246 resultados para Goodhew, Lily E.


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Il presente lavoro propone una traduzione, corredata di commento introduttivo, del primo capitolo di “Die Frauenfrage: ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Seite di Lily Braun, un’opera non ancora tradotta in italiano, in cui l’autrice tedesca (femminista e socialdemocratica, nata nel 1865) traccia una storia della condizione femminile e tenta non solo di decostruire, secondo una visione economicistica e materialistica della storia, il mito della “naturale subordinazione della donna all’uomo, ma anche di combattere il pregiudizio socialista della “subalternità” della questione femminile rispetto alla lotta di classe. Il primo capitolo di “Die Frauenfrage indaga la condizione femminile nell’antichità, partendo dalla preistoria, e analizza le forme famigliari primitive, lo sviluppo della monogamia, la nascita del patriarcato, la condizione della donna nell’Oriente antico, in Grecia (riservando particolare attenzione alle posizioni di Platone e di Aristotele sul ruolo della donna nella società), a Roma e presso i popoli barbari. Nel commento introduttivo, sono state fornite alcune notizie storiche essenziali sull’autrice, sull’opera e sulla temperie politica e culturale in cui è stata concepita, e sono stati messi in luce i principali problemi traduttivi incontrati durante il lavoro di preparazione: in particolare, problemi legati alla terminologia delle scienze umane (sociologia, antropologia, filosofia), alle peculiarità retorico-stilistiche e sintattiche della scrittura saggistica, al “dialogo” intertestuale (citazioni da testi antichi, allusioni colte) e alla scelta fra traduzione semantica e traduzione comunicativa.


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This critical/creative project considers Stéphane Mallarmé’s critical poems in his 1897 Divagations as an invitation to explore the notion of criticism and the relationship between the conceptual and the nonconceptual aspects of writing and thinking. Informed by Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics of the face, Walter Benjamin’s essay “The Task of theTranslator” and the myth of Orpheus, I consider ways to approach that which may not be said or thought by following Mallarmé’s method of combining poetry and criticism to create a wandering, unclassifiable text where we may imagine the nonconceptual as a remoteness, as the presence of an absence.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F03384


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08759


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08760


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08761


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A 135-kD actin-bundling protein was purified from pollen tubes of lily (Lilium longiflorum) using its affinity to F-actin. From a crude extract of the pollen tubes, this protein was coprecipitated with exogenously added F-actin and then dissociated from F-actin by treating it with high-ionic-strength solution. The protein was further purified sequentially by chromatography on a hydroxylapatite column, a gel-filtration column, and a diethylaminoethyl-cellulose ion-exchange column. In the present study, this protein is tentatively referred to as P-135-ABP (Plant 135-kD Actin-Bundling Protein). By the elution position from a gel-filtration column, we estimated the native molecular mass of purified P-135-ABP to be 260 kD, indicating that it existed in a dimeric form under physiological conditions. This protein bound to and bundled F-actin prepared from chicken breast muscle in a Ca2+-independent manner. The binding of 135-P-ABP to actin was saturated at an approximate stoichiometry of 26 actin monomers to 1 dimer of P-135-ABP. By transmission electron microscopy of thin sections, we observed cross-bridges between F-actins with a longitudinal periodicity of 31 nm. Immunofluorescence microscopy using rhodamine-phalloidin and antibodies against the 135-kD polypeptide showed that P-135-ABP was colocalized with bundles of actin filaments in lily pollen tubes, leading us to conclude that it is the factor responsible for bundling the filaments.


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