859 resultados para Group Environment Questionnaire


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Research aims: 
To describe service provision for the transition from children’s to adult services for young people with life-limiting conditions in Northern Ireland, and to identify organisational factors that promote or inhibit effective transition. 
Study population: 
Health, social, educational and charitable organisations providing transition services to young people with life-limiting conditions in Northern Ireland. 
Study design and methods: 
A questionnaire has been developed by the research team drawing on examples from the literature and the advice of an expert advisory group. The questionnaire was piloted with clinicians,academics and researchers in June 2013. The questionnaire focuses on components of practice which may promote continuity in the transition from child to adult care for young people with a life-limiting condition. The survey will be distributed throughout Northern Ireland to an estimated 75 organisations, following the Dillman total design survey method. Numerical data will be analysed using PASW Statistical software to generate descriptive statistics along with a thematic analysis of data generated by open-ended questions. 
Results and interpretations: 
The survey will provide a description of services, transition policies, approaches to managing transition, categories of service users, the ages at which transition starts and completes, experiences with minority ethnic groups, the input of service users to the process, organisational factors promoting or hindering effective transition, links between services, and service providers’ recommendations for improvements in services.The outcomes will be an overview of the transition services currently provided in Northern Ireland identifying models of good practice and the key factors influencing the quality, safety and continuity of care. Survey results are due early in 2014.


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Clinical supervision provides a strategy to mitigate nurses’ workplace stress and enhance retention, but the literature provides little guidance about its implementation beyond mental health nursing. This study explored the feasibility of implementing and evaluating ward-based team clinical supervision for general nurses on two separate wards at one public and one private hospital. Nurses completed the Work Environment Questionnaire pre- (n = 36) and post intervention (n = 27), and focus groups (n = 20) explored their perceptions of supervision. Staff were unfamiliar with clinical supervision, so information sessions were required. The questionnaire may not have been suitable to evaluate this type of intervention. Focus group findings revealed that team supervision improved communication, enhanced working relationships, and empowered nurses to challenge existing practices, which had a positive impact on their perceived stress. This study provides insights to guide implementation and evaluation of clinical supervision in acute settings.


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Introduction Improving infrastructure to support walking and cycling is often regarded as fundamental to encouraging their widespread uptake. However, there is little evidence that specific provision of this kind has led to a significant increase in walking or cycling in practice, let alone wider impacts such as changes in overall physical activity or carbon emissions. Connect2 is a major new project that aims to promote walking and cycling in the UK by improving local pedestrian and cycle routes. It therefore provides a useful opportunity to contribute new evidence in this field by means of a natural experimental study.

Methods and analysis iConnect is an independent study that aims to integrate the perspectives of public health and transport research on the measurement and evaluation of the travel, physical activity and carbon impacts of the Connect2 programme. In this paper, the authors report the study design and methods for the iConnect core module. This comprised a cohort study of residents living within 5 km of three case study Connect2 projects in Cardiff, Kenilworth and Southampton, supported by a programme of qualitative interviews with key informants about the projects. Participants were asked to complete postal questionnaires, repeated before and after the opening of the new infrastructure, which collected data on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, travel, car fuel purchasing and physical activity, and potential psychosocial and environmental correlates and mediators of those behaviours. In the absence of suitable no-intervention control groups, the study design drew on heterogeneity in exposure both within and between case study samples to provide for a counterfactual.

Ethics and dissemination The study was approved by the University of Southampton Research Ethics Committee. The findings will be disseminated through academic presentations, peer-reviewed publications and the study website (http://www.iconnect.ac.uk) and by means of a national seminar at the end of the study.


