986 resultados para HEAVY WATER
A aplicação do lodo de estação de tratamento de água (LETA) em solos degradados é uma alternativa tanto para disposição desse resíduo como para a recuperação do solo. Neste trabalho avaliaram-se os efeitos do LETA nos teores de metais pesados em um Latossolo degradado por mineração de cassiterita na Floresta Nacional do Jamari, RO, Brasil. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos: testemunha (n = 4); testemunha química, que recebeu apenas calagem (n = 4) e doses D100, D150 e D200 (respectivamente 100, 150 e 200 mg de N kg-1 solo na forma de LETA), aplicadas antes da calagem (n = 20). Após 30 dias da calagem, período em que o solo contido nos vasos foi mantido com teor de umidade próximo à capacidade de retenção, coletaram-se amostras de solo, que foram analisadas com relação aos teores totais e extraíveis de Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni e Cr. A aplicação de LETA aumentou os teores dos metais pesados do solo. A aplicação deste tipo de lodo em áreas degradadas pode causar impacto ambiental e, portanto, deve ser monitorada.
Cellulose phosphate (CELLPHOS) was studied as a collector for analytical preconcentration of traces of Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II) and Ni(II) from aqueous sample solution. It has been proved that using chromatographic columns packed with CELLPHOS for preconcentration and 1.0 mol 1 -1 HCl for elution the adsorbed analytes are quantitatively enriched. An enrichment factor of 20 (100 ml sample, 5 ml concentrate) was achieved by this separation procedure, which was applied to a series of water analyses (river, sea, bog water).
In this study, a green adsorbent was successfully applied to remove toxic metals from aqueous solutions. Dried minced castor leaves were fractionated into 63-μm particles to perform characterization and extraction experiments. Absorption bands in FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) spectra at 1544, 1232 and 1350 cm-1 were assigned to nitrogen-containing groups. Elemental analysis showed high nitrogen and sulfur content: 5.76 and 1.93%, respectively. The adsorption kinetics for Cd(II) and Pb(II) followed a pseudo-second-order model, and no difference between the experimental and calculated Nf values (0.094 and 0.05 mmol g-1 for Cd(II) and Pb(II), respectively) was observed. The Ns values calculated using the modified Langmuir equation, 0.340 and 0.327 mmol g-1 for Cd(II) and Pb(II), respectively, were superior to the results obtained for several materials in the literature. The method proposed in this study was applied to pre-concentrate (45-fold enrichment factor) and used to measure Cd(II) and Pb(II) in freshwater samples from the Paraná River. The method was validated through a comparative analysis with a standard reference material (1643e). © 2013 Elsevier B.V. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Adsorption and regeneration of ion exchange resins were studied using a subcritical solution of a CO2-H2O mixture and a fixed bed column. The commercial Amberlite IRC-50/IRC-86 cation exchange resins and Amberlite IRA-67 anion exchange resin were tested for heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Cd) adsorption from a solution with different initial metal concentrations at different temperatures. After adsorption, the loaded resins were regenerated with water and carbon dioxide at different temperatures and a pressure of 25 MPa. The efficiency of the IRC-50 resin was lower than that of the IRC-86 resin for the adsorption of metals like Cd, Cu and Pb. Results obtained for desorption of these metals indicated that the process could be used for Cd and in principle for Cu. Sorption of metal ions depended strongly on feed concentration. Mathematical modeling of the metal desorption process was carried out successfully as an extraction process. For this purpose, the VTII Model, which is applied to extraction from solids using supercritical solvents, was used in this work.
The city of Vazante-MG is of great socioeconomic and environmental interest because it is the most important zinc producer district of Brazil. The mineral processing and geochemical processes may determine high concentrations of heavy metals in water intended for human consumption. Thus, the present study aimed to quantify and evaluate the heavy metal genotoxicity of artesian water in the city by Atomic absorption spectrophotometer analysis and testing with the Allium cepa test, respectively. This study reveals a chemical contamination in well water in the city, caused by the presence of heavy metals. Therefore, it can be considered that the high levels of heavy metals found in water samples are correlated with the genotoxic events observed in root cells of A. cepa.
