76 resultados para HIBISCUS CANNABINUS


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O filoplano do Hibiscus rosa-sinensis abriga uma enorme biodiversidade de leveduras e fungos semelhantes a leveduras cujo potencial biotecnológico ainda é desconhecido. Foram isoladas 84 cepas de leveduras de filoplano desta planta, sendo identificadas pela metodologia clássica. Do total de isolados 37% são de afinidade ascomicética, 36% de afinidade basidiomicética e 27% de fungos semelhantes a leveduras.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a composição química das flores de Hibiscus tiliaceus L usando diferentes técnicas de extração. Os métodos de extração usados foram maceração, Soxhlet, ultra-som, extração com fluido supercrítico e extração com líquido pressurizado. Foram investigadas as variáveis que podem influenciar no processo de extração tais como temperatura, pressão, polaridade do solvente, tempo de extração e massa de amostra, entre outras. A identificação dos compostos foi realizada por cromatografia gasosa acoplada com detector de espectrometria de massas. Os métodos de extração utilizados mostraram-se eficientes para a obtenção dos extratos, com algumas diferenças qualitativas. Quantitativamente, os compostos majoritários, em todas as técnicas de extração usadas, foram ácidos carboxílicos (C16 e C18), hidrocarbonetos com número ímpar de carbonos (C27, C29 e C31) e fitosteróis. Entre os métodos de extração que utilizam solventes orgânicos, a extração com líquido pressurizado apresentou maior rendimento em massa de extrato e maior concentração de alguns dos compostos presentes nas flores de Hibiscus tiliaceus L., com as vantagens de redução de solventes e do tempo de extração. A variável que se mostrou mais importante nos procedimentos de extração foi a polaridade do solvente. A composição química das flores Hibiscus tiliaceus L apresentou além dos compostos citados, álcoois, aldeídos e vitamina E. A determinação do potencial antioxidante da planta, utilizando o método por quimiluminescência, permitiu encontrar valores para TAR e TRAP superiores ao trolox, utilizado como padrão, indicando a presença de antioxidantes nos extratos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The EU HIBISCUS project consisted of a series of field campaigns during the intense convective summers in 2001, 2003 and 2004 in the State of São Paulo in Brazil. Its objective was to investigate the impact of deep convection on the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) and the lower stratosphere by providing a new set of observational data on meteorology, tracers of horizontal and vertical transport, water vapour, clouds, and chemistry in the tropical Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS). This was achieved using short duration research balloons to study local phenomena associated with convection over land, and long-duration balloons circumnavigating the globe to study the contrast between land and oceans.Analyses of observations of short-lived tracers, ozone and ice particles show strong episodic local updraughts of cold air across the lapse rate tropopause up to 18 or 19 km (420-440 K) in the lower stratosphere by overshooting towers. The long duration balloon and satellite measurements reveal a contrast between the composition of the lower stratosphere over land and oceanic areas, suggesting significant global impact of such events. The overshoots are shown to be well captured by non-hydrostatic meso-scale Cloud Resolving Models indicating vertical velocities of 50-60 m s(-1) at the top of the Neutral Buoyancy Level (NBL) at around 14 km, but, in contrast, are poorly represented by global Chemistry-Transport Models (CTM) forced by Numerical Weather Forecast Models (NWP) underestimating the overshooting process. Finally, the data collected by the HIBISCUS balloons have allowed a thorough evaluation of temperature NWP analyses and reanalyses, as well as satellite ozone, nitrogen oxide, water vapour and bromine oxide measurements in the tropics.


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HIBISCUS is a project for studying the dynamics, microphysics and chemistry of the Tropical Tropopause Layer based on balloon measurements. Thirteen heavy sondes and 18 short duration balloons of different types have been used for local process studies. Eight superpressure (BP) and 3 Infra Red Montgolfier (MIR) long duration balloons have been flown for extending the investigations at global scale around the world. Overall the campaign has been very successful operationally as well as scientifically. The paper provides a description of the balloons, the instruments and the strategy used for meeting at best the goals of the project.


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This overview paper summarizes the objectives of the Tropical Convection and Cirrus Brasil project, as well as those of the European Commission sponsored HIBISCUS and TROCCINOX projects, which conducted a joint field campaign in the State of São Paulo from January to March 2004. Emphasis is given on the description of different types of lidars and their deployment for obtaining meteorological data during the joint field campaign in 2004. © Sociedad Española de Óptica.


