961 resultados para HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE


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Many data are naturally modeled by an unobserved hierarchical structure. In this paper we propose a flexible nonparametric prior over unknown data hierarchies. The approach uses nested stick-breaking processes to allow for trees of unbounded width and depth, where data can live at any node and are infinitely exchangeable. One can view our model as providing infinite mixtures where the components have a dependency structure corresponding to an evolutionary diffusion down a tree. By using a stick-breaking approach, we can apply Markov chain Monte Carlo methods based on slice sampling to perform Bayesian inference and simulate from the posterior distribution on trees. We apply our method to hierarchical clustering of images and topic modeling of text data.


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Electron and hole conducting 10-nm-wide polymer morphologies hold great promise for organic electro-optical devices such as solar cells and light emitting diodes. The self-assembly of block-copolymers (BCPs) is often viewed as an efficient way to generate such materials. Here, a functional block copolymer that contains perylene bismide (PBI) side chains which can crystallize via π-π stacking to form an electron conducting microphase is patterned harnessing hierarchical electrohydrodynamic lithography (HEHL). HEHL film destabilization creates a hierarchical structure with three distinct length scales: (1) micrometer-sized polymer pillars, containing (2) a 10-nm BCP microphase morphology that is aligned perpendicular to the substrate surface and (3) on a molecular length scale (0.35-3 nm) PBI π-π-stacks traverse the HEHL-generated plugs in a continuous fashion. The good control over BCP and PBI alignment inside the generated vertical microstructures gives rise to liquid-crystal-like optical dichroism of the HEHL patterned films, and improves the electron conductivity across the film by 3 orders of magnitude. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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The ordered-sphere CePO4 hierarchical architectures have been successfully synthesized by a simple hydrothermal method through the controlled growth of the CePO4 nanorods and self-assemble hierarchical structure under various reaction conditions. The evolution of the morphology of the samples has been investigated in detail. It was found that the coexistence of citric acid and cetaltrimethylammonium bromide in the reaction system plays an important role in the formation of the spherical CePO4 hierarchical architectures. A possible mechanism of the formation and growth of the hierarchical structure was suggested according to the experimental results and analysis. The effects of the reaction time as well as the variation of the morphologies on the luminescent properties of the products were also studied.


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This study examines managers‟ perceptions of Knowledge Management (KM) prior to implementation of KM-systems in a global insurance company and investigates whether Hierarchical structures are conducive to KM. Mixed methods are used, combining large scale surveying and case study using content analysis to organize the data into themes that provide the basis for arguments. Evidence suggests that managers strongly align their perception of KM with communication. Despite a multi-layered, hierarchical structure and strong middle management presence, organizational structure was not viewed as an issue. These factors are usually barriers to communication and organizational flexibility, yet managers believe that they may not inhibit KM becoming fully embedded. This evidence is contradicted by the results of a global KM study where silos, stovepipe and hierarchical structures were commonly cited as barriers. This contributes to the understanding of managerial mis-conceptions of knowledge as opposed to communication, and how organizations effectively share knowledge.


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Bien qu’il soit largement reconnu dans différents milieux d’intervention au Québec que l’intervenant est un des agents actifs les plus importants de l’efficacité d’une intervention – et c’est un des postulats centraux de l’intervention psychoéducative –, il existe encore très peu d’instruments de mesure validés empiriquement permettant l’évaluation du fonctionnement d’un groupe d’intervenants. Néanmoins, il existe un instrument pouvant mesurer le climat social d’une équipe, soit le Questionnaire du climat social d’une équipe d’intervenants (QCSÉI; Le Blanc, Trudeau-Le Blanc, & Lanctôt, 1999; Moos 1987). Le QCSÉI compte 10 échelles de premier niveau. Dans ses écrits théoriques, Moos (2003) a suggéré que le climat social est un construit hiérarchique et que l’ensemble des instruments mesurant différentes dimensions du climat social d’un groupe ou d’une équipe devrait se regrouper en trois facteurs d’ordre supérieur, soit les relations interpersonnelles, la découverte de soi et le maintien de l’ordre et du changement. Un examen conceptuel des échelles du QCSÉI suggère que ce modèle théorique est problématique. Cette étude visait à déterminer si la structure hiérarchique proposée par Moos était adéquate pour le QCSÉI dans un échantillon d’intervenants québécois. L’échantillon utilisé était composé d’intervenants faisant partie de Boscoville2000, un projet d’intervention cognitivecomportementale en milieu résidentiel pour les adolescents en difficulté. Des analyses factorielles exploratoires ont d’abord démontré que la structure de premier niveau est bien reproduite. Deux échelles jugées importantes pour mesurer le climat social ont ensuite été ajoutées. Par la suite, des analyses factorielles exploratoires et confirmatoires ont démontré que la structure théorique hiérarchique en trois dimensions d’ordre supérieur de Moos ne représente pas bien les données. Les analyses ont révélé une structure alternative plus intéressante sur le plan conceptuel et qui représentait mieux les données. Des corrélations entre les échelles de climat social de l’équipe et les traits de personnalité des intervenants ainsi que différentes variables sociodémographiques et liées à la pratique professionnelle ont procuré un appui qui suggère que le QCSÉI possède une validité de critère acceptable.


