomato and also suggest that variability in homeobox gene expression may account for some of the diversity in leaf form seen in nature.


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The rice (Oryza sativa L.) homeobox gene OSH1 causes morphological alterations when ectopically expressed in transgenic rice, Arabidopsis thaliana, and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and is therefore believed to function as a morphological regulator gene. To determine the relationship between OSH1 expression and morphological alterations, we analyzed the changes in hormone levels in transgenic tobacco plants exhibiting abnormal morphology. Levels of the plant hormones indole-3-acetic acid, abscisic acid, gibberellin (GA), and cytokinin (zeatin and trans-zeatin [Z]) were measured in leaves of OSH1-transformed and wild-type tobacco. Altered plant morphology was found to correlate with changes in hormone levels. The more severe the alteration in phenotype of transgenic tobacco, the greater were the changes in endogenous hormone levels. Overall, GA1 and GA4 levels decreased and abscisic acid levels increased compared with wild-type plants. Moreover, in the transformants, Z (active form of cytokinin) levels were higher and the ratio of Z to Z riboside (inactive form) also increased. When GA3 was supplied to the shoot apex of transformants, internode extension was restored and normal leaf morphology was also partially restored. However, such GA3-treated plants still exhibited some morphological abnormalities compared with wild-type plants. Based on these data, we propose the hypothesis that OSH1 affects plant hormone metabolism either directly or indirectly and thereby causes changes in plant development.


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In zebrafish, the organizer is thought to consist of two regions, the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) and the shield. The dorsal YSL appears to send signals that affect formation of the shield in the overlying mesendoderm. We show here that a domain of dorsal deep cells located between the YSL and the shield is marked by expression of the iro3 gene. As gastrulation proceeds, the iro3 positive domain involutes and migrates to the animal pole. Iro3 expression is regulated by Nodal and bone morphogenic protein antagonists. Overexpression of iro3 induced ectopic expression of shield-specific genes. This effect was mimicked by an Iro3-Engrailed transcriptional repressor domain fusion, whereas an Iro3-VP16 activator domain fusion behaved as a dominant negative or antimorphic form. These results suggest that Iro3 acts as a transcriptional repressor and further implicate the iro3 gene in regulating organizer formation. We propose that the iro3-expressing dorsal deep cells represent a distinct organizer domain that receives signals from the YSL and in turn sends signals to the forming shield, thereby influencing its expansion and differentiation.


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Murine Hoxd-3 (Hox 4.1) genomic DNA and cDNA and Hoxa-3 (Hox 1.5) cDNA were cloned and sequenced. The homeodomains of Hoxd-3 and Hoxa-3 and regions before and after the homeodomain are highly conserved. Both Hoxa-3 and Hoxa-3 proteins have a proline-rich region that contains consensus amino acid sequences for binding to Src homology 3 domains of some signal transduction proteins. Northern blot analysis of RNA from 8- to 11-day-old mouse embryos revealed a 4.3-kb species of Hoxd-3 RNA, whereas a less abundant 3.0-kb species of Hoxd-3 RNA was found in RNA from 9- to 11-day-old embryos. Two species of Hoxd-3 poly(A)+ RNA, 4.3 and 6.0 kb in length, were found in poly(A)+ RNA from adult mouse kidney, but not in RNA from other adult tissues tested. Hoxd-3 mRNA was detected by in situ hybridization in 12-, 14-, and 17-day-old mouse embryos in the posterior half of the myelencephalon, spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, first cervical vertebra, thyroid gland, kidney tubules, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.


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Homeobox genes encode a large family of homeodomain proteins that play a key role in the pattern formation of animal embryos. By analogy, homeobox genes in plants are thought to mediate important processes in their embryogenesis, but there is very little evidence to support this notion. Here we described the temporal and spatial expression patterns of a rice homeobox gene, OSH1, during rice embryogenesis. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that in the wild-type embryo, OSH1 was first expressed at the globular stage, much earlier than organogenesis started, in a ventral region where shoot apical meristem and epiblast would later develop. This localized expression of OSH1 indicates that the cellular differentiation has already occurred at this stage. At later stages after organogenesis had initiated, OSH1 expression was observed in shoot apical meristem [except in the L1 (tunica) layer], epiblast, radicle, and their intervening tissues in descending strength of expression level with embryonic maturation. We also performed in situ hybridization analysis with a rice organless embryo mutant, orl1, that develops no embryonic organs. In the orl1 embryo, the expression pattern of OSH1 was the same as that in the wild-type embryo in spite of the lack of embryonic organs. This shows that OSH1 is not directly associated with organ differentiation, but may be related to a regulatory process before or independent of the organ determination. The results described here strongly suggest that, like animal homeobox genes, OSH1 plays an important role in regionalization of cell identity during early embryogenesis.


