988 resultados para GRANITIC-ROCKS
Este trabalho tem como objetivo sublinhar a importância de um estudo geológico‐geotécnico para apoiar a cartografia geotécnica do maciço rochoso subterrâneo da antiga mina de volfrâmio das Aveleiras (Mosteiro de Tibães, Braga). Foi realizado um trabalho de campo sistemático, ao longo de uma rede de galerias subterrâneas com uma extensão aproximada de 155 m. Estas galerias são constituídas, principalmente, por rochas metassedimentares, embora aflorem rochas graníticas num pequeno trecho de uma das galerias. A técnica de amostragem linear de descontinuidades aplicada ao grau de compartimentação do maciço rochoso esteve na base de todos os dados geológicos, geotécnicos e geomecânicos. Além disso, foram coligidos e integrados os dados de campanhas de campo anteriores, realizadas entre 2006 e 2011. Foram igualmente descritos os métodos de avaliação dos dados de campo, bem como a análise estatística dos parâmetros geológico‐geotécnicos. O zonamento geotécnico do maciço rochoso das Aveleiras foi desenvolvido tendo em conta o comportamento do maciço rochoso in situ, e foi apoiado por ensaios laboratoriais de resistência do material‐rocha através do Ensaio de Carga Pontual. Apresenta‐se uma proposta preliminar de zonamento geomecânico com o objectivo de apoiar o projeto de engenharia de maciços rochosos.
The Rankin Inlet area, on the west shore of Hudson Bay in the Northwest Territories, is in the Churchill Structural Province. Metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks, previously mapped as Archean and part of the Kaminak Group, underlie most of the area. The Rankin Inlet Group consists of greywacke, with minor conglomeratic greywacke, quartzite and dolomite, overlain by massive and pillowed basaltic flows. Gabbro sills intrude the sediments near the base of the volcanic sequence and three serpentinite sills outcrop at the base of the volcanic sequence. The sediments are in fault-contact with quartz monzonite to the south and were intruded by granitic rocks to the northwest. Two periods of folding were defined by the mapping. The first generation folds are recumbent isoclinal folds, with northwest-trending and northeast-dipping axial planes, formed through gravitational sliding. The second generation folds are symmetrically disposed about the axis of the granitic intrusion and have east-southeast trending and nearly vertical axial planes. Whole-rock analysis of 64 rock samples indicates that metasomatic alteration accompanied the intrusion of both the granitic rocks and the serpentinite. The volcanic rocks, gabbro and serpentinite were derived from a magma of oceanic tholeiitic affinities. The stratigraphic sequence and chemistry of the volcanic rocks of the Rankin Inlet Group indicate that this assemblage is correlative with the Hurwitz Group rather than the Kaminak Group and is therefore Aphebian in age.
The amorphous silica (opal-A) speleothems associated to the open structural system of granitic rocks where the slow circulation of runoff is produced are mainly the result of the biological degradation of the rock. These speleothems are found in many different geographic, climatic and geological environments though always associated to granitoids. They show two different morphologies: cylindrical or long bodies and laminar or layered forms. They are internally formed by a mass of clasts and spheres of opal-Awith a porous texture that evolves to compact and massive due to the reiteration of the re-dissolution/re-precipitation of the amorphous opal by the water that circulates through it after each rainfall period. A final characteristic of each growth stage (end of rainy period) is the development of whiskers of minerals, normally gypsum, on the water output points of the speleothems. The dimensions of the speleothems are millimetric (length and/or thickness). In this paper their morphology and mineralogy are described based on their study by SEM, XRD and XRF, and there is established a new and more complete genetic hypothesis than the one that exists up to now to understand their formation
Radon levels in two old mines in San Luis, Argentina, are reported and analyzed. The radiation dose and environmental health risk of (222)Rn concentrations to both guides and visitors were estimated. CR-39 nuclear track detectors were used for this purpose. The values for the (222)Rn concentration at each monitoring site ranged from 0.43 +/- 0.04 to 1.48 +/- 0.12 kBq m(-3) in the Los Cndores wolfram mine and from 1.8 +/- 0.1 to 6.0 +/- 0.5 kBq center dot m(-3) in the La Carolina gold mine, indicating that, in this mine, the radon levels exceed up to four times the action level of 1.5 kBq m(-3) recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The patterns of the radon transport process revealed that the La Carolina gold mine can be interpreted as a gas confined into a single tube with constant cross-section and air velocity. Patterns of radon activity, taking into account the chimney-effect winds, were used to detect tributary currents of air from shafts or larger fissures along the main adit of the Los Cndores mine, showing that radon can be used as an important tracer of tributary air currents stream out from fissures and smaller voids in the rock of the mine.
