984 resultados para Generalized Resolvent Operator


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In this paper a generalization of collectively compact operator theory in Banach spaces is developed. A feature of the new theory is that the operators involved are no longer required to be compact in the norm topology. Instead it is required that the image of a bounded set under the operator family is sequentially compact in a weaker topology. As an application, the theory developed is used to establish solvability results for a class of systems of second kind integral equations on unbounded domains, this class including in particular systems of Wiener-Hopf integral equations with L1 convolutions kernels


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D60, 33D90, 26A33


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MSC 2010: 30C45, 30A20, 34A40


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We generalized the Enskog theory originally developed for the hard-sphere fluid to fluids with continuous potentials, such as the Lennard–Jones. We derived the expression for the k and ω dependent transport coefficient matrix which enables us to calculate the transport coefficients for arbitrary length and time scales. Our results reduce to the conventional Chapman–Enskog expression in the low density limit and to the conventional k dependent Enskog theory in the hard-sphere limit. As examples, the self-diffusion of a single atom, the vibrational energy relaxation, and the activated barrier crossing dynamics problem are discussed.


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In this article, we study the exact controllability of an abstract model described by the controlled generalized Hammerstein type integral equation $$ x(t) = int_0^t h(t,s)u(s)ds+ int_0^t k(t,s,x)f(s,x(s))ds, quad 0 leq t leq T less than infty, $$ where, the state $x(t)$ lies in a Hilbert space $H$ and control $u(t)$ lies another Hilbert space $V$ for each time $t in I=[0,T]$, $T$ greater than 0. We establish the controllability result under suitable assumptions on $h, k$ and $f$ using the monotone operator theory.


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The Onsager model for the secondary flow field in a high-speed rotating cylinder is extended to incorporate the difference in mass of the two species in a binary gas mixture. The base flow is an isothermal solid-body rotation in which there is a balance between the radial pressure gradient and the centrifugal force density for each species. Explicit expressions for the radial variation of the pressure, mass/mole fractions, and from these the radial variation of the viscosity, thermal conductivity and diffusion coefficient, are derived, and these are used in the computation of the secondary flow. For the secondary flow, the mass, momentum and energy equations in axisymmetric coordinates are expanded in an asymptotic series in a parameter epsilon = (Delta m/m(av)), where Delta m is the difference in the molecular masses of the two species, and the average molecular mass m(av) is defined as m(av) = (rho(w1)m(1) + rho(w2)m(2))/rho(w), where rho(w1) and rho(w2) are the mass densities of the two species at the wall, and rho(w) = rho(w1) + rho(w2). The equation for the master potential and the boundary conditions are derived correct to O(epsilon(2)). The leading-order equation for the master potential contains a self-adjoint sixth-order operator in the radial direction, which is different from the generalized Onsager model (Pradhan & Kumaran, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 686, 2011, pp. 109-159), since the species mass difference is included in the computation of the density, viscosity and thermal conductivity in the base state. This is solved, subject to boundary conditions, to obtain the leading approximation for the secondary flow, followed by a solution of the diffusion equation for the leading correction to the species mole fractions. The O(epsilon) and O(epsilon(2)) equations contain inhomogeneous terms that depend on the lower-order solutions, and these are solved in a hierarchical manner to obtain the O(epsilon) and O(epsilon(2)) corrections to the master potential. A similar hierarchical procedure is used for the Carrier-Maslen model for the end-cap secondary flow. The results of the Onsager hierarchy, up to O(epsilon(2)), are compared with the results of direct simulation Monte Carlo simulations for a binary hard-sphere gas mixture for secondary flow due to a wall temperature gradient, inflow/outflow of gas along the axis, as well as mass and momentum sources in the flow. There is excellent agreement between the solutions for the secondary flow correct to O(epsilon(2)) and the simulations, to within 15 %, even at a Reynolds number as low as 100, and length/diameter ratio as low as 2, for a low stratification parameter A of 0.707, and when the secondary flow velocity is as high as 0.2 times the maximum base flow velocity, and the ratio 2 Delta m/(m(1) + m(2)) is as high as 0.5. Here, the Reynolds number Re = rho(w)Omega R-2/mu, the stratification parameter A = root m Omega R-2(2)/(2k(B)T), R and Omega are the cylinder radius and angular velocity, m is the molecular mass, rho(w) is the wall density, mu is the viscosity and T is the temperature. The leading-order solutions do capture the qualitative trends, but are not in quantitative agreement.


