998 resultados para Glucuronic Acid
The brown algae Padina gymnospora contain different fucans. Powdered algae were submitted to proteolysis with the proteolytic enzyme maxataze. The first extract of the algae was constituted of polysaccharides contaminated with lipids, phenols, etc. Fractionation of the fucans with increasing concentrations of acetone produced fractions with different proportions of fucose, xylose, uronic acid, galactose, and sulfate. One of the fractions, precipitated with 50% acetone (v/v), contained an 18-kDa heterofucan (PF1), which was further purified by gel-permeation chromatography on Sephadex G-75 using 0.2 M acetic acid as eluent and characterized by agarose gel electrophoresis in 0.05 M 1,3 diaminopropane/acetate buffer at pH 9.0, methylation and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Structural analysis indicates that this fucan has a central core consisting mainly of 3-ß-D-glucuronic acid 1-> or 4-ß-D-glucuronic acid 1 ->, substituted at C-2 with alpha-L-fucose or ß-D-xylose. Sulfate groups were only detected at C-3 of 4-alpha-L-fucose 1-> units. The anticoagulant activity of the PF1 (only 2.5-fold lesser than low molecular weight heparin) estimated by activated partial thromboplastin time was completely abolished upon desulfation by solvolysis in dimethyl sulfoxide, indicating that 3-O-sulfation at C-3 of 4-alpha-L-fucose 1-> units is responsible for the anticoagulant activity of the polymer.
The occurrence of bioactive compounds in marine organisms comes awaking the interest of the pharmaceutical industry. Heparin, a sulfated polysaccharide which presence was already identified in several marine invertebrates, is very attractive due its remarkable functional versatility. Besides to intervene in blood coagulation, this molecule has a great anti-inflammatory potential. However, its strong anticoagulant activity difficult the clinical exploitation of its anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, the aims of this work were to evaluate the effect of a heparin-like compound (heparinoid), isolated from the cephalotorax of the Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, on the inflammatory response, hemostasia and synthesis of antithrombotic heparan sulfate by endothelial cells, besides studying some aspects concerning its structure. The purified heparinoid was structurally characterized following an analytical boarding, involving electrophoresis and chromatography. The structural analysis have shown that this compound possess a high content of glucuronic acid residues and disulfated disaccharide units. In contrast to mammalian heparin, the heparinoid was incapable to stimulate the synthesis of heparan sulfate by endothelial cells in the tested concentrations, beyond to show reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect. In a model of acute inflammation, the compound isolated from the shrimp reduced more than 50% of the cellular infiltration. Besides reduce the activity of MMP-9 and proMMP-2 of the peritoneal lavage of inflamed animals, the heparinoid also reduced the activity of MMP-9 secreted by activated human leukocytes. These results demonstrate the potential of heparinoid from L. vannamei to intervene in the inflammatory response. For possessing reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect, this compound can serve as a structural model to direct the development of more specific therapeutical agents to the treatment of inflammatory diseases
The corn cob is an agricultural by-product still little used, this in part due to the low knowledge of the biotechnological potential of their molecules. Xylan from corn cobs (XSM) is a polysaccharide present in greater quantity in the structure of plant and its biotechnology potential is little known. This study aimed to the extraction, chemical characterization and evaluation of biological activities of xylan from corn cobs. To this end, corncobs were cleaned, cut, dried and crushed, resulting in flour. This was subjected to a methodology that combines the use of alkaline conditions with waves of ultrasound. After methanol precipitation, centrifugation and drying was obtained a yield of 40% (g/g flour). Chemical analysis indicated a high percentage of polysaccharides in the sample (60%) and low contamination by protein (0.4%) and phenolic compounds (> 0.01%). Analysis of monosaccharide composition indicated the presence of xylose:glucose:arabinose:galactose:mannose:glucuronic acid in a molar ratio 50:20:15:10:2.5:2.5. The presence of xylan in the sample was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (¹H and ¹³C) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). Tests were conducted to evaluate the antioxidant potential of XSM. This showed a total antioxidant capacity of 48.45 EAA/g sample. However, did not show scavenging activity of superoxide and hydroxyl radical and also reducing power. But, showing a high capacity chelating iron ions with 70% with about 2 mg/mL. The ability to XSM to influence cell proliferation in culture was also evaluated. This polymer did not influence the proliferation of normal fibroblast cells (3T3), however, decreased the rate of proliferation of tumor cells (HeLa) in a dose-dependent, reaching an inhibition of about 50% with a concentration around 2 mg/mL. Analyzing proteins related to cell death, by immunoblotting, XSM increases the amount of Bax, Bcl-2 decrease, increase cytochrome c and AIF, and reduce pro-caspase-3, indicating the induction of cell death induced apoptosis dependent and independent of caspase. XSM did not show anticoagulant activity in the PT test. However, the test of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), XSM increased clotting time at about 5 times with 600 μg of sample compared with the negative control. The presence of sulfate on the XSM was discarded by agarose gel electrophoresis and IR. After carboxyl-reduction of XSM the anticoagulant activity decreased dramatically. The data of this study demonstrate that XSM has potential as antioxidant, antiproliferative and anticoagulant compound. Future studies to characterize these activities of XSM will help to increase knowledge about this molecule extracted from corn and allow their use in functional foods, pharmaceuticals and chemical industries.
