985 resultados para Gingival Hyperplasia
Existe uma grande quantidade de fármacos que provocam reacções adversas na mucosa oral. Os efeitos que causam são variados, nomeadamente angioedema, língua pilosa nigra, bruxismo, síndrome da boca ardente, candidose, queilite, xerostomia, eritema multiforme, hiperplasia gengival, glossite, halitose, hiperpigmentação das mucosas, hipersalivação, reações liquenóides, lupóides, penfigóides e tipo pênfigo, osteonecrose, tumefação das glandulas salivares, alterações do paladar, ulcerações, mucosite e lesões potencialmente malignas, entre outras. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se criar uma base de dados que facilite a pesquisa dos diferentes efeitos adversos e relação com a terapêutica prescrita ao paciente, de modo a auxiliar a vida ao Médico Dentista no contexto da prestação de serviços aos seus Utentes.
Background: The aim of this study is to make a longitudinal evaluation of the incidence and severity of gingival overgrowth (GO) induced by immunosuppressive agents, such as tacrolimus (Tcr) and cyclosporin A (CsA), in the absence of calcium channel blockers in patients undergoing renal transplantation (RT). Methods: This longitudinal study is conducted in 49 patients with RT who were divided into a CsA group (n = 25) and Tcr group (n = 24). The individuals were assessed at four time intervals: before transplant and 30, 90, and 180 days after RTs. Demographic data and periodontal clinical parameters (plaque index, cemento-enamel junction to the gingival margin, probing depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing [BOP], and GO) were collected at all time intervals. Results: The mean GO index was significantly lower in the Tcr group compared to the CsA group after 30 (P = 0.03), 90 (P = 0.004), and 180 (P = 0.01) days of immunosuppressive therapy. One hundred eighty days after RTs, a clinically significant GO was observed in 20.0% of individuals in the CsA group and 8.3% of individuals in the Tcr group. However, this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.41). There was a reduction in periodontal clinical parameters regarding the time of immunosuppressive therapy for PI and BOP (P<0.001) in both groups. Conclusion: Although there was no statistical difference in the incidences of clinically significant GO after 180 days of immunosuppressive therapy, it was observed that GO occurred later in the Tcr group, and the severity of GO in this group was lower than in patients who used CsA. J Periodontol 2011;82:251-258.
Background: Cyclosporin A and nifedipine cause gingival overgrowth in rat, and the combined use of these drugs increases the overgrowth severity. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare gingival overgrowth of rats of differents ages treated with cyclosporin A and nifedipine alone or given concurrently. Materials and methods: Rats 15, 30, 60 and 90 d old were treated with 10 mg/kg body weight of cyclosporin A and/or 50 mg/kg body weight of nifedipine in the chow. Results: Young rats showed evident gingival overgrowth with nifedipine, cyclosporin A, and cyclosporin A and nifedipine given concurrently. Adult rats did not show significant gingival alterations when treated with cyclosporin A and nifedipine alone. Nevertheless evident gingival overgrowth with alterations of the epithelium and connective tissue were observed when treated simultaneously with cyclosporin A and nifedipine. Conclusion: These results suggest that the combined effects of cyclosporin A and nifedipine on gingival overgrowth in rat is not age dependent.
Background. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) pharmacological treatment may promote a decrease in prostate vascularization and bladder neck relaxation with theoretical improvement in prostate biopsy morbidity, though never explored in the literature. Methods. Among 242 consecutive unselected patients who underwent prostate biopsy, after excluding those with history of prostate biopsy/surgery or using medications not for BPH, we studied 190 patients. On the 15th day after procedure patients were questioned about symptoms lasting over a week and classified according to pharmacological BPH treatment. Results. Thirty-three patients (17%) were using alpha-blocker exclusively, five (3%) 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor exclusively, twelve (6%) patients used both medications, and 140 (74%) patients used none. There was no difference in regard to age among groups (P = 0.5). Postbiopsy adverse effects occurred as follows: hematuria 96 (50%), hematospermia 53 (28%), hematochezia 22 (12%), urethrorrhagia 19 (10%), fever 5 (3%), and pain 20 (10%). There was a significant negative correlation between postbiopsy hematuria and BPH pharmacological treatment with stronger correlation for combined use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor and alpha-blocker over 6 months (P = 0.0027). Conclusion. BPH pharmacological treatment, mainly combined for at least 6 months seems to protect against prostate biopsy adverse effects. Future studies are necessary to confirm our novel results.
