994 resultados para Hückel-Möbius transition states
Recently, the surprising result that ab initio calculations on benzene and other planar arenes at correlated MP2, MP3, configuration interaction with singles and doubles (CISD), and coupled cluster with singles and doubles levels of theory using standard Pople’s basis sets yield nonplanar minima has been reported. The planar optimized structures turn out to be transition states presenting one or more large imaginary frequencies, whereas single-determinant-based methods lead to the expected planar minima and no imaginary frequencies. It has been suggested that such anomalous behavior can be originated by two-electron basis set incompleteness error. In this work, we show that the reported pitfalls can be interpreted in terms of intramolecular basis set superposition error (BSSE) effects, mostly between the C–H moieties constituting the arenes. We have carried out counterpoise-corrected optimizations and frequency calculations at the Hartree–Fock, B3LYP, MP2, and CISD levels of theory with several basis sets for a number of arenes. In all cases, correcting for intramolecular BSSE fixes the anomalous behavior of the correlated methods, whereas no significant differences are observed in the single-determinant case. Consequently, all systems studied are planar at all levels of theory. The effect of different intramolecular fragment definitions and the particular case of charged species, namely, cyclopentadienyl and indenyl anions, respectively, are also discussed
Internal energy dependence of the competitive unimolecular dissociation channels of dimethyl ether were studied with the statistical RRKM formalism. The C-O and C-H fission reactions and the 1,2-H and 1,3-H shifts, and 1,1-H2 and 1,3-H2 molecular eliminations are discussed as a function of energy dependence of k a(E*), the microcanonical rate constant for production of transition states. C-O fission is the dominant process while reaction channels involving C-H fission, 1,1-H2 and 1,3-H2 elimination and production of MeOH should be competitive at energies around 400 kJ mol-1. The less favorable process is the channel of CH4 formation.
A comparative study based on potential energy surfaces (PES) of 2-butanedioic and hypothetic 2-butanedioic/HCl acids is useful for understanding the maleic acid isomerization. The PES enables locating conformers of minimum energy, intermediates of reactions and transition states. From contour diagrams, a set of possible reaction paths are depicted interconnecting the proposed structures. The study was carried out in absentia and in the presence of the catalyst (HCl), using an solvatation model provided by the Gaussian software package. Clearly, the effect of HCl is given by new reaction paths with lower energetic barriers in relation to the reaction without catalyzing.
Gas-phase SiCl3+ ions undergo sequential solvolysis type reactions with water, methanol, ammonia, methylamine and propylene. Studies carried out in a Fourier Transform mass spectrometer reveal that these reactions are facile at 10-8 Torr and give rise to substituted chlorosilyl cations. Ab initio and DFT calculations reveal that these reactions proceed by addition of the silyl cation to the oxygen or nitrogen lone pair followed by a 1,3-H migration in the transition state. These transition states are calculated to lie below the energy of the reactants. By comparison, hydrolysis of gaseous CCl3+ is calculated to involve a substantial positive energy barrier.
This thesis describes the synthesis and use of an N-substituted ferrocene bearing a proline-derived chiral directing group and diastereoselective lithiation-electrophile quench of the pro-Sp hydrogen of the ferrocene to give planar chiral products in >95:5 dr. The auxiliary group is found to be stable to lithium bases of types RLi and R2NLi giving the same diastereoselectivity. The anti- epimer of the previously mentioned syn auxiliary induces lithiation of pro Rp rather than pro Sp hydrogen in >95:5 dr. Upon electrophile quench and elimination, the enantiomer of the syn-derived planar chiral imidazolone is obtained. Hence, this method provides a practical way to prepare planar chiral enantiomers in this series without the use of a more expensive D-proline derived starting material. The syn and anti epimers have β, γ-stereogenic centers and the origin of stereoselectivity in lithiation appears to be driven by the conformational bias exerted by the β-silyloxy moiety in each chiral auxiliary. In the thesis, this conclusion is supported using insensitivity of lithiation selectivity to the bulkiness of the base, comparison of enantiomers, deuteration experiments, nOe difference studies and computational modeling of the ground states and lithiation transition states for both substrates. The products are then converted to ligand precursors to make iridium and rhodium complexes. Among them, one of the cationic iridium complex is found to be effective in the asymmetric hydrogenation of 2-substituted quinolines with enantioselectivities up to 80% at pressures as low as 5 atm.
