821 resultados para Growing from Profits
本文通过对高海拔两栖类西藏齿突蟾(Scutiger boulengeri)蝌蚪在实验室特定低温条件下的冷适应微空间行为分布的动态变化分析、温度耐受性实验及在不同适应温度的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶的酶量与活性比较分析, 探讨了高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的部分冷适应策略。 西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪在不同温度的行为分布是一连续、动态过程,需用多种检验方法综合利用才能进行判断;在15℃, 除低海拔分布的西藏齿突蟾种群外所有实验物种蝌蚪均符合负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布;在10℃, 高海拔两栖类蝌蚪均符合负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布;在5℃、0℃低温时,高海拔两栖类不同分组的西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪的负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布均呈现明显差异, 这可能与高海拔两栖类蝌蚪在低温条件下通过不断地改变其行为分布方式来避免自身被冻伤有关。野外观察表明:高海拔两栖类蝌蚪常选择与流动河水相连的静水水体这种微生境中生存, 蝌蚪应对环境温度极端变化会不断改变其行为分布方式来选择最佳生存温度以避免极端高、低温对自身身体的伤害, 这种对微生境的利用能力对高海拔两栖类蝌蚪耐受极端环境温度的变化极其重要。 两栖类蝌蚪的温度耐受性实验表明不同的驯化温度可以改变西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪、两栖类仙琴水蛙蝌蚪的最适温度、逃避温度,并具有显著影响。 随着驯化温度5℃、10℃逐渐升高, 其最适温度、逃避温度也在一定范围内升高,但驯化温度对低海拔的仙琴水蛙蝌蚪的最适温度、逃避温度的改变效应大于高海拔的西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪的改变效应, 仙琴水蛙蝌蚪对温度的耐受范围、最适温度和逃避温度的ARRS值都大于西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪, 这说明仙琴水蛙蝌蚪对环境温度变化的适应能力大于西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪。 高海拔地区不同分组的两栖类蝌蚪, 在0℃适应温度时, LDH5条带的酶相对含量最高,而在5℃、10℃、15℃适应温度时,LDH5条带的酶相对含量明显都降低, 这表明酵解作用是高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的一些组织在低温﹑缺氧环境中的重要供能方式。高海拔两栖类蝌蚪同一分组的LDH总酶活性总是表现为10℃适应温度的总酶活性最高,而对低海拔的两栖类蝌蚪则是0℃适应温度的总酶活性最高, 这说明高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH同工酶A、B两亚基基因活性在10℃时最高, 而低海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH同工酶A、B两亚基基因活性在0℃时最高。同时发现在15℃适应温度组的高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH电泳图谱都有第6条带,有可能由LDH - C亚基组成, 对高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH - C亚基只在15℃适应温度下才表达的机理还有待进一步的研究。 高海拔两栖类西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪通过行为分布方式的改变来选择最佳的生存温度, 这种温度选择过程与野外特定的微生境的存在密切相关, 现在由于人类对河道的不合理利用正在导致高海拔两栖类蝌蚪赖以生存的这种微生境逐渐消失, 这种微生境的消失将加速高海拔的两栖类种群数量衰退的进程。高海拔两栖类物种蝌蚪在低温(0℃)上表现出的同工酶多谱带说明,其A、B两亚基都有所表达,及其参与代谢的方式也是正常的,而低海拔两栖类物种蝌蚪只有A亚基表达的LDH5存在,因此其主要参与酵解过程,这种通过动物自身生理代谢方式的改变来适应极端环境温度条件的变化是高海拔两栖类蝌蚪能适应低温环境的重要策略。但高海拔物种的适应温度变化范围显著小于低海拔物种,对环境温度的变化适应能力有限,特别是对高温区域,因此全球气候变化可能对高海拔物种影响更为显著。 The partly cold-adaptation stratagem of the high altitude amphibian tadpole were researched in the laboratory by analyzing the high altitude amphibian tadpole of Scutiger boulengeri mainly on endpoints related to the dynamic variation of the micro-spatial behavior distribution patterns, the experiment of the temperature tolerance, and the enzyme content and activity of the lactic acid dehydrogenase(LDH) isozyme in special temperature condition. The behavior distribution of the Scutiger boulengeri tadpole is continuous and variable, but it can be figured out by multple testing ways. At 15℃, all of the experiment amphibian tadpoles behavior distribution fit both for the negative binomial distribution and NeymanⅡtype distribution except for the low altitude Scutiger boulengeri tadpoles. At 10℃, all of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles behavior distribution fit both for the negative binomial distribution and NeymanⅡtype distribution. At lower temperature, 5℃ and 0℃, the high altitude amphibian tadpoles of the Scutiger boulengeri at different groups behavior distribution fit for or don’t fit for behavior distribution respectively. It is denoted that the high altitude amphibian tadpoles probably avoid frostbiting by varying the behavior distribution patterns at low temperature condition. The high altitude amphibian tadpoles often actively select the special microhabitat which has the connected still water body and the flowing water body in the wild. It is important that tadpoles can endure the extreme temperature variety in this kind of microhabitat, because tadpoles can be better survival through select temperature condition through migrating in these kinds of microhabitats by varying their own behavior distribution patterns. Different acclimation temperature causes the significant change of preferred temperature(PT)、 avoiding temperature(AT) both in high altitude amphibian Scutiger boulengeri tadpoles and in