999 resultados para HEMODYNAMIC FACTORS
BACKGROUND: The objectives of this study were to determine the risk factors for relative adrenal insufficiency in cardiopulmonary bypass patients and the impact on postoperative vasopressor requirements.
METHODS: Prospective cohort study on cardiopulmonary bypass patients who received etomidate or not during anesthetic induction. Relative adrenal insufficiency was defined as a rise in serum cortisol
BACKGROUND: Human saphenous vein grafts are one of the salvage bypass conduits when endovascular procedures are not feasible or fail. Understanding the remodeling process that venous grafts undergo during exposure to arterial conditions is crucial to improve their patency, which is often compromised by intimal hyperplasia. The precise role of hemodynamic forces such as shear stress and arterial pressure in this remodeling is not fully characterized. The aim of this study was to determine the involvement of arterial shear stress and pressure on vein wall remodeling and to unravel the underlying molecular mechanisms. METHODS: An ex vivo vein support system was modified for chronic (up to 1 week), pulsatile perfusion of human saphenous veins under controlled conditions that permitted the separate control of arterial shear stress and different arterial pressure (7 mm Hg or 70 mm Hg). RESULTS: Veins perfused for 7 days under high pressure (70 mm Hg) underwent significant development of a neointima compared with veins exposed to low pressure (7 mm Hg). These structural changes were associated with altered expression of several molecular markers. Exposure to an arterial shear stress under low pressure increased the expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 at the transcript, protein, and activity levels. This increase was enhanced by high pressure, which also increased TIMP-2 protein expression despite decreased levels of the cognate transcript. In contrast, the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 increased with shear stress but was not modified by pressure. Levels of the venous marker Eph-B4 were decreased under arterial shear stress, and levels of the arterial marker Ephrin-B2 were downregulated under high-pressure conditions. CONCLUSIONS: This model is a valuable tool to identify the role of hemodynamic forces and to decipher the molecular mechanisms leading to failure of human saphenous vein grafts. Under ex vivo conditions, arterial perfusion is sufficient to activate the remodeling of human veins, a change that is associated with the loss of specific vein markers. Elevation of pressure generates intimal hyperplasia, even though veins do not acquire arterial markers. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The pathological remodeling of the venous wall, which leads to stenosis and ultimately graft failure, is the main limiting factor of human saphenous vein graft bypass. This remodeling is due to the hemodynamic adaptation of the vein to the arterial environment and cannot be prevented by conventional therapy. To develop a more targeted therapy, a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in intimal hyperplasia is essential, which requires the development of ex vivo models of chronic perfusion of human veins.
HYPOTHESIS: Recent evidence indicates that tumor response rates after isolated limb perfusion (ILP) are improved when tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is added to the locoregional perfusion of high doses of chemotherapy. Other factors, related to the patient or the ILP procedure, may interfere with the specific role of TNF in the early hemodynamic response after ILP with TNF and high-dose chemotherapy. DESIGN: Case-control study. SETTING: Tertiary care university hospital. PATIENTS: Thirty-eight patients with a locoregionally advanced tumor of a limb treated by ILP with TNF and high-dose chemotherapy (TNF group) were compared with 31 similar patients treated by ILP with high-dose chemotherapy alone (non-TNF group). INTERVENTIONS: Swan-Ganz catheter hemodynamic recordings, patients' treatment data collection, and TNF and interleukin 6 plasma level measurements at regular intervals during the first 36 hours following ILP. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Hemodynamic profile and total fluid and catecholamine administration. RESULTS: In the TNF group, significant changes were observed (P<.006): the mean arterial pressure and the systemic vascular resistance index decreased, and the temperature, heart rate, and cardiac index increased. These hemodynamic alterations started when the ILP tourniquet was released (ie, when or shortly after the systemic TNF levels were the highest). The minimal mean arterial pressure, the minimal systemic vascular resistance index, the maximal cardiac index, the intensive care unit stay, and the interleukin 6 maximal systemic levels were significantly (P<.001 for all) correlated to the log(10) of the systemic TNF level. In the non-TNF group, only a brief decrease in the blood pressure following tourniquet release and an increase in the temperature and in the heart rate were statistically significant (P<.006). Despite significantly more fluid and catecholamine administration in the TNF group, the mean arterial pressure and the systemic vascular resistance index were significantly (P<.001) lower than in the non-TNF group. CONCLUSIONS: Release of the tourniquet induces a blood pressure decrease that lasts less than 1 hour in the absence of TNF and that is distinct from the septic shock-like hemodynamic profile following TNF administration. The systemic TNF levels are correlated to this hemodynamic response, which can be observed even at low TNF levels.
