992 resultados para HEPA filtration


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Protecting slow sand filters from high turbidity waters by pre-treatment using Pebble Matrix Filtration (PMF) has been studied in the laboratory at University College London followed by pilot field trials in Papua New Guinea and Serbia. Subsequently, the construction of two full-scale PMF units, one out of concrete (4.8m x4.8m x 3.0m high) and the other using pre-cast Ferro-cement panels (900mm x 1600mm x 20mm thick) with an effective diameter of 4.7m and 3m height, and the combined effective plan area of 40 m2 was completed to protect an existing Slow Sand Filter system at the National Water Supply Drainage Board (NWSDB) in Sri Lanka. Although the plant was completed in April 2008 due to some major repairs to address some leaks and other construction defects in both filters, monitoring was intermittent until November 2008. The results on the plant performance are presented here along with some of the construction problems encountered during the project.


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For many years materials such as quarried sand, anthracite, and granular activated carbon have been the principal media-products traditionally used in water and wastewater filtration plants. Pebble Matrix Filtration (PMF) is a novel non-chemical, sustainable pre-treatment method of protecting Slow Sand Filters (SSF) from high turbidity during heavy monsoon periods. PMF uses sand and pebbles as the filter media and the sustainability of this new technology might depend on availability and supply of pebbles and sand, both finite resources. In many countries there are two principal methods of obtaining pebbles and sand, namely dredging from rivers and beaches, and due to the scarcity of these resources in some countries the cost of pebbles is often 4-5 times higher than that of sand. In search for an alternative medium to pebbles after some preliminary laboratory tests conducted in Colombo-Sri Lanka, Poznan-Poland and Cambridge-UK, a 100-year-old brick factory near Sudbury, Suffolk, has produced hand-made clay pebbles satisfying the PMF quality requirements. As an alternative to sand, crushed recycled glass from a UK supplier was used and the PMF system was operated together with hand-made clay balls in the laboratory for high turbidity removal effectively. The results of laboratory experiments with alternative media are presented in this paper. There are potential opportunities for recycled crushed glass and clay ball manufacturing processes in some countries where they can be used as filter media.


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Dirt collected with sugarcane is processed and separated from the juice in the sugar factory by filtration equipment for return to the cane fields. New technologies over the past decade have enabled performance improvements to be obtained for this key unit operation. Filter mud product still contains a reasonable amount of sugar and the transportation of high moisture mud product has considerable cost. Australia’s traditional approach has been to use Rotary Vacuum Filters for processing and separating mud and other impurities from juice, but in recent years there has been interest in reducing sugar losses and transportation costs through utilisation of new technologies such as Horizontal Bed Filters, Vacuum Belt Press Filters, Membrane Press Filters and Centrifuges. Increasingly, these alternative equipment are being installed in new factories. This chapter describes the general principles of mud filtration theory and mud conditioning followed by a detailed description and review of the various filtration technologies and analysis of the relative merits associated with the equipment.


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Background: Conventional biodiesel production relies on trans-esterification of lipids extracted from vegetable crops. However, the use of valuable vegetable food stocks as raw material for biodiesel production makes it an unfeasibly expensive process. Used cooking oil is a finite resource and requires extra downstream processing, which affects the amount of biodiesel that can be produced and the economics of the process. Lipids extracted from microalgae are considered an alternative raw material for biodiesel production. This is primarily due to the fast growth rate of these species in a simple aquaculture environment. However, the dilute nature of microalgae culture puts a huge economic burden on the dewatering process especially on an industrial scale. This current study explores the performance and economic viability of chemical flocculation and tangential flow filtration (TFF) for the dewatering of Tetraselmis suecicamicroalgae culture. Results: Results show that TFF concentrates the microalgae feedstock up to 148 times by consuming 2.06 kWh m-3 of energy while flocculation consumes 14.81 kWhm-3 to concentrate the microalgae up to 357 times. Economic evaluation demonstrates that even though TFF has higher initial capital investment than polymer flocculation, the payback period for TFF at the upper extreme ofmicroalgae revenue is ∼1.5 years while that of flocculation is ∼3 years. Conclusion: These results illustrate that improved dewatering levels can be achieved more economically by employing TFF. The performances of these two techniques are also compared with other dewatering techniques.