low altitude amphibian Rana daunchina tadpoles in the temperature endurance experiment. With the acclimation temperature growing from 5℃ to 10℃. the PT and the AT of them would be uprise to some extent, but the effect of acclimation temperature on the PT and the AT of the tadpoles of Rana daunchina is more significant than the ones on the tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri, at the same, the effects on the temperature endurance range, the ARRs of the tadpoles of Rana daunchina would be stronger than the ones on the tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri. It is implied that the adaptation ability of tadpoles of Rana daunchina to the surroundings temperature alternation preferred to tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri. At 0℃ acclimation temperature, the LDH5 enzyme comparative content of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles at different groups was highest, but it becomes lower at 5℃、10℃、15℃ acclimation temperature. It indicated that the alcoholysis role was the important ways of applying energy for special tissue of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles in low-temperature and low-oxygen condition. The total enzyme activity of the LDH of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles in the same group always keeps the highest at 10℃ acclimation temperature, but the low altitude amphibian tadpoles’ was maximum at 0℃. It was denoted that the gene activity of LDH -A and LDH – B submit was highest at 10℃ acclimation temperature for the high altitude amphibian tadpoles, but the low altitude amphibian tadpoles’ was maximum at 0℃. Meanwhile, the LDH electrophoretogram of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles always composed of 6 stripes at 15℃ acclimation temperature,the extra stripe probably was composed by LDH-C submit。It is unknown why LDH-C expresses only under high temperature。. The high altitude amphibian tadpoles can select the most optimal temperature by changing their behavior distribution patterns ceaselessly, but this course of selecting the most suitable temperature correlated with the special microhabitat in the wild closely. Nowadays, this kind of microhabitat which the high altitude amphibian tadpoles rely on are lossing gradually for human being exploit the riverway unreasonably. The disappearing of the microhabitat would accelerate the decline of the high altitude amphibian population. Compare to one band of LDH5, which only composed by the LDH-A submit, presents in the low altitude amphibian at 0℃, the five bands which composed by the LDH-A and LDH-B are checked out, this means the species which occurred in the highland is more adaptable to the low temperature. It is an important stratagem for the high altitude amphibian tadpoles adapt to the limited low temperature depends on the animal energy metabolism change.However, this kind of adaption is restricted, the adaption range to the temperature is much norrow in the high altitude amphibian than in the low one, especially for the high temperature side. The global climate change will be more serious for the high altitude species.
Focal therapy (FT) for the management of clinically localized prostate cancer (PCa) is growing from a concept to reality because of increased interest of both patients and physicians. Selection protocols, however, are yet to be established. We discuss the role of prostate biopsy in candidate selection for FT and highlight the different strategies and technical aspects of the use of prostate biopsy in this setting. In our opinion, prostate biopsy plays a major role in the selection process and tailoring appropriate treatment strategy to the patient. FT necessitates dedicated biopsy schemes that would reliably predict the extent, nature, and location of PCa in selected patients. Currently, there is insufficient scientific evidence to propose a specific biopsy scheme that could fit every candidate, providing accurate characterization of the disease in the individual patient. Further research is necessary to establish solid selection protocols that would reliably identify appropriate candidates for FT of PCa.