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In this paper the authors prove that the generalized positive p selfadjoint (GPpS) operators in Banach space satisfy the generalized Schwarz inequality, solve the maximal dissipative extension representation of p dissipative operators in Banach space by using the inequality and introducing the generalized indefinite inner product (GIIP) space, and apply the result to a certain type of Schrodinger operator.


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In this paper, we mainly deal with cigenvalue problems of non-self-adjoint operator. To begin with, the generalized Rayleigh variational principle, the idea of which was due to Morse and Feshbach, is examined in detail and proved more strictly in mathematics. Then, other three equivalent formulations of it are presented. While applying them to approximate calculation we find the condition under which the above variational method can be identified as the same with Galerkin's one. After that we illustrate the generalized variational principle by considering the hydrodynamic stability of plane Poiseuille flow and Bénard convection. Finally, the Rayleigh quotient method is extended to the cases of non-self-adjoint matrix in order to determine its strong eigenvalne in linear algebra.


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B.M. Brown, M. Marletta, S. Naboko, I. Wood: Boundary triplets and M-functions for non-selfadjoint operators, with applications to elliptic PDEs and block operator matrices, J. London Math. Soc., June 2008; 77: 700-718. The full text of this article will be made available in this repository in June 2009 Sponsorship: EPSRC,INTAS


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We construct a bounded linear operator on a separable, reflexive and strictly convex Banach space whose resolvent norm is constant in a neighbourhood of zero.


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In dieser Doktorarbeit wird eine akkurate Methode zur Bestimmung von Grundzustandseigenschaften stark korrelierter Elektronen im Rahmen von Gittermodellen entwickelt und angewandt. In der Dichtematrix-Funktional-Theorie (LDFT, vom englischen lattice density functional theory) ist die Ein-Teilchen-Dichtematrix γ die fundamentale Variable. Auf der Basis eines verallgemeinerten Hohenberg-Kohn-Theorems ergibt sich die Grundzustandsenergie Egs[γgs] = min° E[γ] durch die Minimierung des Energiefunktionals E[γ] bezüglich aller physikalischer bzw. repräsentativer γ. Das Energiefunktional kann in zwei Beiträge aufgeteilt werden: Das Funktional der kinetischen Energie T[γ], dessen lineare Abhängigkeit von γ genau bekannt ist, und das Funktional der Korrelationsenergie W[γ], dessen Abhängigkeit von γ nicht explizit bekannt ist. Das Auffinden präziser Näherungen für W[γ] stellt die tatsächliche Herausforderung dieser These dar. Einem Teil dieser Arbeit liegen vorausgegangene Studien zu Grunde, in denen eine Näherung des Funktionals W[γ] für das Hubbardmodell, basierend auf Skalierungshypothesen und exakten analytischen Ergebnissen für das Dimer, hergeleitet wird. Jedoch ist dieser Ansatz begrenzt auf spin-unabhängige und homogene Systeme. Um den Anwendungsbereich von LDFT zu erweitern, entwickeln wir drei verschiedene Ansätze zur Herleitung von W[γ], die das Studium von Systemen mit gebrochener Symmetrie ermöglichen. Zuerst wird das bisherige Skalierungsfunktional erweitert auf Systeme mit Ladungstransfer. Eine systematische Untersuchung der Abhängigkeit des Funktionals W[γ] von der Ladungsverteilung ergibt ähnliche Skalierungseigenschaften wie für den homogenen Fall. Daraufhin wird eine Erweiterung auf das Hubbardmodell auf bipartiten Gittern hergeleitet und an sowohl endlichen als auch unendlichen Systemen mit repulsiver und attraktiver Wechselwirkung angewandt. Die hohe Genauigkeit dieses Funktionals wird aufgezeigt. Es erweist sich jedoch als schwierig, diesen Ansatz auf komplexere Systeme zu übertragen, da bei der Berechnung von W[γ] das System als ganzes betrachtet wird. Um dieses Problem zu bewältigen, leiten wir eine weitere Näherung basierend auf lokalen Skalierungseigenschaften her. Dieses Funktional ist lokal bezüglich der Gitterplätze formuliert und ist daher anwendbar auf jede Art von geordneten oder ungeordneten Hamiltonoperatoren mit lokalen Wechselwirkungen. Als Anwendungen untersuchen wir den Metall-Isolator-Übergang sowohl im ionischen Hubbardmodell in einer und zwei Dimensionen als auch in eindimensionalen Hubbardketten mit nächsten und übernächsten Nachbarn. Schließlich entwickeln wir ein numerisches Verfahren zur Berechnung von W[γ], basierend auf exakten Diagonalisierungen eines effektiven Vielteilchen-Hamilton-Operators, welcher einen von einem effektiven Medium umgebenen Cluster beschreibt. Dieser effektive Hamiltonoperator hängt von der Dichtematrix γ ab und erlaubt die Herleitung von Näherungen an W[γ], dessen Qualität sich systematisch mit steigender Clustergröße verbessert. Die Formulierung ist spinabhängig und ermöglicht eine direkte Verallgemeinerung auf korrelierte Systeme mit mehreren Orbitalen, wie zum Beispiel auf den spd-Hamilton-Operator. Darüber hinaus berücksichtigt sie die Effekte kurzreichweitiger Ladungs- und Spinfluktuationen in dem Funktional. Für das Hubbardmodell wird die Genauigkeit der Methode durch Vergleich mit Bethe-Ansatz-Resultaten (1D) und Quanten-Monte-Carlo-Simulationen (2D) veranschaulicht. Zum Abschluss wird ein Ausblick auf relevante zukünftige Entwicklungen dieser Theorie gegeben.