In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of exenatide (EXE) treatment on exocrine pancreas of nonhuman primates. To this end, 52 baboons (Papio hamadryas) underwent partial pancreatectomy, followed by continuous infusion of EXE or saline (SAL) for 14 weeks. Histological analysis, immunohistochemistry, Computer Assisted Stereology Toolbox morphometry, and immunofluorescence staining were performed at baseline and after treatment. The EXE treatment did not induce pancreatitis, parenchymal or periductal inflammatory cell accumulation, ductal hyperplasia, or dysplastic lesions/pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia. At study end, Ki-67-positive (proliferating) acinar cell number did not change, compared with baseline, in either group. Ki-67-positive ductal cells increased after EXE treatment (P = 0.04). However, the change in Ki-67-positive ductal cell number did not differ significantly between the EXE and SAL groups (P = 0.13). M-30-positive (apoptotic) acinar and ductal cell number did not change after SAL or EXE treatment. No changes in ductal density and volume were observed after EXE or SAL. Interestingly, by triple-immunofluorescence staining, we detected c-kit (a marker of cell transdifferentiation) positive ductal cells co-expressing insulin in ducts only in the EXE group at study end, suggesting that EXE may promote the differentiation of ductal cells toward a β-cell phenotype. In conclusion, 14 weeks of EXE treatment did not exert any negative effect on exocrine pancreas, by inducing either pancreatic inflammation or hyperplasia/dysplasia in nonhuman primates.
Type II 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5-Δ4-isomerase (3β-HSD2), encoded by the HSD3B2 gene, is a key enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of all the classes of steroid hormones. Deleterious mutations in the HSD3B2 gene cause the classical deficiency of 3β-HSD2, which is a rare autosomal recessive disease that leads to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). CAH is the most frequent cause of ambiguous genitalia and adrenal insufficiency in newborn infants with variable degrees of salt losing. Here we report the molecular and structural analysis of the HSD3B2 gene in a 46,XY child, who was born from consanguineous parents, and presented with ambiguous genitalia and salt losing. The patient carries a homozygous nucleotide c.665C>A change in exon 4 that putatively substitutes the proline at codon 222 for glutamine. Molecular homology modeling of normal and mutant 3β-HSD2 enzymes emphasizes codon 222 as an important residue for the folding pattern of the enzyme and validates a suitable model for analysis of new mutations.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate insulin resistance and lipid profile in women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) caused by classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD), and their association with body mass index (BMI) and corticosteroid dosage. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We assessed BMI, waist circumference, current glucocorticoid dosage, glucose, insulin and lipid profile in eighteen young women (mean ± SD, 19.3 ± 3.0 years) with 21OHD CAH. RESULTS: BMI was normal in 12 patients, 5 of them were overweight, and 1 was obese. Waist circumference was high in 7 patients. Fasting insulin and HOMA-IR were elevated in seven and eight patients, respectively. Total cholesterol and triglycerides were high in only two patients, and HDL-cholesterol was low in four. Insulin resistance was not associated with BMI, waist circumference or glucocorticoid dose. CONCLUSIONS: Young women with 21OHD CAH had infrequent dyslipidemia, but had a higher prevalence of insulin resistance and central obesity, that were independent of BMI or corticosteroid dosage.
The acellular dermal matrix (ADM) was introduced in periodontology as a substitute for the autogenous grafts, which became restricted because of the limited source of donor's tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate, in vitro, the distribution, proliferation and viability of human gingival fibroblasts seeded onto ADM. ADM was seeded with human gingival fibroblasts for up to 21 days. The following parameters were evaluated: cell distribution, proliferation and viability. Results revealed that, at day 7, fibroblasts were adherent and spread on ADM surface, and were unevenly distributed, forming a discontinuous single cell layer; at day 14, a confluent fibroblastic monolayer lining ADM surface was noticed. At day 21, the cell monolayer exhibited a reduction in cell density. At 7 days, about to 90% of adherent cells on ADM surface were cycling while at 14 and 21 days this proportion was significantly reduced. A high proportion of viable cell was detected on AMD surface both on 14 and 21 days. The results suggest that fibroblast seeding onto ADM for 14 days can allow good conditions for cell adhesion and spreading on the matrix; however, migration inside the matrix was limited.
