994 resultados para Gauge symmetry


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Using the superfield formalism, we study the dynamical breaking of gauge symmetry and super-conformal invariance in the N = 1 three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons model, coupled to a complex scalar superfield with a quartic self-coupling. This is an analogue of the conformally invariant Coleman-Weinberg model in four spacetime dimensions. We show that a mass for the gauge and matter superfields are dynamically generated after two-loop corrections to the effective superpotential. We also discuss the N = 2 extension of our work, showing that the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism in such model is not feasible, because it is incompatible with perturbation theory.


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The idea of grand unification in a minimal supersymmetric SU(5) x SU(5) framework is revisited. It is shown that the unification of gauge couplings into a unique coupling constant can be achieved at a high-energy scale compatible with proton decay constraints. This requires the addition of minimal particle content at intermediate energy scales. In particular, the introduction of the SU(2)(L) triplets belonging to the (15, 1)+((15) over bar, 1) representations, as well as of the scalar triplet Sigma(3) and octet Sigma(8) in the (24, 1) representation, turns out to be crucial for unification. The masses of these intermediate particles can vary over a wide range, and even lie in the TeV region. In contrast, the exotic vector-like fermions must be heavy enough and have masses above 10(10) GeV. We also show that, if the SU(5) x SU(5) theory is embedded into a heterotic string scenario, it is not possible to achieve gauge coupling unification with gravity at the perturbative string scale.


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Recently, in [3] Horava and Melby-Thompson proposed a nonrelativistic gravity theory with extended gauge symmetry that is free of the spin-0 graviton. We propose a minimal substitution recipe to implement this extended gauge symmetry which reproduces the results obtained by them. Our prescription has the advantage of being manifestly gauge invariant and immediately generalizable to other fields, like matter. We briefly discuss the coupling of gravity with scalar and vector fields found by our method. We show also that the extended gauge invariance in gravity does not force the value of. to be lambda = 1 as claimed in [3]. However, the spin-0 graviton is eliminated even for general lambda.


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The problem of resonant generation of nonground-state condensates is addressed aiming at resolving the seeming paradox that arises when one resorts to the adiabatic representation. In this picture, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Hamiltonian are also functions of time. Since the level energies vary in time, no definite transition frequency can be introduced. Hence no external modulation with a fixed frequency can be made resonant. Thus, the resonant generation of adiabatic coherent modes is impossible. However, this paradox occurs only in the frame of the adiabatic picture. It is shown that no paradox exists in the properly formulated diabatic representation. The resonant generation of diabatic coherent modes is a well defined phenomenon. As an example, the equations are derived, describing the generation of diabatic coherent modes by the combined resonant modulation of the trapping potential and atomic scattering length.


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Bose systems, subject to the action of external random potentials, are considered. For describing the system properties, under the action of spatially random potentials of arbitrary strength, the stochastic mean-field approximation is employed. When the strength of disorder increases, the extended Bose-Einstein condensate fragments into spatially disconnected regions, forming a granular condensate. Increasing the strength of disorder even more transforms the granular condensate into the normal glass. The influence of time-dependent external potentials is also discussed. Fastly varying temporal potentials, to some extent, imitate the action of spatially random potentials. In particular, strong time-alternating potential can induce the appearance of a nonequilibrium granular condensate.


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We explore here the issue of duality versus spectrum equivalence in dual theories generated through the master action approach. Specifically we examine a generalized self-dual (GSD) model where a Maxwell term is added to the self-dual model. A gauge embedding procedure applied to the GSD model leads to a Maxwell-Chern-Simons (MCS) theory with higher derivatives. We show here that the latter contains a ghost mode contrary to the original GSD model. By figuring out the origin of the ghost we are able to suggest a new master action which interpolates between the local GSD model and a nonlocal MCS model. Those models share the same spectrum and are ghost free. Furthermore, there is a dual map between both theories at classical level which survives quantum correlation functions up to contact terms. The remarks made here may be relevant for other applications of the master action approach.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The boundary conditions of the bosonic string theory in non-zero B-field background are equivalent to the second class constraints of a discretized version of the theory. By projecting the original canonical coordinates onto the constraint surface we derive a set of coordinates of string that are unconstrained. These coordinates represent a natural framework for the quantization of the theory.


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We discuss the mass splitting between the the top and bottom quarks in a technicolor scenario. The model proposed here contains a left-right electroweak gauge group. An extended technicolor group and mirror fermions are introduced. The top-bottom quark mass splitting turns out to be intimately connected to the breaking of the left-right gauge symmetry. Weak isospin violation occurs within the experimental limits.


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A new approach to the description of a spin-2 particle in flat and curved spacetime is developed on the basis of the teleparallel gravity theory. We show that such an approach is in fact a true and natural framework for the Fierz representation proposed recently by Novello and Neves. More specifically, we demonstrate how the teleparallel theory fixes uniquely the structure of the Fierz tensor, discover the transparent origin of the gauge symmetry of the spin-2 model, and derive the linearized Einstein operator from the fundamental identity of the teleparallel gravity. In order to cope with the consistency problem on the curved spacetime, similarly to the usual Riemannian approach, one needs to include the nonminimal (torsion dependent) coupling terms.


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We present a nonperturbative study of the (1 + 1)-dimensional massless Thirring model by using path integral methods. The regularization ambiguities - coming from the computation of the fermionic determinant - allow to find new solution types for the model. At quantum level the Ward identity for the 1PI 2-point function for the fermionic current separates such solutions in two phases or sectors, the first one has a local gauge symmetry that is implemented at quantum level and the other one without this symmetry. The symmetric phase is a new solution which is unrelated to the previous studies of the model and, in the nonsymmetric phase there are solutions that for some values of the ambiguity parameter are related to well-known solutions of the model. We construct the Schwinger-Dyson equations and the Ward identities. We make a detailed analysis of their UV divergence structure and, after, we perform a nonperturbative regularization and renormalization of the model.


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Massless scalar and vector fields are coupled to the Lyra geometry by means of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) theory. Using the Schwinger variational principle, the equations of motion, conservation laws and gauge symmetry are implemented. We find that the scalar field couples to the anholonomic part of the torsion tensor, and the gauge symmetry of the electromagnetic field does not break by the coupling with torsion.


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We study massless Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) fields in the context of Einstein-Cartan gravitation theory, interacting via minimal coupling procedure. In the case of an identically vanishing torsion (Riemannian spacetimes) we show that there exist local gauge symmetries which reproduce the usual gauge symmetries for the massless scalar and electromagnetic fields. on the other hand, similarly to what happens with the Maxwell theory, a nonvanishing torsion, in general, breaks the usual U(1) local gauge symmetry of the electromagnetic field or, from a different point of view, imposes conditions on the torsion.


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Several left-right asymmetries in Moller (electron-electron), muon-muon and electron-muon scattering are considered in the context of the electroweak standard model and in a model with SU(3)(C) x SU(3)(L) x U(1)(Y) gauge symmetry at tree level in collider experiments. We show that these asymmetries are very sensitive to a doubly charged vector bilepton in the case of ee and mu mu colliders and to an extra Z' neutral vector boson contribution in e(-)mu (-) collider.