80 resultados para GMR
The treatment of multiple myeloma has undergone significant changes in the recent past. The arrival of novel agents, especially thalidomide, bortezomib and lenalidomide, has expanded treatment options and patient outcomes are improving significantly. This article summarises the discussions of an expert meeting which was held to debate current treatment practices for multiple myeloma in Switzerland concerning the role of the novel agents and to provide recommendations for their use in different treatment stages based on currently available clinical data. Novel agent combinations for the treatment of newly diagnosed, as well as relapsed multiple myeloma are examined. In addition, the role of novel agents in patients with cytogenetic abnormalities and renal impairment, as well as the management of the most frequent side effects of the novel agents are discussed. The aim of this article is to assist in treatment decisions in daily clinical practice to achieve the best possible outcome for patients with multiple myeloma.
We analyze the influence of the density dependence of the symmetry energy on the average excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance (GMR) in stable and exotic neutron-rich nuclei by applying the relativistic extended Thomas-Fermi method in scaling and constrained calculations. For the effective nuclear interaction, we employ the relativistic mean field model supplemented by an isoscalar-isovector meson coupling that allows one to modify the density dependence of the symmetry energy without compromising the success of the model for binding energies and charge radii. The semiclassical estimates of the average energy of the GMR are known to be in good agreement with the results obtained in full RPA calculations. The present analysis is performed along the Pb and Zr isotopic chains. In the scaling calculations, the excitation energy is larger when the symmetry energy is softer. The same happens in the constrained calculations for nuclei with small and moderate neutron excess. However, for nuclei of large isospin the constrained excitation energy becomes smaller in models having a soft symmetry energy. This effect is mainly due to the presence of loosely-bound outer neutrons in these isotopes. A sharp increase of the estimated width of the resonance is found in largely neutron-rich isotopes, even for heavy nuclei, which is enhanced when the symmetry energy of the model is soft. The results indicate that at large neutron numbers the structure of the low-energy region of the GMR strength distribution changes considerably with the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy, which may be worthy of further characterization in RPA calculations of the response function.
Magnetic, structural, and transport properties of as quenched and annealed Co10Cu90 samples have been investigated using x¿ray diffraction and a SQUID magnetometer. The largest value of MR change was observed for the as¿quenched sample annealed at 450°C for 30 min. The magnetic and transport properties closely correlate with the microstructure, mainly with Co magnetic particle size and its distribution. For thermal annealing the as quenched samples below 600°C, the Co particle diameters increase from 4.0 to 6.0 nm with a magnetoresistance (MR) drop from 33.0% to 5.0% at 10 K. Comparison with the theory indicates that the interfacial electron spin¿dependent scattering mechanism correlates with GMR for Co particle diameters up to about 6.0 nm.
Le Vallon de Nant, situé dans les Alpes vaudoises, attire depuis longtemps les naturalistes et scientifiques. Il a été classé comme réserve naturelle en 1969. Les premières Journées de la biodiversité en Romandie y ont été organisées les 5 et 6 juillet 2008 afin d'améliorer la connaissance des espèces vivant dans le Vallon de Nant, avant l'établissement d'un plan de gestion de la réserve naturelle. Une cinquantaine de scientifiques ont participé à cet inventaire de la faune et de la flore. Ce Mémoire de la Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles compte 15 articles rédigés par les participants à ces journées et font l'inventaire des richesses spécifiques du Vallon de Nant. Des champignons aux mammifères en passant par les lichens, les mousses, les plantes à fleurs, les escargots, les insectes, les amphibiens, les reptiles et les oiseaux, c'est un inventaire exhaustif des quelque 2000 espèces connues actuellement dans le Vallon de Nant, dont plus de 1100 recensées durant les Journées de la biodiversité. Agrémenté de 157 photos couleurs, dont celles du photographe-naturaliste Daniel Aubort de Montreux, ces 240 pages permettent de découvrir les richesses de cette réserve naturelle créée en 1969, pour éviter d'y voir arriver les chars de l'armée suisse qui désirait alors en faire une place d'armes.