A group of neonatal (n=10) and 12-week-old (n=12) anesthetized, ventilated New Zealand white rabbits received an acute i.v. dose (40 mg/kg body weight) of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, Aspirin). In the neonatal animals, i.v. ASA caused within 20 min a significant (P<0.01) fall in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR), with an equally significant (P<0.01) increase in filtration fraction and renal vascular resistance. The latter indicates greatly augmented renal vasconstriction or more precisely reduction in intrarenal vasodilatation by inhibition of vasodilatory prostaglandin (PG) synthesis. Urine volume decreased. The 12-week-old young adult animals responded in a similar, but significantly attenuated fashion. These experiments demonstrate that inhibition of PG synthesis in neonatal animals causes very rapid, reversible vasoconstriction, with a reduction in GFR. In addition, this study confirms previous observations that the renal hemodynamic response to the inhibition of PG synthesis is far more pronounced in neonatal animals than in (young) adult rabbits.
ABSTRACTObjective:identify risk factors for mortality in patients who underwent laparotomy after blunt abdominal trauma.Methods:retrospective study, case-control, which were reviewed medical records of blunt trauma victims patients undergoing laparotomy, from March 2013 to January 2015, and compared the result of the deaths group with the group healed.Results:of 86 patients, 63% were healed, 36% died, and one patient was excluded from the study. Both groups had similar epidemiology and trauma mechanism, predominantly young adults males, automobilistic accident. Most cases that evolved to death had hemodynamic instability as laparotomy indication - 61% against 38% in the other group (p=0.02). The presence of solid organ injury was larger in the group of deaths - 80% versus 48% (p=0.001) and 61% of them had other associated abdominal injury compared to 25% in the other group (p=0.01). Of the patients who died 96% had other serious injuries associated (p=0.0003). Patients requiring damage control surgery had a higher mortality rate (p=0.0099). Only one of 18 patients with isolated hollow organ lesion evolved to death (p=0.0001). The mean injury score of TRISS of cured (91.70%) was significantly higher than that of deaths (46.3%) (p=0.002).Conclusion:the risk factors for mortality were hemodynamic instability as an indication for laparotomy, presence of solid organ injury, multiple intra-abdominal injuries, need for damage control surgery, serious injury association and low index of trauma score.
The objective of the present study was to assess the incidence, risk factors and outcome of patients who develop acute renal failure (ARF) in intensive care units. In this prospective observational study, 221 patients with a 48-h minimum stay, 18-year-old minimum age and absence of overt acute or chronic renal failure were included. Exclusion criteria were organ donors and renal transplantation patients. ARF was defined as a creatinine level above 1.5 mg/dL. Statistics were performed using Pearsons' chi2 test, Student t-test, and Wilcoxon test. Multivariate analysis was run using all variables with P < 0.1 in the univariate analysis. ARF developed in 19.0% of the patients, with 76.19% resulting in death. Main risk factors (univariate analysis) were: higher intra-operative hydration and bleeding, higher death risk by APACHE II score, logist organ dysfunction system on the first day, mechanical ventilation, shock due to systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)/sepsis, noradrenaline use, and plasma creatinine and urea levels on admission. Heart rate on admission (OR = 1.023 (1.002-1.044)), male gender (OR = 4.275 (1.340-13642)), shock due to SIRS/sepsis (OR = 8.590 (2.710-27.229)), higher intra-operative hydration (OR = 1.002 (1.000-1004)), and plasma urea on admission (OR = 1.012 (0.980-1044)) remained significant (multivariate analysis). The mortality risk factors (univariate analysis) were shock due to SIRS/sepsis, mechanical ventilation, blood stream infection, potassium and bicarbonate levels. Only potassium levels remained significant (P = 0.037). In conclusion, ARF has a high incidence, morbidity and mortality when it occurs in intensive care unit. There is a very close association with hemodynamic status and multiple organ dysfunction.