Antecedentes: Las patologías osteomusculares del miembro superior son una importante causa de morbilidad laboral a nivel mundial y en nuestro país, particularmente en el sector de la floricultura. Del desarrollo de estos desórdenes se derivan importantes costos derivados del ausentismo laboral, incapacidades y secuelas. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de patología osteomuscular de miembro superior con calificación de origen de enfermedad laboral, en los trabajadores con diagnóstico de patología musculo esquelética de miembro superior y su relación con algunos factores ocupacionales y demográficos. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal en el que se revisaron datos secundarios procedentes de una base de datos del servicio de salud ocupacional entre enero y mayo de 2015, correspondiente a 465 operarios (no administrativos) a término indefinido de una empresa floricultora de Bogotá, incluyendo únicamente aquellos trabajadores con patologías osteomusculares de miembro superior, que contaban con la clasificación en el diagnóstico ya sea como enfermedad laboral o enfermedad común y mayores de edad. Se excluyeron 19 trabajadores, quienes habían sido reubicados en nuevos sitios de trabajo y no se contó con la información para determinar su actividad antes de realizar el cambio. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables: sexo, edad, antigüedad y el cargo desempeñados por los operarios. La relación entre variables se realizó con la prueba de chi2 de Pearson. Se midió la magnitud de la asociación por medio de OR con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza del 95%. Resultados: Se incluyó a 373 operarios a término fijo, con una media de edad de 39 años (DE=5.55) y una media de antigüedad en el cargo de 6 años (DE=1.15). El 82.84% correspondió al sexo femenino. La prevalencia de enfermedad laboral osteomuscular de miembro superior fue del 54,4%. En el análisis de relación entre la calificación de la enfermedad, y demás variables (sexo, antigüedad en el cargo, edad, actividad desempeñada, localización de la lesión); se encontró que: estar entre los 40 a 49 años (OR= 1,7; IC-95%:1,12 – 2,79), diagnóstico de síndrome de manguito (OR= 4.45; IC-95%: 2.48 – 8.23) y el síndrome de túnel de carpo (OR= 4.22; IC-95%: 2.45 – 7.41) se asociaron a enfermedad laboral. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de enfermedad laboral de patología osteomuscular de miembro superior en los operarios de un cultivo de flores de la Sabana de Bogotá es del (54,4%). Se encontró una mayor asociación con el síndrome del manguito rotador y enfermedad laboral. No se encontró asociación entre la enfermedad laboral y la actividad desempeñada, el tiempo de exposición, ni con el sexo del trabajador.
Ordered graphite nanofibre formation has been observed at exceptionally low temperatures on admission of ethyne to zeolite Y, which had been exchanged with Ni(II). The samples have been characterised by TEM, carbon analysis, and electronic spectroscopy. Formation of the nanofibres requires no hydrogen, and was not observed when cation exchange was carried out at acidic pH. The observed fibres resemble herring-bone nanofibrils, growing from nickel particles, and ca. 90% have diameters in the range 35-40 nm. Similar fibres have also been grown using nickel-exchanged zeolite beta.
Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) are much more common in males, a bias that may offer clues to the etiology of this condition. Although the cause of this bias remains a mystery, we argue that it occurs because ASC is an extreme manifestation of the male brain. The extreme male brain (EMB) theory, first proposed in 1997, is an extension of the Empathizing-Systemizing (E-S) theory of typical sex differences that proposes that females on average have a stronger drive to empathize while males on average have a stronger drive to systemize. In this first major update since 2005, we describe some of the evidence relating to the EMB theory of ASC and consider how typical sex differences in brain structure may be relevant to ASC. One possible biological mechanism to account for the male bias is the effect of fetal testosterone (fT). We also consider alternative biological theories, the X and Y chromosome theories, and the reduced autosomal penetrance theory. None of these theories has yet been fully confirmed or refuted, though the weight of evidence in favor of the fT theory is growing from converging sources (longitudinal amniocentesis studies from pregnancy to age 10 years old, current hormone studies, and genetic association studies of SNPs in the sex steroid pathways). Ultimately, as these theories are not mutually exclusive and ASC is multi-factorial, they may help explain the male prevalence of ASC.