Background: Obesity is a public health problem and it is necessary to identify if non-symptomatic obese women must be submitted to endometrial evaluation. Aims: To determine the prevalence of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer in non-symptomatic overweight or obese women. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 193 women submitted to an endometrial biopsy using a Pipelle de Cornier. The findings were classified as normal, hyperplasia or cancer, and the results were compared to body mass index (BMI; kg/m2). For the purpose of statistical analysis, women were divided into two groups: women of reproductive age and postmenopausal women, and according to BMI as overweight or obese. Results: The prevalence of endometrial cancer and hyperplasia was 1.0% and 5.8% in women of reproductive age and 3.0% and 12.1% in postmenopausal women, respectively. According to logistic regression, being in the postmenopause increased the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer to 1.19 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.36-3.90), while being postmenopausal and severely obese increased the odds ratio (OR) to 1.58 (95%CI: 0.30-8.23) and being postmenopausal and morbidly obese increased the OR to 2.72 (95%CI: 0.65-11.5). No increase in risk was found in women of reproductive age who were either overweight or obese. Discussion: Our results show that non-symptomatic, severe or morbidly obese postmenopausal women have a high risk of developing endometrial hyperplasia or cancer; however, no such risk was found for women of reproductive age.
Objective: The biochemical alterations between inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia (IFH) and normal tissues of buccal mucosa were probed by using the FT-Raman spectroscopy technique. The aim was to find the minimal set of Raman bands that would furnish the best discrimination. Background: Raman-based optical biopsy is a widely recognized potential technique for noninvasive real-time diagnosis. However, few studies had been devoted to the discrimination of very common subtle or early pathologic states as inflammatory processes that are always present on, for example, cancer lesion borders. Methods: Seventy spectra of IFH from 14 patients were compared with 30 spectra of normal tissues from six patients. The statistical analysis was performed with principal components analysis and soft independent modeling class analogy cross-validated, leave-one-out methods. Results: Bands close to 574, 1,100, 1,250 to 1,350, and 1,500 cm(-1) (mainly amino acids and collagen bands) showed the main intragroup variations that are due to the acanthosis process in the IFH epithelium. The 1,200 (C-C aromatic/DNA), 1,350 (CH(2) bending/collagen 1), and 1,730 cm(-1) (collagen III) regions presented the main intergroup variations. This finding was interpreted as originating in an extracellular matrix-degeneration process occurring in the inflammatory tissues. The statistical analysis results indicated that the best discrimination capability (sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 100%) was found by using the 530-580 cm(-1) spectral region. Conclusions: The existence of this narrow spectral window enabling normal and inflammatory diagnosis also had useful implications for an in vivo dispersive Raman setup for clinical applications.
Objectives: This study evaluates the action of a low-intensity diode laser with gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs) active medium on the healing process and analgesia in individuals undergoing free gingival grafts. Material and Method: Ten individuals needing bilateral gingival graft in the mandibular arch were enrolled in a double-blind study. Each individual had a 30-d interval between the two surgeries. The side receiving application of laser was defined as test side and was established upon surgery; laser application was simulated on the control side. The laser was applied in the immediate postoperative period and after 48 h, and patients rated pain on a scale of 0 to 10, representing minimal and maximal pain, respectively. Photographs were obtained at 7, 15, 30, and 60d postoperatively and evaluated by five periodontists. Results: No statistically significant difference was found at any postoperative period between control and test sides, even though greater clinical improvement associated with treatment was observed at 15d postoperative. At 30 and 60d, some examiners observed the same or greater clinical improvement for the control. Only one individual reported mild to moderate pain on the first postoperative day. Conclusions: Low-intensity laser therapy did not improve the healing of gingival grafts and did not influence analgesia.