982 resultados para HLA-B51 Antigen


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Melanoma-associated genes (MAGEs) encode tumor-specific antigens that can be recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes. To investigate the interaction of the HLA-A1-restricted MAGE-1 peptide 161-169 (EADPT-GHSY) with HLA class I molecules, photoreactive derivatives were prepared by single amino acid substitution with N beta-[iodo-4-azidosalicyloyl]-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid. These derivatives were tested for their ability to bind to, and to photoaffinity-label, HLA-A1 on C1R.A1 cells. Only the derivatives containing the photoreactive amino acid in position 1 or 7 fulfilled both criteria. Testing the former derivative on 14 lymphoid cell lines expressing over 44 different HLA class I molecules indicated that it efficiently photoaffinity-labeled not only HLA-A1, but possibility also HLA-A29 and HLA-B44. MAGE peptide binding by HLA-A29 and HLA-B44 was confirmed by photoaffinity labeling with photoreactive MAGE-3 peptide derivatives on C1R.A29 and C1R.B44 cells, respectively. The different photoaffinity labeling systems were used to access the ability of the homologous peptides derived from MAGE-1, -2, -3, -4a, -4b, -6, and -12 to bind to HLA-A1, HLA-A29, and HLA-B44. All but the MAGE-2 and MAGE-12 nonapeptides efficiently inhibited photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A1, which is in agreement with the known HLA-A1 peptide-binding motif (acidic residue in P3 and C-terminal tyrosine). In contrast, photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A29 was efficiently inhibited by these as well as by the MAGE-3 and MAGE-6 nonapeptides. Finally, the HLA-B44 photoaffinity labeling, unlike the HLA-A1 and HLA-A29 labeling, was inhibited more efficiently by the corresponding MAGE decapeptides, which is consistent with the reported HLA-B44 peptide-binding motif (glutamic acid in P2, and C-terminal tyrosine or phenylalanine). The overlapping binding of homologous MAGE peptides by HLA-A1, A29, and B44 is based on different binding principles and may have implications for immunotherapy of MAGE-positive tumors.


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Combining cell surface phenotyping with functional analysis, human CD8+ T cells have been divided into several subsets which are being studied extensively in diverse physiological situations, such as viral infection, cancer and ageing. In particular, so-called terminally differentiated effector cells possess a CD45RA+ CCR7- CD27- CD28- phenotype, contain perforin and, in different models, have been shown to exert direct ex vivo killing and to release interleukins upon both antigen-nonspecific and -specific stimulation. Using HLA class I multimers, we have identified a high frequency of peripheral CD8+ T cells that recognize a peptide derived from the self protein cytokeratin 18 presented by the HLA-A*0201 molecule. These cells can be detected in approximately 15% of the HLA-A2-positive healthy donors tested. A detailed analysis revealed that they must have divided extensively in vivo, have an effector cell phenotype and express various natural killer cell-associated receptors. Interestingly, however, they remained unresponsive to antigen-specific stimulation in vitro in terms of cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion. Thus, cytokeratin 18-specific cells constitute a frequently encountered, new CD8+ T lymphocyte subpopulation without classical effector status and with so far unknown function.


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Expression of human leucocyte antigen (HLA) Class I molecules is essential for the recognition of malignant melanoma (MM) cells by CD8(+) T lymphocytes. A complete or partial loss of HLA Class I molecules is a potent strategy for MM cells to escape from immunosurveillance. In 2 out of 55 melanoma cell cultures we identified a complete phenotypic loss of HLA allospecificities. Both patients have been treated unsuccessfully with HLA-A2 peptides. To identify the reasons underlying the loss of single HLA-A allospecificities, we searched for genomic alterations at the locus for HLA Class I alpha-chain on chromosome 6 in melanoma cell cultures established from 2 selected patients with MM in advanced stage. This deficiency was associated with alterations of HLA-A2 gene sequences as determined by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). Karyotyping revealed a chromosomal loss in Patient 1, whereas melanoma cell cultures established from Patient 2 displayed 2 copies of chromosome 6. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) using markers located around position 6p21 was detected in both cases. By applying group-specific primer-mixes spanning the 5'-flanking region of the HLA-A2 gene locus the relevant region was amplified by PCR and subsequent sequencing allowed alignment with the known HLA Class I reference sequences. Functional assays using HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T-cell clones were performed in HLA-A2 deficient MM cultures and revealed a drastically reduced susceptibility to CTL lysis in HLA-A2 negative cells. We could document the occurrence of selective HLA-A2 deficiencies in cultured advanced-stage melanoma metastases and identify their molecular causes as genomic alterations within the HLA-A gene locus.


