973 resultados para Gradient Method


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Purpose: Nicardipine is a member of a family of calcium channel blockers named dihydropiridines that are known to be photolabile and may cause phototoxicity. It is therefore vital to develop analytical method which can study the photodegradation of nicardipine. Method: Forced acid degradation of nicardipine was conducted by heating 12 ml of 1 mg/ml nicardipine with 3 ml of 2.5 M HCl for two hours. A gradient HPLC medthod was developed using Agilent Technologies 1200 series quaternary system. Separation was achieved with a Hichrome (250 x 4.6 mm) 5 μm C18 reversed phase column and mobile phase composition of 70% A(100%v/v water) and 30% B(99%v/v acetonitrile + 1%v/v formic acid) at time zero, composition of A and B was then charged to 60%v/v A;40%v/v B at 10minutes, 50%v/v A; 50%v/v B at 30minutes and 70%v/v A; 30%v/v B at 35minutes. 20μl of 0.8mg/ml of nicardipine degradation was injected at room temperature (25oC). The gradient method was transferred onto a HPLC-ESI-MS system (HP 1050 series - AQUAMAX mass detector) and analysis conducted with an acid degradation concentration of 0.25mg/ml and 20μl injection volume. ESI spectra were acquired in positive ionisation mode with MRM 0-600 m/z. Results: Eleven nicardipine degradation products were detected in the HPLC analysis and the resolution (RS) between the respective degradants where 1.0, 1.2, 6.0, 0.4, 1.7, 3.7, 1.8, 1.0, and 1.7 respectively. Nine degradation products were identified in the ESI spectra with the respective m/z ratio; 171.0, 166.1, 441.2, 423.2, 455.2, 455.2, 331.1, 273.1, and 290.1. The possible molecular formulae for each degradants were ambiguously determined. Conclusion: A sensitive and specific method was developed for the analysis of nicardipine degradants. Method enables detection and quantification of nicardipine degradation products that can be used for the study of the kinetics of nicardipine degradation processes.


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A new linear equations method for calculating the R-matrix, which arises in the R-matrix-Floquet theory of multiphoton processes, is introduced. This method replaces the diagonalization of the Floquet Hamiltonian matrix by the solution of a set of linear simultaneous equations which are solved, in the present work, by the conjugate gradient method. This approach uses considerably less computer memory and can be readily ported onto parallel computers. It will thus enable much larger problems of current interest to be treated. This new method is tested by applying it to three-photon ionization of helium at frequencies where double resonances with a bound state and autoionizing states are important. Finally, an alternative linear equations method, which avoids the explicit calculation of the R-matrix by incorporating the boundary conditions directly, is described in an appendix.


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The NMR spin coupling parameters, (1)J(N,H) and (2)J(H,H), and the chemical shielding, sigma((15)N), of liquid ammonia are studied from a combined and sequential QM/MM methodology. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to generate statistically uncorrelated configurations that are submitted to density functional theory calculations. Two different Lennard-Jones potentials are used in the liquid simulations. Electronic polarization is included in these two potentials via an iterative procedure with and without geometry relaxation, and the influence on the calculated properties are analyzed. B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ-J calculations were used to compute the V(N,H) constants in the interval of -67.8 to -63.9 Hz, depending on the theoretical model used. These can be compared with the experimental results of -61.6 Hz. For the (2)J(H,H) coupling the theoretical results vary between -10.6 to -13.01 Hz. The indirect experimental result derived from partially deuterated liquid is -11.1 Hz. Inclusion of explicit hydrogen bonded molecules gives a small but important contribution. The vapor-to-liquid shifts are also considered. This shift is calculated to be negligible for (1)J(N,H) in agreement with experiment. This is rationalized as a cancellation of the geometry relaxation and pure solvent effects. For the chemical shielding, U(15 N) Calculations at the B3LYP/aug-pcS-3 show that the vapor-to-liquid chemical shift requires the explicit use of solvent molecules. Considering only one ammonia molecule in an electrostatic embedding gives a wrong sign for the chemical shift that is corrected only with the use of explicit additional molecules. The best result calculated for the vapor to liquid chemical shift Delta sigma((15)N) is -25.2 ppm, in good agreement with the experimental value of -22.6 ppm.


