37 resultados para Geosynthetic


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This paper presents the results of laboratory model loading tests and numerical studies carried out on square footings supported on geosynthetic reinforced sand beds. The relative performance of different forms of geosynthetic reinforcement (i.e. geocell, planar layers and randomly distributed mesh elements) in foundation beds is compared; using same quantity of reinforcement in each test. A biaxial geogrid and a geonet are used for reinforcing the sand beds. Geonet is used in two forms of reinforcement, viz. Planar layers and geocell, while the biaxial geogrid was used in three forms of reinforcement, viz. planar layers, geocell and randomly distributed mesh elements. Laboratory load tests on unreinforced and reinforced footings are simulated in a numerical model and the results are analyzed to understand the distribution of displacements and stresses below the footing better. Both the experimental and numerical studies demonstrated that the geocell is the most advantageous form of soil reinforcement technique of those investigated, provided there is no rupture of the material during loading. Geogrid used in the form of randomly distributed mesh elements is found to be inferior to the other two forms. Some significant observations on the difference in reinforcement mechanism for different forms of reinforcement are presented in this paper.


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This paper presents results of triaxial compression tests on sand reinforced with different types of geosynthetics in different layer configurations to study the effect of quantity of reinforcement and tensile strength of the geosynthetic material on the mechanical behavior of geosynthetic-reinforced sand. The reinforcement types used are woven geotextile, geogrid, and polyester film. The layer configurations used are two, three, four, and eight horizontal reinforcing layers in a triaxial test sample. From the triaxial tests, it is found that the geosynthetic reinforcement imparts cohesive strength to otherwise cohesionless sand. The effect of reinforcement on the friction angle was found to be insignificant. The magnitude of imparted apparent cohesion is found to depend not only on the tensile strength of the geosynthetic material but also the surface roughness changes during loading. Special triaxial tests using rice flour as the reinforced medium, microscopic images, and surface roughness studies revealed the effect of indent formation on the surface of polyester film, which was the reason for the unusually high strength exhibited by the sand reinforced with polyester film.


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The study focuses on probabilistic assessment of the internal seismic stability of reinforced soil structures (RSS) subjected to earthquake loading in the framework of the pseudo-dynamic method. In the literature, the pseudo-static approach has been used to compute reliability indices against the tension and pullout failure modes, and the real dynamic nature of earthquake accelerations cannot be considered. The work presented in this paper makes use of the horizontal and vertical sinusoidal accelerations, amplification of vibrations, shear wave and primary wave velocities and time period. This approach is applied to quantify the influence of the backfill properties, geosynthetic reinforcement and characteristics of earthquake ground motions on reliability indices in relation to the tension and pullout failure modes. Seismic reliability indices at different levels of geosynthetic layers are determined for different magnitudes of seismic acceleration, soil amplification, shear wave and primary wave velocities. The results are compared with the pseudo-static method, and the significance of the present methodology for designing reinforced soil structures is discussed.


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Geotextiles and geogrids have been in use for several decades in variety of geo-structure applications including foundation of embankments, retaining walls, pavements. Geocells is one such variant in geosynthetic reinforcement of recent years, which provides a three dimensional confinement to the infill material. Although extensive research has been carried on geocell reinforced sand, clay and layered soil subgrades, limited research has been reported on the aggregates/ballast reinforced with geocells. This paper presents the behavior of a railway sleeper subjected to monotonic loading on geocell reinforced aggregates, of size ranging from 20 to 75 mm, overlying soft clay subgrades. Series of tests were conducted in a steel test tank of dimensions 700 mm x 300 mm x 700 mm. In addition to the laboratory model tests, numerical simulations were performed using a finite difference code to predict the behavior of geocell reinforced ballast. The results from numerical simulations were compared with the experimental data. The numerical and experimental results manifested the importance that the geocell reinforcement has a significant effect on the ballast behaviour. The results depicted that the stiffness of underlying soft clay subgrade has a significant influence on the behavior of the geocell-aggregate composite material in redistributing the loading system.


