989 resultados para Green buildings


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Esta pesquisa investigou as razões pelas quais gestores da empresa Sonae Sierra Brasil decidem adotar prerrogativas socioambientais; especificamente, em projetos de edificações sustentáveis (Green Building). O estudo almejou contribuir para o entendimento de quando a adoção desta modalidade de projetos gera valor na sua cadeia na percepção de diversos executivos da empresa, concorrentes e um de seus principais stakeholders: operações do varejo (lojistas). Assim, foram realizadas entrevistas que forneceram subsídios para a observação das manifestações de valor normalmente percebidas, fatores contrastantes ou limitantes destes valores e, por fim, observar se os valores percebidos por gestores da empresa são compartilhados por estes gestores externos a ela. Os resultados apontaram, principalmente, para valores intangíveis, como criação de identidade empresarial, integração empresarial e transferência de conhecimento e sinalização ao mercado, para as quais não foi observada qualquer ressalva. Relevou também que manifestações de valor, normalmente tidas como relevantes motivadores na adoção destes projetos, como diferenciação, e benefício de imagem e marca são frequentemente destacadas, mas acompanhada de questionamentos. Os resultados da pesquisa contribuem para o entendimento da forma como as organizações percebem os valores de projetos socioambientais. Com isso, auxilia administradores de empresas a tomar decisões embasadas em experiências passadas, e gestores públicos na formulação de regulamentações que visem à redução do impacto ambiental de edificações.


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This work aims to study and analyze strategies and measures to improve energy performance in residential and service buildings, in order to minimize energy losses and energy consumption. Due to the high energy dependence of European Union (EU), including Portugal and Slovenia, and high percentage of energy consumption in the building sector, there was a need to adopt strategies at European level with ambitious goals. This came to force EU - Member States to take measures to achieve the proposed targets for energy consumption reduction. To this end, EU - Member States have adapted the laws to their needs and formed specialized agencies and qualified experts on energy certification, which somehow evaluate buildings according to their performance. In this study, the external characteristics of the building in order to meet its thermal needs and from there to survey the existing and possible constructive solutions to be used at the envelope will be examined, in order to increase comfort and reduce the need of use technical means of air conditioning. The possibility of passive heating and ventilation systems also will be discussed. These techniques are developed in parallel with the deployment and design of the building. In this manner, to reduce the energy consumption, various techniques and technologies exploit natural resources. Thus, appear the more sustainable and efficient buildings, so-called Green Buildings have been appeared. The study ends with the identification of measures used in several buildings, proving the economic return in the medium to long term, as well as the satisfaction of their users.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Green buildings are becoming the new fixation for the building industry because of the impact they have on the carbon footprint and the cost savings they offer for utility costs. Governments have begun to produce policies and regulations that implement and mandate green buildings due to these successes. However, the policies are having troubles increasing the popularity and quantities of green buildings. There is a need for a way to produce better policies and regulations that will increase both the amount of green buildings their popularity. A decision-making tool, such as a decision tree, should be created to help policymakers who do not have the backgrounds to produce well thought out regulations. By researching the green building industry and its current status, key points can be graphed out in a decision tool that will provide the needed education for policy makers to produce better green building regulations.


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Efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the buildings sector have been focused on encouraging green design, construction and building operation; however, the business case is not very compelling if considering the energy cost savings alone. In recent years green building has been driven by a sense that it will improve the productivity of occupants,something with much greater economic returns than energy savings. Reducing energy demand in green commercial buildings in a way that encourages greater productivity is not yet well understood as it involves a set of complex and interdependent factors. This project investigates these factors and focuses on the performance of and interaction between: green design elements, internal environmental quality, occupant experience, tenant/leasing agreements, and building regulation and management. This paper suggests six areas of strategic research that are needed to understand how conditions can be created to support productivity in green buildings, and deliver significant energy consumption reductions.


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Energy efficient office buildings are intended to provide a comfortable and healthy environment for their occupants as well as reducing the energy consumption of the building. They are often designed as "showcase" buildings illustrating the potential for savings through some innovative design technology. But do such buildings actually deliver the desired energy savings and satisfactory comfort conditions for occupants? Measurements of a "green" University campus building in Victoria, Australia, designed with an innovative fabric energy storage system, demonstrate that the ventilation system is not providing acceptable indoor air quality conditions. The design strategies used to reduce energy consumption have had negative consequences on the air quality of the building. Insufficient fresh air is being drawn into the building leading to an excessive build up of carbon dioxide. It is recommended that monitoring systems need to use a wider range of measurements than temperature alone to guarantee good quality indoor air and working conditions and that commissioning of buildings should include adequate monitoring of the operational performance of the building. Designers need to be made aware of the potential consequences of their decisions when attempting innovative energy-efficient designs.


