200 resultados para Grammars


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Using an entropy argument, it is shown that stochastic context-free grammars (SCFG's) can model sources with hidden branching processes more efficiently than stochastic regular grammars (or equivalently HMM's). However, the automatic estimation of SCFG's using the Inside-Outside algorithm is limited in practice by its O(n3) complexity. In this paper, a novel pre-training algorithm is described which can give significant computational savings. Also, the need for controlling the way that non-terminals are allocated to hidden processes is discussed and a solution is presented in the form of a grammar minimization procedure. © 1990.


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This paper describes two applications in speech recognition of the use of stochastic context-free grammars (SCFGs) trained automatically via the Inside-Outside Algorithm. First, SCFGs are used to model VQ encoded speech for isolated word recognition and are compared directly to HMMs used for the same task. It is shown that SCFGs can model this low-level VQ data accurately and that a regular grammar based pre-training algorithm is effective both for reducing training time and obtaining robust solutions. Second, an SCFG is inferred from a transcription of the speech used to train a phoneme-based recognizer in an attempt to model phonotactic constraints. When used as a language model, this SCFG gives improved performance over a comparable regular grammar or bigram. © 1991.


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Flasinski M. and Lee M.H., The Use of Graph Grammars for Model-based Reasoning in Diagnostic Expert Systems, Prace Informatyczne, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, 9, 1999, pp147-165.


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We give a hybrid algorithm for parsing epsilon grammars based on Tomita's non-ϵ-grammar parsing algorithm ([Tom86]) and Nozohoor-Farshi's ϵ-grammar recognition algorithm ([NF91]). The hybrid parser handles the same set of grammars handled by Nozohoor-Farshi's recognizer. The algorithm's details and an example of its use are given. We also discuss the deployment of the hybrid algorithm within a GB parser, and the reason an ϵ grammar parser is needed in our GB parser.


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This study examines the L2 acquisition of word order variation in Spanish by three groups of L1 English learners in an instructed setting. The three groups represent learners at three different L2 proficiencies: beginners, intermediate and advanced. The aim of the study is to analyse the acquisition of word order variation in a situation where the target input is highly ambiguous, since two apparent optional forms exist in the target grammar, in order to examine how the optionality is disambiguated by learners from the earlier stages of learning to the more advanced. Our results support the hypothesis that an account based on a discourse-pragmatics deficit cannot satisfactorily explain learners’ non-targetlike representations in the contexts analysed in our study.


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A core activity in information systems development involves understanding the
conceptual model of the domain that the information system supports. Any conceptual model is ultimately created using a conceptual-modeling (CM) grammar. Accordingly, just as high quality conceptual models facilitate high quality systems development, high quality CM grammars facilitate high quality conceptual modeling. This paper seeks to provide a new perspective on improving the quality of CM grammar semantics. For the past twenty years, the leading approach to this topic has drawn on ontological theory. However, the ontological approach captures just half of the story. It needs to be coupled with a logical approach. We show how ontological quality and logical quality interrelate and we outline three contributions of a logical approach: the ability to see familiar conceptualmodeling problems in simpler ways, the illumination of new problems, and the ability to prove the benefit of modifying CM grammars.


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A core activity in information systems development involves building a conceptual model of the domain that an information system is intended to support. Such models are created using a conceptual-modeling (CM) grammar. Just as high-quality conceptual models facilitate high-quality systems development, high-quality CM grammars facilitate high-quality conceptual modeling. This paper provides a new perspective on ways to improve the quality of the semantics of CM grammars. For many years, the leading approach to this topic has relied on ontological theory. We show, however, that the ontological approach captures only half the story. It needs to be coupled with a logical approach. We explain how the ontological quality and logical quality of CM grammars interrelate. Furthermore, we outline three contributions that a logical approach can make to evaluating the quality of CM grammars: a means of seeing some familiar conceptual-modeling problems in simpler ways; the illumination of new problems; and the ability to prove the benefit of modifying existing CM grammars in particular ways. We demonstrate these benefits in the context of the Entity-Relationship grammar. More generally, our paper opens up a new area of research with many opportunities for future research and practice.


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We study several extensions of the notion of alternation from context-free grammars to context-sensitive and arbitrary phrase-structure grammars. Thereby new grammatical characterizations are obtained for the class of languages that are accepted by alternating pushdown automata.


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This article brings to light an important variable involved in explaining a type of competence divergence in an instance of bilingual acquisition: heritage speaker (HS) bilingualism. We present results of experiments with European Portuguese (EP) heritage speakers (HSs), showing that they have full morpho-syntactic and semantic competence of inflected infinitives, similar to EP monolinguals. We show this constitutes clear evidence of competence mismatches between heritage speakers of European and Brazilian Portuguese, comparing our results to Rothman’s (2007) experimental evidence that Brazilian Portuguese (BP) heritage speakers lack knowledge of inflected infinitives. These comparative results are especially relevant because inflected infinitives were argued (Pires, 2002, 2006) to have been lost in colloquial BP dialects, although educated monolinguals demonstrate target competence.


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Based on an analysis of a corpus of forty of Sir Edwin Lutyens's country house designs (Rollo 1997) a procedure for developing Parallel Descriptions will be discussed. This procedure will attempt to facilitate an integrated approach to the analysis of complex architectural forms and will provide a framework for investigating the development of parallel grammars. This is an approach which acknowledges that design does not necessarily involve the importance of one aspect, but rather a number of coextensive issues with emphasis on the ordering and priority of these issues periodically shifting.