The chemical and physical properties of a Brazilian heavy oil submitted to plasma treatment were investigated by H-1 low-and high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) combined to the characterization of rheological properties, thermogravimetry and measurement of basic sediments and water (BSW) content. The crude oil was treated in a dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor, using natural gas, CO2 or H-2 as working gas. The results indicated a large drop in the water content of the plasma-treated samples as compared to the crude oil, giving rise to a reduction in the viscosity. No significant chemical change was produced in the oil portion itself, as observed by H-1 NMR. The water contents determined by H-1 low-field NMR analyses agreed well with those obtained by BSW, indicating the low-field NMR methods as a useful tool for following the effects of plasma treatments on heavy oils, allowing the separation of the effects caused on the water and oil fractions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The use of the core-annular flow pattern, where a thin fluid surrounds a very viscous one, has been suggested as an attractive artificial-lift method for heavy oils in the current Brazilian ultra-deepwater production scenario. This paper reports the pressure drop measurements and the core-annular flow observed in a 2 7/8-inch and 300 meter deep pilot-scale well conveying a mixture of heavy crude oil (2000 mPa.s and 950 kg/m3 at 35 C) and water at several combinations of the individual flow rates. The two-phase pressure drop data are compared with those of single-phase oil flow to assess the gains due to water injection. Another issue is the handling of the core-annular flow once it has been established. High-frequency pressure-gradient signals were collected and a treatment based on the Gabor transform together with neural networks is proposed as a promising solution for monitoring and control. The preliminary results are encouraging. The pilot-scale tests, including long-term experiments, were conducted in order to investigate the applicability of using water to transport heavy oils in actual wells. It represents an important step towards the full scale application of the proposed artificial-lift technology. The registered improvements in terms of oil production rate and pressure drop reductions are remarkable.
[EN] The presence of emerging contaminants has been previously described in reclaimed water and groundwater of Gran Canaria (Spain). Despite of the environmental risk associated to irrigation with reclaimed water (R), this practice is necessary considering sustainability of the hydrological cycle in semiarid zones, especially regarding agricultural activity. The aim of this study was: i) to analyse the evolution during two years of contaminants of emerging concern, priority substances (2008/105/EC) and heavy metals in reclaimed water (R) and in a volcanic aquifer in the NE of Gran Canaria where a golf course has been irrigated with R since 1976 and ii) to relate this presence with physicochemical water properties and hydrogeological media. Reclaimed water and groundwater (GW) were monitoring quarterly from July 2009 to September 2011. Sorption and degradation processes in soil account for more compounds being detected in R. Diazinon and chlorfenvinphos were detected always in R and terbuthylazine, terbutryn and diuron at 90% of frequency. Considering all the samples, the most frequent compounds were chlorpyrifos ethyl, fluorene, phenanthrene and pyrene. Although their concentrations were frequently below 50 ngL-1, some contaminants, were occasionally detected at higher concentrations. Chlorpyrifos ethyl and diuron are priority substances detected frequently and at high concentrations so they must be included in monitoring studies. Geology and location seem to be related to the emerging compounds presence due to occasional contamination events (not related to R irrigation) and therefore not to an existence of a dangerous diffuse contamination level. Thus, it is preferable to select wells with less stable chemical water quality, in order to monitor the risk of emerging compounds presence. Considering the relationship between contaminant presence, chemical water quality, seasonal variation, hydrogeological characteristics and wells location we can conclude that chlorpyrifos ethyl and diuron were the most dangerous priority substances in terms of GW quality so they must be included in all of the monitoring studies, at least in Canary Islands.
In September-October 1998, during Cruise 14 of R/V Akademik Fedorov to the Barents Sea, in the region of 82° N between the Spitsbergen and Novaya Zemlya archipelagos samples of snow and ice were collected within four polygons. By means of atomic absorption with an electothermal atomizer (onboard the ship) in filtered (dissolved form) and unfiltered (sum of dissolved and particulate forms) samples of snow melt and ice melt concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Co, Pb, and Cd were determined in order to estimate level of potential contamination of snow and ice with these metals. Excluding data on Ni, Cd (and probably Cu) in ice that were regarded to be unsatisfactory because of probable contamination of the ice samples during drilling concentrations of all the elements in snow and ice of the northern part of the Barents Sea appeared to be close to their background values or below. An attempt to identify the main sources of metal supply to snow from the atmosphere by comparison of ratios of metal particulate form to total content in snow of the Barents Sea and the same ratios in snow samples from clean regions of Finland and from contaminated areas of the Kola Peninsula showed that aerosols in the area of the expedition were supplied into the Barents Sea atmosphere from different sources, both natural and anthropogenic.