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The formation of ventral mesoderm has been traditionally viewed as a result of a lack of dorsal signaling and therefore assumed to be a default state of mesodermal development. The discovery that bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) can induce ventral mesoderm led to the suggestion that the induction of the ventral mesoderm requires a different signaling pathway than the induction of the dorsal mesoderm. However, the individual components of this pathway remained largely unknown. Here we report the identification of a novel Xenopus homeobox gene PV.1 (posterior-ventral 1) that is capable of mediating induction of ventral mesoderm. This gene is activated in blastula stage Xenopus embryos, its expression peaks during gastrulation and declines rapidly after neurulation is complete. PV.1 is expressed in the ventral marginal zone of blastulae and later in the posterior ventral area of gastrulae and neurulae. PV.1 is inducible in uncommited ectoderm by the ventralizing growth factor BMP4 and counteracts the dorsalizing effects of the dominant negative BMP4 receptor. Overexpression of PV.1 yields ventralized tadpoles and rescues embryos partially dorsalized by LiCl treatment. In animal caps, PV.1 ventralizes induction by activin and inhibits expression of dorsal specific genes. All of these effects mimic those previously reported for BMP4. These observations suggest that PV.1 is a critical component in the formation of ventral mesoderm and possibly mediates the effects of BMP4.


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We present evidence that a novel phytochrome (other than phytochromes A and B, PHYA and PHYB) operative in green plants regulates the "twilight-inducible" expression of a plant homeobox gene (Athb-2). Light regulation of the Athb-2 gene is unique in that it is not induced by red (R)-rich daylight or by the light-dark transition but is instead induced by changes in the ratio of R to far-red (FR) light. These changes, which normally occur at dawn and dusk (end-of-day FR), also occur during the daytime under the canopy (shade avoidance). By using pure light sources and phyA/phyB null mutants, we demonstrated that the induction of Athb-2 by changes in the R/FR ratio is mediated for the most part by a novel phytochrome operative in green plants. Furthermore, PHYB plays a negative role in repressing the accumulation of Athb-2 mRNA in the dark and a minor role in the FR response. The strict correlation of Athb-2 expression with FR-induced growth phenomena suggests a role for the Athb-2 gene in mediating cell elongation. This interpretation is supported by the finding that the Athb-2 gene is expressed at high levels in rapidly elongating etiolated seedlings. Furthermore, as either R or FR light inhibits cell elongation in etiolated tissues, they also down-regulate the expression of Athb-2 mRNA. Thus, these data support the notion that changes in light quality perceived by a novel phytochrome regulate plant development through the action of the Athb-2 homeobox gene.


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The molecular mechanisms that regulate the transcription of key developmental genes involved in shoot organogenesis have yet to be fully elucidated. However, it is clear that plant growth regulators, such as cytokinin, play a critical role in the differentiation of adventitious shoots. In Nicotiana tabacum zz100 leaf discs, high frequency shoot formation could be induced with 5 muM of the cytokinin N-6-benzyladenine (BA). Increasing the exogenous BA concentration to greater than 20 muM resulted in stunted explants with abnormal shoot morphology and altered mineral composition. Explants with abnormal shoots did not appear to be hyperhydric. Abnormalities were, however, associated with an increase in the expression of a knotted1-type homeobox gene (TobH1) isolated from normal shoot-forming cultures. The results suggest that the development of cytokinin-induced abnormal shoot morphology possibly involves changes in TobH1 gene expression.