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This study examines and quantifies the effect of adding polyelectrolytes to cellulose nanofibre suspensions on the gel point of cellulose nanofibre suspensions, which is the lowest solids concentration at which the suspension forms a continuous network. The lower the gel point, the faster the drainage time to produce a sheet and the higher the porosity of the final sheet formed. Two new techniques were designed to measure the dynamic compressibility and the drainability of nanocellulose–polyelectrolyte suspensions. We developed a master curve which showed that the independent variable controlling the behaviour of nanocellulose suspensions and its composite is the structure of the flocculated suspension which is best quantified as the gel point. This was independent of the type of polyelectrolyte used. At an addition level of 2 mg/g of nanofibre, a reduction in gel point over 50 % was achieved using either a high molecular weight (13 MDa) linear cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM, 40 % charge), a dendrimer polyethylenimine of high molecular weight of 750,000 Da (HPEI) or even a low molecular weight of 2000 Da (LPEI). There was no significant difference in the minimum gel point achieved, despite the difference in polyelectrolyte morphology and molecular weight. In this paper, we show that the gel point controls the flow through the fibre suspension, even when comparing fibre suspensions with solids content above the gel point. A lower gel point makes it easier for water to drain through the fibre network,reducing the pressure required to achieve a given dewatering rate and reducing the filtering time required to form a wet laid sheet. We further show that the lower gel point partially controls the structure of the wet laid sheet after it is dried. Halving the gel point increased the air permeability of the dry sheet by 37, 46 and 25 %, when using CPAM, HPEI and LPEI, respectively. The resistance to liquid flow was reduced by 74 and 90 %, when using CPAM and LPEI. Analysing the paper formed shows that sheet forming process and final sheet properties can be engineered and controlled by adding polyelectrolytes to the nanofibre suspension.


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The kidney filtration barrier consists of fenestrated endothelial cell layer, glomerular basement membrane and slit diaphragm (SD), the specialized junction between glomerular viscelar epithelial cells (podocytes). Podocyte injury is associated with the development of proteinuria, and if not reversed the injury will lead to permanent deterioration of the glomerular filter. The early events are characterized by disruption of the integrity of the SD, but the molecular pathways involved are not fully understood. Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (CNF) is caused by mutations in NPHS1, the gene encoding the SD protein nephrin. Lack of nephrin results in loss of the SD and massive proteinuria beginning before birth. Furthermore, nephrin expression is decreased in acquired human kidney diseases including diabetic nephropathy. This highlights the importance of nephrin and consequently SD in regulating the kidney filtration function. However, the precise molecular mechanism of how nephrin is involved in the formation of the SD is unknown. This thesis work aimed at clarifying the role of nephrin and its interaction partners in the formation of the SD. The purpose was to identify novel proteins that associate with nephrin in order to define the essential molecular complex required for the establishment of the SD. The aim was also to decipher the role of novel nephrin interacting proteins in podocytes. Nephrin binds to nephrin-like proteins Neph1 and Neph2, and to adherens junction protein P-cadherin. These interactions have been suggested to play a role in the formation of the SD. In this thesis work, we identified densin as a novel interaction partner for nephrin. Densin was localized to the SD and it was shown to bind to adherens junction protein beta-catenin. Furthermore, densin was shown to behave in a similar fashion as adherens junction proteins in cell-cell contacts. These results indicate that densin may play a role in cell adhesion and, therefore, may contribute to the formation of the SD together with nephrin and adherens junction proteins. Nephrin was also shown to bind to Neph3, which has been previously localized to the SD. Neph3 and Neph1 were shown to induce cell adhesion alone, whereas nephrin needed to trans-interact with Neph1 or Neph3 from the opposite cell surface in order to make cell-cell contacts. This was associated with the decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of nephrin. These data extend the current knowledge of the molecular composition of the nephrin protein complex at the SD and also provide novel insights of how the SD may be formed. This thesis work also showed that densin was up-regulated in the podocytes of CNF patients. Neph3 was up-regulated in nephrin deficient mouse kidneys, which share similar podocyte alterations and lack of the SD as observed in CNF patients podocytes. These data suggest that densin and Neph3 may have a role in the formation of morphological alterations in podocytes detected in CNF patients. Furthermore, this thesis work showed that deletion of beta-catenin specifically from adult mouse podocytes protected the mice from the development of adriamycin-induced podocyte injury and proteinuria compared to wild-type mice. These results show that beta-catenin play a role in the adriamycin induced podocyte injury. Podocyte injury is a hallmark in many kidney diseases and the changes observed in the podocytes of CNF patient share characteristics with injured podocytes observed in chronic kidney diseases. Therefore, the results obtained in this thesis work suggest that densin, Neph3 and beta-catenin participate in the molecular pathways which result in morphological alterations commonly detected in injured podocytes in kidney diseases.


