188 resultados para Giardia duodenalis


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One of the major questions concerning Giardia is the understanding of pathophysiological processes associated with small intestine abnormalities. There are evidences that Giardia trophozoites contain and/or release proteolytic enzymes that may be implicated in the host intestinal epithelium. The present investigation was undertaken to examine the protease activity in excretory/secretory (E/S) products of Giardia duodenalis trophozoites of an axenic Brazilian strain (BTU-11) and the reference strain Portland 1 (P1). E/S products from trophozoites of each strain in conditioned medium were tested with sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) for the protein profiles, and the protease activity was analyzed using substrate-impregnated SDS-PAGE (gelatin and collagen) and hemoglobin assay. The proteases characterization was based on inhibition assays including synthetic inhibitors. Electrophoresis analysis of E/S products revealed a banding pattern composed by few bands (4 to 6 bands) in the migration region of 123 to 28 kDa. Proteolytic products were detected in the conditioned medium by trophozoites of both assayed strains. In the gels containing copolymerized gelatin and collagen, E/S products promoted substrate degradation and the most evident proteolysis zones were distributed in the migration regions of 77 to 18 kDa and 145 to 18 kDa, respectively, in the patterns of gelatinolytic and collagenolytic activities. Degradation of hemoglobin was also observed, and the pattern of hydrolysis was similar in both E/S products assayed. Inhibitor assays showed that the main proteolytic activity in both E/S products is due to cysteine proteases, although the presence of serine proteases was also indicated. Degradation of substrates including collagen and hemoglobin could lead us to speculate different functions of Giardia excreted/secreted proteases in vivo, but to confirm this possibility and to elucidate its implication on host-parasite interactions, further experiments applying protocols for the purification of proteases are necessary. Even so, our observations are relevant and hold the perspective for the understanding about protease activity in Giardia trophozoites of axenic strain isolated in an endemic area.


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There are evidences that Giardia trophozoites contain and/or release proteolytic enzymes that may be implicated in pathogenesis of giardiasis. This report describes a preliminary characterization of the proteolytic activity in excretory/secretory (E/S) products of Giardia duodenalis trophozoites of an axenic Brazilian strain (BTU-11) and the reference strain Portland 1 (P1). The protease activity of E/S products in conditioned medium by trophozoites of each strain was analyzed using substrate (gelatin and collagen) impregnated SDS-PAGE and hemoglobin assay. The protease characterization was based on inhibition assays including synthetic inhibitors. Proteolytic products were detected in the conditioned medium by trophozoites of both assayed strains. In the gels containing copolymerized gelatin and collagen, E/S products promoted degradation of the substrates and the most evident proteolysis zones were distributed in the migration regions of 77 to 18 kDa and 145 to 18 kDa, respectively, in the patterns of gelatinolytic and collagenolytic activities. Degradation of hemoglobin was also observed, and the pattern of hydrolysis was similar in both E/S products assayed. Inhibition assays showed that the main proteolytic activity in both E/S products is due to cysteine proteases although the presence of serine proteases was also indicated, mainly in the hydrolysis of hemoglobin.


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Rod-like bacteria were found in the cytoplasm of trophozoites of Giardia duodenalis (Say) in domestic rats (Rattus rattus). These structures were always in phagocytic vacuoles without signs of bacteria digestion or degradation of the trophozoite cytoplasm. The uptake of the bacteria was observed from their attachment to the trophozoite membrane until their total incorporation by phagocytosis.


