882 resultados para Geographic Information Systems (GIS) vi
A population based ecological study was conducted to identify areas with a high number of TB and HIV new diagnoses in Harris County, Texas from 2009 through 2010 by applying Geographic Information Systems to determine whether distinguished spatial patterns exist at the census tract level through the use of exploratory mapping. As of 2010, Texas has the fourth highest occurrence of new diagnoses of HIV/AIDS and TB.[31] The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has identified HIV infected persons as a high risk population for TB in Harris County.[29] In order to explore this relationship further, GIS was utilized to identify spatial trends. ^ The specific aims were to map TB and HIV new diagnoses rates and spatially identify hotspots and high value clusters at the census tract level. The potential association between HIV and TB was analyzed using spatial autocorrelation and linear regression analysis. The spatial statistics used were ArcGIS 9.3 Hotspot Analysis and Cluster and Outlier Analysis. Spatial autocorrelation was determined through Global Moran's I and linear regression analysis. ^ Hotspots and clusters of TB and HIV are located within the same spatial areas of Harris County. The areas with high value clusters and hotspots for each infection are located within the central downtown area of the city of Houston. There is an additional hotspot area of TB located directly north of I-10 and a hotspot area of HIV northeast of Interstate 610. ^ The Moran's I Index of 0.17 (Z score = 3.6 standard deviations, p-value = 0.01) suggests that TB is statistically clustered with a less than 1% chance that this pattern is due to random chance. However, there were a high number of features with no neighbors which may invalidate the statistical properties of the test. Linear regression analysis indicated that HIV new diagnoses rates (β=−0.006, SE=0.147, p=0.970) and census tracts (β=0.000, SE=0.000, p=0.866) were not significant predictors of TB new diagnoses rates. ^ Mapping products indicate that census tracts with overlapping hotspots and high value clusters of TB and HIV should be a targeted focus for prevention efforts, most particularly within central Harris County. While the statistical association was not confirmed, evidence suggests that there is a relationship between HIV and TB within this two year period.^
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Includes bibliography
This study assessed and compared sociodemographic and income characteristics along with food and physical activity assets (i.e. grocery stores, fast food restaurants, and park areas) in the Texas Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (CORD) Study intervention and comparison catchment areas in Houston and Austin, Texas. The Texas CORD Study used a quasi-experimental study design, so it is necessary to establish the interval validity of the study characteristics by confirming that the intervention and comparison catchment areas are statistically comparable. In this ecological study, ArcGIS and Esri Business Analyst were used to spatially relate U.S. Census Bureau and other business listing data to the specific school attendance zones within the catchment areas. T-tests were used to compare percentages of sociodemographic and income characteristics and densities of food and physical activity assets between the intervention and comparison catchment areas.^ Only five variables were found to have significant differences between the intervention and comparison catchment areas: Age groups 0-4 and 35-64, the percentage of owner-occupied and renter-occupied households, and the percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander residents. All other variables showed no significant differences between the two groups. This study shows that the methodology used to select intervention and comparison catchment areas for the Texas CORD Study was effective and can be used in future studies. The results of this study can be used in future Texas CORD studies to confirm the comparability of the intervention and comparison catchment areas. In addition, this study demonstrates a methodology for describing detailed characteristics about a geographic area that practitioners, researchers, and educators can use.^
Geographic Information Systems are developed to handle enormous volumes of data and are equipped with numerous functionalities intended to capture, store, edit, organise, process and analyse or represent the geographically referenced information. On the other hand, industrial simulators for driver training are real-time applications that require a virtual environment, either geospecific, geogeneric or a combination of the two, over which the simulation programs will be run. In the final instance, this environment constitutes a geographic location with its specific characteristics of geometry, appearance, functionality, topography, etc. The set of elements that enables the virtual simulation environment to be created and in which the simulator user can move, is usually called the Visual Database (VDB). The main idea behind the work being developed approaches a topic that is of major interest in the field of industrial training simulators, which is the problem of analysing, structuring and describing the virtual environments to be used in large driving simulators. This paper sets out a methodology that uses the capabilities and benefits of Geographic Information Systems for organising, optimising and managing the visual Database of the simulator and for generally enhancing the quality and performance of the simulator.