In the present study, extracts rich-sulfated polysaccharides were obtained from three different species of Dictyotales (a class of brown macroalgae): Canistrocarpus cervicornis, Dictyota mertensii and Dictyopteris delicatula and their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities were evaluated. All extracts showed anticoagulant activity on aPTT assay, but not on PT assay. Extracts also exhibited total antioxidant activity, superoxide radical scavenging capacity and ferric chelating property. The extract from C. cervicornis showed the best results and was choose to have their sulfated polysaccharides fractioned and subsequently analysed. Thus, six fractions (CC-0.3, CC-0.5, CC-0.7, CC-1.0, CC-1.2 and CC-2.0) were obtained by proteolysis followed by sequential acetone precipitation. Agarose gel eletrophoresis stained with blue toluidine, confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides in all fractions. Chemical analyses showed that all fractions presented heterofucans mainly constitued by fucose, galactose, glucuronic acid and sulfate. Any fraction changed the PT. However, all fractions were able to double the aPTT on a dose-dependent manner. CC- 0.3, CC-0.5, CC-0.7 and CC-1.0 needed only 0.100 mg/mL to double the aPTT, result only 1.25 times higher than the Clexane® (0.080 mg/mL), a commercial low molecular heparin. The heterofucans presented appreciable total antioxidant capacity, low capacity on scavenging hydroxyl radical and good efficiency on scavenging superoxide radicals (except CC-1.0). CC-1.2 showed 43.1 % on superoxide radical scavenging. This result was higher than that showed by the same concentration of gallic acid (41.8 %), a known antioxidant. Furthermore, the heterofucans showed excelent activity on ferrous chelating activity (except CC-0.3). CC-0.5, CC-0.7 and CC-1.0 showed the highest activities with 47.0 % of ferrous chelating activity, a result 2.0 times lesser than that exhibited by the same concentration of EDTA. These results clearly indicated the beneficial effects of heterofucans extracted from C. cervicornis as potential anticoagulant and antioxidant agents. However additional steps of purification, structural studies, besides in vivo experiments are needed for these fucans may be used as therapeutic agents
The use of medicinal plants to cure and treat various diseases is a common practice in the world and in Brazil. In several regions of the Brazil´s Northeast, the cactus Cereus jamacaru, known as mandacaru, is used popularly as a treatment to many diseases, including those related to heart respiratory diseases, gastric ulcers, scurvy, and kidney diseases. However, there is a scarcity in the scientific literature that proves scientifically the popular application of this cactus. Like other plants, Cereus jamacaru synthesizes several potentially bioactive molecules, like as polysaccharides. In this work, three polysaccharides-rich aqueous extracts, MCA80, MPM and MCP60, were obtained from this plant and analyzed chemically, as well as their cytotoxic and antioxidant potential. The data showed that all extracts consist mainly of polysaccharides (89.42 to 95.76%), but also protein (> 2%) and phenolic (3 to 8.87%) contaminants were detected. All extracts are rich in galactose, glucose and mannose. In addition, glucuronic acid was found in MCA80 and MCP60. The extracts showed total antioxidant capacity ranged from 55.21 to 68.13 of ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE). Besides, they exhibited reducer power and cupric chelation in a dose-dependent manner. None of the extracts inhibited the MTT reduction in the presence of prostate tumor cells (PC-3). However, MCP60 was the most effective extract by preventing the reduction of MTT by about 80% in the presence of cells 786. Nuclear fragmentation tests showed that this extract induces cell death. The data indicated that mandacaru synthesizes bioactive polysaccharides with potential as antioxidant and antitumor agents. For future studies, it is intended to purify and characterize these polysaccharides and its antioxidant and antitumor mechanisms
Sulfated polysaccharides comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a range of several biological activities, including antiviral activity, anticoagulant, antiproliferative, antiherpética, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. These anionic polymers are widely distributed in tissues of vertebrates, invertebrates and algae. Seaweeds are the most abundant sources of sulfated polysaccharides in nature. The green algal sulfated polysaccharides are homo or heteropolysaccharides comprised of galactose, glucose, arabinose and/or glucuronic acid. They are described as anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-angiogenic, antitumor compounds. However, there are few studies about elucidation and evaluation of biological/pharmacological effects of sulfated polysaccharides obtained from green algae, for example, there is only one paper reporting the antinociceptive activity of sulfated polysaccharides of these algae. Therefore this study aimed to obtain