We have observed a type of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in magnetic granular Co10Cu90 alloys. The asymmetric GMR depends strongly on the size of magnetic Co particles, which exhibit superparamagnetic behavior at given measured temperature. The asymmetric GMR points to a metastable state that develops when the sample is field-cooled, which is lost after recycling. We propose that high-field cooling produces more effective parallel alignment of small unblocked Co particle moments and interfacial magnetizations, which contributes to the further decrease of the resistance in comparison with the samples zero-field-cooled, and then applied to the same field.
Le Vallon de Nant, situé dans les Alpes vaudoises, attire depuis longtemps les naturalistes et scientifiques. Il a été classé comme réserve naturelle en 1969. Les premières Journées de la biodiversité en Romandie y ont été organisées les 5 et 6 juillet 2008 afin d'améliorer la connaissance des espèces vivant dans le Vallon de Nant, avant l'établissement d'un plan de gestion de la réserve naturelle. Une cinquantaine de scientifiques ont participé à cet inventaire de la faune et de la flore. Ce chapitre présente une introduction au climat et à la géologie du Vallon de Nant ainsi que les différents milieux naturels présents. Il est complété par une description des méthodes utilisées durant les Journées de la biodiversité, en particulier la définition des placettes de référence établies pour concentrer les inventaires de différents groupes taxonomiques dans un même lieu et pour permettre un suivi dans le temps. Le chapitre se termine par une brève présentation du contenu des chapitres suivants et des perspectives pour les futures Journées de la biodiversité dans le Canton de Vaud.
Background:Average energies of nuclear collective modes may be efficiently and accurately computed using a nonrelativistic constrained approach without reliance on a random phase approximation (RPA). Purpose: To extend the constrained approach to the relativistic domain and to establish its impact on the calibration of energy density functionals. Methods: Relativistic RPA calculations of the giant monopole resonance (GMR) are compared against the predictions of the corresponding constrained approach using two accurately calibrated energy density functionals. Results: We find excellent agreement at the 2% level or better between the predictions of the relativistic RPA and the corresponding constrained approach for magic (or semimagic) nuclei ranging from 16 O to 208 Pb. Conclusions: An efficient and accurate method is proposed for incorporating nuclear collective excitations into the calibration of future energy density functionals.
Tässä kandidaatintyössä tarkastellaan millaisia sähkömagneettisia antureita käytetään mittaamaan autojen pyörien pyörimisnopeutta. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää miten magneettiset sensorielementit toimivat antureiden osana auton pyörien pyörimisnopeusantureissa. Työ rajataan kolmen sensorielementin tarkasteluun, mitkä ovat Hall-. GMR- ja AMR - sensorielementit. Sensoreiden tarkastelu tehdään kirjallisuustutkimuksella ja lopuksi esitellään yksi sovellus anturin suojauksen näkökulmasta patenttiesimerkin avulla. Tuloksiksi saatiin, että sähkömagneettisessa anturisysteemissä on aina roottori ja sitä lukeva tunnistinelementti. Roottorin pyörimisliikkeen aiheuttamaa magneettikentän muutosta sensorissa käytetään pyörimisnopeuden mittaamiseen. Sensorielementit poikkeavat toisistaan rakenteeltaan sekä toimintatavaltaan. Hall - sensorielementti on mittausherkkyydeltään pienin ja GMR - sensorielementti suurin. AMR - sensorielementti on yleisimmin käytetty. Yhteistä niille on se, että ne tarvitsevat esimagnetoinnin toimiakseen. Anturin suojaamiseen käytetään kotelointia. Koteloinnilla saadaan suojattua anturisysteemi mekaanisilta rasituksilta sekä kemiallisilta rasitteilta ja ulkoisilta sähkömagneettisilta häiriöiltä. Lisäksi hyvällä koteloinnin suunnittelulla voidaan säästää tilaa.
We have observed a type of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in magnetic granular Co10Cu90 alloys. The asymmetric GMR depends strongly on the size of magnetic Co particles, which exhibit superparamagnetic behavior at given measured temperature. The asymmetric GMR points to a metastable state that develops when the sample is field-cooled, which is lost after recycling. We propose that high-field cooling produces more effective parallel alignment of small unblocked Co particle moments and interfacial magnetizations, which contributes to the further decrease of the resistance in comparison with the samples zero-field-cooled, and then applied to the same field.