Due to differences in study populations and protocols, the hemodynamic determinants of post-aerobic exercise hypotension (PAEH) are controversial. This review analyzed the factors that might influence PAEH hemodynamic determinants, through a search on PubMed using the following key words: “postexercise” or “post-exercise” combined with “hypotension”, “blood pressure”, “cardiac output”, and “peripheral vascular resistance”, and “aerobic exercise” combined only with “blood pressure”. Forty-seven studies were selected, and the following characteristics were analyzed: age, gender, training status, body mass index status, blood pressure status, exercise intensity, duration and mode (continuous or interval), time of day, and recovery position. Data analysis showed that 1) most postexercise hypotension cases are due to a reduction in systemic vascular resistance; 2) age, body mass index, and blood pressure status influence postexercise hemodynamics, favoring cardiac output decrease in elderly, overweight, and hypertensive subjects; 3) gender and training status do not have an isolated influence; 4) exercise duration, intensity, and mode also do not affect postexercise hemodynamics; 5) time of day might have an influence, but more data are needed; and 6) recovery in the supine position facilitates systemic vascular resistance decrease. In conclusion, many factors may influence postexercise hypotension hemodynamics, and future studies should directly address these specific influences because different combinations may explain the observed variability in postexercise hemodynamic studies.
Les habitudes de consommation de substances psychoactives, le stress, l’obésité et les traits cardiovasculaires associés seraient en partie reliés aux mêmes facteurs génétiques. Afin d’explorer cette hypothèse, nous avons effectué, chez 119 familles multi-générationnelles québécoises de la région du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, des études d’association et de liaison pangénomiques pour les composantes génétiques : de la consommation usuelle d’alcool, de tabac et de café, de la réponse au stress physique et psychologique, des traits anthropométriques reliés à l’obésité, ainsi que des mesures du rythme cardiaque (RC) et de la pression artérielle (PA). 58000 SNPs et 437 marqueurs microsatellites ont été utilisés et l’annotation fonctionnelle des gènes candidats identifiés a ensuite été réalisée. Nous avons détecté des corrélations phénotypiques significatives entre les substances psychoactives, le stress, l’obésité et les traits hémodynamiques. Par exemple, les consommateurs d’alcool et de tabac ont montré un RC significativement diminué en réponse au stress psychologique. De plus, les consommateurs de tabac avaient des PA plus basses que les non-consommateurs. Aussi, les hypertendus présentaient des RC et PA systoliques accrus en réponse au stress psychologique et un indice de masse corporelle (IMC) élevé, comparativement aux normotendus. D’autre part, l’utilisation de tabac augmenterait les taux corporels d’épinéphrine, et des niveaux élevés d’épinéphrine ont été associés à des IMC diminués. Ainsi, en accord avec les corrélations inter-phénotypiques, nous avons identifié plusieurs gènes associés/liés à la consommation de substances psychoactives, à la réponse au stress physique et psychologique, aux traits reliés à l’obésité et aux traits hémodynamiques incluant CAMK4, CNTN4, DLG2, DAG1, FHIT, GRID2, ITPR2, NOVA1, NRG3 et PRKCE. Ces gènes codent pour des protéines constituant un réseau d’interactions, impliquées dans la plasticité synaptique, et hautement exprimées dans le cerveau et ses tissus associés. De plus, l’analyse des sentiers de signalisation pour les gènes identifiés (P = 0,03) a révélé une induction de