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Background: The IPEN (International Physical Activity and Environment Network) Adult project seeks to conduct pooled analyses of associations of perceived neighborhood environment, as measured by the neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS) and its abbreviated version (NEWS-A), with physical activity using data from 12 countries. As IPEN countries used adapted versions of the NEWS/NEWS-A, this paper aimed to develop scoring protocols that maximize cross-country comparability in responses. This information is also highly relevant to non-IPEN studies employing the NEWS/NEWS-A, which is one of the most popular measures of perceived environment globally.
Methods: The following countries participated in the IPEN Adult study: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hong Kong, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Participants (N = 14,305) were recruited from neighborhoods varying in walkability and socio-economic status. Countries collected data on the perceived environment using a self- or interviewer-administered version of the NEWS/NEWS-A. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to derive comparable country-specific measurement models of the NEWS/NEWS-A. The level of correspondence between standard and alternative versions of the NEWS/NEWS-A factor-analyzable subscales was determined by estimating the correlations and mean standardized difference (Cohen’s d) between them using data from countries that had included items from both standard and alternative versions of the subscales.
Results: Final country-specific measurement models of the NEWS/NEWS-A provided acceptable levels of fit to the data and shared the same factorial structure with six latent factors and two single items. The correspondence between the standard and alternative versions of subscales of Land use mix – access, Infrastructure and safety for walking/cycling, and Aesthetics was high. The Brazilian version of the Traffic safety subscale was highly, while the Australian and Belgian versions were marginally, comparable to the standard version. Single-item versions of the Street connectivity subscale used in Australia and Belgium showed marginally acceptable correspondence to the standard version.
Conclusions: We have proposed country-specific modifications to the original scoring protocol of the NEWS/NEWS-A that enhance inter-country comparability. These modifications have yielded sufficiently equivalent measurement models of the NEWS/NEWS-A. Some inter-country discrepancies remain. These need to be considered when interpreting findings from different countries.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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The present study assessed the influence of group processes on clinical outcomes of patients with anxiety and depression following group Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Five group environment variables were measured: cohesion, leader support, expressiveness, independence, and self-discovery. One hundred and sixty two patients attended a group CBT program and were assessed at pre and post-treatment. Results provided evidence for the effectiveness of group therapy as patients reported significantly lower depression and anxiety at the conclusion of treatment. Expressiveness was the only predictor of post-treatment anxiety, whereas leader support, expressiveness, and independence were significant predictors of post-treatment depression. Overall, findings suggest that the patients benefited from high levels of expressiveness and independence within their therapy group. In contrast, they failed to benefit from high levels of leader support, whereas both group cohesion and self-discovery appeared to be unrelated to outcome


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No contexto educativo português existem, atualmente, orientações legais para que as escolas sejam, por um lado, sujeitas a processos de avaliação externa e, por outro, induzidas a criar mecanismos de autoavaliação. Embora a escola seja, pelo menos em parte, um “locus de produção normativa”, na prática não tem sido fácil o diálogo entre a avaliação externa e os processos de mudança e melhoria, através da autoavaliação institucional. Num contexto onde as politicas nem sempre criam os estímulos e as condições adequadas, a ação organizacional em torno dos processos avaliativos acaba por refletir o jogo dos atores. Face à “natureza política” da avaliação, as escolas e os seus atores recorrem a “soluções organizacionais” que lhes permitem, em função dos interesses e dos objetivos individuais e organizativos, gerir as pressões e as expetativas do seu meio institucional. O presente trabalho pretende encontrar respostas sobre os efeitos do programa de avaliação externa das escolas (AEE) nas dinâmicas de autoavaliação e nos planos de ação para a melhoria da escola. Trata-se de uma investigação inserida numa matriz de cariz essencialmente qualitativo que opta pelo estudo de casos múltiplos. A informação foi recolhida através de várias fontes: observação direta, grupo focal (focus group), entrevistas, inquérito por questionário e análise documental. Os resultados tendem a evidenciar que as organizações educativas, nas respostas às prescrições externas para a avaliação e melhoria da escola recorrem a estratégias e táticas plurais, de tal modo que as mudanças que ocorrem, mais do que respostas à necessidade de eficácia e melhoria interna da escola, traduzem-se em processos de adaptação, que variam consoante as tensões existentes entre o contexto institucional e o ambiente competitivo onde as escolas estão inseridas; Abstract: The Evaluation of Schools: Effects of External Evaluation in the dynamics of Self-evaluation of Schools In the Portuguese educational context, there are currently legal guidelines for schools to be subject to external evaluation process, on the one hand, and on the other hand induced to create self-assessment mechanisms. Although the school is at least partly a "normative production locus", in practice the dialogue between the external evaluation and the processes of change and improvement through institutional self-assessment has not been easy. In a context where the policies do not always create the incentives and the right conditions, the organizational action around the evaluative process ends up reflecting the set of actors. Before the "political nature" of the evaluation, the schools and their actors recur to "organizational solutions" that allow them, in the interests of individual and organizational goals, to manage the pressures and expectations of its institutional environment. This work aims at finding answers to the effects of the External Schools Evaluation (ESE) programme, in the dynamics of self-evaluation and action plans for the improvement of school. It is an investigation inserted into an oriented matrix, essentially of qualitative nature that opts for multiple case studies. The information was collected through various sources: direct observation, focus group, interviews, questionnaire survey and document analysis. The results tend to show that educational organizations, in response to the external requirements for assessing and improving, use plural strategies and tactics. Similarly, the changes that occur in the structures, processes and practices, more than answers to the need for efficiency and indoor improvement of the school, result into adjustment processes, that change according to the existing tensions between the institutional context and the competitive environment where schools are located.


