948 resultados para Gender Identities


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Esta dissertação está inserida no campo epistemológico do currículo e tem por objetivo analisar o contexto de produção dos documentos curriculares do Curso de Extensão em Diversidade Sexual e Identidades de Gênero, considerando o currículo como espaço-tempo de fronteira e enunciação que possibilita a criação e recriação dos diferentes sentidos fixados nos seus textos. O trabalho é desenvolvido visando a discussão de três questões-problema: (a) quais sentidos de sexo, gênero, identidade e diferença são propostos nos documentos curriculares em questão? (b) de que modo esses sentidos são afirmados nos documentos que orientam o curso? (c) quais concepções de currículo estão expressas nos documentos e entrevistas em análise? Para isso, apresenta interações teóricas, principalmente, com os estudos de Elizabeth Macedo, Guacira Louro, Judith Butler e Stuart Hall. Além de análise documental, considerando os diferentes documentos curriculares do curso, foram realizadas entrevistas com sujeitos envolvidos na construção desse currículo. Entre outros aspectos, concluiu, contingencialmente, que o documento hibridizou discursos enunciados vinculados à biologilização dos corpos, as reivindicações identitárias dos movimentos sociais e às perspectivas teóricas que discutem o pós-estruturalismo


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Os estudos para a realização da presente dissertação estão contextualizados no campo epistemológico do currículo e pretenderam abordar questões relativas ao gênero, no contexto da prática. Para tanto, foi considerada a perspectiva de Elizabeth Macedo, que entende o currículo como espaço-tempo de fronteira e enunciação de sentidos. A pesquisa buscou destacar que sentidos de sexo, gênero e identidades são atribuídos e se mostram na prática curricular de profissionais que trabalham no segundo segmento do Ensino Fundamental (8 e 9 anos) em uma escola privada de ensino regular localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro, que anuncia um posicionamento não sexista no seu projeto político-pedagógico. A análise se propôs a mostrar caminhos de construção e desconstrução de concepções que tentam fixar identidades de gênero, acreditando na fragilidade dessas fixações, por considerar que as identidades estão em constante processo de fluidez. Para aprofundar a reflexão, além da interlocução com a teórica com o campo do currículo, o trabalho contou com os estudos queer para tratar sobre questões de gênero e processos de identificação, principalmente com Judith Butler e Guacira Lopes Louro. O corpus empírico da pesquisa é constituído por entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com profissionais da escola (professores e gestores). As falas dos entrevistados apontaram para a dificuldade de se trabalhar as questões de gênero, mas, ao mesmo tempo, indicaram movimentos de desnaturalização das identidades de gênero, destacando a heteronormatividade e considerando diferentes maneiras de viver as sexualidades. O estudo pretendeu abrir caminhos para que as diferenças de gênero não sejam limitadas a esquemas binários que pretendem operar a partir de oposições dicotômicas fixas, mas, sim, que se movimentam de acordo com os deslocamentos dos inúmeros processos contingentes de diferenciação, produzindo identificações provisórias.


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Os estudos para a realização desta dissertação estão contextualizados no campo epistemológico do currículo e pretenderam problematizar questões relativas a gênero e sexualidade no contexto da prática curricular, considerando a perspectiva de Elizabeth Macedo, que entende o currículo como espaço-tempo de fronteira e enunciação de sentidos. A pesquisa buscou problematizar os significados sobre sexualidade, gênero e identidades atribuídos às performances das/os alunas/os considerados rompentes da heteronormatividade, que revelam indícios de homofobia no cotidiano do segundo segmento do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola do município do Rio de Janeiro. As análises revelam que as produções discursivas de professoras/es, gestoras/es e alunas/os sobre as/os alunas/os que rompem com aquilo que se instituiu como a normatividade de gênero estão carregadas de significações culturais em disputa, sendo, portanto, instáveis e ambíguas. O silenciamento é considerado também neste texto como um elemento auxiliar de produções homofóbicas. Auxiliaram nestas análises os estudos culturais e a teoria do discurso de Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe. É importante, entretanto, frisar que práticas curriculares que atuam no campo do combate à homofobia na escola também foram observadas. O texto é também influenciado pelos estudos queer, e se propôs a questionar as concepções que tentam fixar identidades sexuais e de gênero. Esse questionamento leva em consideração que as identidades estão em constante processo de fluidez. Essa reflexão foi aprofundada a partir dos estudos de Judith Butler e Guacira Lopes Louro, além de outros representantes da Teoria Queer, em interlocução com o campo do currículo. Este estudo pretendeu demonstrar que as diferenças de gênero e sexualidade não devem ficar limitadas a esquemas binários operados a partir de oposições dicotômicas fixas. Os sentidos produzidos a partir das diferenças devem ser entendidos enquanto movimentos provisórios de identificação. São processos contingentes produzindo identificações provisórias. Entendendo que há uma necessidade ampliar estudos no que concerne às questões de gênero e sexualidade, esta pesquisa aponta para a perspectiva pós-identitária como ação efetiva no combate à homofobia.


