337 resultados para Galactosidase
A retomada do metabolismo do embrião durante a germinação é realizada por processos metabólicos que culminam na protrusão da radícula e no fornecimento de energia para o desenvolvimento inicial da plântula. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as variações nas atividades das enzimas alfa-galactosidase e poligalacturonase e nas reservas de mono e oligossacarídeos em sementes de guapuruvú durante a germinação. Para tanto, as sementes foram colocadas para germinar e as reservas do eixo embrionário e cotilédones, avaliadas periodicamente. Os teores de galactose no eixo embrionário diferiram significativamente somente entre a testemunha e o oitavo dia, muito embora houvesse aumento contínuo até o quarto dia. Somente no sexto dia de germinação houve aumento no teor de galactose nos cotilédones. Houve tendência de aumento nos teores de arabinose, manose e glicose no eixo embrionário, não sendo detectada a presença de xilose no oitavo dia. Nos cotilédones os mesmos açúcares não foram originalmente detectados no tempo zero, mas apresentaram valores mais altos nas amostras do oitavo dia. Os teores de galactose oscilam tanto no eixo embrionário, quanto nos cotilédones durante o período de germinação de sementes de guapuruvu. Os teores de sacarose aumentam e os de rafinose decrescem nos cotilédones e no eixo embrionário. Os teores de estaquiose permanecem aproximadamente estáveis no eixo e nos cotilédones, com decréscimo no eixo, no oitavo dia. A enzima alfa-galactosidase é pré-formada, tendo clara redução na sua atividade específica, no segundo dia, permanecendo constante até o oitavo. A atividade nos cotilédones apresenta aumento no quarto dia, decrescendo posteriormente. A enzima polygalacturonase é tambem pré-formada, com maior atividade inicial no eixo. A atividade nos cotilédones aumenta até o sexto dia, alcançando maiores valores que o do eixo embrionário e, em seguida, decresce para valores menores do que aqueles.
The present study is focused on the production, purification and characterization of multiple thermostable α-galactosidases from a novel actinomycete strain Streptomyces griseoloalbus. The Chapter I of the thesis covers the wide literature regarding α-galactosidases from various sources and their potential applications. The Chapter 11 deals with the isolation of α-galactosidase- producing actinomycetes and selection of the best strain. The Chapters III and IV describe the optimization of α-galactosidase production under submerged fermentation and solid-state fermentation respectively. The Chapter V describes the purification and characterization of multiple α-galactosidases and also the obvious existence of a novel galactose-tolerant enzyme. The Chapter VI illustrates the potential applications of α-galactosidases from S. griseoloalbus followed by the Chapter VII summarizing and concluding the results of the present investigation.
Introduction: A growing biological research field is the cellular senescence, a mechanism that has been associated, under certain circumstances, with malignant transformation. Given the high incidence of ovarian cancer and its main origin from the ovarian surface epithelium, as well as the possibility that an epithelial-mesenchymal transition occurs, we evaluated both the in vitro growth of stromal fibroblasts from the ovarian cortex and their β-galactosidase activity at pH 6, enzyme whose expression is considered as a marker of replicative senescence. Methods: 48 samples of ovarian cortical fibroblasts from donors without a history of cancer were serially cultured until the end of their replicative life. β-galactosidase activity at pH 6 was quantified in each passage by the chemiluminiscent method. As control, we used ovarian epithelial cell cultures from the same donors. The enzyme activity was also evaluated in fibroblasts previously induced to senescence by exposure to hydrogen peroxide. Results: The analysis of the enzyme activity and the replicative capacity taken together showed that the fibroblast cultures reached the senescent state at passages 4-5, as what happened with the control epithelial cells. Fibroblasts induced to senescence showed high variability in the values of enzymatic activity. Conclusions: The similarity between both types of cells in reaching the senescent state deserves to be taken into account in relation to the epithelialmesenchymal transition that has been proposed to explain their behavior in the genesis of cancer arising from ovarian surface epithelium. Low β-galactosidase activity values at pH 6 would suggest possible inactivation of the response pathways to oxidative stress.