Extending previous studies, a full-circle investigation of the ring current has been made using Cluster 4-spacecraft observations near perigee, at times when the Cluster array had relatively small separations and nearly regular tetrahedral configurations, and when the Dst index was greater than −30 nT (non-storm conditions). These observations result in direct estimations of the near equatorial current density at all magnetic local times (MLT) for the first time and with sufficient accuracy, for the following observations. The results confirm that the ring current flows westward and show that the in situ average measured current density (sampled in the radial range accessed by Cluster 4–4.5RE) is asymmetric in MLT, ranging from 9 to 27 nAm−2. The direction of current is shown to be very well ordered for the whole range of MLT. Both of these results are in line with previous studies on partial ring extent. The magnitude of the current density, however, reveals a distinct asymmetry: growing from 10 to 27 nAm−2 as azimuth reduces from about 12:00MLT to 03:00 and falling from 20 to 10 nAm−2 less steadily as azimuth reduces from 24:00 to 12:00MLT. This result has not been reported before and we suggest it could reflect a number of effects. Firstly, we argue it is consistent with the operation of region-2 field aligned-currents (FACs), which are expected to flow upward into the ring current around 09:00MLT and downward out of the ring current around 14:00MLT. Secondly, we note that it is also consistent with a possible asymmetry in the radial distribution profile of current density (resulting in higher peak at 4– 4.5RE). We note that part of the enhanced current could reflect an increase in the mean AE activity (during the periods in which Cluster samples those MLT).
According to the 2000 census, 35.3 million Hispanics live in the United States. This number comprises 12.5% of the overall population rendering the Latino community the largest minority in the United States. The Mexican community is not only the largest Hispanic group but also the fastest growing: from 1990 to 2000, the Mexican population grew 52.9% increasing from 13.5 million to 20.6 million (U.S. Department of Commerce News, 2001). The influx of Mexican immigrants coupled with the expansion of their community within the United States has created an unparalleled situation of language contact. Language is synonymous with identity (cf. Granger, 2004, and works cited within). To the extent that this is true, Spanish is synonymous with being Mexican and by extension, Chicano. With the advent of amnesty programs such as Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which naturalized millions of Mexican migrants, what was once a temporal migratory population has become increasingly permanent (Durand et al., 1999). In an effort to conserve Mexican traditions and identity, the struggle to preserve the mother tongue while at the same time acculturate to mainstream Americana has resulted in a variant of Spanglish that has received little attention. This paper will examine the variant of Spanglish seen in the greater Los Angeles area and liken it to the bi-national identity under which these Mexican Americans thrive.
Objetivou-se determinar níveis de inclusão de cloreto de sódio (NaCl) em rações para aves machos e fêmeas da linhagem Colonial nas fases inicial (1 a 28 dias), de crescimento (28 a 56 dias) e final (56 a 84 dias) criadas em semiconfinamento. em cada ensaio, 480 aves com idade correspondente à fase de criação foram alojadas em 24 unidades experimentais contendo áreas de abrigo e de pastejo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 × 2 (níveis de NaCl e sexos), totalizando oito tratamentos e três repetições de 20 aves. Os níveis de NaCl avaliados foram: 0,20; 0,40; 0,60 e 0,80% na fase inicial; 0,10; 0,30; 0,50 e 0,70% na fase de crescimento e 0,10; 0,25; 0,40 e 0,55% na fase final. Foram avaliados o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a ingestão de água, a conversão alimentar, o potencial hidrogeniônico, a pressão parcial de gás carbônico no sangue, a concentração de hematócritos e os teores de sódio e cloro no sangue. Para a fase inicial, o nível recomendado é de 0,53% de NaCl na ração para aves de ambos os sexos. Para a fase de crescimento, os níveis de 0,40 e 0,43% de NaCl, respectivamente, para machos e fêmeas e, para a fase final, de 0,25% para aves de ambos os sexos, atendem às exigências nutricionais.