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The human tyrosinase gene codes for two distinct antigens that are recognized by HLA-A*0201-restricted CTLs. For one of them, tyrosinase peptide 368-376, the sequence identified by mass spectrometry in melanoma cell eluates differs from the gene-encoded sequence as a result of posttranslational modification of amino acid residue 370 (asparagine to aspartic acid). Here, we used fluorescent tetrameric complexes ("tetramers") of HLA-A*0201 and tyrosinase peptide 368-376 (YMDGTMSQV) to characterize the CD8+ T-cell response to this antigen in lymphoid cell populations from HLA-A2 melanoma patients. Taking advantage of the presence of significant numbers of tetramer-positive CD8+ T cells in tumor-infiltrated lymph node cells from a melanoma patient, we derived polyclonal and monoclonal tyrosinase peptide 368-376-specific CTLs by tetramer-guided flow cytometric sorting. These CTLs efficiently and specifically lysed HLA-A*0201- and tyrosinase-positive melanoma cells. As assessed with tyrosinase peptide variants, the fine antigen specificity of the CTLs was quite diverse at the clonal level. Flow cytometric analysis of PBMCs stained with tetramers showed that tyrosinase peptide 368-376-specific CD8+ T cells were hardly detectable in peripheral blood of melanoma patients. However, significant numbers of such cells were detected after short-term stimulation of CD8+ lymphocytes with tyrosinase peptide 368-376 in 6 of 10 HLA-A2 melanoma patients. Taken together, these findings emphasize the significant contribution of the natural tyrosinase peptide 368-376 to the antigenic specificities recognized by the tumor-reactive CTLs that may develop in HLA-A2 melanoma patients.


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The specificity of recognition of pMHC complexes by T lymphocytes is determined by the V regions of the TCR alpha- and beta-chains. Recent experimental evidence has suggested that Ag-specific TCR repertoires may exhibit a more V alpha- than V beta-restricted usage. Whether V alpha usage is narrowed during immune responses to Ag or if, on the contrary, restricted V alpha usage is already defined at the early stages of TCR repertoire selection, however, has remained unexplored. Here, we analyzed V and CDR3 TCR regions of single circulating naive T cells specifically detected ex vivo and isolated with HLA-A2/melan-A peptide multimers. Similarly to what was previously observed for melan-A-specific Ag-experienced T cells, we found a relatively wide V beta usage, but a preferential V alpha 2.1 usage. Restricted V alpha 2.1 usage was also found among single CD8(+) A2/melan-A multimer(+) thymocytes, indicating that V alpha-restricted selection takes place in the thymus. V alpha 2.1 usage, however, was independent from functional avidity of Ag recognition. Thus, interaction of the pMHC complex with selected V alpha-chains contributes to set the broad Ag specificity, as underlined by preferential binding of A2/melan-A multimers to V alpha 2.1-bearing TCRs, whereas functional outcomes result from the sum of these with other interactions between pMHC complex and TCR.


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The human MAGE3 gene is expressed in a significant proportion of tumors of various histological types, but is silent in normal adult tissues other than testis and placenta. Antigens encoded by MAGE3 may therefore be useful targets for specific antitumor immunization. Two antigenic peptides encoded by the MAGE3 gene have been reported previously. One is presented to cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) by HLA-A1, the other by HLA-A2 molecules. Here we show that MAGE3 also codes for a peptide that is presented to CTL by HLA-B44. MAGE3 peptides containing the HLA-B44 peptide binding motif were synthesized. Peptide MEVDPIGHLY, which showed the strongest binding to HLA-B44, was used to stimulate blood T lymphocytes from normal HLA-B44 donors. CTL clones were obtained that recognized not only HLA-B44 cells sensitized with the peptide, but also HLA-B44 tumor cell lines expressing MAGE3. The proportion of metastatic melanomas expressing the MAGE3/HLA-B44 antigen should amount to approximately 17% in the Caucasian population, since 24% of individuals carry the HLA-B44 allele and 76% of these tumors express MAGE3.