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My thesis analyses female figures in Italian crime fiction since 1980, from narratological, sociological and gender-studies perspectives. It considers the narrative structure of the giallo and the noir, taking into account the difficulties, particularly in Italy, of establishing what noir fiction is and if/how it is possible to frame it in a specific narrative scheme. This discourse connects to the extraordinary success of Italian giallo and noir fiction over the past fifteen-twenty years. In this scenario, I examine the place of female writers in relation to this phenomenon, especially since the 1980s: in terms of the level of visibility/acceptance of their work, in a narrative space traditionally considered as a male territory, and with regard to their writings, which introduce different narrative perspectives. Specifically, I consider selected texts by leading female Italian writers, in which female elements (writers/characters) become destabilizing factor both on the narrative level, by undermining the schemes of ‘formulaic’ fiction, and on the political one, through their implicit potential (as women) for disrupting the rigid models inherited from processes of social conditioning and from political structures. In terms of gender identities, such texts offer scope to question conventional social constructions of the subject: by empowering the female narrative voice and by embodying it in characters (investigators/killers) traditionally personified by male figures. These texts offer themselves as a critical space where, potentially, readers can rethink static gendered relationships and stereotypical symbolical categories.


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According to dialogical self theory (Hermans, 2001), individual identities reflect cultural and subcultural values, and appropriate voices and discourses from the social environment. Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) systemic theory of human development similarly postulates that individual and social development occur in a symbiotic and interdependent fashion. It would therefore be predicted that individual changes in identity reflect macrocosmic changes in cultural values and social structures. The current study investigated narratives of crisis transitions within adults aged 25-40, by way of interviews with 22 participants. An intensive qualitative analysis showed that the narratives of crisis could indeed be viewed as individual manifestations of contemporary cultural changes. National statistics and academic research have documented in the UK substantial cultural shifts over the last twenty years including the lessening popularity of marriage, the rise of freelance and portfolio careers and the growth of accepted alternative gender roles. In individual crises, changes made over the course of the episode were invariably in the same direction as these social changes; towards flexible work patterns, non-marital relationships and redefined gender identities. Before the crisis, participants described their identity as bound into an established discourse of conventionality, a traditional sense of masculinity or feminitity and a singular career role, while after the crisis alternative and fluid identities are explored, and identity is less defined by role and institution. These findings show that changes in the social macrocosm can be found in the individual microcosm, and therefore support dialogical self theory.


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Internationally, the gender relations of the family farming ‘way of life’ have beenshown to be stubbornly persistent in their adherence to patriarchal inheritancepractices. This article demonstrates how such ‘agri-cultural’ practices are situated bothwithin the subjective sphere of farming individuals’ and within global agri-economics,bringing new challenges to patrilineal farm survival. It is suggested here that the recenttendency for post-structuralist theorisation in rural studies has underestimated theexistence and impact of patrilineal patterns in family farming. Such patterns mean thatwomen are shown to largely occupy relational gender identities as the ‘helper’, whilstmen are strongly identified as the ‘farmer’. Drawing on repeated life-history interviewsconducted with farming men and women from Powys, Mid Wales, the aim of thisarticle is to generate debate as to the extent to which men can be brought into feministresearch practice in order to reveal patriarchy to a greater degree. The article begins bysituating the near-exclusion of men from feminist research practice within theoreticaldevelopments in feminist geography. This discussion also assists in deriving issues ofresearch methods, positionality and interpretive power which focus the integration ofempirical material in the methodological reflections provided in section three. In sectiontwo, the rationale for the epistemological stance taken in the research is provided. Thearticle provides an example of the successful integration of men into a feminist researchframe, suggests avenues for theoretical development and identifies future researchdirections which can be informed by ‘doing it with men’.