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In our work we have used the atomic hydrogen [HΙ] gas distribution in the HΙ 21-cm line emission to study the dark matter halo perturbations. For tHΙs analysis, the 2-D HΙ surface density and velocity maps (arcHΙval) of the galaxies in the Eridanus group (obtained using the GMRT) and in the Ursa Major group (obtained from WSRT) were used. In addition a few HΙckson Compact Groups of galaxies were also studied using the GMRT. The HΙ maps of these galaxies were Fourier analysed to estimate the asymmetry in the distribution and motion of gas. The average asymmetry parameter in the 1.5 to 2.5 K′-band scale lengths was found to be ~ 0.27 for the Eridanus group of galaxies wHΙle it was ~ 0.14 for the Ursa Major group of galaxies. The asymmetries in the distribution of HΙ as a function of Hubble type of galaxies were also studied and was found to be directly correlated with the compactness of the groups. In addition, the trend in the asymmetry as a function of the Hubble type of galaxies was opposite to that seen in the field galaxies, i.e., in the group galaxies, the early type galaxies showed more asymmetry than late type. These two aspects indicated that tidal interactions between the galaxies in a group environment to be the major cause of asymmetries. The observed asymmetry parameters were consistent with recent numerical simulations of asymmetries of gas disk caused by fly-by interactions. We have also estimated the perturbation of dark matter halo using the asymmetry parameter obtained from the Fourier series analysis of the surface density maps.


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A literature review revealed no evidence-based guidelines specific to managing diabetes in the context of palliative care. The purpose of the current project was to describe the management practices of doctors and nurses caring for people with diabetes and advanced disease. Palliative care doctors, palliative care nurses, endocrinologists, and diabetes nurse educators participated in this study. A two-phase project was undertaken: 1) two focus groups, and 2) a cross-sectional survey using a self-completed questionnaire. The focus group and questionnaire data identified that doctors and nurses used a range of practices and blood glucose testing frequencies to control blood glucose based on experience and not according to a robust evidence base. Implications for practice include the importance of collaboration between diabetes and palliative care specialists, and the need to develop clinical management guidelines.


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La littérature montre que les résultats scolaires ne sont pas seulement imputables aux caractéristiques individuelles et familiales des élèves, mais qu’ils sont également influencés par l’établissement scolaire fréquenté. Utilisant une analyse multiniveaux comprenant deux niveaux hiérarchiques, soit l’élève et l’école, la présente recherche vise à démontrer l’impact du climat scolaire sur les résultats des élèves du secondaire. Dans ce contexte, le climat scolaire perçu est mesuré à partir de six indicateurs de perception mesurés à l’aide du Questionnaire sur l’Environnement Socioéducatif (QES) (Janosz, 2000). Les indicateurs utilisés pour rendre compte de l’effet-établissement sont ces indicateurs de climat scolaire agrégés par école. Les analyses ont été effectuées sur un échantillon transversal de 54 écoles publiques, parmi lesquelles 30 685 élèves âgés de 13 à 17 ans ont complété le questionnaire. Les résultats de l’analyse permettent de constater d’une part, que le climat scolaire influence bel et bien la réussite des élèves et d’autre part, qu’il est possible de différencier l’effet du climat perçu selon qu’il se situe au niveau de l’élève ou qu’il soit plutôt agrégé au niveau de l’école. À cet effet, seul le climat agrégé, plus particulièrement les climats éducatif et d’appartenance, permet d’expliquer les différences entre les écoles sur la base des résultats scolaires en français et en mathématiques.