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Recently, two approaches have been introduced that distribute the molecular fragment mining problem. The first approach applies a master/worker topology, the second approach, a completely distributed peer-to-peer system, solves the scalability problem due to the bottleneck at the master node. However, in many real world scenarios the participating computing nodes cannot communicate directly due to administrative policies such as security restrictions. Thus, potential computing power is not accessible to accelerate the mining run. To solve this shortcoming, this work introduces a hierarchical topology of computing resources, which distributes the management over several levels and adapts to the natural structure of those multi-domain architectures. The most important aspect is the load balancing scheme, which has been designed and optimized for the hierarchical structure. The approach allows dynamic aggregation of heterogenous computing resources and is applied to wide area network scenarios.


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Point placement strategies aim at mapping data points represented in higher dimensions to bi-dimensional spaces and are frequently used to visualize relationships amongst data instances. They have been valuable tools for analysis and exploration of data sets of various kinds. Many conventional techniques, however, do not behave well when the number of dimensions is high, such as in the case of documents collections. Later approaches handle that shortcoming, but may cause too much clutter to allow flexible exploration to take place. In this work we present a novel hierarchical point placement technique that is capable of dealing with these problems. While good grouping and separation of data with high similarity is maintained without increasing computation cost, its hierarchical structure lends itself both to exploration in various levels of detail and to handling data in subsets, improving analysis capability and also allowing manipulation of larger data sets.


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Binary signatures have been widely used to detect malicious software on the current Internet. However, this approach is unable to achieve the accurate identification of polymorphic malware variants, which can be easily generated by the malware authors using code generation engines. Code generation engines randomly produce varying code sequences but perform the same desired malicious functions. Previous research used flow graph and signature tree to identify polymorphic malware families. The key difficulty of previous research is the generation of precisely defined state machine models from polymorphic variants. This paper proposes a novel approach, using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (HHMM), to provide accurate inductive inference of the malware family. This model can capture the features of self-similar and hierarchical structure of polymorphic malware family signature sequences. To demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of this approach, we evaluate it with real malware samples. Using more than 15,000 real malware, we find our approach can achieve high true positives, low false positives, and low computational cost.


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Multimedia content understanding research requires rigorous approach to deal with the complexity of the data. At the crux of this problem is the method to deal with multilevel data whose structure exists at multiple scales and across data sources. A common example is modeling tags jointly with images to improve retrieval, classification and tag recommendation. Associated contextual observation, such as metadata, is rich that can be exploited for content analysis. A major challenge is the need for a principal approach to systematically incorporate associated media with the primary data source of interest. Taking a factor modeling approach, we propose a framework that can discover low-dimensional structures for a primary data source together with other associated information. We cast this task as a subspace learning problem under the framework of Bayesian nonparametrics and thus the subspace dimensionality and the number of clusters are automatically learnt from data instead of setting these parameters a priori. Using Beta processes as the building block, we construct random measures in a hierarchical structure to generate multiple data sources and capture their shared statistical at the same time. The model parameters are inferred efficiently using a novel combination of Gibbs and slice sampling. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model in three applications: image retrieval, automatic tag recommendation and image classification. Experiments using two real-world datasets show that our approach outperforms various state-of-the-art related methods.


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 Scale features are useful for a great number of applications in computer vision. However, it is difficult to tolerate diversities of features in natural scenes by parametric methods. Empirical studies show that object frequencies and segment sizes follow the power law distributions which are well generated by Pitman-Yor (PY) processes. Based on mid-level segments, we propose a hierarchical sequence of images to obtain scale information stored in a hierarchical structure through the hierarchical Pitman-Yor (HPY) model which is expected to tolerate uncertainty of natural images. We also evaluate our representation by the application of segmentation.