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In this paper, an approach for target component and system reliability-based design optimisation (RBDO) to evaluate safety for the internal seismic stability of geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) structures is presented. Three modes of failure are considered: tension failure of the bottom-most layer of reinforcement, pullout failure of the topmost layer of reinforcement, and total pullout failure of all reinforcement layers. The analysis is performed by treating backfill properties, geometric and strength properties of reinforcement as random variables. The optimum number of reinforcement layers and optimum pullout length needed to maintain stability against tension failure, pullout failure and total pullout failure for different coefficients of variation of friction angle of the backfill, design strength of the reinforcement and horizontal seismic acceleration coefficients by targeting various system reliability indices are proposed. The results provide guidelines for the total length of reinforcement required, considering the variability of backfill as well as seismic coefficients. One illustrative example is presented to explain the evaluation of reliability for internal stability of reinforced soil structures using the proposed approach. In the second illustration (the stability of five walls), the Kushiro wall subjected to the Kushiro-Oki earthquake, the Seiken wall subjected to the Chiba-ken Toho-Oki earthquake, the Ta Kung wall subjected to the Ji-Ji earthquake, and the Gould and Valencia walls subjected to Northridge earthquake are re-examined.


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Results from interface shear tests on sand-geosynthetic interfaces are examined in light of surface roughness of the interacting geosynthetic material. Three different types of interface shear tests carried out in the frame of direct shear-test setup are compared to understand the effect of parameters like box fixity and symmetry on the interface shear characteristics. Formation of shear bands close to the interface is visualized in the tests and the bands are analyzed using image-segmentation techniques in MATLAB. A woven geotextile with moderate roughness and a geomembrane with minimal roughness are used in the tests. The effect of surface roughness of the geosynthetic material on the formation of shear bands, movement of sand particles, and interface shear parameters are studied and compared through visual observations, image analyses, and image-segmentation techniques.


