936 resultados para Guinea-Bissau and Casamance Creole


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The maternal and paternal genetic profile of Guineans is markedly sub-Saharan West African, with the majority of lineages belonging to L0-L3 mtDNA sub-clusters and E3a-M2 and E1-M33 Y chromosome haplogroups. Despite the sociocultural differences among Guinea-Bissau ethnic groups,marked by the supposedly strict admixture barriers, their genetic pool remains largely common. Their extant variation coalesces at distinct timeframes, from the initial occupation of the area to later inputs of people. Signs of recent expansion in mtDNA haplogroups L2a-L2c and NRY E3a-M2 suggest population growth in the equatorial western fringe, possibly supported by an early local agricultural centre, and to which the Mandenka and the Balanta people may relate. Non-West African signatures are traceable in less frequent extant haplogroups, fitting well with the linguistic and historical evidence regarding particular ethnic groups: the Papel and Felupe-Djola people retain traces of their putative East African relatives; U6 and M1b among Guinea-Bissau Bak-speakers indicate partial diffusion to Sahel of North African lineages; U5b1b lineages in Fulbe and Papel represent a link to North African Berbers, emphasizing the great importance of post-glacial expansions; exact matches of R1b-P25 and E3b1-M78 with Europeans likely trace back to the times of the slave trade.


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This work evaluates the mercury (Hg) contamination status (sediments and biota) of the Bijagós archipelago, off the coast of Guinea-Bissau. Sediments exhibited very low concentrations (<1-12ngg(-1)), pointing to negligible sources of anthropogenic Hg in the region. Nevertheless, Hg is well correlated to the fine fraction, aluminium, and loss on ignition, indicating the effect of grain size and organic matter content on the presence of Hg in sediments. Mercury in the bivalves Tagelus adansoni and Senilia senilis did not vary considerably among sites, ranging within narrow intervals (0.09-0.12 and 0.12-0.14μgg(-1) (dry weight), respectively). Divergent substrate preferences/feeding tactics may justify slight differences between species. The value 11ngg(-1) is proposed as the sediment background concentration for this West-African coastal region, and concentrations within the interval 8-10ngg(-1) (wet weight) may be considered as reference range for S. senilis and T. adansoni in future monitoring studies.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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One of the major factors threatening chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Guinea-Bissau is habitat fragmentation. Such fragmentation may cause changes in symbiont dynamics resulting in increased susceptibility to infection, changes in host specificity and virulence. We monitored gastrointestinal symbiotic fauna of three chimpanzee subpopulations living within Cantanhez National Park (CNP) in Guinea Bissau in the areas with different levels of anthropogenic fragmentation. Using standard coproscopical methods (merthiolate-iodine formalin concentration and Sheather's flotation) we examined 102 fecal samples and identified at least 13 different symbiotic genera (Troglodytella abrassarti, Troglocorys cava, Blastocystis spp., Entamoeba spp., Iodamoeba butschlii, Giardia intestinalis, Chilomastix mesnili, Bertiella sp., Probstmayria gombensis, unidentified strongylids, Strongyloides stercoralis, Strongyloides fuelleborni, and Trichuris sp.). The symbiotic fauna of the CNP chimpanzees is comparable to that reported for other wild chimpanzee populations, although CNP chimpanzees have a higher prevalence of Trichuris sp. Symbiont richness was higher in chimpanzee subpopulations living in fragmented forests compared to the community inhabiting continuous forest area. We reported significantly higher prevalence of G. intestinalis in chimpanzees from fragmented areas, which could be attributed to increased contact with humans and livestock.


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INTRODUCTION: Although many countries have improved vaccination coverage in recent years, some, including Guinea-Bissau, failed to meet expected targets. This paper tries to understand the main barriers to better vaccination coverage in the context of the GAVI-Alliance (The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) cash-based support provided to Guinea-Bissau. METHODS: The analysis is based on a document analysis and a three round Delphi study with a final consensus meeting. RESULTS: Consensus attributed about 25% of the failure to perform better to implementation problems; and about 10% to governance and also 10% to scarce resources. The qualitative analysis validates the importance of implementation issues and upgraded the relevance of the human resources crisis as an important drawback. The recommendations were balanced in their upstream-downstream focus but were blind to health information issues and logistical difficulties. CONCLUSIONS: It is commendable that such a fragile state, with all sorts of barriers, manages to sustain a slow steady growth of its vaccination coverage. Not reaching the targets set reflects the inappropriateness of those targets rather than a lack of commitment of the health workforce. In the unstable context of countries such as Guinea-Bissau, the predictability of the funds from global health initiatives like the GAVI-Alliance seem to make all the difference in achieving small consistent health gains even in the presence of other major bottlenecks.