mécanismes de Potentialisation à Long Terme. Les variations des traits étudiés seraient en grande partie liées au sexe et au statut d’hypertension. Pour la consommation de tabac, nous avons noté que le degré et le sens des corrélations avec l’obésité, les traits hémodynamiques et le stress sont spécifiques au sexe et à la pression artérielle. Par exemple, si des variations ont été détectées entre les hommes fumeurs et non-fumeurs (anciens et jamais), aucune différence n’a été observée chez les femmes. Nous avons aussi identifié de nombreux traits reliés à l’obésité dont la corrélation avec la consommation de tabac apparaît essentiellement plus liée à des facteurs génétiques qu’au fait de fumer en lui-même. Pour le sexe et l’hypertension, des différences dans l’héritabilité de nombreux traits ont également été observées. En effet, des analyses génétiques sur des sous-groupes spécifiques ont révélé des gènes additionnels partageant des fonctions synaptiques : CAMK4, CNTN5, DNM3, KCNAB1 (spécifique à l’hypertension), CNTN4, DNM3, FHIT, ITPR1 and NRXN3 (spécifique au sexe). Ces gènes codent pour des protéines interagissant avec les protéines de gènes détectés dans l’analyse générale. De plus, pour les gènes des sous-groupes, les résultats des analyses des sentiers de signalisation et des profils d’expression des gènes ont montré des caractéristiques similaires à celles de l’analyse générale. La convergence substantielle entre les déterminants génétiques des substances psychoactives, du stress, de l’obésité et des traits hémodynamiques soutiennent la notion selon laquelle les variations génétiques des voies de plasticité synaptique constitueraient une interface commune avec les différences génétiques liées au sexe et à l’hypertension. Nous pensons, également, que la plasticité synaptique interviendrait dans de nombreux phénotypes complexes influencés par le mode de vie. En définitive, ces résultats indiquent que des approches basées sur des sous-groupes et des réseaux amélioreraient la compréhension de la nature polygénique des phénotypes complexes, et des processus moléculaires communs qui les définissent.
Background. The metabolic and electrolyte changes were evaluated after various durations of cold and warm ischemia times to correlate ASA status with hemodynamic changes that may affect the severity of the reperfusion syndrome.Patients and methods. Sixty-one patients who underwent liver transplantation (OLT) were monitored by arterial pH, PaO2, PaCO2, HCO3, BE, K+, Ca2+, Na+, GL, and serial Ht at three specific times: after the skin incision (baseline), 10 minutes before reperfusion (T-2), and 10 minutes after reperfusion (T-3). Changes in metabolic parameters were correlated with ASA status, hemodynamic changes, time of OLT, as well as cold and warm ischemia times.Results. The pH in ASA IV patients was significantly lower at T-1 and T-3, and PCO2 higher in ASA V at T-1. A significant correlation was observed between pH, PaCO2, HCO3 BE, Na+, Ca2+, and glucose with the phase of the procedure. The pH and HCO3 decreased significantly from T-1 and T-2, increasing during T-3. Ca2+ fell from T-1 to T-2 increasing in T-3. Mean glucose and sodium levels increase from T-1 to T-3. Mean BE dropped from T-1 to T-2 and increased at T-3 without a significant correlation between the metabolic parameters in any phase of the study and the cold or warm ischemia times. Patients with a high ASA status showed an increased risk for cardiovascular collapse after reperfusion.Conclusions. Patients with advanced ASA status are more prone to metabolic and acid-base disturbances during reperfusion, without any relation to the cold or warm ischemia times. High ASA status shows an increased risk for cardiovascular collapse after reperfusion.