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This paper focuses on understanding the seismic response of geosynthetic reinforced retaining walls through shaking table tests on models of modular block and rigid faced reinforced retaining walls. Reduced-scale models of retaining walls reinforced with geogrid layers were constructed in a laminar box mounted on a uniaxial shaking table and subjected to various levels of sinusoidal base shaking. Models were instrumented with ultrasonic displacement sensors, earth pressure sensors and accelerometers. Effects of backfill density, number of reinforcement layers and reinforcement type on the performance of rigid faced and modular block walls were studied through different series of model tests. Performances of the walls were assessed in terms of face deformations, crest settlement and acceleration amplification at different elevations and compared. Modular block walls performed better than the rigid faced walls for the same level of base shaking because of the additional support derived by stacking the blocks with an offset. Type and quantity of reinforcement has significant effect on the seismic performance of both the types of walls. Displacements are more sensitive to relative density of the backfill and decrease with increasing relative density, the effect being more pronounced in case of unreinforced walls compared to the reinforced ones. Acceleration amplifications are not affected by the wall facing and inclusion of reinforcement. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Trabalho de Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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The increasing tempo of construction activity the world over creates heavy pressure on existing land space. The quest for new and competent site often points to the needs for improving existing sites, which are otherwise deemed unsuitable for adopting conventional foundations. This is accomplished by ground improvement methods, which are employed to improve the quality of soil incompetent in their natural state. Among the construction activities, a well-connected road network is one of the basic infrastructure requirements, which play a vital role for the fast and comfortable movement of inter- regional traffic in countries like India.One of the innovative ground improvement techniques practised all over the world is the use of geosynthetics, which include geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, etc . They offer the advantages such as space saving, enviromnental sensitivity, material availability, technical superiority, higher cost savings, less construction time, etc . Because of its fundamental properties, such as tensile strength, filtering and water permeability, a geotextile inserted between the base material and sub grade can function as reinforcement, a filter medium, a separation layer and as a drainage medium. Though polymeric geotextiles are used in abundant quantities, the use of natural geotextiles (like coir, jute, etc.) has yet to get momentum. This is primarily due to the lack of research work on natural geotextilcs for ground improvement, particularly in the areas of un paved roads. Coir geotextiles are best suited for low cost applications because of its availability at low prices compared to its synthetic counterparts. The proper utilisation of coir geotextilcs in various applications demands large quantities of the product, which in turn can create a boom in the coir industry. The present study aims at exploring the possibilities of utilising coir geotextiles for unpaved roads and embankments.The properties of coir geotextiles used have been evaluated. The properties studied include mass per unit area, puncture resistance, tensile strength, secant modulus, etc . The interfacial friction between soils and three types of coir geotextiles used was also evaluated. It was found that though the parameters evaluated for coir geotextiles have low values compared to polymeric geotextiles, the former are sufficient for use in unpaved roads and embankments. The frictional characteristics of coir geotextile - soil interfaces are extremely good and satisfy the condition set by the International Geosynthetic Society for varied applications.The performance of coir geotextiles reinforced subgrade was studied by conducting California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests. Studies were made with coir geotextiles placed at different levels and also in multiple layers. The results have shown that the coir geotextile enhances the subgrade strength. A regression analysis was perfonned and a mathematical model was developed to predict the CBR of the coir geotextile reinforced subgrade soil as a function of the soil properties, coir geotextile properties, and placement depth of reinforcement.The effects of coir geotextiles on bearing capacity were studied by perfonning plate load tests in a test tan1e This helped to understand the functioning of geotextile as reinforcement in unpaved roads and embankments. The perfonnance of different types of coir geotextiles with respect to the placement depth in dry and saturated conditions was studied. The results revealed that the bearing capacity of coir-reinforced soil is increasing irrespective of the type of coir geotextiles and saturation condition.The rut behaviour of unreinforced and coir reinforced unpaved road sections were compared by conducting model static load tests in a test tank and also under repetitive loads in a wheel track test facility. The results showed that coir geotextiles could fulfill the functions as reinforcement and as a separator, both under static and repetitive loads. The rut depth was very much reduced whik placing coir geotextiles in between sub grade and sub base.In order to study the use of Coir geotextiles in improving the settlement characteristics, two types of prefabricated COlf geotextile vertical drains were developed and their time - settlement behaviour were studied. Three different dispositions were tried. It was found that the coir geotextile drains were very effective in reducing consolidation time due to radial drainage. The circular drains in triangular disposition gave maximum beneficial effect.In long run, the degradation of coir geotextile is expected, which results in a soil - fibre matrix. Hence, studies pertaining to strength and compressibility characteristics of soil - coir fibre composites were conducted. Experiments were done using coir fibres having different aspect ratios and in different proportions. The results revealed that the strength of the soil was increased by 150% to 200% when mixed with 2% of fibre having approximately 12mm length, at all compaction conditions. Also, the coefficient of consolidation increased and compression index decreased with the addition of coir fibre.Typical design charts were prepared for the design of coir geotextile reinforced unpaved roads. Some illustrative examples are also given. The results demonstrated that a considerable saving in subase / base thickness can he achieved with the use of eoir geotextiles, which in turn, would save large quantities of natural aggregates.


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O controle sobre os processos erosivos é uma necessidade constatada em vários segmentos da engenharia. A movimentação de terra necessária para a execução de taludes rodoviários, por exemplo, pode resultar em taludes de corte ou aterro vulneráveis à erosão superficial. Dentre as alternativas tecnológicas para controle de erosão a utilização de geossintéticos se apresenta como uma solução potencial. A referida aplicação encontra-se em amplo desenvolvimento em alguns países como, por exemplo, nos EUA. No Brasil, a especificação de geossintéticos para controle de erosão é limitada pela ausência de caracterização desses produtos e de normas nacionais, sendo a única fonte técnica de informação, os catálogos dos fabricantes. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é construir um equipamento e desenvolver métodos de ensaio para caracterização e avaliação de geossintéticos utilizados no controle de erosão superficial, com base na ASTM D7101. Além de um simulador de chuvas, o equipamento é composto por uma bancada de testes formada por: rampa de escoamento, mesa de suporte e núcleos de solo. Utilizando a bancada construída, foram realizados ensaios para avaliar o funcionamento do equipamento e o desempenho de uma geomanta na redução da taxa de erosão superficial. Os ensaios foram realizados com intensidades de precipitação de 100 ± 4mm/h e 150 ± 4mm/h, durante 30 minutos, com intervalo de leitura de 5 minutos. Os resultados obtidos nos ensaios sem a presença da geomanta mostraram uma perda de solo acentuada durante as chuvas simuladas, com uma iv tendência de crescimento linear da perda de solo acumulada em função do tempo de ensaio. Nos ensaios realizados com a presença da geomanta observou-se a ação de proteção do geossintético com uma redução da ordem de 90% da perda de solo acumulada para todas as intensidades de chuvas utilizadas


