962 resultados para Goldie Dimension
Recensão de: Peter Goldie e Elisabeth Schellekens, Who’s Afraid of Conceptual Art?, Londres e Nova Iorque: Routledge, 2010
El proyecto tiene como propósito caracterizar la variabilidad de la paleocirculación atmosférica en las latitudes medias de Sudamérica, su efecto sobre la fluctuación hidroclimática regional y la vulnerabilidad humana frente a los cambios ocurridos desde el Ultimo Máximo Glacial/Holoceno. El enfoque inter y multidisciplinaro aquí planteado para analizar la varibiliad hidroclimática pasada, sus causas y consecuencias, es inédito para esta región del país. El mismo contempla: a) análisis de archivos climáticos sedimentarios con una aproximación de multi-indicadores (sedimentología, geoquímica, isótopos estables y radiogénicos, mineralogía, ostrácodos y moluscos); b) determinación de la dinámica actual y pasada del polvo atmosférico (PA) combinando mediciones in situ y en registros sedimentarios y c) análisis de restos óseos humanos y malacológicos en sitios arqueológicos.Se contempla: a) Efectuar análisis de multi-indicadores de registros climáticos naturales almacenados en sistemas lacustres de la región Pampeana (S. Ambargasta, Mar Chiquita, Pocho, Melincué, Lagunas Encadenadas del Oeste de Buenos Aires) y en secuencias loessicas para inferir la variabilidad de la circulación atmosférica desde el UMG; b) Ampliar la resolución temporal de las reconstrucciones climáticas para ventanas de tiempo seleccionadas; c) Analizar la señal geoquímica del registro sedimentario de fases climáticas contrastantes; d) Identificar la variabilidad temporal de la procedencia y de los procesos actuantes mediante análisis mineralógicos y geoquímicos; e) Analizar el ambiente actual para calibrar indicadores ambientales o proxies (isótopos, flujo de sedimentos, geoquímica, moluscos y ostrácodos) con el escenario climático contemporáneo; f) Analizar en conjunto los archivos climáticos para inferir patrones de paleocirculación atmosférica regional y g) Dilucidar estrategias adaptativas y la historia biológica de poblaciones humanas en la región central de Argentina durante fases climáticas diversas.Este proyecto aborda uno de los aspectos menos conocidos de las reconstrucciones paleoambientales, que está relacionado con rol del material eólico derivado del Hemisferio Sur y el impacto que genera sobre el ciclo regional del Carbono. A pesar que el sur de Sudamérica es una de las áreas claves para entender este aspecto, no se conoce de forma acabada la incidencia de los cambios ambientales sobre el flujo de PA o el efecto de futuros cambios climáticos y/o uso de la tierra.La actividad planteada tiene implicancias directas sobre múltiples disciplinas como las ciencias atmosféricas, geoquímica, sedimentología, paleoclimatologia y bioarqueología. Nuestros resultados permitirán mejorar el entendimiento del cambio climático regional, la dinámica del polvo y su rol como forzante del sistema climático, la variabilidad hidrológica presente y pasada y la respuesta por parte de las poblaciones humanas. Profundizar el estudio de los cambios paleoclimáticos y bioarqueológicos en la región permitirá analizar la variabilidad hidroclimática y determinar su relación con las situaciones de crisis y vulnerabilidad del pobamiento humano. Asimismo, la inferencia de cambios para períodos con mínima o sin influencia humana es una herramienta clave para mejorar el conocimiento de las fluctuaciones climáticas del área extratropical Sudamericana. Estos resultados permitirán analizar no sólo los mecanismos operados en el sistema climático pasado sino también aquellos factores que explicarían el gran cambio hidroclimático registrado desde 1970 cuyos efectos han impactado claramente sobre las actividades socio-económicos en la región central Argentina.
