990 resultados para Gender Representations


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Esta investigación analiza la representación de los mayores en la publicidad televisiva española desde un enfoque de género. Se examina el contenido de 2065 spots de la franja horaria de máxima audiencia durante una semana en 2008 y de cinco cadenas españolas (TVE 1, La 2, Tele 5, Antena 3 y Cuatro). Los resultados revelan que las mujeres mayores están infrarrepresentadas en comparación con los datos demográficos. Igualmente los personajes femeninos y masculinos se muestran con características asociadas al estereotipo de género. Las conclusiones de este estudio están en consonancia con investigaciones previas de otros países. Entre las implicaciones destacan aquellas que atienden a la aplicación de un modelo más igualitario bajo la consideración de sus posibles efectos en el objetivo de la publicidad.


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Os resultados da pesquisa bibliográfica corroboram o que na prática religiosa já havia notado, a existência de certo sincretismo intencional de apreensão e revisão de conteúdos religiosos, ou seja, de cosmovisões de matriz judaico-cristã impregnadas de valores e modelos de comportamento que marcaram as novas representações de gênero do Espiritismo, ainda na França, e posteriormente, no Brasil. Constatou-se que tanto na literatura espírita quanto no ethos espírita sempre houve uma oscilação entre uma divisão sexual do trabalho mais tradicional e androcêntrica com a supervalorização das mulheres como mães, e dos homens como provedores e como consequência disto ocorre a limitação do desenvolvimento das habilidades e competências de ambos os sexos nas várias instituições sociais (família, mercado de trabalho, etc.), inclusive nas instituições espíritas, de um lado, e; por outro lado, uma pretensa postura de defesa da progressiva liberação (emancipação) dos direitos da mulher. A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar as representações de gênero nas produções lítero-doutrinárias do Espiritismo brasileiro contemporâneo, a partir de um levantamento do contexto histórico que teria influenciado a elaboração das representações de gênero espíritas, desde uma fase anterior à institucionalização do Espiritismo, na França e no Brasil, aos dias de hoje e como tais representações de gênero estruturam a organização interna do Espiritismo, no que tange a divisão sexual do trabalho. Além de pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada análise da literatura doutrinária espírita.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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This paper examines Australian media representations of the male managers of two global mining corporations, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. These organizations are transnational (or multinational) corporations with assets and/or operations across national boundaries (Dunning and Lundan, 2008), and indeed their respective Chief Executive Officers, Tom Albanese and Marius Kloppers are two of the most economically (and arguably politically) powerful in the world overseeing 37 000 and 39 000 employees internationally. With a 2008 profit of US$15.962 billion and assets of US$ 75.889 Billion BHP Billiton is the world's largest mining company. In terms of its profits and assets Rio Tinto ranks fourth in the world, but with operations in six countries (mainly Canada and Australia) and a 2008 profit of US$10.3 billion it is also emblematic of the transnational in that its ‘budget is larger than that of all but a few nations’ (Giddens, 2003, p. 62).


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Pykett, Lyn. 'Women writing woman: representations of gender and sexuality', In: Women and literature in Britain 1800 - 1900 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp.78-98, 2008. RAE2008


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The catalogue essay explores the themes presented within the photographs of two artist's vision of landscape. The artists work that James McArdle analyses and explores are Donna Bailey and Norman Lindsay.


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This discussion of three cases of filicide reported and reviewed extensively by the Australian news media between 2010 and 2014 is concerned with the politics of representation and its links to material violence. Moving through the architecture of the coverage rather than focusing on it this article observes popular, if mostly tacit, assumptions about masculinity and femininity in representing ‘family violence’. It locates coverage patterns to illustrate perceptions of violence against women and children and inaccurate stereotyping of such family violence as the extraordinary consequences of mental illness, which are mostly reproduced by the Australian media. It is suggested that such media representations are part of a downplaying of family violence as a public issue of urgency.


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Ireland has struggled with its ‘feminine’ identity throughout its history. The so-called ‘chasmic dichotomy of male and female' is embedded in colonial and postcolonial constructions of Irishness and it continues to manifest itself in contemporary cultural representations of Ireland and Irishness. This study explores issues of gender and nationality via a reading of a 70-second television advertisement for Caffrey's Irish Ale, titled ‘New York’. The article suggests that, although colonial and postcolonial discourse on Ireland continues to perceive the ‘feminine’ in problematic terms, this is gradually changing as Irish women increasingly, in poet Eavan Boland's words, ‘open a window on those silences, those false pastorals, those ornamental reductions’ that have confined us.


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This paper explores the way men are represented in present-day advertising. Most gender related studies have concentrated in studying women in advertising and claim that men are still represented as the dominant gender and in more active, independent and functional roles than women. This paper asks whether this still holds for advertising in the beginning of 21st century. Many cultural changes may have broken the earlier stereotypes, for example changes in the family life, attitudes toward various sexual identities, concepts of masculinity and femininity, and changes in cultural style.


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As an Aboriginal woman currently reviewing feminist literature in Australia, I have found that representations of Aboriginal women's gender have been generated predominantly by women anthropologists. Australian feminists utilise this literature in their writing and teaching and accept its truths without question; the most often quoted ethnographic text is Diane Bell's Daughters of the Dreaming (1983a).1 Feminists' lack of critical engagement with this literature implies that they are content to accept women anthropologists' representations because Aboriginal women are not central to their constructions of feminism.2 Instead the Aboriginal woman is positioned on the margins, a symbol of difference; a reminder that it is feminists who are the bearers of true womanhood.


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International and national representations of the beach perpetuate normative female concepts by maintaining dominant masculine myths, such as that of the heroic lifesaver and tanned sunbaker. Female experiences on the beach are traditionally associated with rhetorics of danger and peril, contrasted to the welcomed and protective gaze of the beach male. Conventional understandings of the gaze promote male surveillance of women, and although some resistance exists, the beach primarily remains a place to observe the female form. This article attempts to explore currents of resistance at the beach through a self-reflexive examination of Schoolies. Although the event is fixed within patriarchal codes and structures, small eddies of resistance exist amongst female participants in light of increasing awareness of masculine hegemony. The Australian beach remains a contested site of multiple constructs of gender and national identity. This article reveals the changing tides of resistance.