477 resultados para Gsh
The biochemical responses of the enzymatic antioxidant system of a drought-tolerant cultivar (IACSP 94-2094) and a commercial cultivar in Brazil (IACSP 95-5000) grown under two levels of soil water restriction (70% and 30% Soil Available Water Content) were investigated. IACSP 94-2094 exhibited one additional active superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD VI) isoenzyme in comparison to IACSP 95-5000, possibly contributing to the heightened response of IACSP 94-2094 to the induced stress. The total glutathione reductase (GR) activity increased substantially in IACSP 94-2094 under conditions of severe water stress; however, the appearance of a new GR isoenzyme and the disappearance of another isoenzyme were found not to be related to the stress response because the cultivars from both treatment groups (control and water restrictions) exhibited identical changes. Catalase (CAT) activity seems to have a more direct role in H2O2 detoxification under water stress condition and the shift in isoenzymes in the tolerant cultivar might have contributed to this response, which may be dependent upon the location where the excessive H2O2 is being produced under stress. The improved performance of IACSP 94-2094 under drought stress was associated with a more efficient antioxidant system response, particularly under conditions of mild stress.
Isatin, an indole alkaloid has been shown to have anti-microbial, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to its findings, we evaluated whether this alkaloid would have any effect on TNBS-induced colitis. Animals (male Unib:WH rats, aged 8 weeks old) were induced colitis through a rectal administration of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid using a catheter inserted 8 cm into the rectum of the animals. The rats were divided into two major groups: non-colitic and colitic. The colitic group was sub-divided into 6 groups (10 animals per group): colitic non-treated, Isatin 3; 6; 12.5; 18.75 and 25 mg/kg. Our main results showed that the oral treatment with Isatin 6 and 25 mg/kg were capable of avoiding the increase in TNF-α, COX-2 and PGE₂ levels when compared to the colitic non-treated group. Interestingly, the same doses (6 and 25 mg/kg) were also capable of preventing the decrease in IL-10 levels comparing with the colitic non-treated group. The levels of MPO, (an indirect indicator of neutrophil presence), were also maintained lower than those of the colitic non-treated group. Isatin also prevented the decrease of SOD activity and increase of GSH-Px and GSH-Rd activity as well as the depletion of GSH levels. In conclusion, both pre-treatments (6 and 25 mg/kg) were capable of protecting the gut mucosa against the injury caused by TNBS, through the combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which, together, showed a protective activity of the indole alkaloid Isatin.
Herein, we provide new contribution to the mechanisms involved in keratinocytes response to hyperosmotic shock showing, for the first time, the participation of Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMWPTP) activity in this event. We reported that sorbitol-induced osmotic stress mediates alterations in the phosphorylation of pivotal cytoskeletal proteins, particularly Src and cofilin. Furthermore, an increase in the expression of the phosphorylated form of LMWPTP, which was followed by an augment in its catalytic activity, was observed. Of particular importance, these responses occurred in an intracellular milieu characterized by elevated levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) and increased expression of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase. Altogether, our results suggest that hyperosmostic stress provides a favorable cellular environment to the activation of LMWPTP, which is associated with increased expression of antioxidant enzymes, high levels of GSH and inhibition of Src kinase. Finally, the real contribution of LMWPTP in the hyperosmotic stress response of keratinocytes was demonstrated through analysis of the effects of ACP1 gene knockdown in stressed and non-stressed cells. LMWPTP knockdown attenuates the effects of sorbitol induced-stress in HaCaT cells, mainly in the status of Src kinase, Rac and STAT5 phosphorylation and activity. These results describe for the first time the participation of LMWPTP in the dynamics of cytoskeleton rearrangement during exposure of human keratinocytes to hyperosmotic shock, which may contribute to cell death.
Glutathione (GSH) and related enzymes are pivotal for the normal functioning of several important biological processes. In this review we discuss the biosynthesis and the catalytic cycles of glutathione as well as the major GSH-related enzymes. We also present how glutathione and enzymes are involved in cancer and the chromatographic and non-chromatographic methods used to analyze glutathione and/or its derivatives.