Keywords: epistemology; family farming; feminist res


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‘Rural stress’ and ‘farming stress’ are terms that have become commonly appropriated by British health-based academic disciplines, the medical profession and social support networks, especially since the agricultural ‘crises’ of B.S.E. and Foot and Mouth Disease. Looking beyond the media headlines, it is apparent that the terms in fact are colloquial catch-alls for visible psychological and physiological outcomes shown by individuals. Seldom have the underlying causes and origins of presentable medical outcomes been probed, particularly within the context of the patriarchal and traditionally patrilineal way of life which family forms of farming business activity in Britain encapsulate. Thus, this paper argues that insufficient attention has been paid to the conceptualization of the terms. They have become both over-used and ill-defined in their application to British family farm individuals and their life situations. A conceptual framework is outlined that attempts to shift the stress research agenda into the unilluminated spaces of the family farming ‘way of life’ and focus instead on ‘distress’. Drawing upon theorization from agricultural and feminist geography together with cultural approaches from rural geography, four distinct clusters of distress originate from the thoughts of individuals and the social practices now required to enact patriarchal family farming gender identities. These are explored using case study evidence from ethnographic repeated life history interviews with members of seven farming families in Powys, Mid Wales, an area dominated by family forms of farming business. Future research agendas need to be based firmly on the distressing reality of patriarchal family farming and also be inclusive of those who, having rejected the associated way of life, now lie beyond the farm gate.


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Rural support organisations have emerged since agricultural restructuring of the 1980s. The paper draws on research from the UK and Canada to suggest that the support in both countries is derived from a patrilineal culture that still dominates family farming. The paper begins by outlining a conceptual basis for arguing that such a culture can be understood as comprising of male and female relational gender identities capable of explaining farm relationships, farm survival and adjustment strategies and community engagement. These components, it is argued, are facets of the patrilineal farming culture which must be understood if its impacts on all its members are to be appropriately comprehended and supported.

The paper has two key aims, therefore. Firstly it suggests that a more nuanced understanding of farming „culture? which is persistently patrilineal in nature is now required which is capable of addressing the realities of farming individuals?
lives as they perceive them. The conceptualisation of such a culture is informed
by drawing on insights from gender theory, agricultural geography and rural studies. This conceptual discussion provides the context for the paper?s second aim which is to demonstrate how rural support in both the UK and Canada is derived „from? and is influenced by such a patrilineal culture . Findings are
presented identifying five key themes from this conceptualization which influence the support of such organisations. Thus, it is suggested, that the nature of rural support can be better understood and the appropriateness of the support interrogated when such conceptualization is taken on board.


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Le cyborg est un avatar de ce que permet la science-fiction lorsqu’elle s’offre comme terrain où développer une heuristique des identités genrées. Donna Haraway, dans le Manifeste cyborg, a relevé le potentiel de liberté discursive que promettait cette figure romanesque. Il m’apparaît que, depuis sa fictionnalisation puis sa théorisation dans les années 1980 et 1990, le cyborg a muté au sein de l’entreprise science-fictionnelle littéraire. Le Silence de la Cité d’Élisabeth Vonarburg et Le Goût de l’immortalité de Catherine Dufour présentent des personnages dont la cyborgitude problématise les questions identitaires du genre humain, à travers une écriture spécifique, affectée par les technologies. Mon analyse des procédés scripturaux s’effectue de pair avec une analyse gender, ce qui me permet de mieux saisir la fictionnalisation toujours changeante des cyborgs dans les oeuvres de Vonarburg et de Dufour. Ces cyborgs déconstruisent les frontières des systèmes binaires traditionnels, en explorant les possibilités trans-genres et trans-espèces que permettent les métamorphoses de leurs corps excentriques. En tant que représentations fantasmées de désirs autrement inavouables, les cyborgs science-fictionnels témoignent du malaise inhérent de couples comme homme/femme, humain/animal ou organique/artificiel.