Background: Studies with Doppler ultrassonography started at the end of the 90s for the determination of physiological and pathological alterations in the reproductive tract of the mare. Uterine alterations caused by inflammation, response from seminal plasma infusion, hormonal variations during estrous and diestrus, pregnancy and action of various vasoactive factors influence on the vascular perfusion detected by Doppler ultrasound. The development of efficient methods for uterine quality evaluation is of big importance for field equine reproduction veterinarians, once uterine environment is responsible for pregnancy maintenance. Review: Nowadays, the most used methods of uterine evaluation are the mode B ultrassonography, cytology, culture and biopsy. Hemodynamic evaluation of the uterus can be done by spectral data collected from large vessels, as A. uterine and its ramifications, or from subjective or objective evaluations from endometrium, miometrium and mesometrium attachment, which provide data referent to local and specific alterations of the evaluated area. Alterations in uterine vascular perfusion has been detected during estrous cycle, during pregnancy and in cases of infusion of inflammatory substances. These alterations happen because of vasoactive substances that act in the uterus during these events, however, most of these vasoactive substances are probably not even known. Also, important hemodynamic alterations in old mares, as an increase in vascular resistance, have been described. This increase might result from fibrosis of the uterus and in women it is considered to be a cause of infertility. In mares, periglandular fibrosis of the endometrium is considered to be the major diagnosable cause of embryonic and fetal loss in older mares. For the CL, ovarian artery of the mare supplies the ovary as well as the oviduct and therefore can be used for evaluation of these areas. The CL evaluation can also be done by the percentage of luteum area with colored signals as an indicator of the extent of blood flow. The percentage of the CL area with colored signals is determined subjectively by images observations in real time and/or by a freezing Power Doppler cross-section image with the maximum number of color pixels taped and the total number of color pixels is assessed by a computer analysis system. Therefore, a high correlation between plasmatic progesterone and CL vascularization also allows the CL evalution by this technique. In a first report, CL circulation reached its maximum on D5, the progesterone concentration in peripheral blood increased until D7 and in a posterior report, maximum perfusion was achieved two days after the maximum progesterone concentration (D8). Blood flow reduced between D10-D14 some days before the plasma progesterone decrease and, during the luteolytic period (D15-D17), the decline in CL blood-flow area was greater than blood flow decrease. Conclusion: Doppler ultrassonography add knowledge about uterine viability and CL functionality can be easily used by veterinarians in the field. It is a noninvasive method that provides real time results. However, because of the short time studies in this area have been done, many other answers still need to be found until normal and pathological patterns will be established.
PURPOSE: To assess the effect of stent type on hypotension and bradycardia after carotid artery stent placement. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis on a prospectively maintained database was conducted in 256 patients (126 men; mean age, 71.8 years +/- 8.6; 194 de novo lesions) undergoing carotid artery stent placement between January 1996 and January 2007 by using self-expanding stents. Braided Elgiloy stents (Wallstents) were used in 44 of the 256 patients (17.2%) and slotted-tube nitinol stents were deployed in 212 (82.8%). Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression models were used to determine the influence of stent design on procedural and 24-hour hypotension and bradycardia. RESULTS: Procedural hemodynamic depression (HD) was encountered in 73 of the 256 patients (28.5%) due to hypotension in 24 (9.4%), bradycardia in 12 (4.7%), or both in 37 (14.5%) patients. Rates of procedural hypotension were 11.3% with nitinol stents and 0% with braided Elgiloy stents (P = .0188). Persistent postprocedural HD occurred in 91 of the 256 patients (35.5%) due to hypotension in 40 patients (15.6%), bradycardia in 23 (9.0%), or both in 28 (10.9%). Within a multivariable analysis adjusted for clinically relevant factors affecting rates of HD, the use of braided Elgiloy stents was associated with a decreased rate of procedural hypotension (odds ratio: 0.165; 95% confidence interval: 0.038, 0.721; P = .017). Procedural hypotension and bradycardia were not correlated to incidence of major adverse events but were associated with an increased duration of hospital stay (P = .0059 and P = .0335, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Nitinol stents are associated with a higher risk of hypotension as compared to braided Elgiloy stents during carotid artery stent placement.
We investigated the relative contribution of hemodynamic and clinical factors to serum natriuretic peptide elevation in seventy-one patients with either aortic stenosis or aortic regurgitation. We found that pulmonary hypertension, heart failure and renal failure are the most powerful independent predictors of natriuretic peptide elevation in patients with aortic valve disease, irrespective of the type or severity of valvular lesion itself.