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory cell subset proportions in the upper gingival connective tissue, including mature dendritic cells (DC) in elderly and younger patients with generalized chronic periodontitis in order to further understand the effect of aging on gingival inflammatory phenomenon. Methods: Gingival tissue specimens presenting chronic periodontitis from 8 elderly patients aged >75 (test group, group T) and from 8 younger patients aged 50-60 (considered as controls, group C) were analysed by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies against CD45RB, CD4, CD8, CD19, CD68, DC-SIGN, DC-LAMP molecules. The number of each immunolabelled cells subset was counted using image analysis. Results: The difference in the number of CD45RB + leucocytes in the upper gingival connective tissue between groups was not significant permitting to use it as reference. As compared. to group C, the lymphocyte subsets/CD45RB + leucocytes ratios tended to decrease in group T but the decrease was significant only for CD4 + T lymphocytes/ CD45RB + cells ratio (p < 0.03). On the opposite, the ratios of antigen-presenting cells DC-SIGN + cells/CD45RB + cells and DC-LAMP + cells/CD45RB + cells were significantly increased;(p < 0.03 and <0.0001, respectively) in group T. Moreover, in group T the DC-LAMP + cells/DC-SIGN + cells ratio was significantly increased (p < 0.05) showing an increased number of matured dendritic cells. Conclusion: During chronic periodontitis in elderly patients, our results show a decrease in the ratio of gingival CD4 + lymphocyte subset associated with an increase in the ratios of antigen-presenting cells subsets and more particularly maturated DC-LAMP + dendritic cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) typically occurs in the sixth and seventh decades, and the most frequent obstructive urinary symptoms are hesitancy, decreased urinary stream, sensation of incomplete emptying, nocturia, frequency, and urgency. Various medications, specifically 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors and selective alpha-blockers, can decrease the severity of the symptoms secondary to BPH, but prostatectomy is still considered to be the traditional method of management. We report the preliminary results for two patients with acute urinary retention due to BPH, successfully treated by prostate artery embolization (PAE). The patients were investigated using the International Prostate Symptom Score, by digital rectal examination, urodynamic testing, prostate biopsy, transrectal ultrasound (US), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Uroflowmetry and postvoid residual urine volume complemented the investigation at 30, 90, and 180 days after PAE. The procedure was performed under local anesthesia; embolization of the prostate arteries was performed with a microcatheter and 300- to 500-mu m microspheres using complete stasis as the end point. One patient was subjected to bilateral PAE and the other to unilateral PAE; they urinated spontaneously after removal of the urethral catheter, 15 and 10 days after the procedure, respectively. At 6-month follow-up, US and MRI revealed a prostate reduction of 39.7% and 47.8%, respectively, for the bilateral PAE and 25.5 and 27.8%, respectively, for the patient submitted to unilateral PAE. The early results, at 6-month follow-up, for the two patients with BPH show a promising potential alternative for treatment with PAE.
Neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is useful in diagnosing salt wasting form (SW). However, there are difficulties in interpreting positive results in asymptomatic newborns. The main objective is to analyze genotyping as a confirmatory test in children with neonatal positive results. Patients comprised 23 CAH children and 19 asymptomatic infants with persistently elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) levels. CYP21A2 gene was sequenced and genotypes were grouped according to the enzymatic activity of the less severe allele: A1 null, A2 < 2%, B 3-7%, C > 20%. Twenty-one children with neonatal symptoms and/or 17OHP levels > 80 ng/ml carried A genotypes, except two virilized girls (17OHP < 50 ng/ml) without CAH genotypes. Patients carrying SW genotypes (A1, A2) and low serum sodium levels presented with neonatal 17OHP > 200 ng/ml. Three asymptomatic boys carried simple virilizing genotypes (A2 and B): in two, the symptoms began at 18 months; another two asymptomatic boys had nonclassical genotypes (C). The remaining 14 patients did not present CAH genotypes, and their 17OHP levels were normalized by 14 months of age. Molecular analysis is useful as a confirmatory test of CAH, mainly in boys. It can predict clinical course, identify false-positives and help distinguish between clinical forms of CAH.
The incidence of 21-hydroxylase deficiency (CYP21 D) congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) in Brazil is purportedly one of the highest in the world (1:7,533). However, this information is not based on official data. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of CYP21 D CAH in the state of Goias, Brazil, based on the 2005 results of government-funded mandatory screening. Of the live births during this period, 92.95% were screened by heel-prick capillary 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP). Of these, 82,343 were normal, 28 were at high risk for CAH and 232 at low risk for CAH. Eight cases, all from the high risk group, were confirmed. Eight asymptomatic children at 6-18 months of age still have high 17-OHP levels and await diagnostic definition. Based on the number of confirmed CYP21 D CAH cases among the 82,603 screened, the estimated annual incidence of the disease was 1:10,325, lower than the previously reported rate in Brazil.