58 resultados para Gnathiid Isopod
Epaulette sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum were surveyed on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia for gnathiid isopods and protozoan (haemogregarine) parasites to determine the prevalence and intensity of infection and to investigate the potential role of gnathiids as vectors of these haemogregarines, the first such study carried out on elasmobranchs. Juvenile gnathiids were collected and quantified using a novel non-invasive and chemical-free technique and gnathiid squashes were examined for haemogregarine developmental stages. The feeding and reproductive ecology of the Gnathia spp. was investigated to better understand the relationship between gnathiids and haemogregarines. Gnathiids were found on all sharks and intensities ranged between two and 66. Only third-stage gnathiid juveniles were found, which fell into two size groups (A and B). These juveniles remained attached to H. ocellatum for up to 17 days, the longest period of attachment yet recorded for gnathiids. Group A female gnathiids produced broods of 45-187 (median = 120) first stage juveniles from between 54 and 82 days (median = 63 days) after detachment. First stage juveniles survived for an average of 15.8 +/- 0.1 (SEM) days without feeding. The prevalence (6.7%) and parasitaemia (usually
Cymothoid isopods Anilocra apogonae are regular ectoparasites of the cardinal fish Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus on the Great Barrier Reef. To determine whether this large isopod, attached to the head of the fish, affects the physiology and behaviour of its host, we conducted morphological measurements to obtain a condition index and several laboratory experiments on fish with and without isopods. The condition index did not vary between parasitised and non-parasitised wild fish. However, we found that parasitised fish lost more weight than unparasitised fish when fed a low food ration. Parasitised fish also had a higher rate of oxygen consumption than non-parasitised fish. When maintaining body posture in calm water, parasitised fish had an elevated pectoral fin beat frequency, probably because the isopod attaches asymmetrically, causing an asymmetrical weight balance for which the fish needs to compensate. Moreover, the sustained aerobic swimming speed as well as the swimming endurance at high water speeds were reduced in parasitised fish, possibly because of the drag from the parasite. The results suggest that parasites can have significant effects on fish even if this is not revealed by their body condition index in the wild. The metabolic effects found imply that parasitised fish may have to spend more time foraging to compensate for their higher metabolism. This could expose them to a higher risk of being eaten, a situation made worse by an impaired swimming ability that may reduce their capacity to escape a predator.
Epilithic biofilm on rocky shores is regulated by physico-chemical and biological factors and is important as a source of food for benthic organisms. The influences of environmental and grazing pressure on spatial variability of biomass of biofilm were evaluated on shores on the north coast of Sao Paulo State (SE Brazil). A general trend of greater abundance of microalgae was observed lower on the shore, but neither of the environmental factors evaluated (wave exposure and shore level) showed consistent effects, and differences were found among specific shores or times (September 2007 and March 2008). The abundance of slow-moving grazers (limpets and littorinids) showed a negative correlation with chlorophyll a concentration on shores. However, experimental exclusion of these grazers failed to show consistent results at small spatial scales. Observations of divergent abundances of the isopod Ligia exotica and biomass of biofilm on isolated boulders on shores led to a short exclusion experiment, where the grazing pressure by L. exotica significantly decreased microalgal biomass. The result suggests that grazing activities of this fast-moving consumer probably mask the influence of slow-moving grazers at small spatial scales, while both have an additive effect at larger scales that masks environmental influences. This is the first evaluation of the impact of the fast-moving herbivore L. exotica on microalgal biomass on rocky shores and opens an interesting discussion about the role of these organisms in subtropical coastal environments.
A new species of bopyrid isopod is described from a host hermit crab Paguristes tomentosus collected from Pisco, Peru and assigned to the pseudionine isopod genus Asymmetrione Codreanu, Codreanu and Pike, 1965. This is the second species in the genus with less than 20 asymmetry in females, but agrees with all other species in the genus in having the characteristic ""socket"" on the propodus of the female`s pereopods, and in all characters of the males. A key is provided to the 10 species now in Asymmetrione. New records of an Anathelges sp. from Pagurus villosus collected in central Chile are given but additional material is required to determine whether these specimens represent the eastern Pacific A. thompsoni or the western Atlantic A. hyptius. A review of all the bopyrid species known from the western South American coast, with remarks on their taxonomy and biology, is provided.