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Mesoderm formation plays a crucial role in the establishment of the chordate body plan. In this regard, lancelet embryos develop structures such as the anteriorly extended notochord and the lateral divertecula in their anterior body. To elucidate the developmental basis of these structures, we examined the expression pattern of a lancelet twist-related gene, Bbtwist, from the late gastrula to larval stages. In late-gastrula embryos, the transcripts of Bbtwist were detected in the presumptive first pair of somites and the middorsal wall of the primitive gut. The expression of Bbtwist was then upregulated in the lateral wall of somites and the notochord. At the late-neurula stage, it was also expressed in the anterior wall of the primitive gut, as well as in the evaginating lateral diverticula. No signal was detected in the left lateral diverticulum when it was separated from the gut, while in the right one, the gene was expressed later during the formation of the head coelom in knife-shaped larvae, and in the anterior part of the notochord in the same larvae. In 36-h larvae, only faint expression was detected in the differentiating notochordal and paraxial mesoderm in the caudal region. These expression patterns suggest that Bbtwist is involved in early differentiation of mesodermal subsets as seen in Drosophila and vertebrates. The expression in the anterior notochord may be related to its anterior expansion. The expression in the anterior wall of the primitive gut and its derivative, the lateral diverticula, suggests that lancelets share the capability to produce a mesodermal population from the tip of the primitive gut with nonchordate deuterostome embryos. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Homeobox gene expression was examined in the erythroleukaemic cell line TF-1. Expression of a number of HOX A, B and C genes, including HOX A7 was detected. Expression of this gene has not previously been reported in erythroleukaemic cell lines. A 2.1 kb full length cDNA of the HOX A7 gene was cloned. The predicted amino acid sequence C-terminal to the homeodomain consists of an alanine-rich region and a strongly negatively charged domain consisting entirely of aspartic and glutamic acid residues.


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Homeobox genes encode DNA-binding proteins, many of which are implicated in the control of embryonic development. Evolutionarily, most homeobox genes fall into two related clades: the ANTP and the PRD classes. Some genes in ANTP class, notably Hox, ParaHox, and NK genes, have an intriguing arrangement into physical clusters. To investigate the evolutionary history of these gene clusters, we examined homeobox gene chromosomal locations in the cephalochordate amphioxus, Branchiostoma floridae. We deduce that 22 amphioxus ANTP class homeobox genes localize in just three chromosomes. One contains the Hox cluster plus AmphiEn, AmphiMnx, and AmphiDll. The ParaHox cluster resides in another chromosome, whereas a third chromosome contains the NK type homeobox genes, including AmphiMsx and ArnphiTlx. By comparative analysis we infer that clustering of ANTP class homeobox genes evolved just once, during a series of extensive cis-duplication events of genes early in animal evolution. A trans-duplication event occurred later to yield the Hox and ParaHox gene clusters on different chromosomes. The results obtained have implications for understanding the origin of homeobox gene clustering, the diversification of the ANTP class of homeobox genes, and the evolution of animal genomes.


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PAX6, a member of the paired-type homeobox gene family, is expressed in a partially and temporally restricted pattern in the developing central nervous system, and its mutation is responsible for human aniridia (AN) and mouse small eye (Sey). The objective of this study was to characterize the PAX6 gene regulation at the transcriptional level, and thereby gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of the dynamic expression pattern and the diversified function of the human PAX6 gene.^ Initially, we examined the transcriptional regulation of the PAX6 gene by transient transfection assays and identified multiple cis-regulatory elements that function differently in different cell lines. The transcriptional initiation site was identified by RNase protection and primer extension assays. Examination of the genomic DNA sequence indicated that the PAX6 promoter has a TATA like-box (ATATTTT) at $-$26 bp, and two CCAAT-boxes are located at positions $-$70 and $-$100 bp. A 38 bp ply (CA) sequence was located 992 bp upstream from the initiation site. Transient transfection assays in glioblastoma cells and leukemia cells indicate that a 92 bp region was required for basal level PAX6 promoter activity. Gel retardation assays showed that this 92 bp sequence can form four DNA-protein complexes which can be specifically competed by a 31-mer oligonucleotide containing a PAX6 TATA-like sequence or an adenovirus TATA box. The activation of the promoter is positively correlated with the expression of PAX6 transcripts in cells tested.^ Based on the results obtained from the in vitro transfection assays, we did further dissection assay and functional analysis in both cell-culture and transgenic mice. We found that a 5 kb upstream promoter sequence is required for the tissue specific expression in the forebrain region which is consistent with that of the endogenous PAX6 gene. A 267 bp cell-type specific repressor located within the 5 kb fragment was identified and shown to direct forebrain specific expression. The cell-type specific repressor element has been narrowed to a 30 bp region which contains a consensus E-box by in vitro transfection assays. The third regulatory element identified was contained in a 162 bp sequence (+167 to +328) which functions as a midbrain repressor, and it appeared to be required for establishing the normal expression pattern of the PAX6 gene. Finally, a highly conserved 216 bp sequence identified in intron 4 exhibited as a spinal cord specific enhancer. And this 216 bp cis-regulatory element can be used as a marker to trace the differentiation and migration of progenitor cells in the developing spinal cord. These studies show that the concerted action of multiple cis-acting regulatory elements located upstream and downstream of the transcription initiation site determines the tissue specific expression of PAX6 gene. ^