The Borborema Province in northeastern South America is a typical Brasiliano-Pan-African branching system of Neoproterozoic orogens that forms part of the Western Gondwana assembly. The province is positioned between the Sao Luis-West Africa craton to the north and the Sao Francisco (Congo-Kasai) craton to the south. For this province the main characteristics are (a) its subdivision into five major tectonic domains, bounded mostly by long shear zones, as follows: Medio Coreau, Ceara Central, Rio Grande do Norte, Transversal, and Southern; (b) the alternation of supracrustal belts with reworked basement inliers (Archean nuclei + Paleoproterozoic belts); and (c) the diversity of granitic plutonism, from Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian ages, that affect supracrustal rocks as well as basement inliers. Recently, orogenic rock assemblages of early Tonian (1000-920 Ma) orogenic evolution have been recognized, which are restricted to the Transversal and Southern domains of the Province. Within the Transversal Zone, the Alto Pajeu terrane locally includes some remnants of oceanic crust along with island arc and continental arc rock assemblages, but the dominant supracrustal rocks are mature and immature pelitic metasedimentary and metavolcaniclastic rocks. Contiguous and parallel to the Alto Pajeu terrane, the Riacho Gravata subterrane consists mainly of low-grade metamorphic successions of metarhythmites, some of which are clearly turbiditic in origin, metaconglomerates, and sporadic marbles, along with interbedded metarhyolitic and metadacitic volcanic or metavolcaniclastic rocks. Both terrane and subterrane are cut by syn-contractional intrusive sheets of dominantly peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline, granititic to granodioritic metaplutonic rocks. The geochemical patterns of both supracrustal and intrusive rocks show similarities with associations of mature continental arc volcano-sedimentary sequences, but some subordinate intra-plate characteristics are also found. In both the Alto Pajeu and Riacho Gravata terranes, TIMS and SHRIMP U-Pb isotopic data from zircons from both metavolcanic and metaplutonic rocks yield ages between 1.0 and 0.92 Ga, which define the time span for an event of orogenic character, the Cariris Velhos event. Less extensive occurrences of rocks of Cariris Velhos age are recognized mainly in the southernmost domains of the Province, as for example in the Polo Redondo-Maranco terrane, where arc-affinity migmatite-granitic and meta-volcano-sedimentary rocks show U-Pb ages (SHRIMP data) around 0.98-0.97 Ga. For all these domains, Sm-Nd data exhibit Tom model ages between 1.9 and 1.1 Ga with corresponding slightly negative to slightly positive epsilon(Nd)(t) values. These domains, along with the Borborema Province as a whole, were significantly affected by tectonic and magmatic events of the Brasiliano Cycle (0.7-0.5 Ga), so that it is possible that there are some other early Tonian rock assemblages which were completely masked and hidden by these later Brasiliano events. Cariris Velhos processes are younger than the majority of orogenic systems at the end of Mesoproterozoic Era and beginning of Neoproterozoic throughout the world, e.g. Irumide belt, Kibaride belt and Namaqua-Natal belt, and considerably younger than those of the youngest orogenic process (Ottawan) in the Grenvillian System. Therefore, they were probably not associated with the proposed assembly of Rodinia. We suggest, instead, that Cariris Velhos magmatism and tectonism could have been related to a continental margin magmatic arc, with possible back-arc associations, and that this margin may have been a short-lived (<100 m.y.) leading edge of the newly assembled Rodinia supercontinent. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Important concentrations of tourmaline occur as gold-bearing stratiform tourmalinites and in mineralized quartz-tourmaline veins at the Tapera Grande and Quartzito gold prospects in the Mesoproterozoic Serra do Itaberaba Group, central Ribeira Belt (Sao Paulo State, SE Brazil). The main rock types in both prospects constitute the volcanic-sedimentary Morro da Pedra Preta Formation, which formed in a submarine back-arc setting. At Tapera Grande, the volcanic-sedimentary sequence is composed of metabasic and metavolcaniclastic rocks, graphitic and sulfur-rich metapelites, banded iron formation, metandesite, metarhyolite, calcsilicates, tourmalinites and metahydrothermalites derived from mafic and felsic rocks. The Mesoproterozoic rocks at Quartzito prospect are