Crude cell-free extracts from Lactobacillus reuteri grown on cellobiose, maltose, lactose and raffinose were assayed for glycosidic activities. When raffinose was used as the carbon source, alpha-galactosidase was produced, showing the highest yield at the beginning of the stationary growth phase. A 64 kDa enzyme was purified by ultra- and gel filtration, and characterized for its hydrolytic and synthetic activity. Highest hydrolytic activity was found at pH 5.0 at 50 degreesC (K-M 0.55 mM, V-max 0.80 mumol min(-1) mg(-1) of protein). The crude cell-free extract was further used in glycosyl transfer reactions to synthesize oligosaccharides from melibiose and raffinose. At a substrate concentration of 23% (w/v) oligosaccharide mixtures were formed with main products being a trisaccharide at 26% (w/w) yield from melibiose after 8 h and a tetrasaccharide at 18% (w/w) yield from raffinose after 7 h. Methylation analysis revealed the trisaccharide to be 6' alpha-galactosyl melibiose and the tetrasaccharide to be stachyose. In both cases synthesis ceased when hydrolysis of the substrate reached 50%.
Stirred, pH-controlled anaerobic batch cultures were used to evaluate the in vitro utilisation by canine gut microflora of novel alpha-galactooligosaccharides synthesised with an enzyme extract from a canine Lactobacillus reuteri strain. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), melibiose and raffinose were used as reference carbohydrates for the prebiotic properties of the synthesised oligosaccharide (galactosyl melibiose mixture-GMM). Addition of Lactobacillus acidophilus was used as control for the evaluation of the synbiotic properties of the oligosaccharide with L. reuteri. Populations of predominant gut bacterial groups were monitored over 48 h of batch culture by fluorescent in situ hybridisation, and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production was measured. GMM showed a higher increase in bifidobacteria and lactobacilli population number and size as well as a higher decrease in clostridia population number and size compared to the commercial prebiotics (FOS, melibiose, raffinose). This prebiotic effect was further increased by the addition of L. reuteri followed by a change in the SCFA production pattern compared to GMM alone or GMM with L. acidophilus. The observed change in SCFA production was in accordance with the fermentation properties of L. reuteri, suggesting that the novel synbiotic had a significant effect on the canine gut microflora fermentation.
Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB41171 carries four genes encoding different beta-galactosidases. One of them, named bbgIII, consisted of an open reading frame of 1,935 amino acid (a.a.) residues encoding a protein with a multidomain structure, commonly identified on cell wall bound enzymes, having a signal peptide, a membrane anchor, FIVAR domains, immunoglobulin Ig-like and discoidin-like domains. The other three genes, termed bbgI, bbgII and bbgIV, encoded proteins of 1,291, 689 and 1,052 a.a. residues, respectively, which were most probably intracellularly located. Two cases of protein evolution between strains of the same species were identified when the a.a. sequences of the BbgI and BbgIII were compared with homologous proteins from B. bifidum DSM20215. The homologous proteins were found to be differentiated at the C-terminal a.a. part either due to a single nucleotide insertion or to a whole DNA sequence insertion, respectively. The bbgIV gene was located in a gene organisation surrounded by divergently transcribed genes putatively for sugar transport (galactoside-symporter) and gene regulation (LacI-transcriptional regulator), a structure that was found to be highly conserved in B. longum, B. adolescentis and B. infantis, suggesting optimal organisation shared amongst those species.
A genomic library of Bifidobacterium bifidum (NCIMB 41171) DNA was constructed in Escherichia coli RA11r (melA(-)B(+)) and one alpha-galactosidase encoding gene was isolated. Conceptual translation combined with insertional mutagenesis analysis indicated an open reading frame (ORF) of 759 amino acid (aa) residues encoding an alpha-galactosidase (named as MelA) of 82.8 kDa. Partial purification and characterisation showed that the enzyme had an apparent native molecular mass of a parts per thousand 243 kDa and a subunit size of a parts per thousand 85 kDa. The enzyme belongs to glycosyl hydrolases 36 family with high aa sequence similarities (a parts per thousand 73%) to other known alpha-galactosidases of bifidobacterial origin. Under optimum pH conditions for activity (pH 6.0) and high melibiose concentration (40% w/v), the enzyme was able to form oligosaccharides with degree of polymerisation (DP) a parts per thousand yen3 at higher concentration than DP = 2, with a total yield of 20.5% (w/w).