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The performance of the modified adaptive conjugate gradient (CG) algorithms based on the iterative CG method for adaptive filtering is highly related to the ways of estimating the correlation matrix and the cross-correlation vector. The existing approaches of implementing the CG algorithms using the data windows of exponential form or sliding form result in either loss of convergence or increase in misadjustment. This paper presents and analyzes a new approach to the implementation of the CG algorithms for adaptive filtering by using a generalized data windowing scheme. For the new modified CG algorithms, we show that the convergence speed is accelerated, the misadjustment and tracking capability comparable to those of the recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm are achieved. Computer simulations demonstrated in the framework of linear system modeling problem show the improvements of the new modifications.


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The present work propounds an inverse method to estimate the heat sources in the transient two-dimensional heat conduction problem in a rectangular domain with convective bounders. The non homogeneous partial differential equation (PDE) is solved using the Integral Transform Method. The test function for the heat generation term is obtained by the chip geometry and thermomechanical cutting. Then the heat generation term is estimated by the conjugated gradient method (CGM) with adjoint problem for parameter estimation. The experimental trials were organized to perform six different conditions to provide heat sources of different intensities. This method was compared with others in the literature and advantages are discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a technique to reconstruct the electromagnetic properties of a medium or a set of objects buried inside it from boundary measurements when applying electric currents through a set of electrodes. The electromagnetic parameters may be recovered by means of a gradient method without a priori information on the background. The shape, location and size of objects, when present, are determined by a topological derivative-based iterative procedure. The combination of both strategies allows improved reconstructions of the objects and their properties, assuming a known background.


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Penguin colonies represent some of the most concentrated sources of ammonia emissions to the atmosphere in the world. The ammonia emitted into the atmosphere can have a large influence on the nitrogen cycling of ecosystems near the colonies. However, despite the ecological importance of the emissions, no measurements of ammonia emissions from penguin colonies have been made. The objective of this work was to determine the ammonia emission rate of a penguin colony using inverse-dispersion modelling and gradient methods. We measured meteorological variables and mean atmospheric concentrations of ammonia at seven locations near a colony of Adélie penguins in Antarctica to provide input data for inverse-dispersion modelling. Three different atmospheric dispersion models (ADMS, LADD and a Lagrangian stochastic model) were used to provide a robust emission estimate. The Lagrangian stochastic model was applied both in ‘forwards’ and ‘backwards’ mode to compare the difference between the two approaches. In addition, the aerodynamic gradient method was applied using vertical profiles of mean ammonia concentrations measured near the centre of the colony. The emission estimates derived from the simulations of the three dispersion models and the aerodynamic gradient method agreed quite well, giving a mean emission of 1.1 g ammonia per breeding pair per day (95% confidence interval: 0.4–2.5 g ammonia per breeding pair per day). This emission rate represents a volatilisation of 1.9% of the estimated nitrogen excretion of the penguins, which agrees well with that estimated from a temperature-dependent bioenergetics model. We found that, in this study, the Lagrangian stochastic model seemed to give more reliable emission estimates in ‘forwards’ mode than in ‘backwards’ mode due to the assumptions made.


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A Cauchy problem for general elliptic second-order linear partial differential equations in which the Dirichlet data in H½(?1 ? ?3) is assumed available on a larger part of the boundary ? of the bounded domain O than the boundary portion ?1 on which the Neumann data is prescribed, is investigated using a conjugate gradient method. We obtain an approximation to the solution of the Cauchy problem by minimizing a certain discrete functional and interpolating using the finite diference or boundary element method. The minimization involves solving equations obtained by discretising mixed boundary value problems for the same operator and its adjoint. It is proved that the solution of the discretised optimization problem converges to the continuous one, as the mesh size tends to zero. Numerical results are presented and discussed.


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The general iteration method for nonexpansive mappings on a Banach space is considered. Under some assumption of fast enough convergence on the sequence of (“almost” nonexpansive) perturbed iteration mappings, if the basic method is τ−convergent for a suitable topology τ weaker than the norm topology, then the perturbed method is also τ−convergent. Application is presented to the gradient-prox method for monotone inclusions in Hilbert spaces.


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In this paper, we are considered with the optimal control of a schrodinger equation. Based on the formulation for the variation of the cost functional, a gradient-type optimization technique utilizing the finite difference method is then developed to solve the constrained optimization problem. Finally, a numerical example is given and the results show that the method of solution is robust.


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Combining the philosophies of nonlinear model predictive control and approximate dynamic programming, a new suboptimal control design technique is presented in this paper, named as model predictive static programming (MPSP), which is applicable for finite-horizon nonlinear problems with terminal constraints. This technique is computationally efficient, and hence, can possibly be implemented online. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by designing an ascent phase guidance scheme for a ballistic missile propelled by solid motors. A comparison study with a conventional gradient method shows that the MPSP solution is quite close to the optimal solution.