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This article reports upon a community survey of malaria in Prábis, Guinea-Bissau. A house to house census of the population was initially carried out from August to December 1991(rainy season). After completing the census of each village, the population was invited to come, a week later, to a central point, where they were medically examined and finger-prick blood samples were collected for epidemiological characterization of the malaria situation in the area. The blood films of the one single village were used to compare the sensitivity and specificity of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with optical microscopy detection of parasites. In another village, the occurrence of parasitaemia was compared in children with and without fever. During the dry season, from March to June 1992, the population in each village was again invited to come to a central point. Some of the field procedures were repeated. The study revealed Prábis as an administrative Sector of Guinea-Bissau with endemic malaria, mostly due to Plasmodium falciparum, but with a significant rate of mixed infections. Active transmission occurred throughout the year, but it was more intensive during the rainy season and in the northwestern quadrant of the Sector. The level of endemicity of the villages varied from hypo to holoendemic. The factors associated with the differences among villages included village size and predominant economic activity (closeness to rice fields). The transmission paradigm was, most likely, a mixture of malaria of the African wet Savannah and malaria associated with irrigated paddy fields. PCR proved to be a sensitive method with low specificity during the dry season. Pyraexia of 37.4ºC or higher in children aged 2-9 years is not a sensitive indicator of parasitaemia but, it is highly specific and it has a clinically useful predictive value.


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A través del conocimiento de los recursos pesqueros, es decir especies, cantidad extraíble, métodos de pesca, etc., se ofrece a la comunidad un medio para mejorar su nivel de vida. En el presente trabajo se han catalogado 171. especies cuya captura es rentable económicamente. Están agrupadas en tres Phyllum y 73 familias. Una vez realizada la identificación de especies, se ha elaborado un modelo matemático, que basado en la dinámica de poblaciones, nos permite estimar la cantidad de biomasa existente en el caladero para una determinada especie. En función de la biomasa estimada de esta forma, pueden planificarse las capturas, de tal forma que la explotación del recurso sea sostenible, para evitar que éste se agote. En función de la estimación, las autoridades económicas podrán planificar la política pesquera adecuada para conseguir la sostenibilidad ambiental y económica a medio y largo plazo. Se puede aplicar este modelo a cualquier especie, pero lo hemos particularizado a la gamba blanca por su especial interés económico para el país. Se observa cómo evolucionarán las capturas hasta el año 2027, en el que tanto la producción como el beneficio es máximo. A continuación obtenemos una estabilización de las capturas y por tanto de los ingresos, lo que nos permite mantener la extracción y la sostenibilidad de la especie. ABSTRACT The knowledge of fishery resources, i.e., species, the quantity of fish that can be caught, fishing methods, etc, provides the community with a means to improve their standard of living. In this work, we have listed some species the yield of which is economically profitable. They have been grouped into three categories… The mathematical model, based on population dynamics, allows us to plan the harvesting and to estimate resources. In turn, this will translate into an ability to plan the budget by the economic authorities, since the middle and long turn incomes are known. This model can be applied to any species, but we have chosen the white shrimp because of its special economic value for the country. It shows how the yields will develop up to a maximum in 2027. Then we will obtain a stable catch and therefore a stable income. This will allow us to maintain the harvesting and also the sustainability of the species.


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El escaso crecimiento de los países del África subsahariana, lleva a la necesidad de plantear un tipo de modelo económico que se adapte a sus especiales características y que en definitiva, conduzca a las sociedades que viven en estos países a un aumento de su calidad de vida, mediante mejoras en todos los campos sociales tales como: la enseñanza, la salud y la nutrición, que puedan ayudar a transformar las perspectivas del crecimiento económico, especialmente en los países objeto de estudio, que se caracterizan por presentar bajos ingresos y escaso desarrollo humano. Se puede concluir, por tanto, diciendo que en definitiva, el fin es el desarrollo humano y que el crecimiento económico es un medio. El propósito del crecimiento económico debe ser enriquecer la vida de la gente. Los adelantos a corto plazo en materia de desarrollo humano son posibles, merced a un mayor crecimiento económico que a su vez no debe desligarse del respeto por el medioambiente y el entorno. Para conseguir estos objetivos, se plantea en la presente tesis un modelo económico, elaborado siguiendo las directrices de la Dinámica de Sistemas, mediante el uso del programa informático VENSIM. El modelo planteado se basa en la producción de energía eléctrica, que sería capaz de abastecer a una población y generar unos excedentes que podrían ser vendidos y las ganancias reinvertidas para impulsar el crecimiento económico de la población a la que abastece. ABSTRACT Low growth in sub-Saharan Africa, leading to the need to establish a type of economic model that suits their special characteristics and ultimately lead to societies that live in these countries to increase human capacity through improvements in all social fields such as education, health and nutrition that can help transform the prospects for economic growth, especially in the countries under study, which are characterized by low income and low human development. It can be concluded, therefore, saying that ultimately, the end is human development and economic growth is a means. The purpose of economic growth should be to enrich the lives of people. The short-term advances in human development are possible, thanks to higher economic growth which in turn should not be separated from respect for the environment and intone. To achieve these objectives, we propose in this thesis an economic model, developed under the guidance of dynamic systems, using the computer program VENSIM. The proposed model is based on the production of electricity, which would be able to supply a population and generate a surplus that could be sold and the proceeds reinvested to boost economic growth in the population it serves.


