984 resultados para Gas companies


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Title from cover.


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Issued in Jan. of the following year (i.e. 5th report issued Jan. 1890).


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Description based on: June 1985; title from cover.


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Pursuant to HR 102, this report contains information pertaining to the guidelines that govern the practice of using estimates in issuing utility bills, the methodologies used by utilities in estimating usage, and standards for accuracy of metering devices.


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"Printed: February 1990."


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Oil and gas production in the United States has increased dramatically in the past 10 years. This growth has important implications for local governments, which often see new revenues from a variety of sources: property taxes on oil and gas property, sales taxes driven by the oil and gas workforce, allocations of state revenues from severance taxes or state and federal leases, leases on local government land, and contributions from oil and gas companies to support local services. At the same time, local governments tend to experience a range of new costs such as road damage caused by heavy industry truck traffic, increased demand for emergency services and law enforcement, and challenges with workforce retention. This report examines county and municipal fiscal effects in 14 oil- and gas-producing regions of eight states: AK, CA, KS, OH, OK, NM, UT, and WV. We find that for most local governments, oil and gas development—whether new or longstanding—has a positive effect on local public finances. However, effects can vary substantially due to a variety of local factors and policy issues. For some local governments, particularly those in rural regions experiencing large increases in development, revenues have not kept pace with rapidly increased costs and demand for services, particularly on road repair.


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MELO, Dulce Maria de Araújo et al. Evaluation of the Zinox and Zeolite materials as adsorbents to remove H2S from natural gas. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Estados Unidos, v. 272, p. 32-36, 2006.


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Background and Problem: Sustainability reporting is a growing trend in the society. One of the most exposed industries to environmental matters is the oil and gas industry, which commit to sustainability reporting in order to deal with the industry’s destructive operations. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides voluntary guidelines in sustainability reporting, which increase transparency for the company’s stakeholders. However, it is controversial that the oil and gas industry put a great effort into sustainability reporting even though the industry is environmentally destructive. This gap is interesting to investigate and will contribute to the academic discussion. Therefore, this thesis will focus on the sustainability reporting in the oil and gas industry and to what extent the industry actually discloses material environmental information about their operations. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the sustainability reporting has changed in the oil and gas industry in Europe. This is performed from a stakeholder perspective. Further, it aims to investigate how oil and gas companies have followed the GRI guidelines and how the reporting has changed over time. Method: A quantitative method is used in order to answer the research questions. The data sample is based on oil and gas companies reporting according to the GRI framework during year 2012 to year 2014. The empirical data is gathered from the studied companies’ environmental category in their sustainability reports. Further, a content analysis technique, with a coding scheme, was set up to interpret and analyse the information. To enable an easy overview of the findings, the relevant data is presented in tables and diagrams. Empirical Findings and Conclusion: The majority of the studied companies have increased their level of compliance in the environmental category. Although, the majority of the companies have increased their reporting, the compliance level differs between the companies. The most reported sectors are the; “Water”, “Biodiversity”, “Emissions”, “Effluents and Waste”, “Compliance”, and “Overall”. Further, the empirical findings show that there is an overall increase in the amount of disclosed information per indicator. The conclusion of this thesis is that the environmental disclosures have increased in the oil and gas industry from year 2012 to 2014.


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MELO, Dulce Maria de Araújo et al. Evaluation of the Zinox and Zeolite materials as adsorbents to remove H2S from natural gas. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Estados Unidos, v. 272, p. 32-36, 2006.