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This paper reports on a current case study of green building initiatives implemented by the Western Australian government in the past decade. The intent is to provide a qualitative understanding of past R&D investments in the Australian built environment. The case method was selected to illustrate three sector-based investments, one of which is reported on here. The conceptual framework underpinning interview design and data analysis uses dynamic capability, absorptive capacity and open innovation theories to better understand the organisational environment in which these initiatives were implemented. Data has been thematically coded to criteria identified from the literature to illustrate organisational characteristics which may have contributed to dissemination and impact. The results will be combined with two further case studies (construction safety and digital modelling), to inform this research. This industry supported project will conclude by developing policy guidelines for future R&D investment in the built environment.


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The green building trend has increased rapidly worldwide in recent decades as a means of addressing growing concerns over climate change and global warming and to reduce the impact of the building industry on the environment. A significant contribution in Australia is the use of a series of rating tools by the Green Building Council Australia (GBCA) for the certification of various types of buildings. This paper reviews the use of the Green Star system in Australian building construction, and investigates the potential challenges involved in acquiring the certification of Australian buildings by critically analysing a database of most recently certified GBCA projects. The results show that management-related credits and innovation-related credits are the easiest and most difficult respectively to obtain. Additionally, 6-Star green buildings achieve significantly higher points than other certified buildings in the Energy category. In contrast, 4 Star green buildings achieve more points in the Material category than 5 and 6 Star buildings. The study offers a useful reference for both property developers and project teams to obtain a better understanding of the rating scheme and consequently the effective preparation of certification documentation.


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Design-build (DB) is regarded as an effective means of delivering high performance green buildings, and the selection of DB contractors is of critical importance. The objective of this study is to evaluate the selection of design-builders for public buildings seeking Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification and compare the selection practices involved with those of non-LEED-seeking DB projects through a robust content analysis of 74 DB request for proposals (RFPs) for public DB projects. The results of the content analysis reveal that the level of LEED certification is the dominant means of conveying the sustainability requirements in RFPs for contractor selection, with the majority of RFPs (60%) including sustainability requirements as part of the contractor evaluation package. With the exception of contractors' past performance, there is no statistically significant difference in the importance weightings of selection criteria between LEED-seeking and non-LEED-seeking buildings, and DB owners tend to place more emphasis on innovative technical solutions rather than the past performance of DB contractors. Additionally, the research findings also indicate that owners of LEED-seeking building projects tend to provide less design decisions in RFPs in order to solicit innovative design alternatives from potential DB contractors. This study provides DB owners with a number of practical implications for selecting appropriate design-builders for green DB projects.


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As the social environment begins to create more awareness in the area of conserving the natural environment, a new generation of building has emerged. A trend of constructing buildings that minimise impacts on the environment has been established in the construction industry. Therefore, suitable project management practices have been adopted to efficiently manage the construction of these green buildings. This study aims at investigating practices of project management in traditional and accredited green construction projects, with the purpose of discovering if Green Project Management (GPM) practices can be applied to traditional projects to achieve more successful outcomes. The process of GPM contains what applied to traditional projects, could possibly result in benefits in terms of budget control and constructability. Currently the construction industry has been known to suffer difficulties within these areas; therefore GPM practices could possibly hold a solution to these common problems.


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Green building incentives are important to promoting green building. However, it lacks a systematic review of existing knowledge. This paper aims to elicit the common themes in studies of green building incentives through a systematic review. It is found that the common research areas into green building incentives are incentive categorisation, its effectiveness on promoting green building development, criticism of current green incentive implementation and strategies for improving green building incentives. Green building incentives are categorised into external and internal incentives. The external incentive is a forced choice whereby beneficiaries are required to fulfil specified conditions or requirements before benefitting, while the internal incentive allows beneficiaries to be incentivised out of volition because of the appeal of the benefits of green buildings. The external incentives, which are largely provided by the government, are divided into financial and non-financial incentives. It is found that owners are more incentivised by non-financial incentives. In terms of effectiveness, both external and internal incentives are important instruments for promoting green building, although it is not clear which are the more effective. Furthermore, the review uncovered criticisms of external green building incentives, which mainly focus on shortcomings in administering the incentives by the government. The strategies for improving green building incentives were also found, the most important of these being the need for the government to redirect its approach of providing incentives so that owners can be encouraged to pursue green building. The review findings signify the importance of the government in relation to green building incentives. Further research areas that could expand the knowledge of green building incentives are also recommended.


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This paper reviews the background of green building, content and evaluation system, and on this basis, focuses on the development of the UK Green Building and the latest trends and development of green buildings in China's cause of enlightenment


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According to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the construction sector has the greatest potential for climate change mitigation. This work investigates the potential for climate change mitigation in naturally ventilated and mixed mode office buildings, by evaluating the range of influence of building design and occupants on greenhouse gas emissions as well as thermal and visual comfort.