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Purification of drinking water is routinely achieved by use of conventional coagulants and disinfection procedures. However, there are instances such as flood events when the level of turbidity reaches extreme levels while NOM may be an issue throughout the year. Consequently, there is a need to develop technologies which can effectively treat water of high turbidity during flood events and natural organic matter (NOM) content year round. It was our hypothesis that pebble matrix filtration potentially offered a relatively cheap, simple and reliable means to clarify such challenging water samples. Therefore, a laboratory scale pebble matrix filter (PMF) column was used to evaluate the turbidity and natural organic matter (NOM) pre-treatment performance in relation to 2013 Brisbane River flood water. Since the high turbidity was only a seasonal and short term problem, the general applicability of pebble matrix filters for NOM removal was also investigated. A 1.0 m deep bed of pebbles (the matrix) partly in-filled with either sand or crushed glass was tested, upon which was situated a layer of granular activated carbon (GAC). Turbidity was measured as a surrogate for suspended solids (SS), whereas, total organic carbon (TOC) and UV Absorbance at 254 nm were measured as surrogate parameters for NOM. Experiments using natural flood water showed that without the addition of any chemical coagulants, PMF columns achieved at least 50% turbidity reduction when the source water contained moderate hardness levels. For harder water samples, above 85% turbidity reduction was obtained. The ability to remove 50% turbidity without chemical coagulants may represent significant cost savings to water treatment plants and added environmental benefits accrue due to less sludge formation. A TOC reduction of 35-47% and UV-254 nm reduction of 24-38% was also observed. In addition to turbidity removal during flood periods, the ability to remove NOM using the pebble matrix filter throughout the year may have the benefit of reducing disinfection by-products (DBP) formation potential and coagulant demand at water treatment plants. Final head losses were remarkably low, reaching only 11 cm at a filtration velocity of 0.70 m/h.


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The flocculation and filtration characteristics of typical Indian iron ore fines have been studied using starch as flocculant in the presence of an inorganic electrolyte, namely calcium chloride. The effect of various parameters such as pH, starch and calcium chloride concentrations and pulp density on the settling and filtration rates, turbidity of the supernatant and on residual starch and calcium ion concentrates has been investigated through a statistical design and analysis approach and subsequently optimised on a laboratory scale. The adsorption mechanisms of starch onto haematite have been elucidated through adsorption density measurements, infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic techniques. The rheological property of the polymer solutions of relevance to flocculations has also been investigated. Further, the role of metal ion-starch interactions in the bulk solution, has been studied. In order to understand the nature of polymer adsorption at the double-layer, electrokinetic studies have been carried out with the iron ore mineral samples using starch and calcium chloride. Based on the above findings, selective floculaation tests on artificial mixtures of iron ore minerals have been carried out to determine the separation efficiencies from the view point of alumina and silica removal from haematite as well as the control of alumina: silica ratio in Indian iron ores.


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A model for some of the many physical-chemical and biological processes in intermittent sand filtration of wastewaters is described and an expression for oxygen transfer is formulated.

The model assumes that aerobic bacterial activity within the sand or soil matrix is limited, mostly by oxygen deficiency, while the surface is ponded with wastewater. Atmospheric oxygen reenters into the soil after infiltration ends. Aerobic activity is resumed, but the extent of penetration of oxygen is limited and some depths may be always anaerobic. These assumptions lead to the conclusion that the percolate shows large variations with respect to the concentration of certain contaminants, with some portions showing little change in a specific contaminant. Analyses of soil moisture in field studies and of effluent from laboratory sand columns substantiated the model.

The oxygen content of the system at sufficiently long times after addition of wastes can be described by a quasi-steady-state diffusion equation including a term for an oxygen sink. Measurements of oxygen content during laboratory and field studies show that the oxygen profile changes only slightly up to two days after the quasi-steady state is attained.

Results of these hypotheses and experimental verification can be applied in the operation of existing facilities and in the interpretation of data from pilot plant-studies.