Companies involved in emerald mining and treatment represent an important area of industrial development in Brazil, with significative contribution to the worldwide production of such mineral. As a result, large volumes of emerald waste are constantly generated and abandoned in the environment, negatively contributing to its preservation. By the other side the interest of the use of mining waste as additive in ceramic products has been growing from researchers in recent years. The ceramic industry is constantly seeking to the marked amplification for the sector and perfecting the quality of the products and to increase the variety of applications. The technology of obtaining of ceramic tiles that uses mining residues assists market niches little explored. In this scenario, the objective of the present study was to characterize the residue generated from emerald mining as well as to assess its potential use as raw material for the production of ceramic tiles. Ceramic mixtures were prepared from raw materials characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, particle size analysis and thermal analysis. Five compositions were prepared using emerald residue contents of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. Samples were uniaxially pressed, fired at 1000, 1100 and 1200ºC and characterized aiming at establishing their mineralogical composition, water absorption, apparent porosity, specific mass, linear retraction and modulus of rupture. The results shows that the emerald residue, basically consisted of 73% of (SiO2 + Al2O3) and 17,77% of (MgO + Na2O+ K2O) (that facilitates sintering), can be added to the ceramic tile materials with no detrimental effect on the properties of the sintered products
Este experimento objetivou estudar o possível efeito antiarritmogênico da levomepromazina em cães anestesiados pelo sevoflurano e submetidos a doses crescentes de adrenalina. Para tal, foram empregados 21 animais adultos, machos e fêmeas, sem raça definida e considerados sadios. Os cães foram separados em dois grupos, sendo um de 11 (G1) e outro de 10 (G2) animais. O G1 recebeu, por via intravenosa, solução salina a 0,9%, na dose de 0,2ml/kg (placebo), seguida 15 minutos após, pela aplicação de tiopental, pela mesma via, na dose suficiente para abolir o reflexo laringotraqueal. Procedeu-se à intubação orotraqueal e iniciou-se a administração de sevoflurano a 2,5V%, em circuito anestésico semi-fechado. Decorridos 20 minutos da indução anestésica, iniciou-se a administração contínua, por via intravenosa, com emprego de bomba de infusão, de solução de adrenalina a 2%, em doses crescentes de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5m g/kg/min (M1 a M5, respectivamente), com incremento da dose a intervalos de 10 minutos. Para o G2, empregou-se a mesma metodologia substituindo-se o placebo por levomepromazina, na dose de 1mg/kg. Foi tomado o traçado eletrocardiográfico, na derivação D2, a partir da indução da anestesia. Para efeito estatístico, foi considerado o número total de batimentos cardíacos de origem não sinusal, coincidentes com cada dose de adrenalina. Os dados numéricos foram submetidos à Análise de Perfil, quando foi possível constatar que as médias do G1 foram crescentes de M1 a M3, diminuindo a partir deste último, até M5. No G2, foi encontrada arritmia ventricular sustentada apenas em M5. Os achados permitiram concluir que a levomepromazina minimiza a arritmia ventricular sustentada, induzida pela adrenalina em cães anestesiados pelo sevoflurano.
The seed deposition pattern created by a seed disperser is one of the components of the efficiency of a species as seed disperser, and ultimately may influence the recruitment of a plant species. In this study, we used the seeds of a bird-dispersed forest palm, Euterpe edulis, to investigate the effects of two distinct seed deposition patterns created by birds that defecate (clumped pattern) and regurgitate seeds (loose-clumped pattern) on the survival of seeds experimentally set in an E. edulis-rich site, and of seedlings grown under shade-house conditions. The study was conducted in the lowland forest of Parque Estadual Intervales, SE Brazil. Clumped and loose-clumped seeds were equally preyed upon by rodents and insects. Although clumped and isolated seedlings had the same root weight after 1 year, the isolated seedlings survived better and presented more developed shoots, suggesting intraspecific competition among clumped seedlings. Our results indicate that animals that deposit E. edulis seeds in faecal clumps (e.g. cracids, tapirs) are less efficient seed dispersers than those that regurgitate seeds individually (e.g. trogons, toucans). Intraspecific competition among seedlings growing from faecal clumps is a likely process preventing the occurrence of clumps of adult palms. (C) 2001 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.