sulfated polysaccharides of green seaweed Codium isthmocladum and evaluates them as potential antinociceptive agents. Thus, in this study, the total extract of polysaccharides of green alga C. isthmocladum was obtained by proteolytic digestion, followed by fractionation resulting in five fractions (F0.3, F0.5, F0.7, F0.9 and F1.2) by sequential precipitation with acetone. Using the test of abdominal contractions we observed that the fraction F0.9 was the most potent antinociceptive aompound. F0.9 consists mainly of a sulfated heterogalactana. More specific tests showed that Fo.9 effect is dose and time dependent, reaching a maximum at 90 after administration (10 mg / kg of animal). F0.9 is associated with TRPV1 and TRPA1 receptors and inhibits painful sensation in animals. Furthermore, F0.9 inhibits the migration of lymphocytes induced peritonitis test. On the other hand, stimulates the release of NO and TNF-α. These results suggest that F0.9 has the potential to be used as a source of sulfated galactan antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory
Two b-N-acetylhexosaminidases (F11 e F15) were purified from Echinometra lucunter gonads extracts. The purified enzymes were obtained using ammonium sulfate fractionation, followed by gel filtration chromatographies (Sephacryl S-200, Sephadex G-75 and Sephacryl S-200). The F11 fraction was purified 192.47 -fold with a 28.5% yield, and F15 fraction 85.41 -fold with a 32.3% yield. The molecular weights of the fractions were 116 kDa for F11 and 42 kDa for F15 using SDS-PAGE. In Sephacryl S-200, F15 was 84 kDa, indicating that it is a dimeric protein. When p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glycosaminide was used as substrate, we determined an apparent Km of 0.257 mM and Vmax of 0.704 for F11 and for F15 the Km was 0.235 mM and Vmax of 0.9 mM of product liberated by hour. Both enzymes have optimum pH and temperature respectively at 5.0 and 45 °C. The enzymes showed inhibition by silver nitrate, while the glucuronic acid was a potent activator. The high inhibition of F15 by N-etylmaleimide indicates that sulphydril groups are involved in the catalysis of synthetic substrate
Fucan is a term used to denominate a family of sulfated L-fucose-rich polysaccharides. The brown alga Spatoglossum schröederi (Dictyotaceae) has three heterofucans namely fucan A, B and C. The 21 kDa fucan A is composed of a core of β (1-3) glucuronic acid-containing oligosaccharide of 4.5 kDa with branches at C4 of fucose chains α (1-3) linked. The fucose is mostly substituted at C4 with a sulfate group and at C2 with chains of β (1-4) xylose. This fucan has neither anticoagulant (from from 0.1 to 100µg) nor hemorrhagic activities (from 50 to 800 µg/mL). The antithrombotic test in vivo showed the fucan A has no activity in any of the concentrations (from 0.2 to 20µg/g/day) tested 1h after polysaccharide administration. However, when fucan A was injected endovenously 24h before the ligature of the venae cavae, we observed a dose-dependent effect, reaching saturation at around 20g/g of rat weight. In addition, this effect is also time-dependent, reaching saturation around 16h after fucan administration. In addition, regardless of administration pathway, fucan A displayed antithrombotic action. The exception was the oral pathway. Of particular importance was the finding that fucan A stimulates the synthesis of an antithrombotic heparan sulfate from endothelial cells like heparin. The hypothesis has been raised that in vivo antithrombotic activity of fucan A is related to the increased production this heparan. Taken together with the fact that the compound is practically devoid of anticoagulant and hemorrhagic activity suggests that it may be an ideal antithrombotic agent in vivo
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Orange juice is a rich source of flavonoids, mainly the flavanones hesperidin and narirutin, associated with health benefits in humans. The objective of this study was to analyze the uptake of flavonoids in humans after the consumption of two types of orange juice, fresh squeezed (fresh juice, FJ) and commercially extracted and pasteurized (processed juice, PJ). Preliminary measurements showed that the main flavanones in PJ were approximately three-fold higher than in FJ. This study involved healthy volunteers including 12 men and 12 women, aged 27 ± 6, with a BMI of 24 ± 3 kg/m2. Volunteers drank 11.5 mL/kg body weight of fresh orange juice, and after an interval of 30 days they drank the same quantity of pasteurized orange juice. Urine was collected from each volunteer during 24 hours following juice consumption. Urine metabolites were recovered by solid phase extraction, and measured by HPLC–ESI–MS. Analyses of the urine samples showed high concentrations of glucuronic acid and sulfate conjugates of hesperetin and naringenin. The data indicate that the concentrations of the flavanone metabolites following consumption of PJ were approximately three times higher than for FJ, thus matching the relative doses of these compounds in the juices provided to the volunteers.