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The microbiological control of moisturizing mask formulation added of hibiscus flowers, assai palm, black mulberry and papaw glycolic extracts, determining the number of viable microorganisms and possible presence of pathogenic. The moisturizing mask formulation was composed of zinc oxide (5. 0%) and moisturizing cream constituted of triceteareth-4 phosphate (and) cetyl alcohol (and) stearyl alcohol (and) sodium cetearyl sulfate (and) oleth-10 (qs 50g). To this formulation was added hibiscus flowers glycolic extract (2. 5%), assai palm glycolic extract (1. 5%), black mulberry glycolic extract (1. 5%) and papaw glycolic extract (2. 0%). The formulation was stored in aseptically clean recipients, away from humidity and light, in fresh and airy places. The results of the microbiological analysis on the counting of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms (bacteria and fungi), of the above mentioned formulation, revealed a bioburden < 10 CFU/mL in all samples. Such data indicate adequate microbiological quality of the tested products, according to official recommendations. Furthermore, it was not detected the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, assuring the harmlessness of the formulation. The results lead us to conclude that the formulation and raw materials analyzed did not present microbial contamination, evidenced for estimating the number of viable microorganisms (<10 UFC/g) and for researching pathogens.


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Includes indexes.


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Aggregations of Frankliniella schultzei males were observed on the corollas of Hibiscus rosasinensis and Gossypium hirsutum flowers in southeast Queensland. Aggregations were seen only on the upper surfaces of corollas but may have occurred on other flower parts, which were hidden from view. Conspecific females entered aggregations and a small proportion of them mated [18% (n = 163), H. rosasinensis; 30% (n = 181), G. hirsutum]. Most females (87 and 72%, respectively) that did not mate in aggregations walked to other flower parts. Behavior was difficult to observe on these parts, but mating was sometimes observed there. The number of females that landed within aggregations on the upper surfaces of both H. rosasinensis and G. hirsutum corollas was highly correlated with the number of males (r = 0.88, r = 0.93, respectively; P < 0.001). Significantly more mating pairs were observed in high-density aggregations (mean +/- SE, 1.10 +/- 0.22 and 4.44 +/- 0.48, respectively) than in low-density aggregations (0.37 +/- 0.11 and 1.67 +/- 0.29, respectively) (P < 0.05) on flowers of both species. More F. schultzei females were attracted to sticky traps baited with live conspecific males set among flowering Ipomoea indica (mean +/- SE, 8.83 +/- 0.32) and G. hirsutum (10.90 +/- 0.79) plants than to control traps (0.10 +/- 0.05 and 0.70 +/- 0.25, respectively)( P < 0.05), presumably in response to male-produced pheromones. Significantly more females were attracted to traps with high male densities than to traps with low densities. We found no statistical evidence that aggregation size influenced mating success (proportion males that mated). Mating success, however, should be evaluated with respect to mating on all flower parts and not just the upper surfaces of corollas. The results of this study constitute the first behavioral evidence for an attractant sex pheromone in thrips.


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A propagação vegetativa por estaquia pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores, como época de coleta, tamanho da estaca, concentração de auxinas e estado fisiológico da estaca. Como o hibisco (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) é comercialmente propagado por estaquia, torna-se necessário estudar a influência de alguns desses fatores sobre a sua capacidade de enraizamento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de concentrações de ácido indolbutírico (AIB), do tamanho da estaca e da época de realização da propagação vegetativa de hibisco por estaquia. O experimento foi conduzido no viveiro de produção de mudas, da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Campus Dois Vizinhos, em Dois Vizinhos, Paraná, Brasil. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos completamente casualizados, num fatorial 3 x 2 x 2 (concentrações de AIB x tamanho da estaca x época de propagação), com quatro parcelas e dez estacas por parcela. As estacas foram coletadas em dois períodos (junho e setembro de 2008), preparadas com tamanho de 6 e 12 cm, e as concentrações de AIB utilizadas foram de 0; 1 e 2 g L-1. Nas duas épocas, após 77 dias, foram analisadas as percentagens de estacas enraizadas, os números de brotos vegetativos e de raízes por estaca e o comprimento das três maiores raízes por estaca. Recomenda-se que o hibisco seja propagado por estaquia em setembro, preparando-se estacas com 12 cm de comprimento e utilizando-se concentração de AIB de 1,6 g L-1.