Foregut in D. hominis (Linnaeus Jr., 1781) as the majority of the larval Diptera somatic tissue, is made up of polytenic cells, and grows at the expenses of the polytenization of its nuclei followed by the increase in size of each cell. The oesophagus, of ectodermic origem, is interiorly covered by a chitinous squamous epithelium that rests upon a very thin basal lamina. This sheet is surrounded by thick muscle bundles. The oesophagus intussuscepts the midgut forming the cardia. The cardia, with three epithelial layers: two internal ones, of ectodermal origin and one external of endodermic origin. At the anterior portion of the cardia, between these two types of epithelium, there is a cluster of small, non polytenic cells, forming the imaginal disk of the foregut. Metamoiphosis begins at the end of the larval period with signs of nuclear degeneration of all the polytenic cells, as well as the increase in number of the imaginal disk ones. The oesophagic portion intussuscepted into the cardia, everts; its cells suffer apoptosis and are replaced by the new cells growing from the imaginal disk. The external layer cells also degenerate and are pinched off into the lumen of the very anterior portion of the midgut. The newly formed oesophagus intussuscepts de novo to form the two internal layers of the adult cardia. At the same time the midgut regenerative cells grow anteriorly to form the new external layer of the adult cardia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The treatment of the Cerebral Palsy (CP) is considered as the “core problem” for the whole field of the pediatric rehabilitation. The reason why this pathology has such a primary role, can be ascribed to two main aspects. First of all CP is the form of disability most frequent in childhood (one new case per 500 birth alive, (1)), secondarily the functional recovery of the “spastic” child is, historically, the clinical field in which the majority of the therapeutic methods and techniques (physiotherapy, orthotic, pharmacologic, orthopedic-surgical, neurosurgical) were first applied and tested. The currently accepted definition of CP – Group of disorders of the development of movement and posture causing activity limitation (2) – is the result of a recent update by the World Health Organization to the language of the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health, from the original proposal of Ingram – A persistent but not unchangeable disorder of posture and movement – dated 1955 (3). This definition considers CP as a permanent ailment, i.e. a “fixed” condition, that however can be modified both functionally and structurally by means of child spontaneous evolution and treatments carried out during childhood. The lesion that causes the palsy, happens in a structurally immature brain in the pre-, peri- or post-birth period (but only during the firsts months of life). The most frequent causes of CP are: prematurity, insufficient cerebral perfusion, arterial haemorrhage, venous infarction, hypoxia caused by various origin (for example from the ingestion of amniotic liquid), malnutrition, infection and maternal or fetal poisoning. In addition to these causes, traumas and malformations have to be included. The lesion, whether focused or spread over the nervous system, impairs the whole functioning of the Central Nervous System (CNS). As a consequence, they affect the construction of the adaptive functions (4), first of all posture control, locomotion and manipulation. The palsy itself does not vary over time, however it assumes an unavoidable “evolutionary” feature when during growth the child is requested to meet new and different needs through the construction of new and different functions. It is essential to consider that clinically CP is not only a direct expression of structural impairment, that is of etiology, pathogenesis and lesion timing, but it is mainly the manifestation of the path followed by the CNS to “re”-construct the adaptive functions “despite” the presence of the damage. “Palsy” is “the form of the function that is implemented by an individual whose CNS has been damaged in order to satisfy the demands coming from the environment” (4). Therefore it is only possible to establish general relations between lesion site, nature and size, and palsy and recovery processes. It is quite common to observe that children with very similar neuroimaging can have very different clinical manifestations of CP and, on the other hand, children with very similar motor behaviors can have completely different lesion histories. A very clear example of this is represented by hemiplegic forms, which show bilateral hemispheric lesions in a high percentage of cases. The first section of this thesis is aimed at guiding the interpretation of CP. First of all the issue of the detection of the palsy is treated from historical viewpoint. Consequently, an extended analysis of the current definition of CP, as internationally accepted, is provided. The definition is then outlined in terms of a space dimension and then of a time dimension, hence it is highlighted where this definition is unacceptably lacking. The last part of the first section further stresses the importance of shifting from the traditional concept of CP as a palsy of development (defect analysis) towards the notion of development of palsy, i.e., as the product of the relationship that the individual however tries to dynamically build with the surrounding environment (resource semeiotics) starting and growing from a different availability of resources, needs, dreams, rights and duties (4). In the scientific and clinic community no common classification system of CP has so far been universally accepted. Besides, no standard operative method or technique have been acknowledged to effectively assess the different disabilities and impairments exhibited by children with CP. CP is still “an artificial concept, comprising several causes and clinical syndromes that have been grouped together for a convenience of management” (5). The lack of standard and common protocols able to effectively