lithologically similar but they have been affected by Neoproterozoic faulting and shearing and by the emplacement of granitic rocks, resulting in the formation of tourmaline-rich quartz-carbonate veins with gold and base metal mineralization. We conducted a chemical and B-isotope study of tourmalines in order to better understand the origin of the stratiform tourmalinites in the Morro da Pedra Preta Formation and their relationship with gold mineralization. The overall range of delta(11)B values obtained for the tourmalinite and vein tourmalines is between - 15%. and -5 parts per thousand, with the tourmalinites failing at the low end of this range (-15 to -8 parts per thousand). Such values are typical for continental crust and inconsistent with a primary marine boron signature as expected from the submarine-exhalative model for the gold prospects. We conclude from this that tourmaline formed or recrystallized from crustal fluids related to the amphibolite-grade metamorphism which affected the Serra do Itaberaba Group and that gold deposition occurred syn- to post-peak metamorphism by phase immiscibility, as attested by fluid inclusions in Tapera Grande tourmalinite tourmaline and quartz. The vein-hosted tourmalines at Quartzito have isotopically variable boron signatures, with heavier delta(11)B values of -5 parts per thousand to -8 parts per thousand for acicular green tourmalines and lighter values (-15 parts per thousand to -7 parts per thousand for light blue, Ti-firee tourmaline from quartz-carbonate veins). We attribute the heavier boron to fluids derived from the volcano-sedimentary rocks of marine affinity whereas the lighter boron was contributed by crustal fluids related to the granitoids or metasediments in the continental crust. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Rio Apa cratonic fragment crops out in Mato Grosso do Sul State of Brazil and in northeastern Paraguay. It comprises Paleo-Mesoproterozoic medium grade metamorphic rocks, intruded by granitic rocks, and is covered by the Neoproterozoic deposits of the Corumbi and Itapocurni Groups. Eastward it is bound by the southern portion of the Paraguay belt. In this work, more than 100 isotopic determinations, including U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd whole-rock determinations, as well as K-Ar and Ar-Ar mineral ages, were reassessed in order to obtain a complete picture of its regional geological history. The tectonic evolution of the Rio Apa Craton starts with the formation of a series of magmatic arc complexes. The oldest U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age comes from a banded gneiss collected in the northern part of the region, with an age of 1950 +/- 23 Ma. The large granitic intrusion of the Alumiador Batholith yielded a U-Pb zircon age of 1839 +/- 33 Ma, and from the southeastern part of the area two orthogneisses gave zircon U-Pb ages of 1774 +/- 26 Ma and 1721 +/- 25 Ma. These may be coeval with the Alto Terere metamorphic rocks of the northeastern corner, intruded in their turn by the Baia das Garcas granitic rocks, one of them yielding a zircon U-Pb age of 1754 +/- 49 Ma. The original magmatic protoliths of these rocks involved some crustal component, as indicated by the Sm-Nd TDm model ages, between 1.9 and 2.5 Ga. Regional Sr isotopic homogenization, associated with tectonic deformation and medium-grade metamorphism occurred at approximately 1670 Ma, as suggested by Rb-Sr whole rock reference isochrons. Finally, at 1300 Ma ago, the Ar work indicates that the Rio Apa Craton was affected by widespread regional heating, when the temperature probably exceeded 350 degrees C. Geographic distribution, age and isotopic signature of the fithotectonic units suggest the existence of a major suture separating two different tectonic domains, juxtaposed at about 1670 Ma. From that time on, the unified Rio Apa continental block behaved as one coherent and stable tectonic unit. It correlates well with the SW corner of the Amazonian Craton, where the medium-grade rocks of the Juruena-Rio Negro tectonic province, with ages between 1600 and 1780 Ma, were reworked at about 1300 Ma. Looking at the largest scale, the Rio Apa Craton is probably attached to the larger Amazonian Craton, and the actual configuration of southwestern South America is possibly due to a complex arrangement of allochthonous blocks such as the Arequipa, Antofalla and Pampia, with different sizes, that may have originated as disrupted parts of either Laurentia or Amazonia, and were trapped during later collisions of these continental masses.
The results of geological mapping, chemical analysis and radiometric dating of metabasic rocks of Betara Formation, and mapping and dating of those present in the Betara basement nucleus together with mylonitic granodiorite and syenogranite are reported here. U-Pb analysis of bulk zircon fractions from the metabasic rocks of the basement nucleus yielded a Statherian age of 1790 +/- 22 Ma, while the metabasic rocks from the upper part of the Betara Formation yielded a Calymmian age between 1500 and 1450 Ma. This age is a minimum for the deposition of the Betara Formation. The older metabasic rocks are associated with post-tectonic, possibly anorogenic syenogranite, while the younger ones are gabbro or very porphyritic ankaramite whose REE patterns are consistent with crystallization from an N-MORB parent magma. The observations and data point to the probable events associated with extensional processes of the end of Paleoproterozoic and early Mesoproterozoic. Similar registers of Statherian (1.80-1.75 Ga) and Calymmian (1.50-1.45 Ga) extensional events are recorded in other parts of the South American and African continents. The Neoproterozoic witnessed the formation and junction of the tectonic slices which formed the Apiai domain during the assemblage of western Gondwana. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The studied area is geologically located in the Northern Domain of the Borborema Province (Northeast Brazil), limited to the south by the Patos shear zone. Terranes of the Jaguaribeano system are dominant, flanked by the Piranhas (E and S sides) and Central Ceará (NE side) terranes. Its basement comprises gneiss -migmatite terrains of Paleoproterozoic to Archean age (2.6 to 1.9 Ga old), overprinted by neoproterozoic to cambrian tectonotherma l events. Narrow supracrustal belts ( schist belts) display a 1.6 to 1.8 Ga age, as shown by whole - rock Rb-Sr and zircon U-Pb and Pb/Pb dates in acid metavolcanics which dominate in the lower section of these sequences, and in coeval metaplutonics (granitic augen gneisses). From the stratigraphic point of view, three Staterian belts are recognized: 1. Orós Belt - made up by the Orós Group, subdivided in the Santarém (predominantly pure to impure quartzites, micaschists and metacarbonates) and Campo Alegre (metandesites, metabasalts, metarhyolites and metarhyodacites, interlayered with metatuffs and metasediments) formations, and by the Serra do Deserto Magmatic Suite (granitic augen gneisses). 2. Jaguaribe Belt - its lithostratigrahic-lithodemic framework is similar to the one of the Orós Belt, however with a greater expression of the volcano -plutonic components (Campo Alegre Formation and Serra do Deserto Magmatic Suite). The Peixe Gordo Sequence, separately described, is also related to this belt and contain s metasedimentary, metavolcanic (with subordinated volcanoclastics) and metaplutonic units. The first one correlated to the Orós Group and the latter the Serra do Deserto Magmatic Suite. 3. Western Potiguar Belt - represented by the Serra de São José Gro up, subdivided in the Catolezinho (biotite -amphibole gneisses with intercalations of metacarbonates, calcsilicate rocks, amphibolites and quartzite beds to the top) and Minhuins (quartzites, micaschists, metaconglomerates, calcsilicate rocks, acid to the b asic metavolcanics and metatuffs) formations. Its late Paleoproterozoic (Staterian) age was established by a Pb/Pb date on zircons from a granitic orthogneiss of the Catolezinho Formation. The petrographic characteristics and sedimentary structures of the Santarém Formation of the Orós Group point to deltaic to shallow marine depositional systems, overlain by deep water deposits (turbidites). The geodynamic setting of this region encompassed a large depositional basin, probably extending to the east of the Portalegre shear zone and west of the Senador Pompeu shear zone, with possible equivalents in the Jucurutu Formation of the Seridó Belt and in the Ceará Group of central Ceará. The Arneiróz Belt, west Ceará, displays some stratigraphic features and granito ids geochemically akin to the ones of the Orós Belt. The evolutionary setting started with an extensional phase which was more active in the eastern part of this domain (Western Potiguar and part of the Jaguaribe belts), where the rudite and psamite sedime ntation relates to a fluviatile rift environment which evolved to a prograding deltaic system to the west (Orós Group). The basaltic andesitic and rhyolitic volcanics were associated to this extensional phase. During this magmatic event, acid magmas also crystallized at plutonic depths. The Orós Group illustrates the environmental conditions in the western part of this domain. Later on, after a large time gap (1.6 to 1.1 Ga), the region was subjected to an extensional deformational episode marked by 900 Ma old (Sm-Nd data) basic rocks, possibly in connection with the deposition of the Cachoeirinha Group south of the Patos shear zone. In the 800 to 500 Ma age interval, the region was affected by important deformational and metamorphic events coupled with in trusion of granitic rocks of variable size (dykes to batholiths), related to the Brasiliano/Pan -African geotectonic cycle. These events produced structural blocks which differentiate, one from the other, according to the importance of anatectic mobilizatio n, proportion of high-grade supracrustals and the amount of neoproterozoic -cambrian granitoid intrusions. On this basis, a large portion of the Jaguaretama Block/Terrane is relatively well preserved from this late overprint. The border belts of the Jagua retama Block (Western Potiguar and Arneiroz) display kyanite-bearing (medium pressure) mineral associations, while in the inner part of the block there is a north-south metamorphic zoning marked by staurolite or sillimanite peak metamorphic conditions. Regarding the deformations of the Staterian supracrustal rocks, second and third phases were the most important, diagnosed as having developed in a progressive tectonic process. In the general, more vigorous conditions of PT are related to the interval tardi - phase 2 early-phase 3, whose radiometric ages and regional structuring indicators places it in the Brasiliano/Pan-African Cycle. In the Staterian geodynamic setting of Brazilian Platform , these sequences are correlated to the lower Espinhaço Supergroup (p.ex., Rio dos Remédios and Paraguaçu groups, a paleproterozoic rift system in the São Francisco Craton), the Araí and Serra da Mesa groups (north of Goiás, in the so -called Goiás Central Massif), and the Uatumã Group (in the Amazonian Craton). Granitic ( augen gneisses) plutonics are also known from these areas, as for example the A-type granites intrusive in the Araí and Serra da Mesa groups, dated at 1.77 Ga. Gravimetric and geological data place the limits of the Jaguaribeano System (terranes) along the Senador Pompeu Shear Zone (western border) and the Portalegre- Farias Brito shear zone (eastern and southern). However, the same data area not conclusive as regards the interpretation of those structures as suture of the terrane docking process. The main features of those shear zones and of involved lothological associations, appear to favour an intracontinental transpressional -transcurrent regime, during Neoproterozoic-Cambrian times, marking discontinuities along which different crustal blocks were laterally dispersed. Inside of this orogenic system and according to the magnetic data (total field map), the most important terrane boundary appears to be the Jaguaribe shear zone. The geochronological data, on some tectonostratigraphic associations (partly represented by the Ceará and Jucurutu groups), still at a preliminary level, besides the lack of granitic zonation and other petrotectonic criteria, do not allow to propose tectonic terrane assembly diagrams for the studied area
This paper summarizes floristic and phytossociology data of 11, out of 14 plots of 1 ha, allocated along an altitudinal gradient in the Serra do Mar, Silo Paulo, Brazil. The study was conducted at Serra do Mar State Park and the plots start at the sea level (10 m - plot of Restinga Forest that occurs at Praia da Fazenda, Picinguaba, municipality of Ubatuba) up to 1100 m above sea level (the Montane Ombrophilous Dense occurs alongside the Itamambuca Trail, municipality of Silo Luis do Paraitinga). The Restinga Forest occurs in Pleistocenic Coastal Plain where the soil is classified as a sandy Quartzipsamment (Quartzenic Neosol), while along the slopes of the Serra do Mar, the Ombrophylus Dense Forest grows on the top of a pre-Cambrian crystalline basement with granitic rocks, where the soil is a sandy-loam Dystrophic Inceptisol (Cambisol/Latosol). In all 14 plots soils are acidic (pH 3 - 4), chemically poor, with high dilution of nutrients and high saturation of aluminum. In the Restinga and at the foot of the slope the climate is Tropical/Subtropical Humid (Af/Cfa), with no dry season, an average annual rainfall over 2,200 mm and an average annual temperature of 22 degrees C. Towards the top of the Serra do Mar there is a gradual cooling along the slope, but there is no reduction in rainfall, so at 1,100 m above sea level the climate is classified as Humid Subtropical (Cfa/Cfb), with no dry season and an average annual temperature of 17 degrees C. It is important to remark that, almost daily, from 400 m above sea level up to the top of slopes the mountains are covered by a dense fog. In the 14 plots 21,733 individuals with DBH >= 4.8 cm, including trees, palms and ferns, were marked, measured and sampled. The average number of individuals sampled in each plot was 1264 ind.ha(-1)(+/- 218 SE 95%). Within the parameters considered trees prevailed (71% in the Montane ODF to 90% in the Restinga Forest), followed by palms (10% in the RF and 25% in the Montane Ombrophilous Dense Forest/ODF) and ferns (0% % in the RF and 4% in the Montane ODF). Regarding these proportions the Exploited Lowlands ODF differs from the others with only 1.8% of palm trees and striking 10% of ferns. The forest canopy is irregular with heights ranging from 7 to 9 m, rarely emergent trees reach 18 m, and due to this irregularity of the canopy the amount of light that gets through sets conditions for the development of hundreds of epiphytic species. Aside from Montana ODF, where the number of dead trees was more than 5% of individuals sampled, in the other phytophysiognomies this value was below 2.5%. In the 11 plots where the floristic study was conducted we found 562 species in 195 genera and 68 families. Only seven species - Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae), Calyptranthes lucida Mart. ex DC. and Marlierea tomentosa Cambess (both Myrtaceae), Guapira opposita (Veil.) Reitz (Nyctaginaceae), Cupania oblongifolia Mart. (Sapindaceae), Cecropia glaziovii Snethl. and Coussapoa microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini (both Urticaceae) - occurred from Restinga to Montane ODF, while 12 other species did not occur only in the Restinga Forest. Families with the greatest number of species are Myrtaceae (133 spp), Fabaceae (47 spp), Rubiaceae (49) and Lauraceae (49) throughout the gradient and Monimiaceae (21) specifically in portions Montane ODF. Only in the F plot, where logging has occurred between 1950 and 1985, the abundance of palm trees has been replaced by Cyatheaceae. The study shows a peak of diversity and richness, Shannon-Weiner index (H') ranging from 3.96 to 4.48 nats.ind(-1), in the intermediate altitudes (300 to 400 m) along the slope. Several explanations for this result are raised here, including the fact that these elevations are within the limits expansions and retractions of the different phytophysiognomies of the Atlantic ODF due to climate fluctuations during the Pleistocene. The results presented in this paper demonstrate the extraordinary richness of tree species of the Atlantic Rainforest from the northeastern coast of the State of São Paulo, reinforcing the importance of its conservation throughout the altitudinal gradient. The richness of this forest justifies a long term commitment to study its dynamics and functioning through permanent plots, and monitor the impacts of climate change in this vegetation.
The Brazilian Granitic Province from southeastern Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso region, central western Brazil, can be divided into two major groups and/or magmatic events related to the evolution of the Paraguay Fold Belt. The southern portion crops out in Mato Grosso do Sul State and is constituted by the Taboco, Rio Negro, Coxim and Sonora massifs forming NE-SW oriented, elongated small intrusions. The north portion crops out in Mato Grosso State and is constituted by the São Vicente, Araguaiana and Lajinha batholiths. Lithogeochemical aspects of the northern granites point to Type-I granites ranging from K calc-alkaline to high-K, peraluminous to metaluminous in composition, generated in an environment of continental collision and/or post- collision decompression. The southern granites are Type-I, from K calc-alkaline to high-K, peraluminous to subordinate metalummous, in a syn-collision continental arc environment with the exception of some pre-collisional facies from the Rio Negro Massif. The southern granites have less SiO 2 and K 2O, and are less differentiated and evolved than granites from the northern region. The four southern granites can be grouped into two subordinate sets with the degree of differentiation increasing from South (Taboco and Rio Negro) to North (Coxim and Sonora). The granitic rocks are characterized by a magmatism generated by melting of material from the lower crust which suggests that in this province the formation from non-cogenetic magmas with diversified compositions and distinct degrees of fractioning reaching more steady consolidated environments at the end of the collisional event in the southeastern Amazonian Craton.
The Capão Bonito Granitic Massif is situated in the south portion of the São Paulo State and represents an elongate body with general direction NE-SW, intrusive in epimetamorphic rocks of Açungui Group (Votuverava Formation), and in granitic rocks of the Três Córregos Complex. It is partially covered by sedimentary rocks of the Paraná Basin (Itararé Group). As the chief type we have red sienogranite, holo to leucocratic with biotite and rare hornblende, inequigranular with medium to coarse grains to porphiritic and isotropic to slightly cataclastic textures of marginal zones. This granite was analyzed for petrographics (composition, structure and texture), chemical composition (major elements), physical and mechanical (water absorption, resistance to abrasion, impact of hard body and efforts of compression and traction) and chemical attack aspects. The results were compared to suggested values for granitic rocks used for ornamental purposes. The whole massif shows compositional, textural, structural (related to isotropy) and chemical (major elements) characteristics very homogeneous. The varieties of sienogranite named commercially as Capão Bonito or Rubi Red Granite showed results very similar to each other, with some variations in the physical and mechanical resistance resulting of the penetrative brittle deformation of regional occurrence, evidenced by differences in the microfissural index.
This study intends to evaluate the effects of landscape physical elements (rocks and relief) associated with silviculture activities. The study was carried out on a small farm (Fazenda Santa Edwirges) covered by Eucalyptus forested situated in the Paraiba do Sul Basin, Southeast Brazil. The methodology consisted of detailed geological and geomorphological studies at 1:10,000 scale, and laboratory analysis of soil physical properties. The results showed three geologic-geomorphologic associations (ridge escarpment with granitic rocks, steep and gentle hills cut by shear zones and gentle hill with alluvial sediments) present high vulnerability for the development of the physical processes such as accelerated erosion landslides and flooding. In contrast, mountains associated with gneissic rocks present smaller vulnerability and high resilience for the development of the physical processes. The results have showed the importance of considering the interactions among landscape physical for the eucalyptus forest management contributing to a better selection area for eucalyptus cultivation and minimize adverse environment impact in road design.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)