Abstract Background: Right-sided heart failure has high morbidity and mortality, and may be caused by pulmonary arterial hypertension. Fractal dimension is a differentiated and innovative method used in histological evaluations that allows the characterization of irregular and complex structures and the quantification of structural tissue changes. Objective: To assess the use of fractal dimension in cardiomyocytes of rats with monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension, in addition to providing histological and functional analysis. Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups: control (C; n = 8) and monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension (M; n = 8). Five weeks after pulmonary arterial hypertension induction with monocrotaline, echocardiography was performed and the animals were euthanized. The heart was dissected, the ventricles weighed to assess anatomical parameters, and histological slides were prepared and stained with hematoxylin/eosin for fractal dimension analysis, performed using box-counting method. Data normality was tested (Shapiro-Wilk test), and the groups were compared with non-paired Student t test or Mann Whitney test (p < 0.05). Results: Higher fractal dimension values were observed in group M as compared to group C (1.39 ± 0.05 vs. 1.37 ± 0.04; p < 0.05). Echocardiography showed lower pulmonary artery flow velocity, pulmonary acceleration time and ejection time values in group M, suggesting function worsening in those animals. Conclusion: The changes observed confirm pulmonary-arterial-hypertension-induced cardiac dysfunction, and point to fractal dimension as an effective method to evaluate cardiac morphological changes induced by ventricular dysfunction.
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We prove that the Cuntz semigroup is recovered functorially from the Elliott invariant for a large class of C¤-algebras. In particular, our results apply to the largest class of simple C¤-algebras for which K-theoretic classification can be hoped for. This work has three significant consequences. First, it provides new conceptual insight into Elliott's classification program, proving that the usual form of the Elliott conjecture is equivalent, among Z-stable algebras, to a conjecture which is in general substantially weaker and for which there are no known counterexamples. Second and third, it resolves, for the class of algebras above, two conjectures of Blackadar and Handelman concerning the basic structure of dimension functions on C¤-algebras. We also prove in passing that the Kuntz-Pedersen semigroup is recovered functorially from the Elliott invariant for all simple unital C¤-algebras of interest.
Recent years have seen a striking proliferation of the term ‘global’ in public and political discourse. The popularity of the term is a manifestation of the fact that there is a widespread notion that contemporary social reality is ‘global’. The acknowledgment of this notion has important political implications and raises questions about the role played by the idea of the ‘global’ in policy making. These questions, in turn, expose even more fundamental issues about whether the term ‘global’ indicates a difference in kind, even an ontological shift, and, if so, how to approach it. This paper argues that the notion of ‘global’, in other words the ‘global dimension’, is a significant aspect of contemporary politics that needs to be investigated. The paper argues that in the globalization discourse of International Studies ‘global’ is ‘naturalized’, which means that it is taken for granted and assumed to be self-evident. The term ‘global’ is used mainly in a descriptive way and subsumed under the rubric of ‘globalization’. ‘Global’ tends to be equated with transnational and/or world-wide; hence, it addresses quantitative differences in degree but not (alleged) differences in kind. In order to advance our understanding of contemporary politics, ‘global’ needs to be taken seriously. This means, firstly, to understand and to conceptualize ‘global’ as a social category; and, secondly, to uncover ‘global’ as a ‘naturalized’ concept in the Political and International Studies strand of the globalization discourse in order to rescue it for innovative new approaches in the investigation of contemporary politics. In order to do so, the paper suggests adopting a strong linguistic approach starting with the analysis of the word ‘global’. Based on insights from post-structuralism as well as cognitive and general constructivist perspectives it argues that a frame-based corpus linguistic analysis offers the possibility of investigating the collective/social meaning(s) of global in order to operationalize them for the analysis of the ‘global dimension’ of contemporary politics.
This paper examines the issue of fiscal sustainability in emerging market countries and industrial countries. We highlight the importance of the time series properties of the primary surplus and debt, and find evidence of a positive long run relationship. Consequently we emphasise, that especially for emerging markets, it is important to recognise the implications of global capital market shocks for fiscal sustainability, a relationship which has hitherto been ignored in the empirical literature. Using a factor model we demonstrate that the relationship between deficit and debt is conditional upon a global factor and we suggest that this global factor is related to world-wide liquidity. We also demonstrate that this acts as a constraint on emerging market economies’ fiscal policy.
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Time varying parameter (TVP) models have enjoyed an increasing popularity in empirical macroeconomics. However, TVP models are parameter-rich and risk over-fitting unless the dimension of the model is small. Motivated by this worry, this paper proposes several Time Varying dimension (TVD) models where the dimension of the model can change over time, allowing for the model to automatically choose a more parsimonious TVP representation, or to switch between different parsimonious representations. Our TVD models all fall in the category of dynamic mixture models. We discuss the properties of these models and present methods for Bayesian inference. An application involving US inflation forecasting illustrates and compares the different TVD models. We find our TVD approaches exhibit better forecasting performance than several standard benchmarks and shrink towards parsimonious specifications.