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Cereal crops can suffer substantial damage if frosts occur at heading. Identification of post-head-emergence frost (PHEF) resistance in cereals poses a number of unique and difficult challenges. Many decades of research have failed to identify genotypes with PHEF resistance that could offer economically significant benefit to growers. Research and breeding gains have been limited by the available screening systems. Using traditional frost screening systems, genotypes that escape frost injury in trials due to spatial temperature differences and/or small differences in phenology can be misidentified as resistant. We believe that by improving techniques to minimize frost escapes, such ofalse-positive' results can be confidently identified and eliminated. Artificial freezing chambers or manipulated natural frost treatments offer many potential advantages but are not yet at the stage where they can be reliably used for frost screening in breeding programmes. Here we describe the development of a novel photoperiod gradient method (PGM) that facilitates screening of genotypes of different phenology under natural field frosts at matched developmental stages. By identifying frost escapes and increasing the efficiency of field screening, the PGM ensures that research effort can be focused on finding genotypes with improved PHEF resistance. To maximize the likelihood of identifying PHEF resistance, we propose that the PGM form part of an integrated strategy to (i) source germplasm;(ii) facilitate high throughput screening; and (iii) permit detailed validation. PGM may also be useful in other studies where either a range of developmental stages and/or synchronized development are desired.


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This paper is concerned with the reliability optimization of a spatially redundant system, subject to various constraints, by using nonlinear programming. The constrained optimization problem is converted into a sequence of unconstrained optimization problems by using a penalty function. The new problem is then solved by the conjugate gradient method. The advantages of this method are highlighted.


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Microbial activity in soils is the main source of nitrous oxide (N2O) to the atmosphere. Nitrous oxide is a strong greenhouse gas in the troposphere and participates in ozone destructive reactions in the stratosphere. The constant increase in the atmospheric concentration, as well as uncertainties in the known sources and sinks of N2O underline the need to better understand the processes and pathways of N2O in terrestrial ecosystems. This study aimed at quantifying N2O emissions from soils in northern Europe and at investigating the processes and pathways of N2O from agricultural and forest ecosystems. Emissions were measured in forest ecosystems, agricultural soils and a landfill, using the soil gradient, chamber and eddy covariance methods. Processes responsible for N2O production, and the pathways of N2O from the soil to the atmosphere, were studied in the laboratory and in the field. These ecosystems were chosen for their potential importance to the national and global budget of N2O. Laboratory experiments with boreal agricultural soils revealed that N2O production increases drastically with soil moisture content, and that the contribution of the nitrification and denitrification processes to N2O emissions depends on soil type. Laboratory study with beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedlings demonstrated that trees can serve as conduits for N2O from the soil to the atmosphere. If this mechanism is important in forest ecosystems, the current emission estimates from forest soils may underestimate the total N2O emissions from forest ecosystems. Further field and laboratory studies are needed to evaluate the importance of this mechanism in forest ecosystems. The emissions of N2O from northern forest ecosystems and a municipal landfill were highly variable in time and space. The emissions of N2O from boreal upland forest soil were among the smallest reported in the world. Despite the low emission rates, the soil gradient method revealed a clear seasonal variation in N2O production. The organic topsoil was responsible for most of the N2O production and consumption in this forest soil. Emissions from the municipal landfill were one to two orders of magnitude higher than those from agricultural soils, which are the most important source of N2O to the atmosphere. Due to their small areal coverage, landfills only contribute minimally to national N2O emissions in Finland. The eddy covariance technique was demonstrated to be useful for measuring ecosystem-scale emissions of N2O in forest and landfill ecosystems. Overall, more measurements and integration between different measurement techniques are needed to capture the large variability in N2O emissions from natural and managed northern ecosystems.


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The associated model for binary systems has been modified to include volume effects and excess entropy arising from preferential interactions between the associate and the free atoms or between the free atoms. Equations for thermodynamic mixing functions have been derived. An optimization procedure using a modified conjugate gradient method has been used to evaluate the enthalpy and entropy interaction energies, the free energy of dissociation of the complex, its temperature dependance and the size of the associate. An expression for the concentration—concentration structure factor [Scc (0)] has been deduced from the modified associated solution model. The analysis has been applied to the thermodynamic mixing functions of liquid Ga-Te alloys at 1120 K, believed to contain Ga2Te3 associates. It is observed that the modified associated solution model incorporating volume effects and terms for the temperature dependance of interaction energies, describes the thermodynamic properties of Ga-Te system satisfactorily.