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Dendritic cells are unique in their capacity to process antigens and prime naive CD8(+) T cells. Contrary to most cells, which express the standard proteasomes, dendritic cells express immunoproteasomes constitutively. The melanoma-associated protein Melan-A(MART1) contains an HLA-A2-restricted peptide that is poorly processed by melanoma cells expressing immunoproteasomes in vitro. Here, we show that the expression of Melan-A in dendritic cells fails to elicit T-cell responses in vitro and in vivo because it is not processed by the proteasomes of dendritic cells. In contrast, dendritic cells lacking immunoproteasomes induce strong anti-Melan-A T-cell responses in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest that the inefficient processing of self-antigens, such as Melan-A, by the immunoproteasomes of professional antigen-presenting cells prevents the induction of antitumor T-cell responses in vivo.


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BACKGROUND: Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS) is a benign acquired isolated chorioretinal disorder. Symptoms include photopsia, visual blur and scotomas. Ocular examination reveals multiple white dots at the level of the deep retina. A parainfectious disorder was suggested but the exact mechanism of MEWDS is still unknown. Postulating that MEWDS might be an antigen driven inflammatory reaction, we analyzed HLA subtypes in patients with MEWDS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixteen patients were diagnosed with MEWDS in Lausanne from 1985 to 1994. Blood was withdrawn in 9/16 patients. HLA-A, -B and -DR were sought. RESULTS: HLA-B51 was detected in 4/9 patients (44.4%). Other HLA subtypes were detected sporadically. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of HLA-B51 haplotype was found to be 3.7 times more elevated than in a normal control caucasian group. This suggests the possibility that MEWDS might be a genetically determined disorder as it is the case for other ocular diseases like Birdshot chorioretinopathy (HLA-A29), Harada's disease (HLA-DRMT3), acute anterior uveitis (HLA-B27) or Behçet's disease (HLA-B51). We have no explanation for the presence of HLA-B51 in both Behçet's disease and MEWDS. The association of HLA-B51 and MEWDS needs confirmation by further testing.


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The SSX-2 gene encodes a tumor-specific antigen expressed in neoplasms of various histological types. By analyzing a tumor-infiltrated lymph node of a melanoma patient bearing an SSX-2-expressing tumor, we have recently identified the first SSX-2-derived CD8(+) T-cell epitope, that corresponds to peptide SSX-2(41-49), and is recognized by specific CTL in an HLA-A2 restricted fashion. Here, we have used fluorescent HLA-A2/SSX-2(41-49) peptide multimeric complexes to analyze the response to SSX-2(41-49) in melanoma patients and healthy donors. Multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells were readily detected in the majority of patients bearing SSX-2-expressing tumors and, at lower proportions, in patients with nonexpressing tumors and healthy donors. Importantly, isolated A2/SSX-2(41-49) multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells exhibited a large functional heterogeneity in terms of antigen recognition and tumor reactivity. SSX-2-specific CTLs isolated from tumor-infiltrated lymph node of antigen-expressing patients as well as from the corresponding peripheral blood mononuclear cells exhibited high functional avidity of antigen recognition and efficiently recognized antigen-expressing tumors. In contrast, SSX-2-specific CTLs isolated from patients with undetectable responses in the tumor-infiltrated lymph node, as well as from healthy donors, recognized the antigen with decreased functional avidity and were not tumor reactive. Together, these data indicate that CD8(+) T-cell responses to SSX-2(41-49) frequently occur in SSX-2-expressing melanoma patients and suggest that SSX-2(41-49)-specific CTLs of high avidity and tumor reactivity are selectively expanded during immune responses to SSX-2-expressing tumors in vivo.


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Avidity of Ag recognition by tumor-specific T cells is one of the main parameters that determines the potency of a tumor rejection Ag. In this study we show that the relative efficiency of staining of tumor Ag-specific T lymphocytes with the corresponding fluorescent MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes can considerably vary with staining conditions and does not necessarily correlate with avidity of Ag recognition. Instead, we found a clear correlation between avidity of Ag recognition and the stability of MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes interaction with TCR as measured in dissociation kinetic experiments. These findings are relevant for both identification and isolation of tumor-reactive CTL.