The central role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in osteoclast differentiation and in bone homeostasis prompted us to characterize the redox regulatory system of osteoclasts. In this report, we describe the expression and functional characterization of PAMM, a CXXC motif-containing peroxiredoxin 2-like protein expressed in bone marrow monocytes on stimulation with M-CSF and RANKL. Expression of wild-type (but not C to G mutants of the CXXC domain) PAMM in HEK293 cells results in an increased GSH/GSSG ratio, indicating a shift toward a more reduced environment. Expression of PAMM in RAW264.7 monocytes protected cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress, indicating that PAMM regulates cellular redox status. RANKL stimulation of RAW 264.7 cells caused a decrease in the GSH/GSSG ratio (reflecting a complementary increase in ROS). In addition, RANKL-induced osteoclast formation requires phosphorylation and translocation of NF-kappa B and c-Jun. In stably transfected RAW 264.7 cells, PAMM overexpression prevented the reduction of GSH/GSSG induced by RANKL. Concurrently, PAMM expression completely abolished RANKL-induced p100 NF-kappa B and c-Jun activation, as well as osteoclast formation. We conclude that PAMM is a redox regulatory protein that modulates osteoclast differentiation in vitro. PAMM expression may affect bone resorption in vivo and help to maintain bone mass. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 13, 27-37.
Exercise training is known to promote relevant changes in the properties of skeletal muscle contractility toward powerful fibers. However, there are few studies showing the effect of a well-established exercise training protocol on Ca(2+) handling and redox status in skeletal muscles with different fiber-type compositions. We have previously standardized a valid and reliable protocol to improve endurance exercise capacity in mice based on maximal lactate steady-state workload (MLSSw). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise training, performed at MLSSw, on the skeletal muscle Ca(2+) handling-related protein levels and cellular redox status in soleus and plantaris. Male C57BL/6J mice performed treadmill training at MLSSw over a period of eight weeks. Muscle fiber-typing was determined by myosin ATPase histochemistry, citrate synthase activity by spectrophotometric assay, Ca(2+) handling-related protein levels by Western blot and reduced to oxidized glutathione ratio (GSH:GSSG) by high-performance liquid chromatography. Trained mice displayed higher running performance and citrate synthase activity compared with untrained mice. Improved running performance in trained mice was paralleled by fast-to-slow fiber-type shift and increased capillary density in both plantaris and soleus. Exercise training increased dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) alpha 2 subunit, ryanodine receptor and Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger levels in plantaris and soleus. Moreover, exercise training elevated DHPR beta 1 subunit and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) 1 levels in plantaris and SERCA2 levels in soleus of trained mice. Skeletal muscle GSH content and GSH:GSSG ratio was increased in plantaris and soleus of trained mice. Taken together, our findings indicate that MLSSw exercise-induced better running performance is, in part, due to increased levels of proteins involved in skeletal muscle Ca(2+) handling, whereas this response is partially dependent on specificity of skeletal muscle fiber-type composition. Finally, we demonstrated an augmented cellular redox status and GSH antioxidant capacity in trained mice.
The oxidative stress biomarkers of exposure, such as reduced glutathione (GSH), activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and the levels of lipid peroxidation (LPO), were measured in the blood of three cichlid fish (Oreochromis niloticus, Tilapia rendalli, and Geophagus brasiliensis) taken during two seasons from two sites, unpolluted and polluted by industrial effluents, to evaluate the effectiveness of these biomarkers in assessing the impact of water contamination. The LPO levels in the blood were higher in fish from the metal-contaminated site and the chronic exposure led to significant changes in GPx, CAT, and SOD activities in all three cichlid species. The considerable variation of responses in these cichlids to water contamination evidenced differences in sensitivity to the metal contamination and/or in the potential to respond to it highlighting the importance of using a set of related biomarkers to assess the impact of water contamination. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Sugarcane yield and quality are affected by a number of biotic and abiotic stresses. In response to such stresses, plants may increase the activities of some enzymes such as glutathione transferase (GST), which are involved in the detoxification of xenobiotics. Thus, a sugarcane GST was modelled and molecular docked using the program LIGIN to investigate the contributions of the active site residues towards the binding of reduced glutathione (GSH) and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB). As a result, W13 and I119 were identified as key residues for the specificity of sugarcane GSTF1 (SoGSTF1) towards CDNB. To obtain a better understanding of the catalytic specificity of sugarcane GST (SoGSTF1), two mutants were designed, W13L and I119F. Tertiary structure models and the same docking procedure were performed to explain the interactions between sugarcane GSTs with GSH and CDNB. An electron-sharing network for GSH interaction was also proposed. The SoGSTF1 and the mutated gene constructions were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and the expressed protein purified. Kinetic analyses revealed different Km values not only for CDNB, but also for GSH. The Km values were 0.2, 1.3 and 0.3 mM for GSH, and 0.9, 1.2 and 0.5 mM for CDNB, for the wild type, W13L mutant and I119F mutant, respectively. The V(max) values were 297.6, 224.5 and 171.8 mu mol min(-1) mg(-1) protein for GSH, and 372.3, 170.6 and 160.4 mu mol min(-1) mg(-1) protein for CDNB.
BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of chronic ingestion of free and protein-associated soy isoflavones on the antioxidant status in male Wistar rats. Free isoflavone (iso), protein-associated soy isoflavone (iso + prot) and soy protein (prot) extracts were administered for 30 days by gavage to the rats at a dosage of 1 mg aglycone isoflavones per 200 g body weight, adjusted daily, and the prot group was given the same concentration of soy protein received by the iso + prot group. Antioxidant capacity of plasma, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) and glutathione (GSH) levels and catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in plasma, erythrocytes and tissues and gene expression levels in liver and kidney were evaluated. RESULTS: Chronic ingestion of free but not of protein-associated soy isoflavones nor of solely soy protein increased plasma antioxidant capacity and GPx activity in erythrocytes. Soy protein increased CAT activity and gene expression in liver. SOD activity in erythrocytes was increased by all treatments. CONCLUSION: The overall results confirm that dietary soy isoflavones have a positive effect on antioxidant status, enhancing antioxidant capacity of plasma and antioxidant enzymes in various tissues, but the effects are dependent on the form of administration and on a complex mechanism of antioxidant status balance on the organism. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry
Objective: In patients who have undergone hemodialysis, large amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced and, at higher concentrations, ROS are thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. It has been proposed that selenium (Se) may exert an anti-atherogenic influence by reducing oxidative stress. The richest known food source of selenium is the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa, family Lecythidaceae), found in the Amazon region. We evaluated the effect of Brazil nut supplementation on blood levels of Se and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in patients on hemodialysis. Methods: A total of 81 patients on hemodialysis (52.0 +/- 15.2 y old, average time on dialysis 82.3 +/- 91.4 mo, body mass index 24.9 +/- 4.4 kg/m(2)) from the RenalCor and RenalVida Clinics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were studied. All patients received one nut (around 5 g, averaging 58.1 mu g Se/g) a day for 3 mo. The Se concentrations in the nuts and in plasma and erythrocytes were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with hydride generation (Hitachi, Z-500). GSH-Px levels were measured using Randox commercial kits. Results: Plasma Se (18.8 +/- 17.4 mu g/L) and erythrocyte (72.4 +/- 37.9 mg/L) levels were below the normal, range before nut supplementation. After supplementation, the plasma level increased to 104.0 +/- 65.0 mu g/L and erythrocytes to 244.1 +/- 119.5 mg/L (P<0.0001). The activity of GSH-Px also increased after supplementation, from 46.6 +/- 14.9 to 55.9 +/- 23.6 U/g of hemoglobin (P<0.0001). Before supplementation, 11% of patients had GSH-Px activity below the normal range (27.5-73.6 U/g of hemoglobin). After supplementation, all patients showed GSH-Px activity within the normal range. Conclusion: The data revealed that the investigated patients presented Se deficiency and that the consumption of only one Brazil nut a day (5 g) during 3 mo was effective to increase the Se concentration and GSH-Px activity in these patients, thus improving their antioxidant status. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: We investigated the effect of supplementation with the dipeptide L-alanyl-L-glutamine (DIP) and a solution containing L-glutamine and L-alanine, both in the free form, on the plasma and tissue concentrations of glutamine, glutamate, and glutathione (GSH) in rats subjected to long-duration exercise. Methods: Rats were subjected to sessions of swim training. Twenty-one days before sacrifice, the animals were supplemented with DIP (1.5 g/kg, n = 6), a solution of free L-glutamine (1 g/kg) and free L-alanine (0.61 g/kg; GLN + ALA, n = 6), or water (CON, n = 6). Animals were sacrificed before (TR, n = 6) or after (LD, n = 6) long-duration exercise. Plasma concentrations of glutamine, glutamate, glucose, and ammonia and liver and muscle concentrations of glutamine, glutamate, and reduced and oxidized (GSSG) GSH were measured. Results: Higher concentrations of plasma glutamine were found in the DIP-TR and GLN + ALA-TR groups. The CON-LD group showed hyperammonemia, whereas the DIP-LD and GLN + ALA-LD groups exhibited lower concentrations of ammonia. Higher concentrations of glutamine, glutamate, and GSH/GSSG in the soleus muscle and GSH and GSH/GSSG in the liver were observed in the DIP-TR and GLN + ALA-TR groups. The DIP-LD and GLN + ALA-LD groups exhibited higher concentrations of GSH and GSH/GSSG in the soleus muscle and liver compared with the CON-LD group. Conclusion: Chronic oral administration of DIP and free GLN + ALA before long-duration exercise represents an effective source of glutamine and glutamate, which may increase muscle and liver stores of GSH and improve the redox state of the cell. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.