Thermal comfort is evaluated according to the EN 15251 adaptive thermal comfort model, visual comfort is based on daylight autonomy and view. Parametric studies have been conducted based on building simulation for the climate of Athens, Greece. Input data are based on a literature review, and on results from a field study conducted among office occupants and architects in Athens.

The results show that the influence of occupants on greenhouse gas emissions is larger than the influence of building design. Energy saving office equipment, as well as active use of building controls for shading and lighting by occupants are crucial parameters regarding the reduction of CO2 emissions. In mixed mode buildings, the coefficient of performance of the cooling system is an important parameter as well. Regarding thermal and visual comfort, the influence of building design is predominant. A green building, well protected against heat from the sun and able to balance solar and internal heat gains, provides higher comfort levels and is less affected by the influence of occupants. In mixed mode buildings, building design is the predominant influence on the magnitude of cooling loads. A hot summer including heat waves can significantly reduce thermal comfort and increase the resulting greenhouse gas emissions. Green buildings are least affected by these influences.

The EN 15251 adaptive thermal comfort model provides a thermal comfort evaluation method valid throughout Europe. However, for the Mediterranean climate of Athens, Greece, most of the configurations investigated within this study do not meet the requirements according to this model. EN 15251 refers to an adaptive thermal comfort model for naturally ventilated and to a static model for mechanically ventilated buildings. For mixed mode buildings, the static model is recommended, but literature indicates that occupants in those buildings might be more tolerant towards higher temperatures. The hypothetical application of the EN 15251 adaptive thermal comfort model in mixed mode offices, as investigated in this study, shows potential for greenhouse gas emission savings. However, this influence is small compared to that of building design and occupants. Conclusions are drawn regarding the categorisation and exceeding criteria according to EN 15251 adaptive thermal comfort model for offices in a Mediterranean climate.

The results of this work show, that not only green buildings, but also green occupants can significantly contribute to the mitigation of the climate change. Mechanisms of the real estate market as well as the lifestyle of occupants are important influences in this context. Sustainability therefore refers to finding the right balance between occupant’s comfort expectations and resulting greenhouse gas emissions for a specific building, rather than optimisation of single parameters


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Estidama is a mandatory Green Building code in Abu Dhabi by which the compliance of building design is being assessed. This paper examines the current design and assessment approaches for Green Buildings to identify the reasons that lead to delay defects and it investigates a new approach for improvement. The available literature provides a realistic understanding to the problems and shows the road to some potential solutions. The identified problems were mainly attributed to the manual assessment with too much human interference. The piled documents with limited resources left the assessment system too slow to handle the whole projects within the greater Abu Dhabi engendering high risk of the commitment to review mistakes. Therefore, this paper investigates the potentiality of automating several stages via the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) into the assessment process. Different experienced participants from all aspects within the construction industry were interviewed to contribute to the research. Also, a close question questionnaire was distributed to examine the current practice in Abu Dhabi to compare it with the initial findings. The findings point out significant requirements to adopt BIM in the assessment process, such as the availability of proper contracts form to shape the relationship between BIM parties and the readiness of the current system. Hence, the authors suggest a new model that integrates BIM capabilities within the system to accelerate the process and reduce human involvement.


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A preocupação com o esgotamento dos recursos naturais e a conscientização sobre as questões ligadas à sustentabilidade provocaram o estudo em um setor que tem sido apontado como de grande importância para a transformação do meio ambiente: a construção civil. Com isso percebemos o surgimento de um conjunto de práticas e procedimentos visando as chamadas "construções sustentáveis", que introduziram uma nova realidade comercial no segmento da construção civil. Para avaliar se uma construção é ou não sustentável surgiram os eco-labellings, que através de sistema de pontuação ou conceitos permitem avaliar qualitativamente em que grau de sustentabilidade uma edificação encontra-se. Em especial, o mercado brasileiro vem, desde 2004, buscando a certificação ambiental LEED; sendo assim, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo identificar, após quase uma década desde a primeira submissão de projeto brasileiro ao USGBC, quais ainda são as dificuldades enfrentadas no processo de certificação LEED. O referencial teórico reforçou que o segmento da construção civil contribui de duas formas para a degradação do meio ambiente: no consumo de recursos naturais e energéticos, e na geração de grande quantidade de resíduos. Por esse motivo, estudos nessa área são extremamente importantes para a transformação do meio ambiente, que, através da adoção de práticas construtivas sustentáveis poderá minimizar os impactos gerados. Neste trabalho, optou-se pela utilização de pesquisa exploratória quanto aos fins, uma vez que existe pouco conhecimento acumulado sobre a avaliação do processo de certificação LEED, e bibliográfica, complementada com pesquisa de campo, quanto ao meio, pois fundamenta-se em estudo desenvolvido com base em material publicado, complementado por entrevistas no campo. Este trabalho caracteriza-se por se um estudo introdutório à compreensão do tema e convida a estudos complementares mais abrangentes, dada a relevância do assunto nas três esferas de sustentabilidade: social, ambiental e econômica.