diagnose the palsy, and as a consequence to establish specific treatments and prognosis, is mainly because of the difficulty to elevate this field to a level based on scientific evidence. A solution aimed at overcoming the current incomplete treatment of CP children is represented by the clinical systematic adoption of objective tools able to measure motor defects and movement impairments. A widespread application of reliable instruments and techniques able to objectively evaluate both the form of the palsy (diagnosis) and the efficacy of the treatments provided (prognosis), constitutes a valuable method able to validate care protocols, establish the efficacy of classification systems and assess the validity of definitions. Since the ‘80s, instruments specifically oriented to the analysis of the human movement have been advantageously designed and applied in the context of CP with the aim of measuring motor deficits and, especially, gait deviations. The gait analysis (GA) technique has been increasingly used over the years to assess, analyze, classify, and support the process of clinical decisions making, allowing for a complete investigation of gait with an increased temporal and spatial resolution. GA has provided a basis for improving the outcome of surgical and nonsurgical treatments and for introducing a new modus operandi in the identification of defects and functional adaptations to the musculoskeletal disorders. Historically, the first laboratories set up for gait analysis developed their own protocol (set of procedures for data collection and for data reduction) independently, according to performances of the technologies available at that time. In particular, the stereophotogrammetric systems mainly based on optoelectronic technology, soon became a gold-standard for motion analysis. They have been successfully applied especially for scientific purposes. Nowadays the optoelectronic systems have significantly improved their performances in term of spatial and temporal resolution, however many laboratories continue to use the protocols designed on the technology available in the ‘70s and now out-of-date. Furthermore, these protocols are not coherent both for the biomechanical models and for the adopted collection procedures. In spite of these differences, GA data are shared, exchanged and interpreted irrespectively to the adopted protocol without a full awareness to what extent these protocols are compatible and comparable with each other. Following the extraordinary advances in computer science and electronics, new systems for GA no longer based on optoelectronic technology, are now becoming available. They are the Inertial and Magnetic Measurement Systems (IMMSs), based on miniature MEMS (Microelectromechanical systems) inertial sensor technology. These systems are cost effective, wearable and fully portable motion analysis systems, these features gives IMMSs the potential to be used both outside specialized laboratories and to consecutive collect series of tens of gait cycles. The recognition and selection of the most representative gait cycle is then easier and more reliable especially in CP children, considering their relevant gait cycle variability. The second section of this thesis is focused on GA. In particular, it is firstly aimed at examining the differences among five most representative GA protocols in order to assess the state of the art with respect to the inter-protocol variability. The design of a new protocol is then proposed and presented with the aim of achieving gait analysis on CP children by means of IMMS. The protocol, named ‘Outwalk’, contains original and innovative solutions oriented at obtaining joint kinematic with calibration procedures extremely comfortable for the patients. The results of a first in-vivo validation of Outwalk on healthy subjects are then provided. In particular, this study was carried out by comparing Outwalk used in combination with an IMMS with respect to a reference protocol and an optoelectronic system. In order to set a more accurate and precise comparison of the systems and the protocols, ad hoc methods were designed and an original formulation of the statistical parameter coefficient of multiple correlation was developed and effectively applied. On the basis of the experimental design proposed for the validation on healthy subjects, a first assessment of Outwalk, together with an IMMS, was also carried out on CP children. The third section of this thesis is dedicated to the treatment of walking in CP children. Commonly prescribed treatments in addressing gait abnormalities in CP children include physical therapy, surgery (orthopedic and rhizotomy), and orthoses. The orthotic approach is conservative, being reversible, and widespread in many therapeutic regimes. Orthoses are used to improve the gait of children with CP, by preventing deformities, controlling joint position, and offering an effective lever for the ankle joint. Orthoses are prescribed for the additional aims of increasing walking speed, improving stability, preventing stumbling, and decreasing muscular fatigue. The ankle-foot orthosis (AFO), with a rigid ankle, are primarily designed to prevent equinus and other foot deformities with a positive effect also on more proximal joints. However, AFOs prevent the natural excursion of the tibio-tarsic joint during the second rocker, hence hampering the natural leaning progression of the whole body under the effect of the inertia (6). A new modular (submalleolar) astragalus-calcanear orthosis, named OMAC, has recently been proposed with the intention of substituting the prescription of AFOs in those CP children exhibiting a flat and valgus-pronated foot. The aim of this section is thus to present the mechanical and technical features of the OMAC by means of an accurate description of the device. In particular, the integral document of the deposited Italian patent, is provided. A preliminary validation of OMAC with respect to AFO is also reported as resulted from an experimental campaign on diplegic CP children, during a three month period, aimed at