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The break of polymer chemical bonds may occur due to penetration of sun short wavelengths. In sanitary landfills for instance, ultraviolet radiation affects uncovered materials and can be dangerous during the installation of the liner and before the placement of the waste. Only the ultraviolet part of the light is harmful to the geosynthetic materials, moreover, each material is sensitive to a particular wavelength. This article evaluates the effects of UV degradation and condensation in black HDPE (1.0 and 1.5 mm) and white HDPE (textured - 1.0 mm) geomembrane that were tested in laboratory during 6 months. The tests were performed using a weatherometer assembled at EESC-USP in accordance to ASTM G154. The results have shown variations in punction and tear resistance after each period of exposure.


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A utilização de materiais poliméricos designados por geossintéticos tem aumentando significativamente nos últimos anos na Engenharia Civil. Para desempenhar adequadamente a função para a qual foram projetados, os geossintéticos devem ser submetidos a um rigoroso processo de controle de qualidade durante a fabricação. Discussões sobre a freqüência e os principais tipos de ensaios de laboratório utilizados nesse processo de controle para dois tipos de geossintéticos, os geotêxteis e as geomembranas, os materiais mais utilizados da famíla dos geossintéticos, são abordados no presente trabalho. As análises efetuadas com base em normas disponíveis no Brasil, nos EUA e na Europa mostram que no cenário nacional não há recomendações normativas sobre o controle de qualidade para a maioria das aplicações de geotêxteis e geomembranas, sendo o assunto pouco discutido na literatura técnica. No cenário internacional, as normas Européias se destacam como o conjunto de práticas mais completo para ensaios de controle de qualidade de fabricação, considerando os diversos tipos de aplicação dos geossintéticos na Engenharia Civil.


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The designs of filters made by granular material or textile are mainly based on empirical or semi empirical retention criteria according to Terzaghi proposal, which compares particle diameter of the soil base with the filter porous spaces. Silveira in 1965, proposed one rational design retention criteria based on the probability of a particle from the soil base, carried by one dimensional flow, be restrained by the porous of the filter while trying to pass through its thickness. This new innovating theory, besides of being very simple, it is not frequently used for granular filters since the necessary parameters for the design has to be determine for each natural material. However, for textile this problem no longer exists because it has quality control during manufacturing and the necessary characteristics properties of the product are specify in the product catalog. This work presents one adaptation of the Silveira theory for textile filters and the step-by-step procedure for the determination of the characteristics properties of the textile products necessary for the design. This new procedure permits the determination of the confiability level of retention that one specific particle diameter form the soil base has for one specified textile. One complete example is presented to demonstrate the simplicity of the method proposed and how the textile characteristics are obtained.


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A major aspect in geosynthetics creep analysis is the load level applied to the specimen, usually referred as a percentage of the geosynthetic ultimate tensile strength (UTS). Since both tensile and creep standard tests are performed with in-isolation specimens, they may not reproduce the possibly significant effect of soil-geosynthetic interaction. A new creep testing machine was recently developed and successfully addressed this concern. However, further developments allowed tensile tests to be performed in the same conditions used in nonconventional creep ones. This paper presents the results of nonconventional tensile tests performed with a woven biaxial polyester geogrid. They were used to define its UTS in the same conditions employed in creep tests performed with the new equipment. Despite changes in tensile curves shapes were found, the UTS from confined, accelerated and confined-accelerated tensile tests were quite similar to those obtained with standard tensile test procedure.


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This report analyses the use of geosynthetics in railways for subgrade reinforcement and separation of the track layers. Cases of instrumented test sections were studied. These test sections were located in Australia (with geocomposite applications), Brazil (with geotextile and geodrid applications) and China (with geotextile and geodrid applications). Railway design methods using geosynthetics applications were analyzed as well. Based on a studied case for implementation of geosynthetics in a German railway, a railway track was simulated with and without the use of geosynthetics, respectively on PLAXIS v.8 and FERROVIA 3.0 softwares. The performance benefits of the geosynthetics applications in railways were, therefore, confirmed, based on the simulation results