This thesis argues that insofar as we want to account for the normative dimension of social life, we must be careful to avoid construing that normative dimension in such a way as to exclude that which the second-person perspective reveals is important to social life and our ability to participate in it.¦The second-person perspective reveals that social life ought to be understood as a mix or balance of the regular and the irregular, where, in addition, those one interacts with are always to some extent experienced as other in a way that is neither immediately, nor perhaps ultimately, understandable. For persons to be able to participate in social life, conceived of in this way, they must have abilities that allow them to be, to some extent, hesitant and tentative in their relations with others, and thus tolerant of ambiguity, uncertainty and unpredictability, and responsive to and capable of learning from the otherness of others in the course of interacting with them.¦Incorporating the second-person perspective means we have to make some changes to the way we think about the normative in general, and the normative dimension of social life in particular. It does not mean giving up on the distinction between the normative and the regular - that continues to be fundamentally important but it does mean not excluding, as part of social life and as worthy of explanation, all that which is irregular. A radical way of putting it would be to say that there must be a sense in which the irregular is part of the normative. A less radical way, and the way adopted by this thesis, is to say that any account of the normative dimension of social life must not be such as to exclude the importance of irregularity from social life. This will mean 1) not characterising conventions, norms and rules as determinants of appropriateness and inappropriateness; 2) not thinking of them as necessary; 3) not thinking of them as necessarily governing minds; and 4) not thinking of them as necessarily shared.¦-¦L'argument principal de la thèse est que, pour rendre compte de la dimension normative de la vie sociale, il faut veiller à ne pas exclure la perspective de la deuxième personne - une perspective importante pour comprendre la vie sociale et la capacité requise pour y participer.¦Cette perspective nous permet d'imaginer la vie sociale comme un mélange ou un équilibre entre le régulier et l'irrégulier, l'interaction entre des individus pouvant être appréhendée comme l'expérience de chaque personne avec «l'autre» d'une manière qui n'est pas immédiatement compréhensible, et qui ne peut pas, peut-être, être ultimement comprise. Pour participer à la vie sociale, l'on doit avoir la capacité de rester hésitant et «réactif» dans ses relations avec les autres, de rester ouvert à leur altérité et de tolérer l'ambiguïté, l'incertitude et l'imprévisibilité des interactions sociales.¦Adopter une perspective «à la deuxième personne» conduit à une autre manière de penser la normativité en général, et la dimension normative de la vie sociale en particulier. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'il faut abandonner la distinction entre le normatif et le régulier - une distinction qui garde une importance fondamentale - mais qu'il faut reconnaître l'irrégulier comme faisant partie de la vie sociale et comme étant digne, en tant que tel, d'être expliqué. Une conception radicale pourrait même concevoir l'irrégulier comme faisant partie intégrante de la normativité. Une approche moins radicale, qui est celle adoptée dans cette thèse, est de dire que tout compte-rendu de la dimension normative de la vie sociale doit prendre en considération l'importance de l'irrégularité dans la vie sociale. Une telle approche implique que les conventions, normes et règles (1) ne déterminent pas ce qui est approprié ou inapproprié; (2) ne sont pas toujours nécessaires ; (3) ne gouvernent pas le fonctionnement de l'esprit ; et (4) ne sont pas nécessairement partagées.
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Gaussian estimates for the density of the non-linear stochastic heat equation in any space dimension
In this paper, we establish lower and upper Gaussian bounds for the probability density of the mild solution to the stochastic heat equation with multiplicative noise and in any space dimension. The driving perturbation is a Gaussian noise which is white in time with some spatially homogeneous covariance. These estimates are obtained using tools of the Malliavin calculus. The most challenging part is the lower bound, which is obtained by adapting a general method developed by Kohatsu-Higa to the underlying spatially homogeneous Gaussian setting. Both lower and upper estimates have the same form: a Gaussian density with a variance which is equal to that of the mild solution of the corresponding linear equation with additive noise.