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Schistosomiasis is the major neglected tropical helminthic disease worldwide. Current knowledge on the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Guinea-Bissau is scarce and regarding to the absence of Schistosoma haematobium (S.h.). Therefore, a pilot study was undertaken to assess the prevalence and morbidity due to S.h. infection in randomly selected 90 children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years. Prevalence of S.h. infection was 20.00 % (18/90). Microhematuria was observed in 61.11 % (11/18) of S.h.-egg-excreting vs. 37.50 % (27/72) of non-S.h.-egg-excreting children p ≤ 0.01. Body mass index (BMI) was less than 15 kg/m(2) in 52/90 (57.78 %) of all children and adolescents, but this proportion increased to 66.67 % (12/18) in S.h.-infected children who were more frequently stunted and wasted than in non-infected children. The mean weight-for-age Z score (WAZ) was reduced in S.h. infected as compared to non-infected children (-1.48 ± 1.08 SD vs. -0.80 ± 1.11 SD; p ≤ 0.01). To our knowledge, this is the first epidemiologic report on S. haematobium infection in Guinea-Bissau since 22 years. Even in this relatively small study sample, it appears that S. haematobium, besides the well-known symptoms such as hematuria, leads to significant, albeit commonly unacknowledged morbidity such as stunting and wasting. These observations underscore the notion that this vulnerable but neglected population urgently needs to be targeted for implementation of measures for treatment and control.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A tuberculose na República da Guiné-Bissau não apresenta bons indicadores de saúde, assim como na maioria dos países em vias de desenvolvimento. OBJETIVO: Estudar na República da Guiné-Bissau e nas suas Províncias, a situação epidemiológica da doença no período de 2000 a 2005. MÉTODO: Realizou-se levantamento de dados secundários junto ao Programa Nacional de Luta Contra Lepra e Tuberculose, no período de 2000 a 2005, e análise de relatórios anuais da Capital e das Províncias da Guiné-Bissau, para o cálculo de coeficientes e taxas dos indicadores. RESULTADOS: O número de casos de tuberculose manteve-se estável no período de 2000 (1.959 casos) a 2005 (1.888 casos). O percentual de casos pulmonares variou de 96,0 a 98,8%, dos quais 55% eram bacilíferos. Em 2005 o coeficiente de prevalência foi de 142,4/100.000, o de incidência 131,3/100.000 e o de mortalidade, 16,8/100.000 habitantes. A maior concentração de casos ocorreu na região da Capital. A taxa de cura variou entre 46,5% em 2000 e 69,6% em 2005, e a de abandono de tratamento de 29,8% em 2000 para 12,1% em 2005. CONCLUSÃO: Os indicadores do Plano Estratégico Nacional devem ser melhorados, sobretudo no que diz respeito à busca ativa de casos, à descentralização do atendimento aos doentes, à implantação da estratégia DOTS e à necessidade de um sistema de informação e notificação eficientes.


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Background: Culturing otospheres from dissociated organ of Corti is an appropriate starting point aiming at the development of cell therapy for hair cell loss. Although guinea pigs have been widely used as an excellent experimental model for studying the biology of the inner ear, the mouse cochlea has been more suitable for yielding otospheres in vitro. The aim of this study was to compare conditions and outcomes of otosphere suspension cultures from dissociated organ of Corti of either mouse or guinea pig at postnatal day three (P3), and to evaluate the guinea pig as a potential cochlea donor for preclinical cell therapy. Methods: Organs of Corti were surgically isolated from P3 guinea pig or mouse cochlea, dissociated and cultivated under non-adherent conditions. Cultures were maintained in serum-free DMEM:F12 medium, supplemented with epidermal growth factor (EGF) plus either basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) or transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha). Immunofluorescence assays were conducted for phenotype characterization. Results: The TGF alpha group presented a number of spheres significantly higher than the bFGF group. Although mouse cultures yielded more cells per sphere than guinea pig cultures, sox2 and nestin distributed similarly in otosphere cells from both organisms. We present evidence that otospheres retain properties of inner ear progenitor cells such as self-renewal, proliferation, and differentiation into hair cells or supporting cells. Conclusions: Dissociated guinea pig cochlea produced otospheres in vitro, expressing sox2 and nestin similarly to mouse otospheres. Our data is supporting evidence for the presence of inner ear progenitor cells in the postnatal guinea pig. However, there is limited viability for these cells in neonatal guinea pig cochlea when compared to the differentiation potential observed for the mouse organ of Corti at the same developmental stage.