quantitatively assessing the benefit provided by the two orthoses on walking and at qualitatively evaluating the changes in the quality of life and motor abilities. As already stated, CP is universally considered as a persistent but not unchangeable disorder of posture and movement. Conversely to this definition, some clinicians (4) have recently pointed out that movement disorders may be primarily caused by the presence of perceptive disorders, where perception is not merely the acquisition of sensory information, but an active process aimed at guiding the execution of movements through the integration of sensory information properly representing the state of one’s body and of the environment. Children with perceptive impairments show an overall fear of moving and the onset of strongly unnatural walking schemes directly caused by the presence of perceptive system disorders. The fourth section of the thesis thus deals with accurately defining the perceptive impairment exhibited by diplegic CP children. A detailed description of the clinical signs revealing the presence of the perceptive impairment, and a classification scheme of the clinical aspects of perceptual disorders is provided. In the end, a functional reaching test is proposed as an instrumental test able to disclosure the perceptive impairment. References 1. Prevalence and characteristics of children with cerebral palsy in Europe. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2002 Set;44(9):633-640. 2. Bax M, Goldstein M, Rosenbaum P, Leviton A, Paneth N, Dan B, et al. Proposed definition and classification of cerebral palsy, April 2005. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005 Ago;47(8):571-576. 3. Ingram TT. A study of cerebral palsy in the childhood population of Edinburgh. Arch. Dis. Child. 1955 Apr;30(150):85-98. 4. Ferrari A, Cioni G. The spastic forms of cerebral palsy : a guide to the assessment of adaptive functions. Milan: Springer; 2009. 5. Olney SJ, Wright MJ. Cerebral Palsy. Campbell S et al. Physical Therapy for Children. 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. 2000;:533-570. 6. Desloovere K, Molenaers G, Van Gestel L, Huenaerts C, Van Campenhout A, Callewaert B, et al. How can push-off be preserved during use of an ankle foot orthosis in children with hemiplegia? A prospective controlled study. Gait Posture. 2006 Ott;24(2):142-151.
La medicina ha evolucionado de forma que las imágenes digitales tienen un papel de gran relevancia para llevar a cabo el diagnóstico de enfermedades. Son muchos y de diversa naturaleza los problemas que pueden presentar el aparato fonador. Un paso previo para la caracterización de imágenes digitales de la laringe es la segmentación de las cuerdas vocales. Hasta el momento se han desarrollado algoritmos que permiten la segmentación de la glotis. El presente proyecto pretende avanzar un paso más en el estudio, procurando asimismo la segmentación de las cuerdas vocales. Para ello, es necesario aprovechar la información de color que ofrecen las imágenes, pues es lo que va a determinar la diferencia entre una región y otra de la imagen. En este proyecto se ha desarrollado un novedoso método de segmentación de imágenes en color estroboscópicas de la laringe basado en el crecimiento de regiones a partir de píxeles-semilla. Debido a los problemas que presentan las imágenes obtenidas por la técnica de la estroboscopia, para conseguir óptimos resultados de la segmentación es necesario someter a las imágenes a un preprocesado, que consiste en la eliminación de altos brillos y aplicación de un filtro de difusión anisotrópica. Tras el preprocesado, comienza el crecimiento de la región a partir de unas semillas que se obtienen previamente. La condición de inclusión de un píxel en la región se basa en un parámetro de tolerancia que se determina de forma adaptativa. Este parámetro comienza teniendo un valor muy bajo y va aumentando de forma recursiva hasta alcanzar una condición de parada. Esta condición se basa en el análisis de la distribución estadística de los píxeles dentro de la región que va creciendo. La última fase del proyecto consiste en la realización de las pruebas necesarias para verificar el funcionamiento del sistema diseñado, obteniéndose buenos resultados en la segmentación de la glotis y resultados esperanzadores para seguir mejorando el sistema para la segmentación de las cuerdas vocales. ABSTRACT Medicine has evolved so that digital images have a very important role to perform disease diagnosis. There are wide variety of problems that can present the vocal apparatus. A preliminary step for characterization of digital images of the larynx is the segmentation of the vocal folds. To date, some algorithms that allow the segmentation of the glottis have been developed. This project aims to go one step further in the study, also seeking the segmentation of the vocal folds. To do this, we must use the color information offered by images, since this is what will determine the difference between different regions in a picture. In this project a novel method of larynx color images segmentation based on region growing from a pixel seed is developed. Due to the problems of the images obtained by the technique of stroboscopy, to achieve optimal results of the segmentation is necessary a preprocessing of the images, which involves the removal of high brightness and applying an anisotropic diffusion filter. After this preprocessing, the growth of the region from previously obtained seeds starts. The condition for inclusion of a pixel in the region is based on a tolerance parameter, which is adaptively determined. It initially has a low value and this is recursively increased until a stop condition is reached. This condition is based on the analysis of the statistical distribution of the pixels within the grown region. The last phase of the project involves the necessary tests to verify the proper working of the designed system, obtaining very good results in the segmentation of the glottis and encouraging results to keep improving the system for the segmentation of the vocal folds.