The computational study, and in particular the density functional theory (DFT) study of the organocatalytic α-chlorination-aldol reaction and the chiral backbone Frustrated Lewis Pair (FLP) system served as a valuable tool for experimental purposes. This thesis describes methods to consider different transition states of the proline- catalyzed α-chlorination aldol reaction to determine the reasonable transition state in the reaction between the enamine and α-chloro aldehydes. Moreover, the novel intramolecular Frustrated Lewis pair based on a chiral backbone for the asymmetric hydrogenation of imines and enamines was designed and the ability of hydrogen splitting by this new FLP system was examined by computational modeling and calculating the hydrogen activation energy barrier.
The exact mechanistic understanding of various organocatalytic systems in asymmetric reactions such as Henry and aza-Henry transformations is important for developing and designing new synthetic organocatalysts. The focus of this dissertation will be on the use of density functional theory (DFT) for studying the asymmetric aza-Henry reaction. The first part of the thesis is a detailed mechanistic investigation of a poorly understood chiral bis(amidine) (BAM) Brønsted acid catalyzed aza-Henry reaction between nitromethane and N-Boc phenylaldimine. The catalyst, in addition to acting as a Brønsted base, serves to simultaneously activate both the electrophile and the nucleophile through dual H-bonding during C-C bond formation and is thus essential for both reaction rate and selectivity. Analysis of the H-bonding interactions revealed that there was a strong preference for the formation of a homonuclear positive charge-assisted H-bond, which in turn governed the relative orientation of substrate binding. Attracted by this well-defined mechanistic investigation, the other important aspect of my PhD research addressed a detailed theoretical analysis accounting for the observed selectivity in diastereoselective versions of this reaction. A detailed inspection of the stereodetermining C-C bond forming transition states for monoalkylated nitronate addition to a range of electronically different aldimines, revealed that the origins of stereoselectivity were controlled by a delicate balance of different factors such as steric, orbital interactions, and the extent of distortion in the catalyst and substrates. The structural analysis of different substituted transition states established an interesting dependency on matching the shape and size of the catalyst (host molecule) and substrates (guest molecules) upon binding, both being key factors governing selectivity, in essence, offering an analogy to positive cooperative binding effect of catalytic enzymes and substrates in Nature. In addition, both intra-molecular (intra-host) and inter-molecular (host-guest, guest-guest) stabilizing interactions play a key role to the high π-facial selectivity. The application of dispersion-corrected functionals (i.e., ωB97X-D and B3LYP-D3) was essential for accurately modeling these stabilizing interactions, indicating the importance of dispersion effects in enantioselectivity. As a brief prelude to more extensive future studies, the influence of a triflate counterion on both reactivity and selectivity in this reaction was also addressed.
L’avancée des infrastructures informatiques a permis l’émergence de la modélisation moléculaire. À cet effet, une multitude de modèles mathématiques sont aujourd’hui disponibles pour simuler différents systèmes chimiques. À l’aide de la modélisation moléculaire, différents types d’interactions chimiques ont été observés. À partir des systèmes les plus simples permettant l’utilisation de modèles quantiques rigoureux, une série d’approximations a été considérée pour rendre envisageable la simulation de systèmes moléculaires de plus en plus complexes. En premier lieu, la théorie de la fonctionnelle de densité dépendante du temps a été utilisée pour simuler les énergies d’excitation de molécules photoactives. De manière similaire, la DFT indépendante du temps a permis la simulation du pont hydrogène intramoléculaire de structures analogues au 1,3,5-triazapentadiène et la rationalisation de la stabilité des états de transition. Par la suite, la dynamique moléculaire et la mécanique moléculaire ont permis de simuler les interactions d’un trimère d’acide cholique et d’un pyrène dans différents solvants. Cette même méthodologie a été utilisée pour simuler les interactions d’un rotaxane-parapluie à l’interface d’un système biphasique. Finalement, l’arrimage moléculaire et les fonctions de score ont été utilisés pour simuler les interactions intermoléculaires entre une protéine et des milliers de candidats moléculaires. Les résultats ont permis de mettre en place une stratégie de développement d’un nouvel inhibiteur enzymatique.