To determine if cleaners affect 'temporary' parasitic corallanid isopods (Argathona macronema) on fish, we used caged fish Hemigymnus meldpterus (Labridae) on 5 patch reefs on Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, and removed all cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus (Labridae) from 3 of the reefs, In a short-term experiment, fish were sampled after 12 or 24 h, at dawn and sunset respectively, and in a long-term experiment they were sampled after 12 d at sunset. Isopod prevalence, abundance and size were measured. In the short-term experiment, on reefs without cleaners the prevalence of A. macronema was higher after 24 h than after 12 h while on reefs with cleaners, prevalence was low at all times, Although the abundance of A, macronema did not vary after 12 and 24 h, when combined over the 24 h, the effect of cleaners was significant with only 2 % of all the A. macronema found on reefs with cleaners. Cleaners had no effect on the size frequency distribution of A. macronema in the short-term experiment, most likely because fish had so few isopods on reef with cleaners. In the longer-term experiment, the effects of cleaners on isopod prevalence and abundance were less clear. Their effect on isopod size was, however, significant with smaller parasites on reefs without cleaners. The reduction of isopod prevalence and abundance by cleaner fish over a period of hours may explain why these A, macronema are rare on wild fish. Our findings support the idea that cleaning is beneficial to clients and has important implications for the control of parasites of fish farmed in cages,
Cleaning behaviour has generally been viewed from the cleaner or client's point of view. Few studies, however, have examined cleaning behaviour from the parasites' perspective, yet they are the equally-important third players in such associations. All three players are likely to have had their evolution affected by the association. As cleaner organisms are important predators of parasites, cleaners are likely to have an important effect on their prey. Little, however, is known of how parasites are affected by cleaning associations and the strategies that parasites use in response to cleaners. I examine here what parasites are involved in cleaning interactions, the effect cleaners have on parasites, the potential counter-adaptations that parasites have evolved against the predatory activities of cleaner organisms, the potential influence of cleaners on the life history traits of parasites, and other factors affected by cleaners. I have found that a wide range of ectoparasites from diverse habitats have been reported to interact with a wide range of cleaner organisms. Some of the life history traits of parasites are consistent with the idea that they are in response to cleaner predation. It is clear, however, that although many cleaning systems exist their ecological role is largely unexplored. This has likely been hindered by our lack of information on the parasites involved in cleaning interactions.
Little is known of how client fish minimise the costs of cleaning behaviour while maximising ectoparasite removal by cleaner fish. Previous studies have found that abundance on fish and infestation behaviour of gnathiid isopods, the main parasite eaten by cleaner fish, varies diurnally. We examined whether reduced foraging is a cost of cleaning behaviour in clients and whether the behaviour of the client fish, the thick-lipped wrasse Hemigymnus melapterus, towards the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus varied diurnally to maximise ectoparasite removal, possibly in response to the diurnal changes in the abundance and infestation patterns of gnathiids. We found that during the midday and afternoon, client foraging rates were negatively related to the duration and frequency of inspections, suggesting that cleaning may, at some times of the day, be energetically costly to the client in terms of reduced foraging opportunities. Surprisingly, we found that the duration and frequency of inspections of clients by cleaners did not vary among diel time periods. A model of gnathiid dynamics on individual fish is proposed. It shows that the observed diurnal pattern in gnathiid abundance on fish can be generated with the constant duration and frequency of inspections that was observed in this study. Thus clients would not have more gnathiids removed by modifying their cleaning behaviour.
Studies of the cymothoid isopod Livoneca symmetricaVan Name, 1925, showed that this species has characters that preclude its inclusion in LivonecaLeach, 1818, or in any other known genus. The species is redescribed on the basis of male and female specimens from the mouth cavities of Amazonian piranhas (Serrasalmus spilopleura(Kner) and S. elongatusKner) and Vanameagen. nov. is proposed for it. The new genus is defined as having: a cephalon that is not immersed in pereonite 1; mandibles that are "foot-shaped" and without incisors, pereopods that are long and unequal in size and shape; a pleon that is not immersed in the pereon; and a pleotelson that is inflated anteriorly and medially.
Anphira branchialisgen. et sp. nov. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae) is described from the dorsal areas of the gill chambers of three species of piranhas (Serrasalmusspp.). The fishes were caught in rivers near Manaus, Amazonas State and on Maracá island, Federal Territory of Roraima, Brasil. The new genus and species is characterized by having large, flat coxal plates on ail 7 pereonites. These plates usually extend beyond the margins of the following segments and the 7th ones extend nearly to the pleotelson and cover the lateral margins of the pleonites. The mandible of this species is rounded, "foot shaped" and without incisor. The mandibular palp is short and stout. The maxillules have 3 terminal and 2 subterminal spines. The pleopods are simple lamellar structures with rounded tips. Evidence is presented that these parasites feed on gill filaments.