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À partir d’une étude descriptive et comparative des pièces dramatiques Les Feluettes (1987) et Les Muses orphelines (1988) de Michel Marc Bouchard (Québec) ainsi que Feliz cumpleaños, señor ministro (1992) et Madre amantísima (2003) de Rafael Mendizábal (Espagne), le présent mémoire traite de la représentation des homosexualités à travers les relations amoureuses et familiales, les subversions du genre, l’homophobie, ainsi que la pandémie de sida et son impact au niveau théâtral et littéraire. L’approche méthodologique employée est la perspective des études du genre et des études queer. Comme conclusions, on constate que les relations amoureuses sont marquées par la valorisation paradoxale du cadre de l’amour romantique classique, entre libération et homonormativité, en plus d’une représentation de la sexualité articulée par des rôles polarisés. Les relations familiales, pour leur part, s’organisent autour de la figure paternelle associée avec d’importantes nuances au discours dominant hétérosexiste, et se décline parallèlement en la figure du père absent et désintéressé. De même, les figures maternelles sont majoritairement absentes ou effacées, bien que ce constat soit renversé par une figure maternelle traditionnelle particulièrement forte. Dans tous les cas, la figure maternelle reste idéalisée. Les identités de genres sont étudiées sous l’angle des identités dichotomiques lesbiennes et de l’effémination entant que subversions des normes dominantes du genre et l’articulation sexiste du phénomène de l’homophobie, motivé par le tabou de l’homoérotisme et son poids en scène.


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Este trabajo pretende de una manera tanto teórica como práctica, estudiar la relación que pueda existir entre la interculturalidad y el Management Control System, para ello se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de los trabajos empíricos y teóricos desarrollados hasta el momento sobre el tema. Se comienza con la revisión de los diferentes conceptos que puedan hacer alusión a la interculturalidad, y los MCS (o contemple variables cercanas en relación a este), se delimita el tema y se procede a su clasificación hasta llegar a la estructuración de la definición de los constructos que integren los conceptos de interculturalidad y MCS. De igual manera, se operacionalizan las variables para poder generar un análisis practico utilizando estadística cuantitativa. Finalmente presentamos los resultados que demuestran el grado de importancia percibido por encuestados de filiales localizadas en diferentes países de Latino América de la empresa Agrocampo S.A.S, con el fin de presentar conclusiones que integren los dos temas de análisis.


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This piece wants to investigate the relations between gender identities and the toponymy in Caicó city. To do so, we will discuss the reason why places are named, the practice of naming places, so as the process of choosing the names of neighborhoods, streets and city public squares. Thereby, we will investigate the space changes in Caicó city since its formation, as a village, until the decade of 1970. This period of time was chosen in order to discuss the toponymic process of the city, besides having noticed that public places and locations in Caico with the feminine nominations only appear from the second half of the 60s decade and in the beginning of the 70s. This way, we preferred to investigate who were the first Caicó women to have their names in the urban space; why women only begin to have homage from the decade of the 60s on; what is the importance and the location of the places with feminine names; and what gender image is there on this homage


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This paper presents the results of a research where the phenomenon of indiscipline was problematized approaching its possible relationship with the production of gender identities, in and through school. By means of interviews and direct observation, in classes of the 8 th grade of a school was carried out a study about the (male and female) teachers' attitudes towards what they consider their pupils' indiscipline (which are teenagers, about 13 / 14 years old). At the same time it was made an analysis about the practices of school punishment, threreby a listing of the punishments imposed to desobedient students' behavior. This listing came out from consultation to the book of disciplinary records of the students. So it was possible to bring about, among others, some important aspects of this process: a) the coherence (or incoherence) between what teachers consider indiscipline and their actual practices and attitudes towards students' behavior; b) The diferences and analogies among (male and female) teachers'practices and attitudes c) The different ways in which teachers deal with the manifestations of gender and sexuality of the (male and female) students, at the same time associate them to the practices of insubordination and indiscipline; d) the production of identities, distinctions and inequalities of gender and sexuality, thru school practices.