A study of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) synthesis from lactose with beta-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis (Maxilact(R) L2000) was carried out. The synthesis was performed using various initial lactose concentrations ranging from 220 to 400 mg/mL and enzyme concentrations ranging from 3 to 9 U/mL, and was investigated at 40degreesC and pH 7, in a stirred-tank reactor. In the experimental range examined, the results showed the amount of GOS formed depended on lactose concentration but not on enzyme concentration. Galactose was a competitive inhibitor, while glucose was a non-competitive inhibitor. In a further study, a laboratory-scale reactor system, fitted with a 10-kDa NMWCO composite regenerated cellulose membrane, was used in a continuous process. The reactor was operated in cross-flow mode. The effect of operating pressures on flux and productivity was investigated by applying different transmembrane pressures to the system. The continuous process showed better production performance compared to the batch synthesis with the same lactose and enzyme concentrations at 40degreesC, pH 7. Comparison of product structures from batch and continuous processes, analyzed by HPAEPAD and methylation analysis, showed similarities but differed from the structures found in a commercial GOS product (Vivinal(R)GOS). (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The individual contribution of four β-galactosidases present in Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41171 towards galactooligosaccharides (GOS) synthesis was investigated. Although the β-galactosidase activity of the whole cells significantly decreased as a function of temperature (40 to 75 °C), GOS yield was at its maximum at 65 °C. Native-PAGE electrophoresis of the whole cells showed that the contribution of BbgIII and BbgIV towards GOS synthesis increased as the temperature increased. Moreover, BbgIII and BbgIV were found to be more temperature stable and to produce a higher GOS yield than BbgI and BbgII, when used in their free form. The GOS yield using BbgIV was 54.8 % (% of total carbohydrates) and 63.9 % (% lactose converted to GOS) at 65 °C from 43 % w/w lactose. It was shown that BbgIV is the most important β-galactosidase in B. bifidum NCIMB 41171 and can be used for GOS synthesis at elevated temperatures.
The bifidobacterial β-galactosidase (BbgIV) was produced in E. coli DH5α at 37 and 30 °C in a 5 L bioreactor under varied conditions of dissolved oxygen (dO2) and pH. The yield of soluble BbgIV was significantly (P < 0.05) increased once the dO2 dropped to 0–2% and remained at such low values during the exponential phase. Limited dO2 significantly (P < 0.05) increased the plasmid copy number and decreased the cells growth rate. Consequently, the BbgIV yield increased to its maximum (71–75 mg per g dry cell weight), which represented 20–25% of the total soluble proteins in the cells. In addition, the specific activity and catalytic efficiency of BbgIV were significantly (P < 0.05) enhanced under limited dO2 conditions. This was concomitant with a change in the enzyme secondary structure, suggesting a link between the enzyme structure and function. The knowledge generated from this work is very important for producing BbgIV as a biocatalyst for the development of a cost-effective process for the synthesis of prebiotic galactooligosaccharides from lactose.
The bifidobacterial β-galactosidase BbgIV was immobilised on DEAE-Cellulose and Q-Sepharose via ionic binding and on amino-ethyl- and glyoxal-agarose via covalent attachment, and was then used to catalyse the synthesis of galactooligosaccharides (GOS). The immobilisation yield exceeded 90 % using ionic binding, while it was low using aminoethyl agarose (25 – 28 %) and very low using glyoxal agarose (< 3 %). This was due to the mild conditions and absence of chemical reagents in ionic binding, compared to covalent attachment. The maximum GOS yield obtained using DEAE-Cellulose and Q-Sepharose was similar to that obtained using free BbgIV (49 – 53 %), indicating the absence of diffusion limitation and mass transfer issues. For amino-ethyl agarose, however, the GOS yield obtained was lower (42 – 44 %) compared to that obtained using free BbgIV. All the supports tried significantly (P < 0.05) increased the BbgIV operational stability and the GOS synthesis productivity up to 55 °C. Besides, six successive GOS synthesis batches were performed using BbgIV immobilised on Q-Sepharose; all resulted in similar GOS yields, indicating the possibility of developing a robust synthesis process. Overall, the GOS synthesis operation performance using BbgIV was improved by immobilising the enzyme onto solid supports, in particular on Q-Sepharose
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)