Cet ouvrage traite d’une méthodologie pour l’induction de centres stéréogènes au sein des motifs propionates par la chimie des radicaux et de son application à la synthèse totale du méthyl ester de la zincophorine. Cet ionophore, aux propriétés biologiques intéressantes, présente plusieurs défis synthétiques dont une séquence de type polypropionate anti, anti, anti, anti difficilement accessible ainsi qu’un tétrahydropyrane trans trisubstitué. Récemment, l’intérêt renouvelé pour ces composés polyéthers, en tant qu’agents anticancéreux, accentue l’importance de stratégies versatiles permettant l’accès à ces structures ainsi qu’à leurs analogues. Depuis quelques années, notre groupe s’intéresse à la synthèse d’unités propionates acycliques par une séquence réactionnelle contrôlée uniquement par le substrat. La première étape découle d’une aldolisation de Mukaiyama entre un aldéhyde alpha-chiral et un énoxysilane tétrasubstitué portant une liaison carbone-halogène, et où l’issue stéréochimique dépend de la nature monodentate ou bidentate de l’acide de Lewis employé. La seconde réaction-clé implique la formation d’un radical tertiaire, vicinal à un ester, pouvant être réduit diastéréosélectivement en présence d’hydrure d’étain. La première section décrit l’élaboration de motifs tétrahydropyranes trisubstitués et l’induction des centres stéréogènes vicinaux par une réduction radicalaire. Nous avons révélé que l’issue diastéréosélective de la réaction de cyclisation par une iodoéthérification était dictée par le groupement gamma-méthyle des esters alpha,beta-insaturés de départ. Nous avons ensuite démontré que les produits de la réaction radicalaire anti et syn pouvaient être obtenus sélectivement à partir d’un intermédiaire commun, respectivement en prenant appui sur l’effet exocyclique ou endocyclique lors de la réduction. Par une stratégie complémentaire, nous avons révélé que le précurseur radicalaire pouvait également être obtenu par une réaction de cycloéthérification en présence d’un énoxysilane tétrasubstitué. Une étude systématique des substituants du cycle a révélé que certaines relations stéréochimiques conduisaient à une perte de sélectivité au détriment du produit anti. La seconde section concerne l’étude DFT au niveau BHandHLYP/TZVP des intermédiaires radicalaires impliqués lors du transfert d’hydrogène. Par une étude de décomposition de l’énergie d’activation, nous avons été en mesure de rationaliser l’issue diastéréosélective de la réaction sur la base des énergies de distorsion (∆Ed‡) et d’interaction (∆Eint‡) requises pour accéder à la paire d’états de transition pro-anti et pro-syn. De plus, nous avons démontré qu’une analyse NBO permettait de relativiser l’impact des interactions stéréoélectroniques. Par la suite, l’évaluation des intermédiaires radicalaires borinates et aluminates nous a permis de révéler que l’encombrement stérique de la chaîne propionate était la cause principale de la formation sélective des produits anti ou syn lors d’une réduction en présence d’un acide de Lewis. La dernière section décrit l’élaboration de la séquence polypropionate de la zincophorine, et de ses isomères, à partir du fragment tétrahydropyrane substitué. Au cours de notre étude, nous avons identifié que le nombre de sites de chélation potentiels devait être limité à trois lors de l’aldolisation en condition Cram-chélate. De plus, nous avons démontré que les différents motifs acétates sont accessibles sélectivement par l’utilisation d’un énoxysilane encombré. Par ailleurs, nous avons révélé qu’une même séquence réactionnelle pouvait être employée pour la synthèse du fragment C17–C25 de son analogue naturel CP-78,545, et avons complété la plus récente synthèse totale du méthyl ester de la zincophorine.