OBJECTIVE We sought to evaluate the feasibility of k-t parallel imaging for accelerated 4D flow MRI in the hepatic vascular system by investigating the impact of different acceleration factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS k-t GRAPPA accelerated 4D flow MRI of the liver vasculature was evaluated in 16 healthy volunteers at 3T with acceleration factors R = 3, R = 5, and R = 8 (2.0 × 2.5 × 2.4 mm(3), TR = 82 ms), and R = 5 (TR = 41 ms); GRAPPA R = 2 was used as the reference standard. Qualitative flow analysis included grading of 3D streamlines and time-resolved particle traces. Quantitative evaluation assessed velocities, net flow, and wall shear stress (WSS). RESULTS Significant scan time savings were realized for all acceleration factors compared to standard GRAPPA R = 2 (21-71 %) (p < 0.001). Quantification of velocities and net flow offered similar results between k-t GRAPPA R = 3 and R = 5 compared to standard GRAPPA R = 2. Significantly increased leakage artifacts and noise were seen between standard GRAPPA R = 2 and k-t GRAPPA R = 8 (p < 0.001) with significant underestimation of peak velocities and WSS of up to 31 % in the hepatic arterial system (p <0.05). WSS was significantly underestimated up to 13 % in all vessels of the portal venous system for k-t GRAPPA R = 5, while significantly higher values were observed for the same acceleration with higher temporal resolution in two veins (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION k-t acceleration of 4D flow MRI is feasible for liver hemodynamic assessment with acceleration factors R = 3 and R = 5 resulting in a scan time reduction of at least 40 % with similar quantitation of liver hemodynamics compared with GRAPPA R = 2.
Introducción: Diversos cambios ocurren en el sistema cardiovascular materno durante el embarazo, lo que genera un gran estrés sobre este sistema especialmente durante el tercer trimestre, pudiendo acentuarse en presencia de determinados factores de riesgo. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron, valorar las adaptaciones cardiovasculares producidas por un programa específico de ejercicio físico; su seguridad sobre el sistema cardiovascular materno y los resultados del embarazo; y su eficacia en el control de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Material y métodos: El diseño del estudio fue un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. 151 gestantes sanas fueron evaluadas mediante un ecocardiograma y un electrocardiograma en la semana 20 y 34 de gestación. Un total de 89 gestantes participaron en un programa de ejercicio físico (GE) desde el primer hasta el tercer trimestre de embarazo, constituido principalmente por 25-30 minutos de trabajo aeróbico (55-60% de la frecuencia cardiaca de reserva), trabajo de fortalecimiento general y específico, y un trabajo de tonificación del suelo pélvico; desarrollado 3 días a la semana con una duración de 55-60 minutos cada sesión. Las gestantes aleatoriamente asignadas al grupo de control (GC; n=62) permanecieron sedentarias durante el embarazo. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité Ético de investigación clínica del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Resultados: Las características basales fueron similares entre ambos grupos. A diferencia del GC, las gestantes del GE evitaron el descenso significativo del gasto cardiaco indexado, entre el 2º y 3ºT de embarazo, y conservaron el patrón geométrico normal del ventrículo izquierdo; mientras que en el GC cambió hacia un patrón de remodelado concéntrico. En la semana 20, las gestantes del GE presentaron valores significativamente menores de frecuencia cardiaca (GC: 79,56±10,76 vs. GE: 76,05±9,34; p=0,04), tensión arterial sistólica (GC: 110,19±10,23 vs. GE: 106,04±12,06; p=0,03); tensión arterial diastólica (GC: 64,56±7,88 vs. GE: 61,81±7,15; p=0,03); tiempo de relajación isovolumétrica (GC: 72,94±14,71 vs. GE: 67,05±16,48; p=0,04); y un mayor tiempo de deceleración de la onda E (GC: 142,09±39,11 vs. GE: 162,10±48,59; p=0,01). En la semana 34, el GE presentó valores significativamente superiores de volumen sistólico (GC: 51,13±11,85 vs. GE: 56,21±12,79 p=0,04), de llenado