Terrestrial isopods are important and dominant component of meso and macrodecomposer soil communities. The present study investigates the diversity and species composition of terrestrial isopods on three forests on the Serra Geral of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The area has two natural formations (Primary Woodland and Secondary Woodland) and one plantation of introduced Pinus. The pitfall traps operated from March 2001 to May 2002, with two summer periods and one winter. There were 14 sampling dates overall. Of the five species found: Alboscia silveirensis Araujo, 1999, Atlantoscia floridana (van Name, 1940), Benthana araucariana Araujo & Lopes, 2003 (Philoscidae), Balloniscus glaber Araujo & Zardo, 1995 (Balloniscidae) and Styloniscus otakensis (Chilton, 1901) (Styloniscidae); only A. floridana is abundant on all environments and B. glaber is nearly exclusive for the native forests. The obtained data made it possible to infer about population characteristics of this species. The Similarity Analysis showed a quantitative difference among the Secondary forest and Pinus plantation, but not a qualitative one. The operational sex ratio (OSR) analysis for A. floridana does not reveal significant differences in male and female proportions among environments. The reproductive period identified in the present study for A. floridana was from spring to autumn in the primary forest and Pinus plantation and during all year for the secondary forest. The OSR analysis for B. glaber reveals no significant differences in abundance between males and females for secondary forest, but the primary forest was a significant difference. The reproductive period for B. glaber extended from summer to autumn (for primary and secondary forest). This is the first record for Brazil of an established terrestrial isopod population in a Pinus sp. plantation area, evidenced by the presence of young, adults and ovigerous females, balanced sex ratio, expected fecundity and reproduction pattern, as compared to populations from native vegetation areas.
A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the parasite fauna of the sciaenid Stellifer minor (Tschudi) from Chorrillos, Peru, was made. Some characteristics of the infectious processes, in terms of intensity and prevalence of infection, as a function of host sex and size, are given. Moreover, comments on the characteristics of the parasite fauna, related with host role in the marine food webs are included. The parasite fauna of Stellifer minor taken of Chorrillos, Peru, include the monogeneans Pedocotyle annakohni, Pedocotyle bravoi, Rhamnocercus sp. and Cynoscionicola sp., the digenean Helicometra fasciata, the adult acantocephalan Rhadinorhynchus sp. and the larval Corynosoma sp., the nematode Procamallanus sp., the copepods Caligus quadratus, Clavellotis dilatata and Bomolochus peruensis and one unidentified isopod of the family Cymothoidae. A distinctive characteristic of the parasite fauna (Metazoa) of S. minor is the almost absence of larval forms.
Riggia paranensis Szidat, 1948 is redescribed on the basis of 30 female and 2 male specimens collected from the pericardial cavities of the curimatid fish Cyphocarax (= Curimata) gilberti (Quoy & Gaimard). The fishes were caught in the Itabapoana River, State of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. The presence of" dwarf" males, as reported by Szidat, was verified. The fusion of the pleonites and pleotelson in adult females was also confirmed. The generic diagnosis was emended to include details of the mouthparts and pleopods
The irregular disposal of coal combustion residues has adverse impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. Pioneer plants and soil invertebrates play an important role in the recovery of these areas. The goal of this study was to investigate the colonization patterns of terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) in leaf litter of three spontaneous pioneer plants (grass - Poaceae, shrub - Euphorbiaceae, tree - Anarcadiaceae) at sites used for fly ash or boiler slag disposal. The experiment consisted of eight blocks (four per disposal site) of 12 litter bags each (four per plant species) that were randomly removed after 6, 35, 70 or 140 days of field exposure. Three isopod species were found in the litter bags: Atlantoscia floridana (van Name, 1940) (Philosciidae; n = 116), Benthana taeniata Araujo & Buckup, 1994 (Philosciidae; n = 817) and Balloniscus sellowii (Brandt, 1833) (Balloniscidae; n = 48). The isopods colonized the three leaf-litter species equally during the exposure period. However, the pattern of leaf-litter colonization by these species suggests a conflict of objectives between high quality food and shelter availability. The occurrence of A. floridana and the abundance and fecundity of B. taeniata were influenced by the residue type, indicating that the isopods have different degrees of tolerance to the characteristics of the studied sites. Considering that terrestrial isopods are abundant detritivores and stimulate the humus-forming processes, it is suggested that they could have an indirect influence on the soil restoration of this area.
The jasmonate signal pathway is known to control defenses against herbivores, such as leaf eaters (folivores). Does the reach of the pathway extend to defense against other types of animal? Among the arthropods attracted to seed baits placed below flowering Arabidopsis thaliana plants are 2 largely nocturnal isopod crustaceans generally considered as detritivores: Porcellio scaber and Armadillidium vulgare. Parallel laboratory experiments identified the isopods as being capable of predation on intact plants. Isopod feeding was strongly facilitated in jasmonate-deficient Arabidopsis and rice plants. The feeding activity of isopods revealed potentially detritivore-sensitive, jasmonate-protected Achilles' heels in these architecturally different plants (petioles and inflorescence stems in Arabidopsis, and lower stem and mesocotyl in rice). The work addresses the question of what stops 2 detritivores from attacking living plants and provides evidence that it is, in part, the jasmonate signal pathway. Furthermore, senescent leaves from an Arabidopsis jasmonate mutant were consumed more rapidly than senescent wild-type leaves, suggesting that past activity of the jasmonate signal pathway in leaves may slow carbon recycling through detritivory.