Heating and cooling temperature jumps (T-jumps) were performed using a newly developed technique to trigger unfolding and refolding of wild-type ribonuclease A and a tryptophan-containing variant (Y115W). From the linear Arrhenius plots of the microscopic folding and unfolding rate constants, activation enthalpy (ΔH#), and activation entropy (ΔS#) were determined to characterize the kinetic transition states (TS) for the unfolding and refolding reactions. The single TS of the wild-type protein was split into three for the Y115W variant. Two of these transition states, TS1 and TS2, characterize a slow kinetic phase, and one, TS3, a fast phase. Heating T-jumps induced protein unfolding via TS2 and TS3; cooling T-jumps induced refolding via TS1 and TS3. The observed speed of the fast phase increased at lower temperature, due to a strongly negative ΔH# of the folding-rate constant. The results are consistent with a path-dependent protein folding/unfolding mechanism. TS1 and TS2 are likely to reflect X-Pro114 isomerization in the folded and unfolded protein, respectively, and TS3 the local conformational change of the β-hairpin comprising Trp115. A very fast protein folding/unfolding phase appears to precede both processes. The path dependence of the observed kinetics is suggestive of a rugged energy protein folding funne
Time-resolved studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with N-2 have been attempted at 296, 417, and 484 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. No conclusive evidence for reaction could be found even with pressures of N-2 of 500 Torr. This enables us to set upper limits of ca. 3 x 10(-15) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) for the second-order rate constants. A lower limit for the activation energy, E-a, of ca. 47 kJ mol(-1) is also derived. Ab initio calculations at the G3 level indicate that the only SiH2N2 species of lower energy than the separated reactants is the H2Si...N-2 donor-acceptor (ylid) species with a relative enthalpy of -26 kJ mol(-1), insufficient for observation of reaction under the experimental conditions. Ten bound species on the SiH2N2 surface were found and their energies calculated as well as those of the potential dissociation products: HSiN + NH((3)Sigma(-)) and HNSi + NH((3)Sigma(-)). Additionally two of the transition states involving cyclic-SiH2N2 (siladiazirine) were explored. It appears that siladiazirine is neither thermodynamically nor kinetically stable. The findings indicate that Si-N-d bonds (where N-d is double-bonded nitrogen) are not particularly strong. An unexpected cyclic intermediate was found in the isomerization of silaisocyanamide to silacyanamide.
Ab initio calculations at the HF/6-31+G* level on [Ph2B-OH2](+) show that in the gas phase the structure with the proton attached to an ipso C is lower in energy than the one with the proton on the oxygen atom by 8.40 kcal mol(-1). The transition states and reaction paths for intramolecular proton transfer in [Ph2B-OH2](+) have also been studied.
We present a kinetic model for transformations between different self-assembled lipid structures. The model shows how data on the rates of phase transitions between mesophases of different geometries can be used to provide information on the mechanisms of the transformations and the transition states involved. This can be used, for example, to gain an insight into intermediate structures in cell membrane fission or fusion. In cases where the monolayer curvature changes on going from the initial to the final mesophase, we consider the phase transition to be driven primarily by the change in the relaxed curvature with pressure or temperature, which alters the relative curvature elastic energies of the two mesophase structures. Using this model, we have analyzed previously published kinetic data on the inter-conversion of inverse bicontinuous cubic phases in the 1-monoolein-30 wt% water system. The data are for a transition between QII(G) and QII(D) phases, and our analysis indicates that the transition state more closely resembles the QII(D) than the QII(G) phase. Using estimated values for the monolayer mean curvatures of the QII(G) and QII(D) phases of -0.123 nm(-1) and -0.133 nm(-1), respectively, gives values for the monolayer mean curvature of the transition state of between -0.131 nm(-1) and -0.132 nm(-1). Furthermore, we estimate that several thousand molecules undergo the phase transition cooperatively within one "cooperative unit", equivalent to 1-2 unit cells of QII(G) or 4-10 unit cells of QII(D).
Diacetylformoin (3,4-dihydroxy-3-hexene-2,5-dione) has 16 tautomers, many with several possible conformations and all have been geometry optimised using quantum mechanics at the HF/6-31+G* level. Eleven structures have been identified with energies within 10 kcal mol(-1) of the minimum energy structure. Of these eight are acyclic and three cyclic. Calculations of NMR spectra have clarified the identity of the acyclic and cyclic structures found experimentally. The mechanism for cyclisation has been investigated and transition states obtained. The lowest energy reaction path requires the loss and gain of a proton during cyclisation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The reactions of propene with [Zr(cyclopentadienyl)(2)Me](+) have been investigated using density functional theory in order to study the correlation between regioselectivity and site charge in propene polymerisation. The reaction paths of the 1,2 and 2,1 additions of the methyl group to propene have been established. The geometries and energies of the reactants, transition states and products have been obtained using both PBEPBE/LANL2DZ and B3LYP/LANL2DZ methodologies. The results with both density functionals show that the activation energy for 1,2-insertion is lower than that for 2,1-insertion (Fig. 5) and this is consistent with the experiment results. Also for both density functionals, the difference of the thermal dynamic driving forces between the 2,1 product named 2-21 and the 1,2 product named 2-12 is significantly lower than the difference between the energy barriers. It is noted that in the reactants, the Mulliken partial charge on the central carbon atom C2 is positive and it can be concluded that 1,2-insertion is favoured because it can proceed via a cationic reaction.