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Les référentiels de compétences et la formation professionnelle des enseignants sont devenus des sujets qui suscitent beaucoup d’intérêt de la part de plusieurs chercheurs en éducation, dont Paquay (1994), Perrenoud (2001) et Berchoud (2007). La présente étude est une recherche-développement qui se donne pour objectif principal de concevoir et d’élaborer un référentiel de compétences pour les futurs enseignants de français langue étrangère (FLE). Pour y parvenir, notre démarche générale consistait à partir de l’analyse des référentiels de formation des enseignants ainsi que des standards de performance que nous pouvions déjà trouver partout dans le monde. Cette analyse nous a amenée à repérer les points communs et, par la suite, à les synthétiser pour trouver les éléments pertinents qui pourraient nous inspirer pour une première ébauche de notre référentiel. Ainsi, nous avons dressé une liste des domaines de performance nécessaires à la formation des futurs enseignants que nous avons repérés dans les écrits. Pour enrichir cette liste, nous avons mené des consultations auprès de quelques experts en Égypte où le français est enseigné comme deuxième langue étrangère dans les écoles publiques. Et, à l’aide de trois outils de recherche, les entrevues individuelles, le focus-group et le questionnaire, nous avons pu développer et valider des standards de performance pertinents à chacun des domaines identifiés ainsi que des indicateurs pour chaque standard. L’analyse statistique des données recueillies nous a permis d’en faire une description globale, de confirmer des points de convergence de façon significative, et aussi de repérer des éléments sujets à discussion. Ainsi, nous sommes parvenue à élaborer un référentiel qui comprend trois composantes principales : les domaines de performance, les standards et les indicateurs. Ce référentiel contient vingt standards de performance essentiels à la formation des futurs enseignants de FLE. Les standards sont regroupés sous six catégories appelées domaines : compétence linguistique, communication, processus d’enseignement, gestion de classe, évaluation et professionnalité. Le référentiel comprend aussi soixante-trois indicateurs reliés aux standards retenus. Le résultat de notre recherche est donc ce référentiel de compétences destiné aux futurs enseignants de FLE et dont les éléments ont été validés en Égypte. Nous croyons que cet outil servira, d’une part, de cadre de référence pour les professeurs des facultés d’éducation surtout lors du choix de contenu de leurs cours et, d’autre part, comme un guide pour les futurs enseignants qui leur permettra de s’autoévaluer et de se situer par rapport aux différents standards de performance identifiés dans ce référentiel.


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En este estudio se explora la construcción narrativa de la identidad personal y social en adolescentes de la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas. El objetivo general es mostrar e ilustrar un modelo teórico que intenta explicar dos funciones que tiene la identidad en la adolescencia, así como los mecanismos psicosociales que están implicados en su construcción. Se analiza información recogida a través de distintos instrumentos metodológicos (triangulación). Específicamente, usamos cuatro medidas: el cuestionario de funciones de la identidad y percepción entre grupos (FI-PG), la escala de identidad étnica multigrupo (EIEM), ambos instrumentos cuantitativos, entrevistas historia de vida (HV) y dibujos identitarios (DI), ambas cualitativas. En el estudio cuantitativo participan 331 adolescentes (144 mestizos y 187 indígenas). La media de edad es de 21.7 años (DS = 2.65; rango: 17-40). Los resultados sugieren una conclusión general. Hay diferencias identitarias entre los mestizos e indígenas de la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas.


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A literature review revealed no evidence-based guidelines specific to managing diabetes in the context of palliative care. The purpose of the current project was to describe the management practices of doctors and nurses caring for people with diabetes and advanced disease. Palliative care doctors, palliative care nurses, endocrinologists, and diabetes nurse educators participated in this study. A two-phase project was undertaken: 1) two focus groups, and 2) a cross-sectional survey using a self-completed questionnaire. The focus group and questionnaire data identified that doctors and nurses used a range of practices and blood glucose testing frequencies to control blood glucose based on experience and not according to a robust evidence base. Implications for practice include the importance of collaboration between diabetes and palliative care specialists, and the need to develop clinical management guidelines.


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This paper reports on a two staged staff development exercise to help new academic staff to integrate Web 2.0 technologies including web-based communication and some digital technologies into their curricula. It involved professional development for the teaching staff in the first stage followed by these teachers providing professional development for the course participants. The teachers engaged in a blended community of inquiry with face-to-face sessions and online work while the professional development for the course participants included technical support, training and a peer group environment with formal allocation of time for the course, finally leading to an institutionally recognised qualification. Evaluations conducted through focus group interviews revealed that collegial networks and time were important for effective professional development. The paper reflects on the successes and limitations of the model and its potential for further development. It also highlights the importance of providing professional development in a safe environment for academics to adopt technologies for teaching and learning.


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Successfully facilitating learning for small therapy training programmes requires a special understanding of the psychological work of group processes. Students in therapy training spend almost every class together over two or more years. In these student groups, or cohorts, individuals manage themselves within a unique interpersonal and intragroup dynamic. Course instructors must develop their capacity to work effectively with this specific learning milieu. At the same time, the particular dynamics of the cohort context might not be understood by university management where increasingly few cohort contexts exist for students. Consequently, phenomena arising from the specialised nature of the group environment may not be well understood outside of the expertise of the course. In the first part of the paper, the international literature about learning in cohorts is reviewed. In the second part, this reflection is further developed to explore facilitation of a group that has some features of what might be described as negative cohesiveness, or what is described in family theory as enmeshment. Some consideration as to how to anticipate and off-set potential difficulties for groups in therapy training courses is also contributed.