In dünnen Schichtsystemen, in denen es Grenzflächen zwischen antiferromagnetischen (AF) und ferromagnetischen (FM) Bereichen gibt, kann eine unidirektionale magnetische Anisotropie beobachtet werden: die Austauschanisotropie, auch "Exchange-Bias Effekt" genannt. Die Austauschanisotropie ist die Folge einer magnetischen Kopplung zwischen AF und FM. Makroskopisch äußert sich diese Anisotropie in einer Verschiebung der Magnetisierungskurve entlang der Magnetfeldachse. Anwendung findet die Austauschanisotropie z. B. in Spin-Valve Sensoren, deren Funktionsprinzip auf dem Riesen-Magnetowiderstand (engl. giant magnetoresistance, GMR) beruht. Die (thermische) Stabilität der Austauschanisotropie ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für technische Anwendungen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, durch welche Materialeigenschaften die Austauschanisotropie in Schichtsystemen mit antiferromagnetischem Nickeloxid (NiO) bestimmt wird. Die Schichten wurden durch (reaktive) Kathodenzerstäubung hergestellt. Durch Variation der Depositionsbedingungen wurden Zusammensetzung und Struktur der NiO-Schichten verändert. Die Ergebnisse systematischer Analysen dieser Größen werden aufgeführt. Der Vergleich dieser Materialanalysen mit magnetischen Messungen an NiO/NiFe Schichtsystemen fšuhrt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die chemische Zusammensetzung und die Struktur der NiO-Schichten die thermische Stabilität der Austauschanisotropie entscheidend beeinflussen. Es wird zusätzlich gezeigt, dass die Stabilität der Austauschanisotropie durch einen Temperprozess im Anschluss an die Herstellung der Schichtsysteme entscheidend verbessert werden kann. Thermisch aktivierte, magnetische Relaxationsprozesse können außerdem zur Erhöhung der Austauschanisotropie führen. Des Weiteren werden zwei neuartige Methoden zur Modifizierung der Austauschanisotropie vorgestellt. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass durch die Bestrahlung der Schichtsysteme mit Helium-Ionen die magnetischen Eigenschaften der Schichtsysteme gezielt verändert und optimiert werden können. Der Einfluss der Ionenbestrahlung auf die Austauschanisotropie in NiO/NiFe Schichtsystemen und auf den Magnetowiderstand in FeMn basierten Spin-Valves steht dabei im Vordergrund der experimentellen Untersuchungen. Eine weitere Möglichkeit zur Modifizierung der Austauschanisotropie ist die Bestrahlung der Schichtsysteme mit kurzen Laserpulsen. Durch einen thermomagnetischen Prozess kann die Austauschanisotropie lokal verändert werden. Experimentelle Ergebnisse von diesem hier erstmals verwendeten Verfahren werden vorgestellt und interpretiert. Mit den beiden genannten Methoden ist es möglich, die Eigenschaften der Austauschanisotropie in Schichtsystemen nachträglich gezielt zu modifizieren.
Morbilidad y mortalidad en prematuros menores de 1500 gramos en un hospital regional del 2011 a 2013
Introducción: El presente estudio pretende determinar la mortalidad y caracterizar morbilidad de este grupo de recién nacidos, para establecer planes de mejoramiento. Materiales y método: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de corte transversal. Se revisaron 158 historias clínicas de los recién nacidos prematuros menores de 1500 gramos hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales del Hospital Universitario Departamental de Nariño durante el periodo 2011 al 2013. La información fue analizada estadísticamente. Resultados: Se encontró que de 5447 nacidos vivos el 2,9 % fueron menores de 1500 gramos. 52,5 % eran de género masculino, 63,9% nacieron por cesárea. El 23,4 % no recibió esteroides antenatales. La tasa de mortalidad para el periodo de estudio en este grupo de pacientes fue de 7.3 por mil nacidos vivos. El 100% de los recién nacidos de menos de 750 gr fallecieron. Mientras que no se registro ninguna sobrevida de menos de 24 semanas. Conclusiones: Podría establecerse este como límite de viabilidad el peso al nacer < 750 gr y menos de 24 semanas de gestación, en donde la muerte es prácticamente la regla, siempre teniendo en cuenta evaluar cuidadosamente cada caso particular. La morbilidad de los prematuros de muy bajo peso al nacer esta en los rangos reportados en la literatura.