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The synthesis of a photoreactive derivative of the human leukocyte antigen-A1 (HLA-A1)-restricted MAGE-1 peptide 161-169 (EADPTGHSY) is described. Using conventional automated solid-phase peptide synthesis, a photoreactive derivative of this peptide was synthesized by replacing histidine-167 with photo-reactive N-beta-4-azidosalicyloyl-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid. The C-terminal tyrosine was incorporated as phosphotyrosine. This peptide derivative was radioiodinated in the presence of chloramine T. This iodination took place selectively at the photoreactive group, because the phosphate ester prevented tyrosine iodination. Following dephosphorylation with alkaline phosphatase and chromatographic purification, the radiolabeled peptide derivative was incubated with cells expressing HLA-A1 or other HLA molecules. Photoactivation resulted in efficient photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A1. Other HLA molecules or other cellular components were not detectably labeled. This labeling was inhibited by HLA-A1 but not by HLA-A2-binding peptides. This synthesis is generally applicable and can also be adapted to the synthesis of well-defined radiolabeled nonphotoreactive peptide derivatives.


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Phenotypic and functional cell properties are usually analyzed at the level of defined cell populations but not single cells. Yet, large differences between individual cells may have important functional consequences. It is likely that T-cell-mediated immunity depends on the polyfunctionality of individual T cells, rather than the sum of functions of responding T-cell subpopulations. We performed highly sensitive single-cell gene expression profiling, allowing the direct ex vivo characterization of individual virus-specific and tumor-specific T cells from healthy donors and melanoma patients. We have previously shown that vaccination with the natural tumor peptide Melan-A-induced T cells with superior effector functions as compared with vaccination with the analog peptide optimized for enhanced HLA-A*0201 binding. Here we found that natural peptide vaccination induced tumor-reactive CD8 T cells with frequent coexpression of both memory/homing-associated genes (CD27, IL7R, EOMES, CXCR3, and CCR5) and effector-related genes (IFNG, KLRD1, PRF1, and GZMB), comparable with protective Epstein-Barr virus-specific and cytomegalovirus-specific T cells. In contrast, memory/homing-associated and effector-associated genes were less frequently coexpressed after vaccination with the analog peptide. Remarkably, these findings reveal a previously unknown level of gene expression diversity among vaccine-specific and virus-specific T cells with the simultaneous coexpression of multiple memory/homing-related and effector-related genes by the same cell. Such broad functional gene expression signatures within antigen-specific T cells may be critical for mounting efficient responses to pathogens or tumors. In summary, direct ex vivo high-resolution molecular characterization of individual T cells provides key insights into the processes shaping the functional properties of tumor-specific and virus-specific T cells.


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Vitiligo, a skin disorder characterized by the spontaneous destruction of melanocytes, is believed to be of autoimmune origin. We investigated the presence and functionality of CD8(+) T-cells specific for the melanocyte-associated antigens Melan-A, gp100, tyrosinase, and TRP-2 in the blood of HLA-A2(+) vitiligo patients. We enumerated antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells by major histocompatibility complex multimer staining directly ex vivo, as well as after 9 days of in vitro stimulation and assessed IFN-gamma secretion by enzyme-linked immunospot (Elispot) assay. Tyrosinase-, gp100-, or TRP-2-specific CD8(+) T cells could not be identified in the peripheral blood of individuals with vitiligo. Although Melan-A-specific T cells were detectable at levels comparable to Flu-MP-specific T cells by multimer staining, these lymphocytes did not express the skin-homing receptor cutaneous lymphocyte antigen, were phenotypically naïve (CD45RA(+)), and were unresponsive in the IFN-gamma Elispot assay, suggesting that they are unlikely to be involved in the etiopathogenesis of vitiligo.


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Localization of human MHC class I-restricted T cell epitopes in the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of the human parasite Plasmodium falciparum is an important objective in the development of antimalarial vaccines. To this purpose, we synthesized a series of overlapping synthetic 20-mer peptides, spanning the entire sequence of the 7G8 CS molecule except for the central repeat B cell domain. The P.f.CS peptides were first tested for their ability to bind to the human MHC class I HLA-A2.1 molecule on T2, a human cell line. Subsequently, the use of a series of shorter peptide analogues allowed us to determine the optimal A2.1 binding sequence present in several of the 20-mers. Binding P.f.CS peptides were further tested for their capacity to activate PBL from HLA-A2.1+ immune donors living in a malaria-endemic area. Specific IFN-gamma production was detected in the supernatant of cultures of PBL from exposed individuals. Cytotoxic T cell lines and clones were derived from the PBL of one responder, and their activity was shown to be HLA-A2.1-restricted and specific for the peptide 334-342 of the CS protein. In addition, double transgenic HLA-A2.1 x human beta 2-microglobulin mice were immunized with peptide 1-10 of the CS protein. T cells derived from immune lymph nodes displayed a peptide-specific HLA-A2.1-restricted cytolytic activity after one in vitro stimulation.