temprano del ventrículo izquierdo (E) (GC: 78,38±14,07 vs. GE: 85,30±16,62; p=0,02) y de tiempo de deceleración de la onda E (GC: 130,35±37,11 vs. GE: 146,61±43,40; p=0,04). Conclusión: La práctica regular de ejercicio físico durante el embarazo puede producir adaptaciones positivas sobre el sistema cardiovascular materno durante el tercer trimestre de embarazo, además de ayudar en el control de sus factores de riesgo, sin alterar la salud materno-fetal. ABSTRACT Background: Several changes occur in the maternal cardiovascular system during pregnancy. These changes produce a considerable stress in this system, especially during the third trimester, which can be increased in presence of some risk factors. The aims of this study were, to assess the maternal cardiac adaptations in a specific exercise program; its safety on the maternal cardiovascular system and pregnancy outcomes; and its effectiveness in the control of cardiovascular risk factors. Material and methods: A randomized controlled trial was designed. 151 healthy pregnant women were assessed by an echocardiography and electrocardiography at 20 and 34 weeks of gestation. A total of 89 pregnant women participated in a physical exercise program (EG) from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy. It consisted of 25-30 minutes of aerobic conditioning (55-60% of their heart rate reserve), general and specific strength exercises, and a pelvic floor muscles training; 3 times per weeks during 55-60 minutes per session. Pregnant women randomized allocated to the control group (CG) remained sedentary during pregnancy. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. Difference from the CG, pregnant women from the EG prevented the significant decrease of the cardiac output index, between the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and preserved the normal left ventricular pattern; whereas in the CG shifted to concentric remodeling pattern. At 20 weeks, women in the EG had significant lower heart rate (CG: 79,56±10,76 vs. EG: 76,05±9,34; p=0,04), systolic blood pressure (CG: 110,19±10,23 vs. EG: 106,04±12,06; p=0,03); diastolic blood pressure (CG: 64,56±7,88 vs. EG: 61,81±7,15; p=0,03); isovolumetric relaxation time (GC: 72,94±14,71 vs. GE: 67,05±16,48; p=0,04); and a higher deceleration time of E Wave (GC: 142,09±39,11 vs. GE: 162,10±48,59; p=0,01). At 34 weeks, the EG had a significant higher stroke volume (CG: 51,13±11,85 vs. EG: 56,21±12,79 p=0,04), early filling of left ventricular (E) (CG: 78,38±14,07 vs. EG: 85,30±16,62; p=0,02) and deceleration time of E wave (CG: 130,35±37,11 vs. EG:146,61±43,40; p=0,04). Conclusion: Physical regular exercise program during pregnancy may produce positive maternal cardiovascular adaptations during the third trimester of pregnancy. In addition, it helps to control the cardiovascular risk factors without altering maternal and fetus health.
The therapeutic application of growth factors to human disease has become closer to reality with the advent of faster means of synthesizing these molecules and novel drug delivery strategies. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) belongs to a large family of molecules with the ability to modulate growth. Purified extracts of EGF have been used clinically to modulate gastrointestinal secretion of hormones and accelerate healing. EGF is also reported to have both vascular smooth muscle contractile and relaxing activity Cardiovascular studies were performed with the bioactive 48-amino acid fragment of human EGF in rodents and primates to determine the effects of EGF on blood pressure and heart rate in conscious animals. Intravenous infusion of EGF induced an initial pressor response in rats followed by a prolonged decrease in blood pressure. In contrast, in monkeys, EGF had dose-related blood pressure-lowering effects only; significant hypotension was observed at doses ranging from 3 to 300 microg/kg i.v. Hypotension was associated with modest tachycardia in both species. To our knowledge, this is the first report of hemodynamic effects of EGF in primates, and it clearly documents that the mitogenic role of growth factors such as EGF is but one aspect of their physiology.