CE-ESI multistage IT-MS (CE-MS(n), n < or = 4) and computer simulation of fragmentation are demonstrated to be effective tools to detect and identify phase I and phase II metabolites of hydromorphone (HMOR) in human urine. Using the same CE conditions as previously developed for the analysis of urinary oxycodone and its metabolites, HMOR and its phase I metabolites produced by N-demethylation, 6-keto-reduction and N-oxidation and phase II conjugates of HMOR and its metabolites formed with glucuronic acid, glucose, and sulfuric acid could be detected in urine samples of a patient that were collected during a pharmacotherapy episode with daily ingestion of 48 mg of HMOR chloride. The CE-MS(n) data obtained with the HMOR standard, synthesized hydromorphol and hydromorphone-N-oxide, and CYP3A4 in vitro produced norhydromorphone were employed to identify the metabolites. This approach led to the identification of previously unknown HMOR metabolites, including HMOR-3O-glucide and various N-oxides, structures for which no standard compounds or mass spectra library data were available. Furthermore, the separation of alpha- and beta-hydromorphol, the stereoisomers of 6-keto-reduced HMOR, was achieved by CE in the presence of the single isomer heptakis(2,3-diacetyl-6-sulfato)-beta-CD. The obtained data indicate that the urinary excretion of alpha-hydromorphol is larger than that of beta-hydromorphol.
Lorazepam (LOR) is a 3-hydroxy-1,4-benzodiazepine that is chiral and undergoes enantiomerization at room temperature. In humans, about 75% of the administered dose of LOR is excreted in the urine as its 30-glucuronide. CE-MS with negative ESI was used to confirm the presence of LOR-30-glucuronide in urines that stemmed from a healthy individual who ingested 1 or 2 mg LOR, whereas free LOR could be detected in extracts prepared from enzymatically hydrolyzed urines. As the 30-glucuronidation reaction occurs at the chiral center of the molecule, two diastereoisomers can theoretically be formed, molecules that can no longer interconvert. The stereoselective formation of LOR glucuronides in humans and in vitro was investigated. MEKC analysis of extracts of the nonhydrolyzed urines suggested the presence of the two different LOR glucuronides in the urine. The formation of the same two diastereoisomers was also observed in vitro employing incubations of LOR with human liver microsomes in the presence of uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronic acid as coenzyme. The absence of other coenzymes excluded the formation of phase I or other phase II metabolites of LOR. Both results revealed a stereoselectivity, one diastereoisomer being formed in a higher amount than the other. After enzymatic hydrolysis using beta-glucuronidase, these peaks could not be detected any more. Instead, LOR was monitored. Analysis of the extracts prepared from enzymatically hydrolyzed urines by MEKC in the presence of 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-CD revealed the enantiomerization process of LOR (observation of two peaks of equal magnitude connected with a plateau zone). The data presented provide for the first time the evidence of the stereoselectivity of the LOR glucuronidation in humans.
Herbivory requires animals to manage intake of toxic phytochemicals. Detoxification and excretion of these chemicals prevents toxicity, but is energetically expensive. I investigated the relationship between investment in detoxification and nutritional condition for moose on Isle Royale National Park (Alces alces) during winter, using urinary indices from urine samples collected in snow. The ratio of urinary urea nitrogen:creatinine is an indicator of nutritional condition, and the ratio of glucuronic acid:creatinine is an indicator of investment in detoxification. Nutritional condition declined with greater investment in detoxification. An alternative means of managing defensive chemical intake is to diversify the diet. Microhistological analysis of fecal pellets determined diet composition. Diet diversity was weakly associated with improved nutritional condition. However, the strongest predictors of nutritional condition were winter severity and proportion of balsam fir in the diet (a dominant food for moose in this ecosystem).