In vivo preventive effects of a Mangifera indica L extract (Vimang) or its major component mangiferin on iron overload injury have been studied in rats given respectively, 50, 100, 250 mg kg(-1) body weight of Vimang, or 40 mg kg(-1) body weight of mangiferin, for 7 days prior to, and for 7 days following the administration of toxic amounts of iron-dextran. Both Vimang or mangiferin treatment prevented iron overload in serum as well as liver oxidative stress, decreased serum and liver lipid peroxidation, serum GPx activity, and increased serum and liver GSH, serum SOD and the animals overall antioxidant condition. Serum iron concentration was decreased although at higher doses, Vimang tended to increase it; percent tranferrin saturation, liver weight/body mass ratios, liver iron content was decreased. Treatment increased serum iron-binding capacity and decreased serum levels of aspartate-amine transferase (ASAT) and alanine-amine transferase (ALAT), as well as the number of abnormal Kupffer cells in iron-loaded livers. It is suggested that besides acting as antioxidants, Vimang extract or its mangiferin component decrease liver iron by increasing its excretion. Complementing earlier in vitro results from our group, it appears possible to support the hypothesis that Vimang and mangiferin present therapeutically useful effects in iron overload related diseases. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study evaluated the potential of a w/o microemulsion as a topical carrier system for delivery of the antioxidant quercetin. Topical and transdermal delivery of quercetin were evaluated in vitro Using porcine car skin mounted on a Franz diffusion cell and in vivo on hairless-skin mice. Skin irritation by topical application of the microemulsion containing quercetin, and the protective effect of the formulation on UVB-induced decrease of endogenous reduced glutathione levels and increase of cutaneous proteinase secretion/activity were also investigated. The w/o microemulsion increased the penetration of quercetin into the stratum corneum and epidermis plus dermis at 3, 6. 9 and 12 h post-application in vitro and in vivo at 6 h post-application. No transdermal delivery of quercetin Occurred. By evaluating established endpoints of skin irritation (erythema formation, epidermis thickening and infiltration of inflammatory cells), the Study demonstrated that the daily application of the w/o microemulsion for up to 2 days did not cause skin irritation. W/o microemulsion containing quercetin significantly prevented the UVB irradiation-induced GSH depletion and secretion/activity of metalloproteinases. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigated the effects of the dietary pigment chlorophyll b (CLb) on cisplatin (cDDP)-induced oxidative stress and DNA damage, using the comet assay in mouse peripheral blood cells and the micronucleus (MN) test in bone marrow and peripheral blood cells. We also tested for thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and reduced glutathione (GSH) in liver and kidney tissues, as well as catalase (CAT) activity and GSH in total blood. CLb (0.2 and 0.5 mg/kg b.w.) was administrated by gavage every day for 13 days. On the 14th day of the experiment, 6 mg/kg cDDP or saline was delivered intraperitoneally. Treatment with cDDP led to a significant decrease in DNA migration and an increase in MN frequency in both cell types, bone marrow and peripheral blood cells. In the kidneys of mice treated with cDDP, TBARS levels were increased, whereas GSH levels were depleted in kidney and liver. In mice that were pretreated with CLb and then treated with cDDP, TBARS levels maintained normal concentrations and GSH did not differ from cDDP group. The improvement of oxidative stress biomarkers after CLb pre-treatment was associated with a decrease in DNA damage, mainly for the highest dose evaluated. Furthermore, CLb also slightly reduced the frequency of chromosomal breakage and micronucleus formation in mouse bone marrow and peripheral blood cells. These results show that pre-treatment with CLb attenuates cDDP-induced oxidative stress, chromosome instability, and lipid peroxidation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study was designed to assess possible associations between biomarkers of mercury (Hg) exposure and oxidative stress in fish-eating Amazonian communities. Clinical samples were obtained from riparians living in the Brazilian Amazon. Biomarkers of oxidative stress (glutathione - GSH, glutathione peroxidase - GSH-Px, catalase - CAT, activity and reactivation index of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase - ALA-D (R%) were determined in blood. Total Hg was measured in whole blood (B-Hg), plasma (P-Hg) and hair (H-Hg). Association between biomarkers of Hg exposure and oxidative stress were examined using multiple regression models, including age, gender, alcohol consumption, smoking status, fish consumption and then stratified for gender. Significant inverse relations were observed between GSH-Px, GSH, CAT, ALA-D activity and B-Hg or H-Hg (p<0.05). ALA-D reactivation index was positively related to B-Hg (p<0.0001). P-Hg was directly related to ALA-D reactivation index and inversely associated with GSH-Px, GSH, and ALA-D activity (p<0.05). When stratified for gender, women showed significant inverse associations between all biomarkers of Hg exposure and CAT (p<0.05) or GSH (p<0.05), while for men only P-Hg showed a significant inverse relation with GSH (p<0.001). Our results clearly demonstrated an association between Hg exposure and oxidative stress. Moreover, for B-Hg, P-Hg and H-Hg gender differences were present. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.