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Vekua operators map harmonic functions defined on domain in \mathbb R2R2 to solutions of elliptic partial differential equations on the same domain and vice versa. In this paper, following the original work of I. Vekua (Ilja Vekua (1907–1977), Soviet-Georgian mathematician), we define Vekua operators in the case of the Helmholtz equation in a completely explicit fashion, in any space dimension N ≥ 2. We prove (i) that they actually transform harmonic functions and Helmholtz solutions into each other; (ii) that they are inverse to each other; and (iii) that they are continuous in any Sobolev norm in star-shaped Lipschitz domains. Finally, we define and compute the generalized harmonic polynomials as the Vekua transforms of harmonic polynomials. These results are instrumental in proving approximation estimates for solutions of the Helmholtz equation in spaces of circular, spherical, and plane waves.


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Extensions of aggregation functions to Atanassov orthopairs (often referred to as intuitionistic fuzzy sets or AIFS) usually involve replacing the standard arithmetic operations with those defined for the membership and non-membership orthopairs. One problem with such constructions is that the usual choice of operations has led to formulas which do not generalize the aggregation of ordinary fuzzy sets (where the membership and non-membership values add to 1). Previous extensions of the weighted arithmetic mean and ordered weighted averaging operator also have the absorbent element 〈1,0〉, which becomes particularly problematic in the case of the Bonferroni mean, whose generalizations are useful for modeling mandatory requirements. As well as considering the consistency and interpretability of the operations used for their construction, we hold that it is also important for aggregation functions over higher order fuzzy sets to exhibit analogous behavior to their standard definitions. After highlighting the main drawbacks of existing Bonferroni means defined for Atanassov orthopairs and interval data, we present two alternative methods for extending the generalized Bonferroni mean. Both lead to functions with properties more consistent with the original Bonferroni mean, and which coincide in the case of ordinary fuzzy values.


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There is a four-parameter family of point interactions in one-dimensional quantum mechanics. They represent all possible self-adjoint extensions of the kinetic energy operator. If time-reversal invariance is imposed, the number of parameters is reduced to three. One of these point interactions is the familiar delta function potential but the other generalized ones do not seem to be widely known. We present a pedestrian approach to this subject and comment on a recent controversy in the literature concerning the so-called delta' interaction. We emphasize that there is little resemblance between the delta' interaction and what its name suggests.


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Via an operator continued fraction scheme, we expand Kramers equation in the high friction limit. Then all distribution moments are expressed in terms of the first momemt (particle density). The latter satisfies a generalized Smoluchowsky equation. As an application, we present the nonequilibrium thermodynamics and hydrodynamical picture for the one-dimensional Brownian motion. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.