During natural gas processing, water removal is considered as a fundamental step in that combination of hydrocarbons and water favors the formation of hydrates. The gas produced in the Potiguar Basin (Brazil) presents high water content (approximately 15000 ppm) and its dehydration is achieved via absorption and adsorption operations. This process is carried out at the Gas Treatment Unit (GTU) in Guamaré (GMR), in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. However, it is a costly process, which does not provide satisfactory results when water contents as low as 0.5 ppm are required as the exit of the GTU. In view of this, microemulsions research is regarded as an alternative to natural gas dehydration activities. Microemulsions can be used as desiccant fluids because of their unique proprieties, namely solubilization enhancement, reduction in interfacial tensions and large interfacial area between continuous and dispersed phases. These are actually important parameters to ensure the efficiency of an absorption column. In this work, the formulation of the desiccant fluid was determined via phases diagram construction, employing there nonionic surfactants (RDG 60, UNTL L60 and AMD 60) and a nonpolar fluid provided by Petrobras GMR (Brazil) typically comprising low-molecular weight liquid hydrocarbons ( a solvent commonly know as aguarrás ). From the array of phases diagrams built, four representative formulations have been selected for providing better results: 30% RDG 60-70% aguarrás; 15% RDG 60-15% AMD 60-70% aguarrás, 30% UNTL L60-70% aguarrás, 15% UNTL L60-15% AMD 60-70% aguarrás. Since commercial natural gas is already processed, and therefore dehydrated, it was necessary to moister some sample prior to all assays. It was then allowed to cool down to 13ºC and interacted with wet 8-12 mesh 4A molecular sieve, thus enabling the generation of gas samples with water content (approximately 15000 ppm). The determination of the equilibrium curves was performed based on the dynamic method, which stagnated liquid phase and gas phase at a flow rate of 200 mL min-1. The hydrodynamic study was done with the aim of established the pressure drop and dynamic liquid hold-up. This investigation allowed are to set the working flow rates at 840 mL min-1 for the gas phase and 600 mLmin-1 for the liquid phase. The mass transfer study indicated that the system formed by UNTL L60- turpentine-natural gas the highest value of NUT
PURPOSE: To examine the acute effects caused by three techniques for stretching the hamstrings muscle on the active concentric peak torque (PT), passive PT and electromyographic activity (EMG). METHODS: Sixty volunteers (mean ± SD age, 22.6 ± 3 years), height 1.64 ± 0.07m and body weight of 58 ± 8.6kg, were randomly allocated into 4 groups of 15 subjects: Control Group (CG) - 5 minutes at rest, Static Stretching Group (SG) - 2 x 30s; Hold-Relax Group (HRG) - 3 x 6s of isometric contraction of hamstrings interspersed by 10s of hamstrings stretching and agonist Hold-Relax Group (AHRG) - 3 x 6s of isometric contraction of the quadriceps interspersed by 10s of hamstrings stretching. Evaluation has been conducted preand post-intervention, which verified the active concentric PT, passive PT EMG activity of IT. The statistical inference was performed by testing intra and inter, significance level at 5%. RESULTS: After intervention, there was a reduction in passive PT on CG, accompanied by a reduction of EMG activity, and an increase in passive PT on SG and AHRG. There was no change in the active concentric PT, or change in EMG activity. CG showed an increase in angle of the PT active, while the other groups showed no change. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the shortterm stretching: 1) causes acute increase in passive torque, since the muscle does not perform sub-maximal contraction, 2) does not change in electromyographic activity and active torque, ind ependent of the technique
This paper describes an alternative procedure to obtain an equivalent conductor from a bundled conductor, taking into account the distribution of the current in subcondutors of the bundle. Firstly, it is introduced a brief background about the concept of Geometric Mean Radius (GMR) and how this methodology is applied to define an equivalent conductor and its electric parameters. Emphasizing that the classical procedure, using GMR, is limited to premise which the current is equally distributed through subconductors. Afterwards, it is described the development of proposed method and applications for an equivalent conductor obtained from a conventional transmission line bundled conductor and from an equivalent conductor based on a bundle with compressed SF(6) insulation system, where the current is unequally distributed through subconductors.