195 resultados para Galpão Aplauso
This work deals in a general way, the history and advantages of steel buildings, as well as its increasing usage in Brazil in the last century. This work also generally describes some types and its uses of metal frame. It also demonstrates the use of the NBR 8800: 2008 standard and its calculation methods through the scale out materials regulated in Brazil for an industrial warehouse project small and simple portico metal frame. Given that the construction requirements include a locational influence following the normative indications of the NBR 6123, for the winding scale out, since this effect combined with the permanent loads must be seriously evaluated due to the shape type effort about acting simultaneous axial force and bending moments obeying the limitations applied to the structure according to NBR 8800. As it has been explained the calculations that ensures mechanical stability and suggesting an analysis of the efficiency of the used materials
Sign.: A-F4
Sin portada
El año de proclamación de Carlos IV fue 1788
Tít. tomado de principio de texto
Tít. tomado de principio de texto
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Breve descripcion de las fiestas que hizo el Real Convento de Predicadores de Valencia en la beatificacion del B. Juan de Ribera. Y sermón que predicó ... Luis Ballester, prior del mismo convento. (XVIII/4277).