This article has been extracted from the results of a thesis entitled “Potential bioelectricity production of the Madrid Community Agricultural Regions based on rye and triticale biomass.” The aim was, first, to quantify the potential of rye (Secale Cereale L.) and triticale ( Triticosecale Aestivum L.) biomass in each of the Madrid Community agricultural regions, and second, to locate the most suitable areas for the installation of power plants using biomass. At least 17,339.9 t d.m. of rye and triticale would be required to satisfy the biomass needs of a 2.2 MW power plant, (considering an efficiency of 21.5%, 8,000 expected operating hours/year and a biomass LCP of 4,060 kcal/kg for both crops), and 2,577 ha would be used (which represent 2.79% of the Madrid Community fallow dry land surface). Biomass yields that could be achieved in Madrid Community using 50% of the fallow dry land surface (46,150 ha representing 5.75% of the Community area), based on rye and triticale crops, are estimated at 84,855, 74,906, 70,109, 50,791, 13,481, and 943 t annually for the Campiña, Vegas, Sur Occidental, Área Metropolitana, Lozoya-Somosierra, and Guadarrama regions. The latter represents a bioelectricity potential of 10.77, 9.5, 8.9, 6.44, 1.71, and 0.12 MW, respectively.
Texas Department of Transportation, Austin
"January 1989"--Cover.
Land-surface processes include a broad class of models that operate at a landscape scale. Current modelling approaches tend to be specialised towards one type of process, yet it is the interaction of processes that is increasing seen as important to obtain a more integrated approach to land management. This paper presents a technique and a tool that may be applied generically to landscape processes. The technique tracks moving interfaces across landscapes for processes such as water flow, biochemical diffusion, and plant dispersal. Its theoretical development applies a Lagrangian approach to motion over a Eulerian grid space by tracking quantities across a landscape as an evolving front. An algorithm for this technique, called level set method, is implemented in a geographical information system (GIS). It fits with a field data model in GIS and is implemented as operators in map algebra. The paper describes an implementation of the level set methods in a map algebra programming language, called MapScript, and gives example program scripts for applications in ecology and hydrology.
Annual average daily traffic (AADT) is important information for many transportation planning, design, operation, and maintenance activities, as well as for the allocation of highway funds. Many studies have attempted AADT estimation using factor approach, regression analysis, time series, and artificial neural networks. However, these methods are unable to account for spatially variable influence of independent variables on the dependent variable even though it is well known that to many transportation problems, including AADT estimation, spatial context is important. ^ In this study, applications of geographically weighted regression (GWR) methods to estimating AADT were investigated. The GWR based methods considered the influence of correlations among the variables over space and the spatially non-stationarity of the variables. A GWR model allows different relationships between the dependent and independent variables to exist at different points in space. In other words, model parameters vary from location to location and the locally linear regression parameters at a point are affected more by observations near that point than observations further away. ^ The study area was Broward County, Florida. Broward County lies on the Atlantic coast between Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties. In this study, a total of 67 variables were considered as potential AADT predictors, and six variables (lanes, speed, regional accessibility, direct access, density of roadway length, and density of seasonal household) were selected to develop the models. ^ To investigate the predictive powers of various AADT predictors over the space, the statistics including local r-square, local parameter estimates, and local errors were examined and mapped. The local variations in relationships among parameters were investigated, measured, and mapped to assess the usefulness of GWR methods. ^ The results indicated that the GWR models were able to better explain the variation in the data and to predict AADT with smaller errors than the ordinary linear regression models for the same dataset. Additionally, GWR was able to model the spatial non-stationarity in the data, i.e., the spatially varying relationship between AADT and predictors, which cannot be modeled in ordinary linear regression. ^
This research analyzed the spatial relationship between a mega-scale fracture network and the occurrence of vegetation in an arid region. High-resolution aerial photographs of Arches National Park, Utah were used for digital image processing. Four sets of large-scale joints were digitized from the rectified color photograph in order to characterize the geospatial properties of the fracture network with the aid of a Geographic Information System. An unsupervised landcover classification was carried out to identify the spatial distribution of vegetation on the fractured outcrop. Results of this study confirm that the WNW-ESE alignment of vegetation is dominantly controlled by the spatial distribution of the systematic joint set, which in turn parallels the regional fold axis. This research provides insight into the spatial heterogeneity inherent to fracture networks, as well as the effects of jointing on the distribution of surface vegetation in desert environments.
A nuclear waste stream is the complete flow of waste material from origin to treatment facility to final disposal. The objective of this study was to design and develop a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) module using Google Application Programming Interface (API) for better visualization of nuclear waste streams that will identify and display various nuclear waste stream parameters. A proper display of parameters would enable managers at Department of Energy waste sites to visualize information for proper planning of waste transport. The study also developed an algorithm using quadratic Bézier curve to make the map more understandable and usable. Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 were used for the implementation of the project. The study has shown that the combination of several technologies can successfully provide dynamic mapping functionality. Future work should explore various Google Maps API functionalities to further enhance the visualization of nuclear waste streams.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica.