120 resultados para GNU


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[Es]Con el paso de los años, el uso de tecnologías de edición de vídeo ha ido cobrando protagonismo, tanto dentro del mundo del arte cinematográfico, como en reportajes, o, en los últimos años, en vídeos subidos por usuarios a redes sociales. Por otra parte, el software libre se ha ido expandiendo en todos los sectores, proporcionando a los usuarios código de calidad sin tener que pagar las licencias de otros programas similares. Por ello, se decide por optar por la colaboración en Kdenlive, un editor de vídeo de código libre desarrollado en KDE. Este programa cuenta con una multitud de potentes herramientas, y está basado en torno a una comunidad de desarrolladores, que trabajan con el objetivo de crear el editor de vídeo no lineal más avanzado de GNU/Linux. Mediante este trabajo, se pretende contribuir a dicho programa mediante el diseño y codificación de una nueva funcionalidad para el programa, a la vez que colaborar con la documentación ofrecida por los desarrolladores del programa con el objetivo de ayudar a nuevos desarrolladores a incorporarse al desarrollo de la aplicación de una manera más sencilla.


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A computer program, QtUCP, has been developed based on several well-established algorithms using GCC 4.0 and Qt (R) 4.0 (Open Source Edition) under Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r0. it can determine the unit-cell parameters from an electron diffraction tilt series obtained from both double-tilt and rotation-tilt holders. In this approach, two or more primitive cells of the reciprocal lattice are determined from experimental data, in the meantime, the measurement errors of the tilt angles are checked and minimized. Subsequently, the derived primitive cells are converted into the reduced form and then transformed into the reduced direct primitive cell. Finally all the patterns are indexed and the least-squares refinement is employed to obtain the optimized results of the lattice parameters. Finally, two examples are given to show the application of the program, one is based on the experiment, the other is from the simulation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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随着硬件性能的不断提升,计算机正在被赋予越来越艰巨的任务,运行其上的软件作为沟通人类思维和底层硬件的桥梁,其重要性日益增加。与此同时,软件系统的规模也在不断变大,所涉及的逻辑也更为复杂,这导致开发人员难免会由于疏漏在软件设计实现的过程中引入缺陷、埋下隐患。所以,如何检验、确保软件的属性就成为时下一个亟待解决的热点问题。而在此背景下,源代码静态分析技术由于恰好可以弥补现有测试方法的不足,已经开始在这一研究领域崭露头角。有鉴于此,本文为了推进安全信息系统的研发,分别围绕源代码静态分析技术在软件属性保障中两个最主要的应用场景展开研究,涉及高等级安全操作系统开发过程中的源代码自动化审计,以及分布式信息系统中平台间互信建立时针对软件属性所进行的远程验证,其中,前者是为从深度上将现有安全操作系统向更高等级推进提供助力,而后者是为了从广度上将信息安全领域现有的围绕单机平台的研究成果向分布式架构推广建立基础。具体来说,本文选择针对编程接口规范的一致性检验和应用静态分析的软件属性远程验证作为研究的切入点,探讨了应用源代码静态分析技术检验、确保软件属性的方法和用途,主要取得以下几个方面的成果: 第一,本文给出了一个基于值等价类的别名分析方法。该方法依据相关的传值操作维护一个值等价类空间,可以在编程接口规范一致性检验的过程中按需推导变量符号间的等值关系,不仅有能力支持上下文相关、路径相关的全局分析,还可以有效应对C代码中因结构、指针等构件所衍生出来的大量变量符号。 第二,针对大部分现有代码静态分析工具分析规模受限的问题,本文围绕编程接口规范的一致性检验给出了可以与别名分析有效结合的性能优化方案。该方案不仅能通过剔除与分析无关的执行分支和引入缓存机制提高分析效率,还可以尽量确保分析的准确性少受影响。 第三,我们设计、实现了一个C代码静态分析工具ABAZER(A Bug AnalyZER)。该工具可以依据用户使用有限自动机模型描述的编程接口规范,对操作系统内核级别的软件进行全局分析,指出代码中可能有悖于规范的部分。我们使用ABAZER实际考查了FreeBSD内核中锁机制以及GCC 4.x中库GNU Libiberty的使用情况,从中发现了若干真实的缺陷。 第四,本文针对现有应用可信计算技术、基于完整性信息进行远程验证的方案在灵活性和实用性上所存在的不足,给出一个扩展方案。该方案通过引入虚拟机技术,在软件构建过程中收集举证信息,应用静态分析方法分析软件功能模块间的相关性,划分出与验证相关的模块,有效控制用户定制软件验证时所要依赖的可信列表的规模,使其有能力适应当今网络环境中的大量异质平台和各种安全需求。此外,它还可以为自身所依赖的可信计算基的替换和更新提供支持。 第五,本文针对Flask架构的特点,给出了一个既能检验强制访问控制实现正确性,又能最大限度保留软件灵活性、使得用户可以在一定程度上对软件进行定制的远程验证方案。该方案依赖源代码静态分析技术界定软件中无需基于完整性进行验证的模块,在进一步缩减可信列表规模的同时,使用代码改写技术在这些模块中自动化地插入监控代码约束软件的动态行为,以达到确保强制访问控制实现正确性的目的。该方案初步展现了源代码静态分析技术在远程验证中广阔的应用前景。


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简要介绍了一种VM E式总线控制器的设计方法。三星公司的S3C 4510B是一款采用了ARM 7内核的支持网络连接的高性能16/32位R ISC处理器,采用它和相关芯片研制出了类似3U的VM E总线控制器,嵌入式操作系统为uC linux。该控制器主要给设备总线提供高速网络连接通道,把后台计算机数据库和前端总线设备紧密地连接起来,实现数据的快速获取与给定。


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The modification of high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) was accomplished by melt-grafting glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) on its molecular chains. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis were used to characterize the formation of HIPS-g-GMA copolymers. The content of GMA in HIPS-g-GMA copolymer was determined by using the titration method. The effect of the concentrations of GMA and dicumyl peroxide on the degree of grafting was studied. A total of 1.9% of GMA can be grafted on HIPS. HIPS-g-GNU was used to prepare binary blends with poly(buthylene terephthalate) (PBT), and the evidence of reactions between the grafting copolymer and PBT in the blends was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic mechanical analysis, and its mechanical properties. The SEM result showed that the domain size in PBT/HIPS-g-GMA blends was reduced significantly compared with that in PBT/HIPS blends; moreover, the improved strength was measured in PBT/HIPS-g-GMA blends and results from good interfacial adhesion. The reaction between ester groups of PBT and epoxy groups of HIPS-g-GMA can depress crystallinity and the crystal perfection of PBT.


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The MIT-Scheme program development environment includes a general-purpose text editor, Edwin, that has an extension language, Edwin Scheme. Edwin is very similar to another general-purpose text editor, GNU Emacs, which also has an extension language, Emacs Lisp. The popularity of GNU Emacs has lead to a large library of tools written in Emacs Lisp. The goal of this thesis is to implement a useful subset of Emacs Lisp in Edwin Scheme. This subset was chosen to be sufficient for simple operation of the GNUS news reading program.


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Com esta publicação, dá-se prosseguimento na implementação de algoritmos úteis para a detecção de bordas, atividade importante também no campo de visão por computador. O objetivo maior dessas implementações é a constituição de uma biblioteca de processamento de imagens em Java, como software livre, sob a General Public License - GNU, conforme publicada pela Free Software Foundation. Todas as implementações encontram-se disponíveis no diretório da Rede Agrolivre ().


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This book originally accompanied a 2-day course on using the LATEX typesetting system. It has been extensively revised and updated and can now be used or self-study or in the classroom. It is aimed at users of Linux, Macintosh, or Microsoft Windows but it can be used with LATEX systems on any platform, including other Unix workstations, mainframes, and even your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).


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Enhancing sampling and analyzing simulations are central issues in molecular simulation. Recently, we introduced PLUMED, an open-source plug-in that provides some of the most popular molecular dynamics (MD) codes with implementations of a variety of different enhanced sampling algorithms and collective variables (CVs). The rapid changes in this field, in particular new directions in enhanced sampling and dimensionality reduction together with new hardware, require a code that is more flexible and more efficient. We therefore present PLUMED 2 here a,complete rewrite of the code in an object-oriented programming language (C++). This new version introduces greater flexibility and greater modularity, which both extends its core capabilities and makes it far easier to add new methods and CVs. It also has a simpler interface with the MD engines and provides a single software library containing both tools and core facilities. Ultimately, the new code better serves the ever-growing community of users and contributors in coping with the new challenges arising in the field.

Program summary

Program title: PLUMED 2

Catalogue identifier: AEEE_v2_0

Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEEE_v2_0.html

Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland

Licensing provisions: Yes

No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 700646

No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 6618136

Distribution format: tar.gz

Programming language: ANSI-C++.

Computer: Any computer capable of running an executable produced by a C++ compiler.

Operating system: Linux operating system, Unix OSs.

Has the code been vectorized or parallelized?: Yes, parallelized using MPI.

RAM: Depends on the number of atoms, the method chosen and the collective variables used.

Classification: 3, 7.7, 23. Catalogue identifier of previous version: AEEE_v1_0.

Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Comm. 180 (2009) 1961.

External routines: GNU libmatheval, Lapack, Bias, MPI. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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L'ensemble de mon travail a été réalisé grâce a l'utilisation de logiciel libre.


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R from http://www.r-project.org/ is ‘GNU S’ – a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. The environment in which many classical and modern statistical techniques have been implemented, but many are supplied as packages. There are 8 standard packages and many more are available through the cran family of Internet sites http://cran.r-project.org . We started to develop a library of functions in R to support the analysis of mixtures and our goal is a MixeR package for compositional data analysis that provides support for operations on compositions: perturbation and power multiplication, subcomposition with or without residuals, centering of the data, computing Aitchison’s, Euclidean, Bhattacharyya distances, compositional Kullback-Leibler divergence etc. graphical presentation of compositions in ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons with additional features: barycenter, geometric mean of the data set, the percentiles lines, marking and coloring of subsets of the data set, theirs geometric means, notation of individual data in the set . . . dealing with zeros and missing values in compositional data sets with R procedures for simple and multiplicative replacement strategy, the time series analysis of compositional data. We’ll present the current status of MixeR development and illustrate its use on selected data sets


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L’objectiu d’aquest treball és dissenyar un model general d’un sistema de telefonia IP per a una petita o mitjana empresa. El model ha de tenir en compteles característiques actuals de la xarxa de l’empresa i proposar una solució adient. Un altre requeriment és la utilització de software de lliure distribució, des del sistema operatiu fins al relatiu a VoIP, i més concretament, el software de centraleta VoIP Asterisk sobre GNU/Linux. En primer lloc s’estudiaran els conceptes bàsics de la telefonia IP (protocols, codificadors, servidors, etc.). En segon lloc, s’analitzaran els diferents escenaris possibles i es proposaran solucions adequades per cadascun d’ells. Després s’estudiarà el funcionament de les centraletes Asterisk i la seva configuració encada escenari. Finalment s’aplicarà aquest estudi a una empresa concreta


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Presentación del software desarrollado inicialmente por Horacio González Diéguez y Berio Molina Quiroga para el proyecto Escoitar (http://www.escoitar.org); un sitio Web elaborado mediante un mashup que combina la tecnología podcast con los mapas de Google. En breve Escoitar.org lanzará su versión 2.0 desarrollada íntegramente con SPIP, CMS distribuido bajo licencia GNU/GPL de origen francés (http://www.SPIP.net/es). Nuestra contribución a SPIP ha sido un conjunto de plugins que utilizan GeoRSS, tecnología de sindicación con información geográfica, para facilitar la integración de artículos, imágenes, o sonidos, en mapas como los de Google (http://www.SPIP-contrib.net/Plugin-GIS-escoitar). SPIP GIS permite asociar información geográfica a los elementos tradicionales de un gestor de contenidos como artículos, temas o etiquetas. Google Map Api Plugin utiliza dicha información geográfica para construir google maps en los que se integre la información contenida en el sitio Web. La arquitectura de estos dos plugins ha sido desarrollada para posibilitar en un futuro el uso de otras plataformas como los mapas de Yahoo o de OpenStreetMap


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Presentació del sistema GNU i la General Public Licence (GPL)