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Hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is a key feature of human language and can be identified theoretically in most pieces of tonal music. However, previous studies have argued against the perception of such structures in music. Here, we show processing of nonlocal dependencies in music. We presented chorales by J. S. Bach and modified versions inwhich the hierarchical structure was rendered irregular whereas the local structure was kept intact. Brain electric responses differed between regular and irregular hierarchical structures, in both musicians and nonmusicians. This finding indicates that, when listening to music, humans apply cognitive processes that are capable of dealing with longdistance dependencies resulting from hierarchically organized syntactic structures. Our results reveal that a brain mechanism fundamental for syntactic processing is engaged during the perception of music, indicating that processing of hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is not just a key component of human language, but a multidomain capacity of human cognition.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Hybrid organic - inorganic nanocomposites doped with Fe-II and Fe-III ions and exhibiting interesting magnetic properties have been obtained by the sol - gel process. The hybrid matrix of these ormosils ( organically modified silicates), classed as di-ureasils and termed U( 2000), is composed of poly( oxyethylene) chains of variable length grafted to siloxane groups by means of urea crosslinkages. Iron perchlorate and iron nitrate were incorporated in the diureasil matrices, leading to compositions within the range 80 greater than or equal to n greater than or equal to 10, n being the molar ratio of ether-type O atoms per cation. The structure of the doped diureasils was investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). For Fe-II-doped samples, SAXS results suggest the existence of a two-level hierarchical structure. The primary level is composed of spatially correlated siloxane clusters embedded in the polymeric matrix and the secondary, coarser level consists of domains where the siloxane clusters are segregated. The structure of Fe-III-doped hybrids is different, revealing the existence of iron oxide based nanoclusters, identified as ferrihydrite by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, dispersed in the hybrid matrix. The magnetic susceptibility of these materials was determined by zero-field-cooling and field-cooling procedures as functions of both temperature and field. The different magnetic features between Fe-II- and Fe-III-doped samples are consistent with the structural differences revealed by SAXS. While Fe-II-doped composites exhibit a paramagnetic Curie-type behaviour, hybrids containing Fe-III ions show thermal and field irreversibilities.


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A structure modeling of two families of sol-gel derived Eu3+-doped organic/inorganic hybrids based on the results of small-angle X-ray scattering experiments is reported. The materials are composed of poly(oxyethylene) chains grafted at one or both ends to siloxane groups and are called mono- and di-urethanesils, respectively. A theoretical function corresponding to a two-level hierarchical structure model fits well the experimental Scattering curves. The first level corresponds to small siloxane clusters embedded in a polymeric matrix. The secondary level is associated to the existence of siloxane cluster rich domains surrounded by a cluster-depleted polymeric matrix. Results show that increasing europium doping favors the growth of the secondary domains. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Item response theory (IRT) comprises a set of statistical models which are useful in many fields, especially when there is an interest in studying latent variables (or latent traits). Usually such latent traits are assumed to be random variables and a convenient distribution is assigned to them. A very common choice for such a distribution has been the standard normal. Recently, Azevedo et al. [Bayesian inference for a skew-normal IRT model under the centred parameterization, Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 55 (2011), pp. 353-365] proposed a skew-normal distribution under the centred parameterization (SNCP) as had been studied in [R. B. Arellano-Valle and A. Azzalini, The centred parametrization for the multivariate skew-normal distribution, J. Multivariate Anal. 99(7) (2008), pp. 1362-1382], to model the latent trait distribution. This approach allows one to represent any asymmetric behaviour concerning the latent trait distribution. Also, they developed a Metropolis-Hastings within the Gibbs sampling (MHWGS) algorithm based on the density of the SNCP. They showed that the algorithm recovers all parameters properly. Their results indicated that, in the presence of asymmetry, the proposed model and the estimation algorithm perform better than the usual model and estimation methods. Our main goal in this paper is to propose another type of MHWGS algorithm based on a stochastic representation (hierarchical structure) of the SNCP studied in [N. Henze, A probabilistic representation of the skew-normal distribution, Scand. J. Statist. 13 (1986), pp. 271-275]. Our algorithm has only one Metropolis-Hastings step, in opposition to the algorithm developed by Azevedo et al., which has two such steps. This not only makes the implementation easier but also reduces the number of proposal densities to be used, which can be a problem in the implementation of MHWGS algorithms, as can be seen in [R.J. Patz and B.W. Junker, A straightforward approach to Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for item response models, J. Educ. Behav. Stat. 24(2) (1999), pp. 146-178; R. J. Patz and B. W. Junker, The applications and extensions of MCMC in IRT: Multiple item types, missing data, and rated responses, J. Educ. Behav. Stat. 24(4) (1999), pp. 342-366; A. Gelman, G.O. Roberts, and W.R. Gilks, Efficient Metropolis jumping rules, Bayesian Stat. 5 (1996), pp. 599-607]. Moreover, we consider a modified beta prior (which generalizes the one considered in [3]) and a Jeffreys prior for the asymmetry parameter. Furthermore, we study the sensitivity of such priors as well as the use of different kernel densities for this parameter. Finally, we assess the impact of the number of examinees, number of items and the asymmetry level on the parameter recovery. Results of the simulation study indicated that our approach performed equally as well as that in [3], in terms of parameter recovery, mainly using the Jeffreys prior. Also, they indicated that the asymmetry level has the highest impact on parameter recovery, even though it is relatively small. A real data analysis is considered jointly with the development of model fitting assessment tools. The results are compared with the ones obtained by Azevedo et al. The results indicate that using the hierarchical approach allows us to implement MCMC algorithms more easily, it facilitates diagnosis of the convergence and also it can be very useful to fit more complex skew IRT models.