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Introducción: La percepción puede ser considerada principalmente como un grupo de procesos internos en las personas que genera en los observadores una representación mental del entorno. Percibir es adelantarse al suceso, a lo que puede llegar a suceder, determinando lo que puede ser un peligro a nuestra seguridad y salud. Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la percepción de los trabajadores acerca de la seguridad en el trabajo en áreas de procesos automatizados y mecánicas en una empresa del sector de gas natural en el departamento de Casanare, Colombia 2016. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de corte transversal en 50 trabajadores de una empresa del sector de gas natural en Casanare. Se uttilizó el Cuestionario nórdico NOSACQ-50-Spanish, instrumento validado para evaluar la percepción acerca de la seguridad y salud en el lugar de trabajo. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, laborales y las relacionadas con la percepción de la seguridad en el lugar del trabajo. Para el análsiis estadistico se calcularon medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. El estudio de la percepción de seguridad tuvo como puntos de corte: < 2,5 mala percepción y > 2,5 buena percepción. Se emplearon pruebas de asociación X2 o test exacto de Fisher (valores esperados <5) y medidas de asociación OR con sus intervalos de confianza del 95% y se usaron modelos de regresión lineal. Resultados: El total de trabajadores fue de 50 personas, el 76% correspondió al sexo masculino y la mayor distribución se presentó en áreas mecánicas con 52% frente al 48% que se encontró en áreas automatizadas. Se halló asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables sociodemográficas área/sexo (Pr = 0,016), indicando que a los trabajadores de sexo femenino se les ubican en el área mecánica mientras que los de sexo masculino, laboran en todas las áreas sin darle relevancia al género. También se encontró asociación con las variables área/año de nacimiento (Pr =0.022), indicando que en el área automatizada se dejan profesionales con promedio de edad de 32 años, por el tipo de requisitos en competencias que exigen para ejecutar las labores. Para las demás variables ocupacionales que evaluaron la percepción de seguridad frente al trabajo, no se encontró asociación significativa. Conclusión: Los resultados permiten realizar acciones en pro de mejorar la percepción de los trabajadores dentro de la organización. Se podrán desarrollar programas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, que respondan de manera efectiva a los peligros laborales detectados.


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O contexto da modernização reflexiva leva ao questionamento sobre o papel das instituições tradicionais, notadamente o Poder Executivo. É possível pressupor que o modelo da sociedade de risco se reflete em alterações no direito e na economia do Brasil. Os riscos tornaram-se uma constante e exigem substituições nas formas de atuação social, o que Ulrich Beck denomina de subpolítica. A mudança é sentida especialmente em setores centrais para economia, tais como o de petróleo e gás, enquanto os riscos globais são sentidos na crise ambiental. Uma vez que as instituições, na Sociedade de Risco, são levadas a rever sua atuação, o empresariado recebe a tarefa de encontrar mecanismos para superar a crise ambiental. A responsabilidade socioambiental da empresa passa a ser exigida como contrapartida pelos lucros obtidos, especialmente para atividades potencialmente poluentes, como a petrolífera. O princípio da precaução, o desenvolvimento sustentável e a equação financeira do contrato podem ser vetores para a adoção da responsabilidade socioambiental pela indústria petrolífera. Mas para que esta possa ser vista como uma nova razão pública deve se demonstrar que ela pode motivar a evolução da sociedade como um todo. A Rio+20 definiu a economia verde como uma nova meta, principalmente para as atividades potencialmente poluentes. O objetivo central do trabalho é investigar a regulação das empresas de petróleo e gás, especialmente sobre a possibilidade de adoção da responsabilidade socioambiental. Ressalte-se que esta visa impor medidas de conservação e ações pró meio ambiente, além daquelas já estipuladas por força legal ou pelo licenciamento ambiental. A pesquisa visa apresentar possíveis soluções para os questionamentos acima, garantindo segurança jurídica para empresas de petróleo e gás, mas ao mesmo tempo visando ampliar a sustentabilidade do setor, propondo novas regras que podem ser adotadas nos editais de licitação e nos contratos de concessão e partilha de produção. Em um momento que se debate a possibilidade de direcionamento dos royalties do petróleo exclusivamente para a educação o estudo de medidas jurídicas para implementar a responsabilidade socioambiental no setor petrolífero torna-se ainda mais necessária.


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Of key importance to oil and gas companies is the size distribution of fields in the areas that they are drilling. Recent arguments suggest that there are many more fields yet to be discovered in mature provinces than had previously been thought because the underlying distribution is monotonic not peaked. According to this view the peaked nature of the distribution for discovered fields reflects not the underlying distribution but the effect of economic truncation. This paper contributes to the discussion by analysing up-to-date exploration and discovery data for two mature provinces using the discovery-process model, based on sampling without replacement and implicitly including economic truncation effects. The maximum likelihood estimation involved generates a high-dimensional mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem. A highly efficient solution strategy is tested, exploiting the separable structure and handling the integer constraints by treating the problem as a masked allocation problem in dynamic programming.