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Giardia duodenalis isolates from asymptomatic or symptomatic patients and from animals present similarities and differences in the protein composition, antigenic profile, pattern of proteases and isoenzymes, as well as in nucleic acids analysis. In the present overview, these differences and similarities are reviewed with emphasis in the host-parasite interplay and possible mechanisms of virulence of the protozoon.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A pesquisa de infecções por Giardia e a caracterização genotípica deste protozoário foi realizada em primatas não humanos (PNH) mantidos em Zoológico a fim de avaliar o seu potencial zoonótico. As amostras dos animais consistiram de fezes colhidas do piso de 22 baias onde eram mantidos 47 primatas de 18 diferentes espécies. Exames coproparasitológicos foram realizados pelos métodos de concentração por sedimentação e centrífugo-flutuação e revelaram a presença dos seguintes parasitas e suas respectivas frequências: Giardia (18%); Entamoeba spp. (18%); Endolimax nana (4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); oxiurídeos (4.5%) e estrongilídeos (4.5%). O DNA extraído de todas as amostras fecais foi submetido à técnica de PCR para a amplificação dos genes gdh e tpi de Giardia, porém, só foram obtidos amplicons das quatro amostras positivas provenientes de Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. O seqüenciamento dos fragmentos amplificados foi possível apenas para as amostras oriundas de Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca (BA2) e Alouatta caraya (BA3), cuja análise fenética de ambos os genes revelou pertencerem ao genótipo A. As análises das sequências de tpi revelaram que todas as amostras pertencem ao subgenótipo AII. No que se refere ao gene gdh as análises revelaram uma amostra pertencente ao subgenótipo AII (BA3) e duas ao subgenótipo A1 (BA1 e BA2). Considerando o potencial zoonótico do genótipo A e o fato de que os animais não apresentavam sintomas de infecção, os dados do presente trabalho salientam a importância de se realizar, periodicamente, exames coproparasitológicos dos animais de zoológico, para implementação de medidas preventivas para resguardar a saúde dos animais em cativeiro, a de seus tratadores e dos visitantes de parques zoológicos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As investigações conduzidas para avaliar novas substâncias para o tratamento da giardíase justificam-se pelo fato dos medicamentos convencionais apresentarem inconvenientes relacionados à toxicidade, à resistência e aos custos. Diante disso, a busca por novas alternativas terapêuticas tem despertado grande interesse, principalmente, entre os extratos de plantas, produtos complexos com diferentes atividades biológicas e farmacológicas. Considerando que nas infecções por Giardia, a diarréia é um dos principais sintomas, tem sido crescente o interesse em se investigar o efeito de extratos de plantas com atividade antidiarréica. Com isso, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar in vitro o efeito do extrato hidroalcoólico da casca da planta Astronium fraxinifolium, espécie típica do Cerrado brasileiro e empregada na medicina popular no tratamento contra inflamações, diarréias e úlceras gástricas. Para este fim, avaliou-se a atividade sobre o crescimento e aderência de trofozoítos de cepa autóctone de Giardia duodenalis isolada e axenizada em Botucatu, São Paulo. Em todos os ensaios, 105 trofozoítos da cepa BTU-11 foram inoculados em tubos contendo 4,5ml de meio TYI-S-33 e 100μl do extrato nas concentrações de 125; 250; 375 e 500 μg/ml. Para avaliar a atividade sobre o crescimento, os parasitas foram incubados com o extrato durante 24, 48 e 72 horas a 37°C. Nos experimentos que verificaram o efeito sobre a aderência, somente os parasitas aderidos às paredes dos tubos foram incubados com o extrato, durante 24 e 48 horas a 37°C. Em cada ensaio, os trofozoítos recuperados foram contados em câmara de Neubauer e a atividade sobre... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence, associated risk factors and genotype of Giardia duodenalis infection in children attending public daycare centers in the city of Araguari, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Fecal samples were collected from 245 children aged 0-5 years, and questionnaires were asked about sociodemographic and hygiene-related characteristics. At the daycare centers where children tested positive, fecal samples were collected from the staff handling food, and from family members and domestic animals. Positive samples were analyzed at the dehydrogenase glutamate (gdh) locus to determine the genotype. The prevalence of G. duodenalis was 51.8%, and drinking unfiltered and unboiled water (OR 2.12, CI 1.26-3.69, p<0.001) and washing hands only with water (OR 2.14, Cl 1.19-4.04, p<0.001) were related risk factors. No association was found between test-positive children anti their family members, domestic animals and food handlers. An analysis of the sequences of 30 samples revealed that they all belonged to genotype B. (C) 2012 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Giardia duodenalis is considered the most common protozoan infecting humans worldwide. Molecular characterization of G. duodenalis isolates has revealed the existence of eight groups (assemblages A to H) which differ in their host distribution. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 639 children from La Habana between January and December 2013. Two assemblage-specific PCRs were carried out for the molecular characterization. The overall prevalence of Giardia infection was 11.9%. DNA from 63 of 76 (82.9%) samples was successfully amplified by PCR-tpi, while 58 from 76 (76.3%) were detected by PCRE1-HF. Similar results by both PCRs were obtained in 54 from 76 samples (71%). According to these analyses, assemblage B and mixed assemblages A + B account for most of the Giardia infections in the cohort of children tested. Our current study identified assemblage B as predominant genotype in children infected with Giardia. Univariate analysis indicated that omission of washing hands before eating and keeping dogs at home were significant risk factors for a Giardia infection. In the future, novel molecular tools for a better discrimination of assemblages at the subassemblages level are needed to verify possible correlations between Giardia genotypes and symptomatology of giardiasis.